#pragma once #include #include "types.h" #include "maple_cfg.h" #include "maple_helper.h" #include #include "input/gamepad.h" enum MapleFunctionID { MFID_0_Input = 0x01000000, //DC Controller, Lightgun buttons, arcade stick .. stuff like that MFID_1_Storage = 0x02000000, //VMU , VMS MFID_2_LCD = 0x04000000, //VMU MFID_3_Clock = 0x08000000, //VMU MFID_4_Mic = 0x10000000, //DC Mic (, dreameye too ?) MFID_5_ARGun = 0x20000000, //Artificial Retina gun ? seems like this one was never developed or smth -- I only remember of lightguns MFID_6_Keyboard = 0x40000000, //DC Keyboard MFID_7_LightGun = 0x80000000, //DC Lightgun MFID_8_Vibration = 0x00010000, //Puru Puru Puur~~~ MFID_9_Mouse = 0x00020000, //DC Mouse MFID_10_StorageExt = 0x00040000, //Storage ? probably never used MFID_11_Camera = 0x00080000, //DreamEye }; enum MapleDeviceCommand { MDC_DeviceRequest = 0x01, //7 words.Note : Initialises device MDC_AllStatusReq = 0x02, //7 words + device dependent ( seems to be 8 words) MDC_DeviceReset = 0x03, //0 words MDC_DeviceKill = 0x04, //0 words MDC_DeviceStatus = 0x05, //Same as MDC_DeviceRequest ? MDC_DeviceAllStatus = 0x06, //Same as MDC_AllStatusReq ? //Various Functions MDCF_GetCondition = 0x09, //FT MDCF_GetMediaInfo = 0x0A, //FT,PT,3 pad MDCF_BlockRead = 0x0B, //FT,PT,Phase,Block # MDCF_BlockWrite = 0x0C, //FT,PT,Phase,Block #,data ... MDCF_GetLastError = 0x0D, //FT,PT,Phase,Block # MDCF_SetCondition = 0x0E, //FT,data ... MDCF_MICControl = 0x0F, //FT,MIC data ... MDCF_ARGunControl = 0x10, //FT,AR-Gun data ... MDC_JVSUploadFirmware = 0x80, // JVS bridge firmware MDC_JVSGetId = 0x82, MDC_JVSSelfTest = 0x84, // JVS Self Test MDC_JVSCommand = 0x86, // JVS I/O }; enum MapleDeviceRV { MDRS_JVSNone = 0x00, // No reply, used for multiple JVS I/O boards MDRS_DeviceStatus = 0x05, //28 words MDRS_DeviceStatusAll = 0x06, //28 words + device dependent data MDRS_DeviceReply = 0x07, //0 words MDRS_DataTransfer = 0x08, //FT,depends on the command MDRE_UnknownFunction = 0xFE, //0 words MDRE_UnknownCmd = 0xFD, //0 words MDRE_TransmitAgain = 0xFC, //0 words MDRE_FileError = 0xFB, //1 word, bitfield MDRE_LCDError = 0xFA, //1 word, bitfield MDRE_ARGunError = 0xF9, //1 word, bitfield MDRS_JVSSelfTestReply= 0x85, // JVS I/O SelfTest MDRS_JVSReply = 0x87, // JVS I/O }; enum NAOMI_KEYS { NAOMI_START_KEY = 1 << 15, NAOMI_SERVICE_KEY = 1 << 14, NAOMI_UP_KEY = 1 << 13, NAOMI_DOWN_KEY = 1 << 12, NAOMI_LEFT_KEY = 1 << 11, NAOMI_RIGHT_KEY = 1 << 10, NAOMI_BTN0_KEY = 1 << 9, NAOMI_BTN1_KEY = 1 << 8, NAOMI_BTN2_KEY = 1 << 7, NAOMI_BTN3_KEY = 1 << 6, NAOMI_BTN4_KEY = 1 << 5, NAOMI_BTN5_KEY = 1 << 4, NAOMI_BTN6_KEY = 1 << 3, NAOMI_BTN7_KEY = 1 << 2, NAOMI_BTN8_KEY = 1 << 16, NAOMI_TEST_KEY = 1 << 1, // Not an actual button NAOMI_COIN_KEY = 1 << 0, }; enum AWAVE_KEYS { AWAVE_START_KEY = 1 << 3, AWAVE_BTN0_KEY = 1 << 2, AWAVE_BTN1_KEY = 1 << 1, AWAVE_BTN2_KEY = 1 << 0, AWAVE_BTN3_KEY = 1 << 10, AWAVE_BTN4_KEY = 1 << 9, AWAVE_UP_KEY = 1 << 4, AWAVE_DOWN_KEY = 1 << 5, AWAVE_LEFT_KEY = 1 << 6, AWAVE_RIGHT_KEY = 1 << 7, AWAVE_SERVICE_KEY = 1 << 13, AWAVE_TEST_KEY = 1 << 14, // Not an actual button AWAVE_COIN_KEY = 1 << 15, AWAVE_TRIGGER_KEY = 1 << 12, }; struct IMapleConfigMap; struct maple_device { u8 maple_port; //raw maple port u8 bus_port; //0 .. 5 u8 bus_id; //0 .. 3 u8 player_num; // for Atomiswave char logical_port[3]; //A0, etc MapleConfigMap* config; //fill in the info void Setup(u32 port, int playerNum = -1); virtual void OnSetup() {}; virtual ~maple_device(); virtual u32 RawDma(u32* buffer_in, u32 buffer_in_len, u32* buffer_out) = 0; virtual bool serialize(void **data, unsigned int *total_size) { REICAST_S(player_num); return true; } virtual bool unserialize(void **data, unsigned int *total_size, serialize_version_enum version) { if (version >= V14) REICAST_US(player_num); return true; } virtual MapleDeviceType get_device_type() = 0; virtual bool get_lightgun_pos() { return