/* This file is part of reicast. reicast is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. reicast is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with reicast. If not, see . */ // Naomi comm board emulation from mame // https://github.com/mamedev/mame/blob/master/src/mame/machine/m3comm.cpp // license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:MetalliC #include #include "naomi_cart.h" #include "naomi_regs.h" #include "naomi.h" #include "decrypt.h" #include "naomi_roms.h" #include "hw/flashrom/flashrom.h" #include "hw/holly/holly_intc.h" #include "m1cartridge.h" #include "m4cartridge.h" #include "awcartridge.h" #include "gdcartridge.h" #include "archive/archive.h" #include "stdclass.h" #include "emulator.h" #include "rend/gui.h" #include "cfg/option.h" Cartridge *CurrentCartridge; bool bios_loaded = false; char naomi_game_id[33]; InputDescriptors *NaomiGameInputs; u8 *naomi_default_eeprom; extern MemChip *sys_rom; static bool loadBios(const char *filename, Archive *child_archive, Archive *parent_archive, int region) { int biosid = 0; for (; BIOS[biosid].name != NULL; biosid++) if (!stricmp(BIOS[biosid].name, filename)) break; if (BIOS[biosid].name == NULL) { WARN_LOG(NAOMI, "Unknown BIOS %s", filename); return false; } struct BIOS_t *bios = &BIOS[biosid]; std::string arch_name(filename); std::string path = get_readonly_data_path(arch_name + ".zip"); if (!file_exists(path.c_str())) path = get_readonly_data_path(arch_name + ".7z"); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Loading BIOS from %s", path.c_str()); std::unique_ptr bios_archive(OpenArchive(path.c_str())); bool found_region = false; for (int romid = 0; bios->blobs[romid].filename != NULL; romid++) { if (region == -1) region = bios->blobs[romid].region; else { if (bios->blobs[romid].region != (u32)region) continue; } found_region = true; if (bios->blobs[romid].blob_type == Copy) { verify(bios->blobs[romid].offset + bios->blobs[romid].length <= BIOS_SIZE); verify(bios->blobs[romid].src_offset + bios->blobs[romid].length <= BIOS_SIZE); memcpy(sys_rom->data + bios->blobs[romid].offset, sys_rom->data + bios->blobs[romid].src_offset, bios->blobs[romid].length); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Copied: %x bytes from %07x to %07x", bios->blobs[romid].length, bios->blobs[romid].src_offset, bios->blobs[romid].offset); } else { std::unique_ptr file; // Find by CRC if (child_archive != NULL) file.reset(child_archive->OpenFileByCrc(bios->blobs[romid].crc)); if (!file && parent_archive != NULL) file.reset(parent_archive->OpenFileByCrc(bios->blobs[romid].crc)); if (!file && bios_archive != NULL) file.reset(bios_archive->OpenFileByCrc(bios->blobs[romid].crc)); // Fallback to find by filename if (!file && child_archive != NULL) file.reset(child_archive->OpenFile(bios->blobs[romid].filename)); if (!file && parent_archive != NULL) file.reset(parent_archive->OpenFile(bios->blobs[romid].filename)); if (!file && bios_archive != NULL) file.reset(bios_archive->OpenFile(bios->blobs[romid].filename)); if (!file) { WARN_LOG(NAOMI, "%s: Cannot open %s", filename, bios->blobs[romid].filename); return false; } switch (bios->blobs[romid].blob_type) { case Normal: { verify(bios->blobs[romid].offset + bios->blobs[romid].length <= BIOS_SIZE); u32 read = file->Read(sys_rom->data + bios->blobs[romid].offset, bios->blobs[romid].length); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Mapped %s: %x bytes at %07x", bios->blobs[romid].filename, read, bios->blobs[romid].offset); } break; case InterleavedWord: { u8 *buf = (u8 *)malloc(bios->blobs[romid].length); if (buf == NULL) throw NaomiCartException(std::string("Memory allocation failed")); verify(bios->blobs[romid].offset + bios->blobs[romid].length <= BIOS_SIZE); u32 read = file->Read(buf, bios->blobs[romid].length); u16 *to = (u16 *)(sys_rom->data + bios->blobs[romid].offset); u16 *from = (u16 *)buf; for (int i = bios->blobs[romid].length / 2; --i >= 0; to++) *to++ = *from++; free(buf); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Mapped %s: %x bytes (interleaved word) at %07x", bios->blobs[romid].filename, read, bios->blobs[romid].offset); } break; default: die("Unknown blob type\n"); break; } } } if (settings.platform.system == DC_PLATFORM_ATOMISWAVE) // Reload the writeable portion of the FlashROM sys_rom->Reload(); return found_region; } static Game *FindGame(const char *filename) { std::string gameName = get_file_basename(filename); size_t folder_pos = get_last_slash_pos(gameName); if (folder_pos != std::string::npos) gameName = gameName.substr(folder_pos + 1); for (int i = 0; Games[i].name != nullptr; i++) if (gameName == Games[i].name) return &Games[i]; return nullptr; } void naomi_cart_LoadBios(const char *filename) { Game *game = FindGame(filename); if (game == nullptr) return; // Open archive and parent archive if any std::unique_ptr archive(OpenArchive(filename)); std::unique_ptr parent_archive; if (game->parent_name != NULL) parent_archive.reset(OpenArchive((get_game_dir() + game->parent_name).c_str())); const char *bios = "naomi"; if (game->bios != nullptr) bios = game->bios; u32 region_flag = std::min((int)config::Region, (int)game->region_flag); if (game->region_flag == REGION_EXPORT_ONLY) region_flag = REGION_EXPORT; if (!loadBios(bios, archive.get(), parent_archive.get(), region_flag)) { WARN_LOG(NAOMI, "Warning: Region %d bios not found in %s", region_flag, bios); if (!loadBios(bios, archive.get(), parent_archive.get(), -1)) { // If a specific BIOS is needed for this game, fail. if (game->bios != NULL || !bios_loaded) throw NaomiCartException(std::string("Error: cannot load BIOS ") + (game->bios != NULL ? game->bios : "naomi.zip")); // otherwise use the default BIOS } } bios_loaded = true; } static void naomi_cart_LoadZip(const char *filename) { Game *game = FindGame(filename); if (game == NULL) throw NaomiCartException("Unknown game"); // Open archive and parent archive if any std::unique_ptr archive(OpenArchive(filename)); if (archive != NULL) INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "Opened %s", filename); std::unique_ptr parent_archive; if (game->parent_name != NULL) { parent_archive.reset(OpenArchive((get_game_dir() + game->parent_name).c_str())); if (parent_archive != NULL) INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "Opened %s", game->parent_name); } if (archive == NULL && parent_archive == NULL) { if (game->parent_name != NULL) throw NaomiCartException(std::string("Cannot open ") + filename + std::string(" or ") + game->parent_name); else throw NaomiCartException(std::string("Cannot open ") + filename); } // Load the BIOS naomi_cart_LoadBios(filename); // Now load the cartridge data try { switch (game->cart_type) { case M1: CurrentCartridge = new M1Cartridge(game->size); break; case M2: CurrentCartridge = new M2Cartridge(game->size); break; case M4: CurrentCartridge = new M4Cartridge(game->size); break; case AW: CurrentCartridge = new AWCartridge(game->size); break; case GD: { GDCartridge *gdcart = new GDCartridge(game->size); gdcart->SetGDRomName(game->gdrom_name, game->parent_name); CurrentCartridge = gdcart; } break; default: die("Unsupported cartridge type\n"); break; } CurrentCartridge->SetKey(game->key); NaomiGameInputs = game->inputs; for (int romid = 0; game->blobs[romid].filename != NULL && !loading_canceled; romid++) { if (game->cart_type != GD) { std::string progress = "ROM " + std::to_string(romid + 1); gui_display_notification(progress.c_str(), 1000); } u32 len = game->blobs[romid].length; if (game->blobs[romid].blob_type == Copy) { u8 *dst = (u8 *)CurrentCartridge->GetPtr(game->blobs[romid].offset, len); u8 *src = (u8 *)CurrentCartridge->GetPtr(game->blobs[romid].src_offset, len); memcpy(dst, src, game->blobs[romid].length); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Copied: %x bytes from %07x to %07x", game->blobs[romid].length, game->blobs[romid].src_offset, game->blobs[romid].offset); } else { std::unique_ptr file; // Find by CRC if (archive != NULL) file.reset(archive->OpenFileByCrc(game->blobs[romid].crc)); if (!file && parent_archive != NULL) file.reset(parent_archive->OpenFileByCrc(game->blobs[romid].crc)); // Fallback to find by filename if (!file && archive != NULL) file.reset(archive->OpenFile(game->blobs[romid].filename)); if (!file && parent_archive != NULL) file.reset(parent_archive->OpenFile(game->blobs[romid].filename)); if (!file) { WARN_LOG(NAOMI, "%s: Cannot open %s", filename, game->blobs[romid].filename); if (game->blobs[romid].blob_type != Eeprom) // Default eeprom file is optional throw NaomiCartException(std::string("Cannot find ") + game->blobs[romid].filename); else continue; } switch (game->blobs[romid].blob_type) { case Normal: { u8 *dst = (u8 *)CurrentCartridge->GetPtr(game->blobs[romid].offset, len); u32 read = file->Read(dst, game->blobs[romid].length); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Mapped %s: %x bytes at %07x", game->blobs[romid].filename, read, game->blobs[romid].offset); } break; case InterleavedWord: { u8 *buf = (u8 *)malloc(game->blobs[romid].length); if (buf == NULL) throw NaomiCartException(std::string("Memory allocation failed")); u32 read = file->Read(buf, game->blobs[romid].length); u16 *to = (u16 *)CurrentCartridge->GetPtr(game->blobs[romid].offset, len); u16 *from = (u16 *)buf; for (int i = game->blobs[romid].length / 2; --i >= 0; to++) *to++ = *from++; free(buf); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Mapped %s: %x bytes (interleaved word) at %07x", game->blobs[romid].filename, read, game->blobs[romid].offset); } break; case Key: { u8 *buf = (u8 *)malloc(game->blobs[romid].length); if (buf == NULL) throw NaomiCartException(std::string("Memory allocation failed")); u32 read = file->Read(buf, game->blobs[romid].length); CurrentCartridge->SetKeyData(buf); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Loaded %s: %x bytes cart key", game->blobs[romid].filename, read); } break; case Eeprom: { naomi_default_eeprom = (u8 *)malloc(game->blobs[romid].length); if (naomi_default_eeprom == NULL) throw NaomiCartException(std::string("Memory allocation failed")); u32 read = file->Read(naomi_default_eeprom, game->blobs[romid].length); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Loaded %s: %x bytes default eeprom", game->blobs[romid].filename, read); } break; default: die("Unknown blob type\n"); break; } } } if (loading_canceled) return; if (naomi_default_eeprom == NULL && game->eeprom_dump != NULL) naomi_default_eeprom = game->eeprom_dump; if (game->rotation_flag == ROT270) config::Rotate90.override(true); CurrentCartridge->Init(); if (loading_canceled) return; strcpy(naomi_game_id, CurrentCartridge->GetGameId().c_str()); if (naomi_game_id[0] == '\0') strcpy(naomi_game_id, game->name); NOTICE_LOG(NAOMI, "NAOMI GAME ID [%s]", naomi_game_id); } catch (const ReicastException& ex) { delete CurrentCartridge; CurrentCartridge = NULL; throw ex; } } void naomi_cart_LoadRom(const char* file) { naomi_cart_Close(); std::string extension = get_file_extension(file); if (extension == "zip" || extension == "7z") { naomi_cart_LoadZip(file); return; } // Try to load BIOS from naomi.zip if (!loadBios("naomi", NULL, NULL, config::Region)) { WARN_LOG(NAOMI, "Warning: Region %d bios not found in naomi.zip", config::Region.get()); if (!loadBios("naomi", NULL, NULL, -1)) { if (!bios_loaded) throw new ReicastException("Error: cannot load BIOS from naomi.zip"); } } std::string folder; std::vector files; std::vector fstart; std::vector fsize; u32 romSize = 0; if (extension == "lst") { // LST file size_t folder_pos = get_last_slash_pos(file); if (folder_pos != std::string::npos) folder = std::string(file).substr(0, folder_pos + 1); FILE *fl = nowide::fopen(file, "r"); if (!fl) throw new ReicastException("Error: can't open " + std::string(file)); char t[512]; char* line = std::fgets(t, sizeof(t), fl); if (!line) { std::fclose(fl); throw new ReicastException("Error: Invalid LST file"); } char* eon = strstr(line, "\n"); if (!eon) DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "+Loading naomi rom that has no name"); else { *eon = 0; DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "+Loading naomi rom : %s", line); } line = std::fgets(t, sizeof(t), fl); if (!line) { std::fclose(fl); throw new ReicastException("Error: Invalid LST file"); } while (line) { char filename[512]; u32 addr, sz; if (sscanf(line, "\"%[^\"]\",%x,%x", filename, &addr, &sz) == 3) { files.push_back(filename); fstart.push_back(addr); fsize.push_back(sz); romSize = std::max(romSize, (addr + sz)); } else if (line[0] != 0 && line[0] != '\n' && line[0] != '\r') WARN_LOG(NAOMI, "Warning: invalid line in .lst file: %s", line); line = std::fgets(t, sizeof(t), fl); } std::fclose(fl); } else { // BIN loading FILE* fp = nowide::fopen(file, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) throw new ReicastException("Error: can't open " + std::string(file)); std::fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); u32 file_size = (u32)std::ftell(fp); std::fclose(fp); files.push_back(file); fstart.push_back(0); fsize.push_back(file_size); romSize = file_size; } INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "+%zd romfiles, %.2f MB set address space", files.size(), romSize / 1024.f / 1024.f); // Allocate space for the rom u8 *romBase = (u8 *)malloc(romSize); verify(romBase != nullptr); bool load_error = false; for (size_t i = 0; iGetGameId().c_str()); NOTICE_LOG(NAOMI, "NAOMI GAME ID [%s]", naomi_game_id); } void naomi_cart_Close() { if (CurrentCartridge != NULL) { delete CurrentCartridge; CurrentCartridge = NULL; } bios_loaded = false; } int naomi_cart_GetPlatform(const char *path) { Game *game = FindGame(path); if (game == NULL) return DC_PLATFORM_NAOMI; else if (game->cart_type == AW) return DC_PLATFORM_ATOMISWAVE; else return DC_PLATFORM_NAOMI; } Cartridge::Cartridge(u32 size) { RomPtr = (u8 *)malloc(size); RomSize = size; memset(RomPtr, 0xFF, RomSize); } Cartridge::~Cartridge() { if (RomPtr != NULL) free(RomPtr); } bool Cartridge::Read(u32 offset, u32 size, void* dst) { offset &= 0x1FFFFFFF; if (offset >= RomSize || (offset + size) > RomSize) { static u32 ones = 0xffffffff; // Makes Outtrigger boot INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "offset %d > %d", offset, RomSize); memcpy(dst, &ones, size); } else { memcpy(dst, &RomPtr[offset], size); } return true; } bool Cartridge::Write(u32 offset, u32 size, u32 data) { INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "Invalid write @ %08x data %x", offset, data); return false; } void* Cartridge::GetPtr(u32 offset, u32& size) { offset &= 0x1FFFffff; verify(offset < RomSize); verify((offset + size) <= RomSize); return &RomPtr[offset]; } std::string Cartridge::GetGameId() { if (RomSize < 0x30 + 0x20) return "(ROM too small)"; std::string game_id((char *)RomPtr + 0x30, 0x20); if (game_id == "AWNAOMI " && RomSize >= 0xFF50) { game_id = std::string((char *)RomPtr + 0xFF30, 0x20); } while (!game_id.empty() && game_id.back() == ' ') game_id.pop_back(); return game_id; } void* NaomiCartridge::GetDmaPtr(u32& size) { if ((DmaOffset & 0x1fffffff) >= RomSize) { INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "Error: DmaOffset >= RomSize"); size = 0; return NULL; } size = std::min(size, RomSize - (DmaOffset & 0x1fffffff)); return GetPtr(DmaOffset, size); } u32 NaomiCartridge::ReadMem(u32 address, u32 size) { verify(size!