/* Created on: Sep 15, 2018 Copyright 2018 flyinghead This file is part of reicast. reicast is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. reicast is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with reicast. If not, see . */ #if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(TARGET_NO_THREADS) #include "stdclass.h" #include "oslib/oslib.h" #ifdef __MINGW32__ #define _POSIX_SOURCE #endif extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include #include #include } #include "net_platform.h" #include "types.h" #include "cfg/cfg.h" #include "picoppp.h" #include "miniupnp.h" #include "reios/reios.h" #include "hw/naomi/naomi_cart.h" #include "cfg/option.h" #include #include #include #include #define RESOLVER1_OPENDNS_COM "" #define AFO_ORIG_IP 0x83f2fb3f // in network order #define IGP_ORIG_IP 0xef2bd2cc // in network order static pico_device *pico_dev; static std::queue in_buffer; static std::queue out_buffer; static std::mutex in_buffer_lock; static std::mutex out_buffer_lock; static pico_ip4 dcaddr; static pico_ip4 dnsaddr; static pico_socket *pico_tcp_socket, *pico_udp_socket; static pico_ip4 afo_ip; struct socket_pair { socket_pair() : pico_sock(nullptr), native_sock(INVALID_SOCKET) {} socket_pair(pico_socket *pico_sock, sock_t native_sock) : pico_sock(pico_sock), native_sock(native_sock) {} ~socket_pair() { if (pico_sock != nullptr) pico_socket_close(pico_sock); if (native_sock != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(native_sock); } socket_pair(socket_pair &&) = default; socket_pair(const socket_pair&) = delete; socket_pair& operator=(const socket_pair&) = delete; pico_socket *pico_sock; sock_t native_sock; std::vector in_buffer; bool shutdown = false; void receive_native() { size_t len; const char *data; char buf[536]; if (!in_buffer.empty()) { len = in_buffer.size(); data = &in_buffer[0]; } else { if (native_sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { if (!shutdown && pico_sock->q_out.size == 0) { pico_socket_shutdown(pico_sock, PICO_SHUT_RDWR); shutdown = true; } return; } int r = (int)recv(native_sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); if (r == 0) { INFO_LOG(MODEM, "Socket[%d] recv(%zd) returned 0 -> EOF", short_be(pico_sock->remote_port), sizeof(buf)); closesocket(native_sock); native_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; return; } if (r < 0) { if (get_last_error() != L_EAGAIN && get_last_error() != L_EWOULDBLOCK) { perror("recv tcp socket"); closesocket(native_sock); native_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; } return; } len = r; data = buf; } if (pico_sock->remote_port == short_be(5011) && len >= 5) { // Visual Concepts sport games if (buf[0] == 1) memcpy(&buf[1], &pico_sock->local_addr.ip4.addr, 4); } int r2 = pico_socket_send(pico_sock, data, (int)len); if (r2 < 0) INFO_LOG(MODEM, "error TCP sending: %s", strerror(pico_err)); else if (r2 < (int)len) { if (r2 > 0 || in_buffer.empty()) { len -= r2; std::vector remain(len); memcpy(&remain[0], &data[r2], len); std::swap(in_buffer, remain); } } else { in_buffer.clear(); } } }; // tcp sockets static std::map tcp_sockets; static std::map tcp_connecting_sockets; // udp sockets: src port -> socket fd static std::map udp_sockets; struct GamePortList { const char *gameId[10]; uint16_t udpPorts[10]; uint16_t tcpPorts[10]; }; static GamePortList GamesPorts[] = { { // Alien Front Online { "MK-51171" }, { 7980 }, { }, }, { // ChuChu Rocket { "MK-51049", "HDR-0039", "MK-5104950" }, { 9789 }, { }, }, { // NBA 2K1,2K2 / NFL 2K1,2K2 / NCAA 2K2 { "MK-51063", "HDR-0150", // NBA 2K1 "MK-51178", "HDR-0197", "MK-5117850", // NBA 2K2 "MK-51062", "HDR-0144", // NFL 