Copyright 2021 flyinghead
This file is part of Flycast.
Flycast is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Flycast is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Flycast. If not, see .
#include "mouse.h"
#include "cfg/option.h"
#include "rend/gui.h"
// Mouse buttons
// bit 0: Button C
// bit 1: Right button (B)
// bit 2: Left button (A)
// bit 3: Wheel button
u8 mo_buttons[4] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF };
// Relative mouse coordinates [-512:511]
float mo_x_delta[4];
float mo_y_delta[4];
float mo_wheel_delta[4];
std::mutex relPosMutex;
// Absolute mouse coordinates
// Range [0:639] [0:479]
// but may be outside this range if the pointer is offscreen or outside the 4:3 window.
s32 mo_x_abs[4];
s32 mo_y_abs[4];
// previous mouse coordinates for relative motion
s32 mo_x_prev[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
s32 mo_y_prev[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
// last known screen/window size
static s32 mo_width;
static s32 mo_height;
void Mouse::setAbsPos(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
SetMousePosition(x, y, width, height, maple_port());
void Mouse::setRelPos(float deltax, float deltay) {
SetRelativeMousePosition(deltax, deltay, maple_port());
void Mouse::setWheel(int delta) {
std::lock_guard lock(relPosMutex);
if (maple_port() >= 0 && maple_port() < (int)ARRAY_SIZE(mo_wheel_delta))
mo_wheel_delta[maple_port()] += delta;
void Mouse::setButton(Button button, bool pressed)
if (maple_port() >= 0 && maple_port() < (int)ARRAY_SIZE(mo_buttons))
if (pressed)
mo_buttons[maple_port()] &= ~(1 << (int)button);
mo_buttons[maple_port()] |= 1 << (int)button;
if ((gui_is_open() || gui_mouse_captured()) && !is_detecting_input())
// Don't register mouse clicks as gamepad presses when gui is open
// This makes the gamepad presses to be handled first and the mouse position to be ignored
gamepad_btn_input(button, pressed);
void SystemMouse::setAbsPos(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
gui_set_mouse_position(x, y);
Mouse::setAbsPos(x, y, width, height);
void SystemMouse::setButton(Button button, bool pressed) {
int uiBtn = (int)button - 1;
if (uiBtn < 2)
uiBtn ^= 1;
gui_set_mouse_button(uiBtn, pressed);
Mouse::setButton(button, pressed);
void SystemMouse::setWheel(int delta) {
gui_set_mouse_wheel(delta * 35);
static void screenToNative(int& x, int& y, int width, int height)
float fx, fy;
if (!config::Rotate90)
float scale = 480.f / height;
fy = y * scale;
scale /= config::ScreenStretching / 100.f;
fx = (x - (width - 640.f / scale) / 2.f) * scale;
float scale = 640.f / width;
fx = x * scale;
scale /= config::ScreenStretching / 100.f;
fy = (y - (height - 480.f / scale) / 2.f) * scale;
x = (int)std::round(fx);
y = (int)std::round(fy);
void SetMousePosition(int x, int y, int width, int height, u32 mouseId)
if (mouseId >= ARRAY_SIZE(mo_x_abs))
mo_width = width;
mo_height = height;
if (config::Rotate90)
int t = y;
y = x;
x = height - 1 - t;
std::swap(width, height);
screenToNative(x, y, width, height);
mo_x_abs[mouseId] = x;
mo_y_abs[mouseId] = y;
if (mo_x_prev[mouseId] != -1)
std::lock_guard lock(relPosMutex);
mo_x_delta[mouseId] += (float)(x - mo_x_prev[mouseId]) * config::MouseSensitivity / 100.f;
mo_y_delta[mouseId] += (float)(y - mo_y_prev[mouseId]) * config::MouseSensitivity / 100.f;
mo_x_prev[mouseId] = x;
mo_y_prev[mouseId] = y;
void SetRelativeMousePosition(float xrel, float yrel, u32 mouseId)
if (mouseId >= ARRAY_SIZE(mo_x_delta))
int width = mo_width;
int height = mo_height;
if (config::Rotate90)
std::swap(xrel, yrel);
xrel = -xrel;
std::swap(width, height);
float dx = xrel * config::MouseSensitivity / 100.f;
float dy = yrel * config::MouseSensitivity / 100.f;
std::lock_guard lock(relPosMutex);
mo_x_delta[mouseId] += dx;
mo_y_delta[mouseId] += dy;
int minX = -width / 32;
int minY = -height / 32;
int maxX = width + width / 32;
int maxY = height + height / 32;
screenToNative(minX, minY, width, height);
screenToNative(maxX, maxY, width, height);
mo_x_abs[mouseId] += (int)std::round(dx);
mo_y_abs[mouseId] += (int)std::round(dy);
mo_x_abs[mouseId] = std::min(std::max(mo_x_abs[mouseId], minX), maxX);
mo_y_abs[mouseId] = std::min(std::max(mo_y_abs[mouseId], minY), maxY);