false; } }; maple_device* maple_Create(MapleDeviceType type); #define MAPLE_PORTS 4 template void limit_joystick_magnitude(s8& joyx, s8& joyy) { float mag = joyx * joyx + joyy * joyy; if (mag > (float)Magnitude * Magnitude) { mag = sqrtf(mag) / (float)Magnitude; joyx = (s8)lroundf(joyx / mag); joyy = (s8)lroundf(joyy / mag); } } extern u8 EEPROM[0x100]; void load_naomi_eeprom(); // Mouse position and buttons extern u32 mo_buttons[4]; extern s32 mo_x_abs[4]; extern s32 mo_y_abs[4]; extern f32 mo_x_delta[4]; extern f32 mo_y_delta[4]; extern f32 mo_wheel_delta[4]; extern s32 mo_x_phy; extern s32 mo_y_phy; extern s32 mo_x_prev[4]; extern s32 mo_y_prev[4]; void SetMousePosition(int x, int y, int width, int height, u32 mouseId = 0); void SetRelativeMousePosition(int xrel, int yrel, u32 mouseId = 0); #define SWAP32(a) ((((a) & 0xff) << 24) | (((a) & 0xff00) << 8) | (((a) >> 8) & 0xff00) | (((a) >> 24) & 0xff)) const char *GetCurrentGameButtonName(DreamcastKey key); const char *GetCurrentGameAxisName(DreamcastKey axis); /* Base class with dma helpers and stuff */ struct maple_base: maple_device { u8* dma_buffer_out; u32* dma_count_out; u8* dma_buffer_in; u32 dma_count_in; void w8(u8 data) { *(u8*)dma_buffer_out = data; dma_buffer_out += 1; dma_count_out[0] += 1; } void w16(u16 data) { *(u16*)dma_buffer_out = data; dma_buffer_out += 2; dma_count_out[0] += 2; } void w32(u32 data) { *(u32*)dma_buffer_out = data; dma_buffer_out += 4; dma_count_out[0] += 4; } void wptr(const void* src, u32 len) { u8* src8 = (u8*)src; while (len--) w8(*src8++); } void wstr(const char* str, u32 len) { size_t ln = strlen(str); verify(len >= ln); len -= ln; while (ln--) w8(*str++); while (len--) w8(' '); } u8 r8() { u8 rv = *(u8*)dma_buffer_in; dma_buffer_in += 1; dma_count_in -= 1; return rv; } u16 r16() { u16 rv = *(u16*)dma_buffer_in; dma_buffer_in += 2; dma_count_in -= 2; return rv; } u32 r32() { u32 rv = *(u32*)dma_buffer_in; dma_buffer_in += 4; dma_count_in -= 4; return rv; } void rptr(void* dst, u32 len) { u8* dst8 = (u8*)dst; while (len--) *dst8++ = r8(); } u32 r_count() { return dma_count_in; } u32 Dma(u32 Command, u32* buffer_in, u32 buffer_in_len, u32* buffer_out, u32& buffer_out_len) { dma_buffer_out = (u8*)buffer_out; dma_count_out = &buffer_out_len; dma_buffer_in = (u8*)buffer_in; dma_count_in = buffer_in_len; return dma(Command); } virtual u32 dma(u32 cmd) = 0; virtual u32 RawDma(u32* buffer_in, u32 buffer_in_len, u32* buffer_out) { u32 command=buffer_in[0] &0xFF; //Recipient address u32 reci = (buffer_in[0] >> 8) & 0xFF; //Sender address u32 send = (buffer_in[0] >> 16) & 0xFF; u32 outlen = 0; u32 resp = Dma(command, &buffer_in[1], buffer_in_len - 4, &buffer_out[1], outlen); if (reci & 0x20) reci |= maple_GetAttachedDevices(maple_GetBusId(reci)); verify(u8(outlen / 4) * 4 == outlen); buffer_out[0] = (resp << 0 ) | (send << 8) | (reci << 16) | ((outlen / 4) << 24); return outlen + 4; } }; class jvs_io_board; struct maple_naomi_jamma : maple_base { const u8 ALL_NODES = 0xff; std::vector> io_boards; bool crazy_mode = false; u8 jvs_repeat_request[32][256]; u8 jvs_receive_buffer[32][258]; u32 jvs_receive_length[32] = { 0 }; maple_naomi_jamma(); virtual ~maple_naomi_jamma(); virtual MapleDeviceType get_device_type() override { return MDT_NaomiJamma; } u8 sense_line(u32 node_id) { bool last_node = node_id == io_boards.size(); return last_node ? 0x8E : 0x8F; } void send_jvs_message(u32 node_id, u32 channel, u32 length, u8 *data); void send_jvs_messages(u32 node_id, u32 channel, bool use_repeat, u32 length, u8 *data, bool repeat_first); bool receive_jvs_messages(u32 channel); void handle_86_subcommand(); virtual u32 RawDma(u32* buffer_in, u32 buffer_in_len, u32* buffer_out) override; virtual u32 dma(u32 cmd) override { return 0; } virtual bool serialize(void **data, unsigned int *total_size) override; virtual bool unserialize(void **data, unsigned int *total_size, serialize_version_enum version) override; };