2K1 "MK-51168", "HDR-0196", // NFL 2K2 "MK-51176" }, // NCAA 2K2 { 5502, 5503, 5656 }, { 5011, 6666 }, }, { // The Next Tetris { "T40214N", "T17717D 50" }, { 3512 }, { 3512 }, }, { // Ooga Booga { "MK-51140" }, { 6001 }, { }, }, { // PBA Tour Bowling 2001 { "T26702N" }, { 2300, 6500, 47624, 13139 }, // FIXME 2300-2400 ? { 2300, 47624 }, // FIXME 2300-2400 ? }, { // Planet Ring { "MK-5114864", "MK-5112550" }, { 7648, 1285, 1028 }, { }, }, { // StarLancer { "T40209N", "T17723D 05" }, { 2300, 6500, 47624 }, // FIXME 2300-2400 ? { 2300, 47624 }, // FIXME 2300-2400 ? }, { // World Series Baseball 2K2 { "MK-51152", "HDR-0198" }, { 37171, 13713 }, { }, }, { // Worms World Party { "T22904N", "T7016D 50" }, { }, { 17219 }, }, { // Atomiswave { "FASTER THAN SPEED" }, { 8888 }, { }, }, }; // listening port -> socket fd static std::map tcp_listening_sockets; static bool pico_stack_inited; static bool pico_thread_running = false; extern "C" int dont_reject_opt_vj_hack; static void read_native_sockets(); void get_host_by_name(const char *name, pico_ip4 dnsaddr); int get_dns_answer(pico_ip4 *address, pico_ip4 dnsaddr); static int modem_read(pico_device *dev, void *data, int len) { u8 *p = (u8 *)data; int count = 0; out_buffer_lock.lock(); while (!out_buffer.empty() && count < len) { *p++ = out_buffer.front(); out_buffer.pop(); count++; } out_buffer_lock.unlock(); return count; } static int modem_write(pico_device *dev, const void *data, int len) { u8 *p = (u8 *)data; in_buffer_lock.lock(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { while (in_buffer.size() > 1024) { in_buffer_lock.unlock(); if (!pico_thread_running) return 0; usleep(5000); in_buffer_lock.lock(); } in_buffer.push(*p++); } in_buffer_lock.unlock(); return len; } void write_pico(u8 b) { out_buffer_lock.lock(); out_buffer.push(b); out_buffer_lock.unlock(); } int read_pico() { in_buffer_lock.lock(); if (in_buffer.empty()) { in_buffer_lock.unlock(); return -1; } else { u32 b = in_buffer.front(); in_buffer.pop(); in_buffer_lock.unlock(); return b; } } static void read_from_dc_socket(pico_socket *pico_sock, sock_t nat_sock) { char buf[1510]; int r = pico_socket_read(pico_sock, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (r > 0) { if (send(nat_sock, buf, r, 0) < r) { perror("tcp_callback send"); tcp_sockets.erase(pico_sock); } } } static void tcp_callback(uint16_t ev, pico_socket *s) { if (ev & PICO_SOCK_EV_RD) { auto it = tcp_sockets.find(s); if (it == tcp_sockets.end()) { if (tcp_connecting_sockets.find(s) == tcp_connecting_sockets.end()) INFO_LOG(MODEM, "Unknown socket: remote port %d", short_be(s->remote_port)); } else { read_from_dc_socket(it->first, it->second.native_sock); } } if (ev & PICO_SOCK_EV_CONN) { pico_ip4 orig; uint16_t port; char peer[30]; int yes = 1; pico_socket *sock_a = pico_socket_accept(s, &orig, &port); if (sock_a == NULL) { // Also called for child sockets if (tcp_sockets.find(s) == tcp_sockets.end()) INFO_LOG(MODEM, "pico_socket_accept: %s\n", strerror(pico_err)); } else { pico_ipv4_to_string(peer, sock_a->local_addr.ip4.addr); //printf("Connection established from port %d to %s:%d\n", short_be(port), peer, short_be(sock_a->local_port)); pico_socket_setoption(sock_a, PICO_TCP_NODELAY, &yes); pico_tcp_set_linger(sock_a, 10000); /* Set keepalive options */ // uint32_t ka_val = 5; // pico_socket_setoption(sock_a, PICO_SOCKET_OPT_KEEPCNT, &ka_val); // ka_val = 30000; // pico_socket_setoption(sock_a, PICO_SOCKET_OPT_KEEPIDLE, &ka_val); // ka_val = 5000; // pico_socket_setoption(sock_a, PICO_SOCKET_OPT_KEEPINTVL, &ka_val); sock_t sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (!VALID(sockfd)) { perror("socket"); } else { sockaddr_in serveraddr; memset(&serveraddr, 0, sizeof(serveraddr)); serveraddr.sin_family = AF_INET; serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr = sock_a->local_addr.ip4.addr; if (serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr == AFO_ORIG_IP // Alien Front Online || serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr == IGP_ORIG_IP) // Internet Game Pack { serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr = afo_ip.addr; // same ip for both for now } serveraddr.sin_port = sock_a->local_port; set_non_blocking(sockfd); if (connect(sockfd, (sockaddr *)&serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr)) < 0) { if (get_last_error() != EINPROGRESS && get_last_error() != L_EWOULDBLOCK) { pico_ipv4_to_string(peer, sock_a->local_addr.ip4.addr); INFO_LOG(MODEM, "TCP connection to %s:%d failed: %s", peer, short_be(sock_a->local_port), strerror(get_last_error())); closesocket(sockfd); } else tcp_connecting_sockets[sock_a] = sockfd; } else { set_tcp_nodelay(sockfd); tcp_sockets.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(sock_a), std::forward_as_tuple(sock_a, sockfd)); } } } } if (ev & PICO_SOCK_EV_FIN) { auto it = tcp_sockets.find(s); if (it != tcp_sockets.end()) { tcp_sockets.erase(it); } else { auto it2 = tcp_connecting_sockets.find(s); if (it2 != tcp_connecting_sockets.end()) { closesocket(it2->second); tcp_connecting_sockets.erase(it2); } else INFO_LOG(MODEM, "PICO_SOCK_EV_FIN: Unknown socket: remote port %d", short_be(s->remote_port)); } } if (ev & PICO_SOCK_EV_ERR) { INFO_LOG(MODEM, "Socket error received: %s", strerror(pico_err)); auto it = tcp_sockets.find(s); if (it == tcp_sockets.end()) INFO_LOG(MODEM, "PICO_SOCK_EV_ERR: Unknown socket: remote port %d", short_be(s->remote_port)); else tcp_sockets.erase(it); } if (ev & PICO_SOCK_EV_CLOSE) { auto it = tcp_sockets.find(s); if (it == tcp_sockets.end()) { INFO_LOG(MODEM, "PICO_SOCK_EV_CLOSE: Unknown socket: remote port %d", short_be(s->remote_port)); } else { if (it->second.native_sock != INVALID_SOCKET) shutdown(it->second.native_sock, SHUT_WR); pico_socket_shutdown(s, PICO_SHUT_RD); } } // if (ev & PICO_SOCK_EV_WR) // { // } } static sock_t find_udp_socket(uint16_t src_port) { auto it = udp_sockets.find(src_port); if (it != udp_sockets.end()) return it->second; sock_t sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (!VALID(sockfd)) { perror("socket"); return -1; } #ifndef _WIN32 fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); #else u_long optl = 1; ioctlsocket(sockfd, FIONBIO, &optl); #endif int broadcastEnable = 1; setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const char *)&broadcastEnable, sizeof(broadcastEnable)); // FIXME Need to clean up at some point? udp_sockets[src_port] = sockfd; return sockfd; } static void udp_callback(uint16_t ev, pico_socket *s) { if (ev & PICO_SOCK_EV_RD) { char buf[1510]; pico_ip4 src_addr; uint16_t src_port; pico_msginfo msginfo; int r = 0; while (true) { r = pico_socket_recvfrom_extended(s, buf, sizeof(buf), &src_addr.addr, &src_port, &msginfo); if (r <= 0) { if (r < 0) INFO_LOG(MODEM, "error UDP recv: %s", strerror(pico_err)); break; } sock_t sockfd = find_udp_socket(src_port); if (VALID(sockfd)) { sockaddr_in dst_addr; socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(dst_addr); memset(&dst_addr, 0, sizeof(dst_addr)); dst_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; dst_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = msginfo.local_addr.ip4.addr; dst_addr.sin_port = msginfo.local_port; if (sendto(sockfd, buf, r, 0, (const sockaddr *)&dst_addr, addr_len) < 0) perror("sendto udp socket"); } } } if (ev & PICO_SOCK_EV_ERR) { INFO_LOG(MODEM, "UDP Callback error received"); } } static void read_native_sockets() { int r; sockaddr_in src_addr; socklen_t addr_len; // Accept incoming TCP connections for (auto it = tcp_listening_sockets.begin(); it != tcp_listening_sockets.end(); it++) { addr_len = sizeof(src_addr); memset(&src_addr, 0, addr_len); sock_t sockfd = accept(it->second, (sockaddr *)&src_addr, &addr_len); if (!VALID(sockfd)) { if (get_last_error() != L_EAGAIN && get_last_error() != L_EWOULDBLOCK) perror("accept"); continue; } //printf("Incoming TCP connection from %08x to port %d\n", src_addr.sin_addr.s_addr, short_be(it->first)); pico_socket *ps = pico_socket_open(PICO_PROTO_IPV4, PICO_PROTO_TCP, &tcp_callback); if (ps == NULL) { INFO_LOG(MODEM, "pico_socket_open failed: error %d", pico_err); closesocket(sockfd); continue; } ps->local_addr.ip4.addr = src_addr.sin_addr.s_addr; ps->local_port = src_addr.sin_port; if (pico_socket_connect(ps, &dcaddr.addr, it->first) != 0) { INFO_LOG(MODEM, "pico_socket_connect failed: error %d", pico_err); closesocket(sockfd); pico_socket_close(ps); continue; } set_non_blocking(sockfd); set_tcp_nodelay(sockfd); tcp_sockets.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(ps), std::forward_as_tuple(ps, sockfd)); } // Check connecting outbound TCP sockets fd_set write_fds; FD_ZERO(&write_fds); int max_fd = -1; for (auto it = tcp_connecting_sockets.begin(); it != tcp_connecting_sockets.end(); it++) { FD_SET(it->second, &write_fds); max_fd = std::max(max_fd, (int)it->second); } timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (select(max_fd + 1, NULL, &write_fds, NULL, &tv) > 0) { for (auto it = tcp_connecting_sockets.begin(); it != tcp_connecting_sockets.end(); ) { if (!FD_ISSET(it->second, &write_fds)) { it++; continue; } #ifdef _WIN32 char value; #else int value; #endif socklen_t l = sizeof(int); if (getsockopt(it->second, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &value, &l) < 0 || value) { char peer[30]; pico_ipv4_to_string(peer, it->first->local_addr.ip4.addr); INFO_LOG(MODEM, "TCP connection to %s:%d failed: %s", peer, short_be(it->first->local_port), strerror(get_last_error())); pico_socket_close(it->first); closesocket(it->second); } else { set_tcp_nodelay(it->second); tcp_sockets.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(it->first), std::forward_as_tuple(it->first, it->second)); read_from_dc_socket(it->first, it->second); } it = tcp_connecting_sockets.erase(it); } } char buf[1500]; pico_msginfo msginfo; // Read UDP sockets for (auto it = udp_sockets.begin(); it != udp_sockets.end(); it++) { if (!VALID(it->second)) continue; addr_len = sizeof(src_addr); memset(&src_addr, 0, addr_len); r = (int)recvfrom(it->second, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, (sockaddr *)&src_addr, &addr_len); // filter out messages coming from ourselves (happens for broadcasts) if (r > 0 && !is_local_address(src_addr.sin_addr.s_addr)) { msginfo.dev = pico_dev; msginfo.tos = 0; msginfo.ttl = 0; msginfo.local_addr.ip4.addr = src_addr.sin_addr.s_addr; msginfo.local_port = src_addr.sin_port; int r2 = pico_socket_sendto_extended(pico_udp_socket, buf, r, &dcaddr, it->first, &msginfo); if (r2 < r) INFO_LOG(MODEM, "error UDP sending to %d: %s", short_be(it->first), strerror(pico_err)); } else if (r < 0 && get_last_error() != L_EAGAIN && get_last_error() != L_EWOULDBLOCK) { perror("recvfrom udp socket"); continue; } } // Read TCP sockets for (auto it = tcp_sockets.begin(); it != tcp_sockets.end(); ) { it->second.receive_native(); if (it->second.pico_sock == nullptr) it = tcp_sockets.erase(it); else it++; } } static void close_native_sockets() { for (auto it = udp_sockets.begin(); it != udp_sockets.end(); it++) closesocket(it->second); udp_sockets.clear(); tcp_sockets.clear(); for (auto it = tcp_connecting_sockets.begin(); it != tcp_connecting_sockets.end(); it++) { pico_socket_close(it->first); closesocket(it->second); } tcp_connecting_sockets.clear(); } static int modem_set_speed(pico_device *dev, uint32_t speed) { return 0; } static void check_dns_entries() { static uint32_t dns_query_start = 0; static uint32_t dns_query_attempts = 0; if (afo_ip.addr == 0) { if (!dns_query_start) { dns_query_start = PICO_TIME_MS(); get_host_by_name("auriga.segasoft.com", dnsaddr); // Alien Front Online server } else { if (get_dns_answer(&afo_ip, dnsaddr) == 0) { dns_query_attempts = 0; dns_query_start = 0; char afoip[16]; pico_ipv4_to_string(afoip, afo_ip.addr); INFO_LOG(MODEM, "AFO server IP is %s", afoip); } else { if (PICO_TIME_MS() - dns_query_start > 1000) { if (++dns_query_attempts >= 5) { u32 addr; pico_string_to_ipv4("", &addr); // Default address memcpy(&afo_ip.addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); dns_query_attempts = 0; } else // Retry dns_query_start = 0; } } } } } static pico_device *pico_eth_create() { pico_device *eth = (pico_device *)PICO_ZALLOC(sizeof(pico_device)); if (!eth) return nullptr; const u8 mac_addr[6] = { 0xc, 0xa, 0xf, 0xe, 0, 1 }; if (0 != pico_device_init(eth, "ETHPEER", mac_addr)) return nullptr; DEBUG_LOG(NETWORK, "Device %s created", eth->name); return eth; } //#define BBA_PCAPNG_DUMP static FILE *pcapngDump; static void dumpFrame(const u8 *frame, u32 size) { #ifdef BBA_PCAPNG_DUMP if (pcapngDump == nullptr) { pcapngDump = fopen("bba.pcapng", "wb"); if (pcapngDump == nullptr) { const char *home = getenv("HOME"); if (home != nullptr) { std::string path = home + std::string("/bba.pcapng"); pcapngDump = fopen(path.c_str(), "wb"); } if (pcapngDump == nullptr) return; } u32 blockType = 0x0A0D0D0A; // Section Header Block fwrite(&blockType, sizeof(blockType), 1, pcapngDump); u32 blockLen = 28; fwrite(&blockLen, sizeof(blockLen), 1, pcapngDump); u32 magic = 0x1A2B3C4D; fwrite(&magic, sizeof(magic), 1, pcapngDump); u32 version = 1; // 1.0 fwrite(&version, sizeof(version), 1, pcapngDump); u64 sectionLength = ~0; // unspecified fwrite(§ionLength, sizeof(sectionLength), 1, pcapngDump); fwrite(&blockLen, sizeof(blockLen), 1, pcapngDump); blockType = 1; // Interface Description Block fwrite(&blockType, sizeof(blockType), 1, pcapngDump); blockLen = 20; fwrite(&blockLen, sizeof(blockLen), 1, pcapngDump); const u32 linkType = 1; // Ethernet fwrite(&linkType, sizeof(linkType), 1, pcapngDump); const u32 snapLen = 0; // no limit fwrite(&snapLen, sizeof(snapLen), 1, pcapngDump); // TODO options? if name, ip/mac address fwrite(&blockLen, sizeof(blockLen), 1, pcapngDump); } const u32 blockType = 6; // Extended Packet Block fwrite(&blockType, sizeof(blockType), 1, pcapngDump); u32 roundedSize = ((size + 3) & ~3) + 32; fwrite(&roundedSize, sizeof(roundedSize), 1, pcapngDump); u32 ifId = 0; fwrite(&ifId, sizeof(ifId), 1, pcapngDump); u64 now = (u64)(os_GetSeconds() * 1000000.0); fwrite((u32 *)&now + 1, 4, 1, pcapngDump); fwrite(&now, 4, 1, pcapngDump); fwrite(&size, sizeof(size), 1, pcapngDump); fwrite(&size, sizeof(size), 1, pcapngDump); fwrite(frame, 1, size, pcapngDump); fwrite(frame, 1, roundedSize - size - 32, pcapngDump); fwrite(&roundedSize, sizeof(roundedSize), 1, pcapngDump); #endif } static void closeDumpFile() { if (pcapngDump != nullptr) { fclose(pcapngDump); pcapngDump = nullptr; } } void pico_receive_eth_frame(const u8 *frame, u32 size) { dumpFrame(frame, size); if (pico_dev != nullptr) pico_stack_recv(pico_dev, (u8 *)frame, size); } static int send_eth_frame(pico_device *dev, void *data, int len) { dumpFrame((const u8 *)data, len); return pico_send_eth_frame((const u8 *)data, len); } static void *pico_thread_func(void *) { if (!pico_stack_inited) { pico_stack_init(); pico_stack_inited = true; #if _WIN32 static WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData) != 0) WARN_LOG(MODEM, "WSAStartup failed"); #endif } // Find the network ports for the current game const GamePortList *ports = nullptr; std::string gameId; if (settings.platform.system == DC_PLATFORM_DREAMCAST) { gameId = std::string(ip_meta.product_number, sizeof(ip_meta.product_number)); gameId = trim_trailing_ws(gameId); } else { gameId = naomi_game_id; } for (u32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(GamesPorts) && ports == nullptr; i++) { const auto& game = GamesPorts[i]; for (u32 j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(game.gameId) && game.gameId[j] != nullptr; j++) { if (gameId == game.gameId[j]) { NOTICE_LOG(MODEM, "Found network ports for game %s", gameId.c_str()); ports = &game; break; } } } // Web TV requires the VJ compression option, which picotcp doesn't support. // This hack allows WebTV to connect although the correct fix would // be to implement VJ compression. dont_reject_opt_vj_hack = gameId == "6107117" || gameId == "610-7390" || gameId == "610-7391" ? 1 : 0; std::future upnp = std::async(std::launch::async, [ports]() { // Initialize miniupnpc and map network ports MiniUPnP upnp; if (ports != nullptr) { if (!upnp.Init()) WARN_LOG(MODEM, "UPNP Init failed"); else { for (u32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ports->udpPorts) && ports->udpPorts[i] != 0; i++) if (!upnp.AddPortMapping(ports->udpPorts[i], false)) WARN_LOG(MODEM, "UPNP AddPortMapping UDP %d failed", ports->udpPorts[i]); for (u32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ports->tcpPorts) && ports->tcpPorts[i] != 0; i++) if (!upnp.AddPortMapping(ports->tcpPorts[i], true)) WARN_LOG(MODEM, "UPNP AddPortMapping TCP %d failed", ports->tcpPorts[i]); } } return upnp; }); // Empty queues { std::queue empty; in_buffer_lock.lock(); std::swap(in_buffer, empty); in_buffer_lock.unlock(); std::queue empty2; out_buffer_lock.lock(); std::swap(out_buffer, empty2); out_buffer_lock.unlock(); } u32 addr; pico_string_to_ipv4(config::DNS.get().c_str(), &addr); memcpy(&dnsaddr.addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); // Create ppp/eth device if (!config::EmulateBBA) { // PPP pico_dev = pico_ppp_create(); if (!pico_dev) return NULL; pico_string_to_ipv4("", &addr); memcpy(&dcaddr.addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); pico_ppp_set_peer_ip(pico_dev, dcaddr); pico_string_to_ipv4("", &addr); pico_ip4 ipaddr; memcpy(&ipaddr.addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); pico_ppp_set_ip(pico_dev, ipaddr); pico_ppp_set_dns1(pico_dev, dnsaddr); pico_ppp_set_serial_read(pico_dev, modem_read); pico_ppp_set_serial_write(pico_dev, modem_write); pico_ppp_set_serial_set_speed(pico_dev, modem_set_speed); pico_dev->proxied = 1; pico_ppp_connect(pico_dev); } else { // Ethernet pico_dev = pico_eth_create(); if (pico_dev == nullptr) return nullptr; pico_dev->send = &send_eth_frame; pico_dev->proxied = 1; pico_string_to_ipv4("", &addr); pico_ip4 ipaddr; memcpy(&ipaddr.addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); pico_string_to_ipv4("", &addr); pico_ip4 netmask; memcpy(&netmask.addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); pico_ipv4_link_add(pico_dev, ipaddr, netmask); // dreamcast IP pico_string_to_ipv4("", &addr); memcpy(&dcaddr.addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); pico_dhcp_server_setting