=1); switch(address & 255) { case 0x3c: // 5f703c: DIMM COMMAND DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "DIMM COMMAND read<%d>", size); return 0xffff; //reg_dimm_command case 0x40: // 5f7040: DIMM OFFSETL DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "DIMM OFFSETL read<%d>", size); return reg_dimm_offsetl; case 0x44: // 5f7044: DIMM PARAMETERL DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "DIMM PARAMETERL read<%d>", size); return reg_dimm_parameterl; case 0x48: // 5f7048: DIMM PARAMETERH DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "DIMM PARAMETERH read<%d>", size); return reg_dimm_parameterh; case 0x04C: // 5f704c: DIMM STATUS DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "DIMM STATUS read<%d>", size); return reg_dimm_status; case NAOMI_ROM_OFFSETH_addr&255: return RomPioOffset>>16 | (RomPioAutoIncrement << 15); case NAOMI_ROM_OFFSETL_addr&255: return RomPioOffset&0xFFFF; case NAOMI_ROM_DATA_addr & 255: { u32 rv = 0; Read(RomPioOffset, 2, &rv); if (RomPioAutoIncrement) RomPioOffset += 2; return rv; } case NAOMI_DMA_COUNT_addr&255: return (u16) DmaCount; case NAOMI_BOARDID_READ_addr&255: return NaomiGameIDRead()?0x8000:0x0000; //What should i do to emulate 'nothing' ? case NAOMI_COMM_OFFSET_addr&255: #ifdef NAOMI_COMM DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "naomi COMM offs READ: %X, %d", address, size); return CommOffset; #endif case NAOMI_COMM_DATA_addr&255: #ifdef NAOMI_COMM DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "naomi COMM data read: %X, %d", CommOffset, size); if (CommSharedMem) { return CommSharedMem[CommOffset&0xF]; } #endif return 1; case NAOMI_DMA_OFFSETH_addr&255: return DmaOffset>>16; case NAOMI_DMA_OFFSETL_addr&255: return DmaOffset&0xFFFF; case NAOMI_BOARDID_WRITE_addr&255: DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "naomi ReadBoardId: %X, %d", address, size); return 1; default: break; } DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "naomi?WTF? ReadMem: %X, %d", address, size); return 0xFFFF; } void NaomiCartridge::WriteMem(u32 address, u32 data, u32 size) { switch(address & 255) { case 0x3c: // 5f703c: DIMM COMMAND if (0x1E03 == data) { /* if (!(reg_dimm_status & 0x100)) asic_RaiseInterrupt(holly_EXP_PCI); reg_dimm_status |= 1;*/ } reg_dimm_command = data; DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "DIMM COMMAND Write: %X <= %X, %d", address, data, size); return; case 0x40: // 5f7040: DIMM OFFSETL reg_dimm_offsetl = data; DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "DIMM OFFSETL Write: %X <= %X, %d", address, data, size); return; case 0x44: // 5f7044: DIMM PARAMETERL reg_dimm_parameterl = data; DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "DIMM PARAMETERL Write: %X <= %X, %d", address, data, size); return; case 0x48: // 5f7048: DIMM PARAMETERH reg_dimm_parameterh = data; DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "DIMM PARAMETERH Write: %X <= %X, %d", address, data, size); return; case 0x4C: // 5f704c: DIMM STATUS if (data&0x100) { asic_CancelInterrupt(holly_EXP_PCI); } else if ((data&1)==0) { /*FILE* ramd=fopen("c:\\ndc.ram.bin","wb"); fwrite(mem_b.data,1,RAM_SIZE,ramd); fclose(ramd);*/ naomi_process(reg_dimm_command, reg_dimm_offsetl, reg_dimm_parameterl, reg_dimm_parameterh); } reg_dimm_status = data & ~0x100; DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "DIMM STATUS Write: %X <= %X, %d", address, data, size); return; //These are known to be valid on normal ROMs and DIMM board case NAOMI_ROM_OFFSETH_addr&255: RomPioAutoIncrement = (data & 0x8000) != 0; RomPioOffset&=0x0000ffff; RomPioOffset|=(data<<16)&0x7fff0000; PioOffsetChanged(RomPioOffset); return; case NAOMI_ROM_OFFSETL_addr&255: RomPioOffset&=0xffff0000; RomPioOffset|=data; PioOffsetChanged(RomPioOffset); return; case NAOMI_ROM_DATA_addr&255: Write(RomPioOffset, size, data); if (RomPioAutoIncrement) RomPioOffset += 2; return; case NAOMI_DMA_OFFSETH_addr&255: DmaOffset&=0x0000ffff; DmaOffset|=(data&0x7fff)<<16; DmaOffsetChanged(DmaOffset); return; case NAOMI_DMA_OFFSETL_addr&255: DmaOffset&=0xffff0000; DmaOffset|=data; DmaOffsetChanged(DmaOffset); return; case NAOMI_DMA_COUNT_addr&255: { DmaCount=data; } return; case NAOMI_BOARDID_WRITE_addr&255: NaomiGameIDWrite((u16)data); return; //What should i do to emulate 'nothing' ? case NAOMI_COMM_OFFSET_addr&255: #ifdef NAOMI_COMM DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "naomi COMM ofset Write: %X <= %X, %d", address, data, size); CommOffset=data&0xFFFF; #endif return; case NAOMI_COMM_DATA_addr&255: #ifdef NAOMI_COMM DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "naomi COMM data Write: %X <= %X, %d", CommOffset, data, size); if (CommSharedMem) { CommSharedMem[CommOffset&0xF]=data; } #endif return; //This should be valid case NAOMI_BOARDID_READ_addr&255: DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "naomi WriteMem: %X <= %X, %d", address, data, size); return; default: break; } DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "naomi?WTF? WriteMem: %X <= %X, %d", address, data, size); } void NaomiCartridge::Serialize(void** data, unsigned int* total_size) { REICAST_S(RomPioOffset); REICAST_S(RomPioAutoIncrement); REICAST_S(DmaOffset); REICAST_S(DmaCount); Cartridge::Serialize(data, total_size); } void NaomiCartridge::Unserialize(void** data, unsigned int* total_size) { REICAST_US(RomPioOffset); REICAST_US(RomPioAutoIncrement); REICAST_US(DmaOffset); REICAST_US(DmaCount); Cartridge::Unserialize(data, total_size); } bool M2Cartridge::Read(u32 offset, u32 size, void* dst) { if (offset & 0x40000000) { if (offset == 0x4001fffe) { //printf("NAOMI CART DECRYPT read: %08x sz %d\n", offset, size); cyptoSetKey(key); u16 data = cryptoDecrypt(); *(u16 *)dst = data; return true; } INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "Invalid read @ %08x", offset); return false; } else if (!(RomPioOffset & 0x20000000)) { // 4MB mode offset = (offset & 0x103fffff) | ((offset & 0x07c00000) << 1); } return NaomiCartridge::Read(offset, size, dst); } void* M2Cartridge::GetDmaPtr(u32& size) { if (RomPioOffset & 0x20000000) return NaomiCartridge::GetDmaPtr(size); // 4MB mode u32 offset4mb = (DmaOffset & 0x103fffff) | ((DmaOffset & 0x07c00000) << 1); size = std::min(std::min(size, 0x400000 - (offset4mb & 0x3FFFFF)), RomSize - offset4mb); return GetPtr(offset4mb, size); } bool M2Cartridge::Write(u32 offset, u32 size, u32 data) { if (offset & 0x40000000) { //printf("NAOMI CART CRYPT write: %08x data %x sz %d\n", offset, data, size); if (offset & 0x00020000) { offset &= sizeof(naomi_cart_ram) - 1; naomi_cart_ram[offset] = data; naomi_cart_ram[offset + 1] = data >> 8; return true; } switch (offset & 0x1ffff) { case 0x1fff8: cyptoSetLowAddr(data); return true; case 0x1fffa: cyptoSetHighAddr(data); return true; case 0x1fffc: cyptoSetSubkey(data); return true; } } return NaomiCartridge::Write(offset, size, data); } u16 M2Cartridge::ReadCipheredData(u32 offset) { if ((offset & 0xffff0000) == 0x01000000) { int base = 2 * (offset & 0x7fff); return naomi_cart_ram[base + 1] | (naomi_cart_ram[base] << 8); } verify(2 * offset + 1 < RomSize); return RomPtr[2 * offset + 1] | (RomPtr[2 * offset] << 8); } std::string M2Cartridge::GetGameId() { std::string game_id = NaomiCartridge::GetGameId(); if ((game_id.size() < 2 || ((u8)game_id[0] == 0xff && (u8)game_id[1] == 0xff)) && RomSize >= 0x800050) { game_id = std::string((char *)RomPtr + 0x800030, 0x20); while (!game_id.empty() && game_id.back() == ' ') game_id.pop_back(); } return game_id; } void M2Cartridge::Serialize(void** data, unsigned int* total_size) { REICAST_S(naomi_cart_ram); NaomiCartridge::Serialize(data, total_size); } void M2Cartridge::Unserialize(void** data, unsigned int* total_size) { REICAST_US(naomi_cart_ram); NaomiCartridge::Unserialize(data, total_size); }