/* Copyright 2019 flyinghead This file is part of reicast. reicast is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. reicast is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with reicast. If not, see . */ #include "gamepad_device.h" #include "cfg/cfg.h" #include "oslib/oslib.h" #include "rend/gui.h" #include "emulator.h" #include "hw/maple/maple_devs.h" #include "hw/naomi/card_reader.h" #include #include #include #define MAPLE_PORT_CFG_PREFIX "maple_" // Gamepads u32 kcode[4] = { ~0u, ~0u, ~0u, ~0u }; s8 joyx[4]; s8 joyy[4]; s8 joyrx[4]; s8 joyry[4]; u8 rt[4]; u8 lt[4]; // Keyboards u8 kb_shift[MAPLE_PORTS]; // shift keys pressed (bitmask) u8 kb_key[MAPLE_PORTS][6]; // normal keys pressed std::vector> GamepadDevice::_gamepads; std::mutex GamepadDevice::_gamepads_mutex; #ifdef TEST_AUTOMATION #include "hw/sh4/sh4_sched.h" #include static FILE *record_input; #endif bool GamepadDevice::handleButtonInput(int port, DreamcastKey key, bool pressed) { if (key == EMU_BTN_NONE) return false; if (key <= DC_BTN_RELOAD) { if (port >= 0) { if (pressed) kcode[port] &= ~key; else kcode[port] |= key; } #ifdef TEST_AUTOMATION if (record_input != NULL) fprintf(record_input, "%ld button %x %04x\n", sh4_sched_now64(), port, kcode[port]); #endif } else { switch (key) { case EMU_BTN_ESCAPE: if (pressed) dc_exit(); break; case EMU_BTN_MENU: if (pressed) gui_open_settings(); break; case EMU_BTN_FFORWARD: if (pressed && !gui_is_open()) settings.input.fastForwardMode = !settings.input.fastForwardMode && !settings.network.online; break; case EMU_BTN_INSERT_CARD: if (pressed && settings.platform.isNaomi()) card_reader::insertCard(); break; case DC_AXIS_LT: if (port >= 0) lt[port] = pressed ? 255 : 0; break; case DC_AXIS_RT: if (port >= 0) rt[port] = pressed ? 255 : 0; break; case DC_AXIS_UP: case DC_AXIS_DOWN: buttonToAnalogInput(port, key, pressed, joyy[port]); break; case DC_AXIS_LEFT: case DC_AXIS_RIGHT: buttonToAnalogInput(port, key, pressed, joyx[port]); break; case DC_AXIS2_UP: case DC_AXIS2_DOWN: buttonToAnalogInput(port, key, pressed, joyry[port]); break; case DC_AXIS2_LEFT: case DC_AXIS2_RIGHT: buttonToAnalogInput(port, key, pressed, joyrx[port]); break; default: return false; } } DEBUG_LOG(INPUT, "%d: BUTTON %s %d. kcode=%x", port, pressed ? "down" : "up", key, port >= 0 ? kcode[port] : 0); return true; } bool GamepadDevice::gamepad_btn_input(u32 code, bool pressed) { if (_input_detected != nullptr && _detecting_button && os_GetSeconds() >= _detection_start_time && pressed) { _input_detected(code, false, false); _input_detected = nullptr; return true; } if (!input_mapper || _maple_port > (int)ARRAY_SIZE(kcode)) return false; bool rc = false; if (_maple_port == 4) { for (int port = 0; port < 4; port++) { DreamcastKey key = input_mapper->get_button_id(port, code); rc = handleButtonInput(port, key, pressed) || rc; } } else { DreamcastKey key = input_mapper->get_button_id(0, code); rc = handleButtonInput(_maple_port, key, pressed); } return rc; } // // value must be >= -32768 and <= 32767 for full axes // and 0 to 32767 for half axes/triggers // bool GamepadDevice::gamepad_axis_input(u32 code, int value) { bool positive = value >= 0; if (_input_detected != NULL && _detecting_axis && os_GetSeconds() >= _detection_start_time && std::abs(value) >= 16384) { _input_detected(code, true, positive); _input_detected = nullptr; return true; } if (!input_mapper || _maple_port < 0 || _maple_port > 4) return false; auto handle_axis = [&](u32 port, DreamcastKey key, int v) { if ((key & DC_BTN_GROUP_MASK) == DC_AXIS_TRIGGERS) // Triggers { //printf("T-AXIS %d Mapped to %d -> %d\n", key, value, std::min(std::abs(v) >> 7, 255)); if (key == DC_AXIS_LT) lt[port] = std::min(std::abs(v) >> 7, 255); else if (key == DC_AXIS_RT) rt[port] = std::min(std::abs(v) >> 7, 255); else return false; } else if ((key & DC_BTN_GROUP_MASK) == DC_AXIS_STICKS) // Analog axes { //printf("AXIS %d Mapped to %d -> %d\n", key, value, v); s8 *this_axis; s8 *other_axis; int axisDirection = -1; switch (key) { case DC_AXIS_RIGHT: axisDirection = 1; //no break case DC_AXIS_LEFT: this_axis = &joyx[port]; other_axis = &joyy[port]; break; case DC_AXIS_DOWN: axisDirection = 1; //no break case DC_AXIS_UP: this_axis = &joyy[port]; other_axis = &joyx[port]; break; case DC_AXIS2_RIGHT: axisDirection = 1; //no break case DC_AXIS2_LEFT: this_axis = &joyrx[port]; other_axis = &joyry[port]; break; case DC_AXIS2_DOWN: axisDirection = 1; //no break case DC_AXIS2_UP: this_axis = &joyry[port]; other_axis = &joyrx[port]; break; default: return false; } // Radial dead zone // FIXME compute both axes at the same time v = std::min(127, std::abs(v >> 8)); if ((float)(v * v + *other_axis * *other_axis) < input_mapper->dead_zone * input_mapper->dead_zone * 128.f * 128.f) { *this_axis = 0; *other_axis = 0; } else *this_axis = v * axisDirection; } else if (key != EMU_BTN_NONE && key <= DC_BTN_RELOAD) // Map triggers to digital buttons { //printf("B-AXIS %d Mapped to %d -> %d\n", key, value, v); // TODO hysteresis? if (std::abs(v) < 16384) kcode[port] |= key; // button released else kcode[port] &= ~key; // button pressed } else if ((key & DC_BTN_GROUP_MASK) == EMU_BUTTONS) // Map triggers to emu buttons { int lastValue = lastAxisValue[port][key]; int newValue = std::abs(v); if ((lastValue < 16384 && newValue >= 16384) || (lastValue >= 16384 && newValue < 16384)) handleButtonInput(port, key, newValue >= 16384); lastAxisValue[port][key] = newValue; } else return false; return true; }; bool rc = false; if (_maple_port == 4) { for (u32 port = 0; port < 4; port++) { DreamcastKey key = input_mapper->get_axis_id(port, code, !positive); handle_axis(port, key, 0); key = input_mapper->get_axis_id(port, code, positive); rc = handle_axis(port, key, value) || rc; } } else { DreamcastKey key = input_mapper->get_axis_id(0, code, !positive); // Reset opposite axis to 0 handle_axis(_maple_port, key, 0); key = input_mapper->get_axis_id(0, code, positive); rc = handle_axis(_maple_port, key, value); } return rc; } void GamepadDevice::load_system_mappings() { for (int i = 0; i < GetGamepadCount(); i++) { std::shared_ptr gamepad = GetGamepad(i); if (!gamepad->find_mapping()) gamepad->resetMappingToDefault(settings.platform.isArcade(), true); } } std::string GamepadDevice::make_mapping_filename(bool instance, int system, bool perGame /* = false */) { std::string mapping_file = api_name() + "_" + name(); if (instance) mapping_file += "-" + _unique_id; if (perGame && !settings.content.gameId.empty()) mapping_file += "_" + settings.content.gameId; if (system != DC_PLATFORM_DREAMCAST) mapping_file += "_arcade"; std::replace(mapping_file.begin(), mapping_file.end(), '/', '-'); std::replace(mapping_file.begin(), mapping_file.end(), '\\', '-'); std::replace(mapping_file.begin(), mapping_file.end(), ':', '-'); std::replace(mapping_file.begin(), mapping_file.end(), '?', '-'); std::replace(mapping_file.begin(), mapping_file.end(), '*', '-'); std::replace(mapping_file.begin(), mapping_file.end(), '|', '-'); std::replace(mapping_file.begin(), mapping_file.end(), '"', '-'); std::replace(mapping_file.begin(), mapping_file.end(), '<', '-'); std::replace(mapping_file.begin(), mapping_file.end(), '>', '-'); mapping_file += ".cfg"; return mapping_file; } bool GamepadDevice::find_mapping(int system /* = settings.platform.system */) { if (!