dhcpSettings{ 0 }; dhcpSettings.dev = pico_dev; dhcpSettings.server_ip = ipaddr; dhcpSettings.lease_time = long_be(24 * 60 * 60); // seconds dhcpSettings.netmask = netmask; dhcpSettings.pool_start = addr; dhcpSettings.pool_end = addr; dhcpSettings.pool_next = addr; dhcpSettings.dns_server.addr = dnsaddr.addr; if (pico_dhcp_server_initiate(&dhcpSettings) != 0) WARN_LOG(MODEM, "DHCP server init failed"); } pico_udp_socket = pico_socket_open(PICO_PROTO_IPV4, PICO_PROTO_UDP, &udp_callback); if (pico_udp_socket == NULL) { INFO_LOG(MODEM, "error opening UDP socket: %s", strerror(pico_err)); return nullptr; } int yes = 1; pico_ip4 inaddr_any = {0}; uint16_t listen_port = 0; int ret = pico_socket_bind(pico_udp_socket, &inaddr_any, &listen_port); if (ret < 0) INFO_LOG(MODEM, "error binding UDP socket to port %u: %s", short_be(listen_port), strerror(pico_err)); pico_tcp_socket = pico_socket_open(PICO_PROTO_IPV4, PICO_PROTO_TCP, &tcp_callback); if (pico_tcp_socket == NULL) { INFO_LOG(MODEM, "error opening TCP socket: %s", strerror(pico_err)); } pico_socket_setoption(pico_tcp_socket, PICO_TCP_NODELAY, &yes); ret = pico_socket_bind(pico_tcp_socket, &inaddr_any, &listen_port); if (ret < 0) { INFO_LOG(MODEM, "error binding TCP socket to port %u: %s", short_be(listen_port), strerror(pico_err)); } else { if (pico_socket_listen(pico_tcp_socket, 10) != 0) INFO_LOG(MODEM, "error listening on port %u", short_be(listen_port)); } // Open listening sockets sockaddr_in saddr; socklen_t saddr_len = sizeof(saddr); memset(&saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr)); saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (ports != nullptr) { for (u32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ports->udpPorts) && ports->udpPorts[i] != 0; i++) { uint16_t port = short_be(ports->udpPorts[i]); sock_t sockfd = find_udp_socket(port); saddr.sin_port = port; if (::bind(sockfd, (sockaddr *)&saddr, saddr_len) < 0) { perror("bind"); closesocket(sockfd); auto it = udp_sockets.find(port); if (it != udp_sockets.end()) it->second = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } } for (u32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ports->tcpPorts) && ports->tcpPorts[i] != 0; i++) { uint16_t port = short_be(ports->tcpPorts[i]); saddr.sin_port = port; sock_t sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (::bind(sockfd, (sockaddr *)&saddr, saddr_len) < 0) { perror("bind"); closesocket(sockfd); continue; } if (listen(sockfd, 5) < 0) { perror("listen"); closesocket(sockfd); continue; } set_non_blocking(sockfd); tcp_listening_sockets[port] = sockfd; } } while (pico_thread_running) { read_native_sockets(); pico_stack_tick(); check_dns_entries(); usleep(5000); } for (auto it = tcp_listening_sockets.begin(); it != tcp_listening_sockets.end(); it++) closesocket(it->second); close_native_sockets(); pico_socket_close(pico_tcp_socket); pico_socket_close(pico_udp_socket); if (pico_dev) { if (!config::EmulateBBA) { pico_ppp_destroy(pico_dev); } else { closeDumpFile(); pico_dhcp_server_destroy(pico_dev); pico_device_destroy(pico_dev); } pico_dev = nullptr; } pico_stack_tick(); if (ports != nullptr) upnp.get().Term(); return NULL; } static cThread pico_thread(pico_thread_func, NULL); bool start_pico() { if (pico_thread_running) return false; pico_thread_running = true; pico_thread.Start(); return true; } void stop_pico() { pico_thread_running = false; pico_thread.WaitToEnd(); } #else #include "types.h" bool start_pico() { return false; } void stop_pico() { } void write_pico(u8 b) { } int read_pico() { return -1; } void pico_receive_eth_frame(const u8* frame, u32 size) {} #endif