#!/usr/bin/python3 # This file is part of volk library; see volk.h for version/license details from collections import OrderedDict import sys import urllib import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import urllib.request def parse_xml(path): file = urllib.request.urlopen(path) if path.startswith("http") else open(path, 'r') with file: tree = etree.parse(file) return tree def patch_file(path, blocks): result = [] block = None with open(path, 'r') as file: for line in file.readlines(): if block: if line == block: result.append(line) block = None else: result.append(line) # C comment marker if line.strip().startswith('/* VOLK_GENERATE_'): block = line result.append(blocks[line.strip()[17:-3]]) # Shell/CMake comment marker elif line.strip().startswith('# VOLK_GENERATE_'): block = line result.append(blocks[line.strip()[16:]]) with open(path, 'w') as file: for line in result: file.write(line) def is_descendant_type(types, name, base): if name == base: return True type = types.get(name) if not type: return False parents = type.get('parent') if not parents: return False return any([is_descendant_type(types, parent, base) for parent in parents.split(',')]) def defined(key): return 'defined(' + key + ')' if __name__ == "__main__": specpath = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs/master/xml/vk.xml" if len(sys.argv) > 1: specpath = sys.argv[1] spec = parse_xml(specpath) block_keys = ('DEVICE_TABLE', 'PROTOTYPES_H', 'PROTOTYPES_C', 'LOAD_LOADER', 'LOAD_INSTANCE', 'LOAD_DEVICE', 'LOAD_DEVICE_TABLE') blocks = {} version = spec.find('types/type[name="VK_HEADER_VERSION"]') blocks['VERSION'] = version.find('name').tail.strip() + '\n' blocks['VERSION_DEFINE'] = '#define VOLK_HEADER_VERSION ' + version.find('name').tail.strip() + '\n' command_groups = OrderedDict() instance_commands = set() for feature in spec.findall('feature'): key = defined(feature.get('name')) cmdrefs = feature.findall('require/command') command_groups[key] = [cmdref.get('name') for cmdref in cmdrefs] for ext in sorted(spec.findall('extensions/extension'), key=lambda ext: ext.get('name')): supported = ext.get('supported') if supported == 'disabled': continue name = ext.get('name') type = ext.get('type') for req in ext.findall('require'): key = defined(name) if req.get('feature'): key += ' && ' + defined(req.get('feature')) if req.get('extension'): key += ' && ' + defined(req.get('extension')) cmdrefs = req.findall('command') command_groups.setdefault(key, []).extend([cmdref.get('name') for cmdref in cmdrefs]) if type == 'instance': for cmdref in cmdrefs: instance_commands.add(cmdref.get('name')) commands_to_groups = OrderedDict() for (group, cmdnames) in command_groups.items(): for name in cmdnames: commands_to_groups.setdefault(name, []).append(group) for (group, cmdnames) in command_groups.items(): command_groups[group] = [name for name in cmdnames if len(commands_to_groups[name]) == 1] for (name, groups) in commands_to_groups.items(): if len(groups) == 1: continue key = ' || '.join(['(' + g + ')' for g in groups]) command_groups.setdefault(key, []).append(name) commands = {} for cmd in spec.findall('commands/command'): if not cmd.get('alias'): name = cmd.findtext('proto/name') commands[name] = cmd for cmd in spec.findall('commands/command'): if cmd.get('alias'): name = cmd.get('name') commands[name] = commands[cmd.get('alias')] types = {} for type in spec.findall('types/type'): name = type.findtext('name') if name: types[name] = type for key in block_keys: blocks[key] = '' for (group, cmdnames) in command_groups.items(): ifdef = '#if ' + group + '\n' for key in block_keys: blocks[key] += ifdef for name in sorted(cmdnames): cmd = commands[name] type = cmd.findtext('param[1]/type') if name == 'vkGetInstanceProcAddr': type = '' if name == 'vkGetDeviceProcAddr': type = 'VkInstance' if is_descendant_type(types, type, 'VkDevice') and name not in instance_commands: blocks['LOAD_DEVICE'] += '\t' + name + ' = (PFN_' + name + ')load(context, "' + name + '");\n' blocks['DEVICE_TABLE'] += '\tPFN_' + name + ' ' + name + ';\n' blocks['LOAD_DEVICE_TABLE'] += '\ttable->' + name + ' = (PFN_' + name + ')load(context, "' + name + '");\n' elif is_descendant_type(types, type, 'VkInstance'): blocks['LOAD_INSTANCE'] += '\t' + name + ' = (PFN_' + name + ')load(context, "' + name + '");\n' elif type != '': blocks['LOAD_LOADER'] += '\t' + name + ' = (PFN_' + name + ')load(context, "' + name + '");\n' blocks['PROTOTYPES_H'] += 'extern PFN_' + name + ' ' + name + ';\n' blocks['PROTOTYPES_C'] += 'PFN_' + name + ' ' + name + ';\n' for key in block_keys: if blocks[key].endswith(ifdef): blocks[key] = blocks[key][:-len(ifdef)] else: blocks[key] += '#endif /* ' + group + ' */\n' patch_file('volk.h', blocks) patch_file('volk.c', blocks) patch_file('CMakeLists.txt', blocks)