#include "arm_mem.h" #include "hw/aica/aica_mem.h" namespace aica { namespace arm { #define REG_L (0x2D00) #define REG_M (0x2D04) //Set to true when aica interrupt is pending bool aica_interr; u32 aica_reg_L; //Set to true when the out of the intc is 1 bool e68k_out; u32 e68k_reg_L; u32 e68k_reg_M; //constant ? void update_e68k() { if (!e68k_out && aica_interr) { //Set the pending signal //Is L register held here too ? e68k_out = true; e68k_reg_L = aica_reg_L; update_armintc(); } } void interruptChange(u32 bits,u32 L) { aica_interr = bits != 0; if (aica_interr) aica_reg_L = L; update_e68k(); } void e68k_AcceptInterrupt() { e68k_out = false; update_e68k(); update_armintc(); } //Reg reads from arm side .. template T readReg(u32 addr) { addr &= 0x7FFF; if (addr == REG_L) return (T)e68k_reg_L; else if (addr == REG_M) return (T)e68k_reg_M; //shouldn't really happen else if (sizeof(T) == 4) return readRegInternal(addr); else return readRegInternal(addr); } template void writeReg(u32 addr, T data) { addr &= 0x7FFF; if (addr == REG_L) { return; // Shouldn't really happen (read only) } else if (addr == REG_M) { //accept interrupts if (data & 1) e68k_AcceptInterrupt(); } else { if (sizeof(T) == 4) writeRegInternal(addr, (u16)data); else writeRegInternal(addr, data); } } //00000000~007FFFFF @DRAM_AREA* //00800000~008027FF @CHANNEL_DATA //00802800~00802FFF @COMMON_DATA //00803000~00807FFF @DSP_DATA template u8 readReg(u32 adr); template u16 readReg(u32 adr); template u32 readReg(u32 adr); template void writeReg<>(u32 adr, u8 data); template void writeReg<>(u32 adr, u16 data); template void writeReg<>(u32 adr, u32 data); } // namespace arm } // namespace aica