_remappable) return true; instanceMapping = false; bool cloneMapping = false; while (true) { bool perGame = !settings.content.gameId.empty(); while (true) { std::string mapping_file = make_mapping_filename(true, system, perGame); input_mapper = InputMapping::LoadMapping(mapping_file); if (!input_mapper) { mapping_file = make_mapping_filename(false, system, perGame); input_mapper = InputMapping::LoadMapping(mapping_file); } else { instanceMapping = true; } if (!!input_mapper) { if (cloneMapping) input_mapper = std::make_shared(*input_mapper); perGameMapping = perGame; rumblePower = input_mapper->rumblePower; return true; } if (!perGame) break; perGame = false; } if (system == DC_PLATFORM_DREAMCAST) break; system = DC_PLATFORM_DREAMCAST; cloneMapping = true; } return false; } int GamepadDevice::GetGamepadCount() { _gamepads_mutex.lock(); int count = _gamepads.size(); _gamepads_mutex.unlock(); return count; } std::shared_ptr GamepadDevice::GetGamepad(int index) { _gamepads_mutex.lock(); std::shared_ptr dev; if (index >= 0 && index < (int)_gamepads.size()) dev = _gamepads[index]; else dev = NULL; _gamepads_mutex.unlock(); return dev; } void GamepadDevice::save_mapping(int system /* = settings.platform.system */) { if (!input_mapper) return; std::string filename = make_mapping_filename(instanceMapping, system, perGameMapping); InputMapping::SaveMapping(filename, input_mapper); } void GamepadDevice::setPerGameMapping(bool enabled) { perGameMapping = enabled; if (enabled) input_mapper = std::make_shared(*input_mapper); else { auto deleteMapping = [this](bool instance, int system) { std::string filename = make_mapping_filename(instance, system, true); InputMapping::DeleteMapping(filename); }; deleteMapping(false, DC_PLATFORM_DREAMCAST); deleteMapping(false, DC_PLATFORM_NAOMI); deleteMapping(true, DC_PLATFORM_DREAMCAST); deleteMapping(true, DC_PLATFORM_NAOMI); } } static void updateVibration(u32 port, float power, float inclination, u32 duration_ms) { int i = GamepadDevice::GetGamepadCount() - 1; for ( ; i >= 0; i--) { std::shared_ptr gamepad = GamepadDevice::GetGamepad(i); if (gamepad != NULL && gamepad->maple_port() == (int)port && gamepad->is_rumble_enabled()) gamepad->rumble(power, inclination, duration_ms); } } void GamepadDevice::detect_btn_input(input_detected_cb button_pressed) { _input_detected = button_pressed; _detecting_button = true; _detecting_axis = false; _detection_start_time = os_GetSeconds() + 0.2; } void GamepadDevice::detect_axis_input(input_detected_cb axis_moved) { _input_detected = axis_moved; _detecting_button = false; _detecting_axis = true; _detection_start_time = os_GetSeconds() + 0.2; } void GamepadDevice::detectButtonOrAxisInput(input_detected_cb input_changed) { _input_detected = input_changed; _detecting_button = true; _detecting_axis = true; _detection_start_time = os_GetSeconds() + 0.2; } #ifdef TEST_AUTOMATION static FILE *get_record_input(bool write) { if (write && !cfgLoadBool("record", "record_input", false)) return NULL; if (!write && !cfgLoadBool("record", "replay_input", false)) return NULL; std::string game_dir = settings.content.path; size_t slash = game_dir.find_last_of("/"); size_t dot = game_dir.find_last_of("."); std::string input_file = "scripts/" + game_dir.substr(slash + 1, dot - slash) + "input"; return nowide::fopen(input_file.c_str(), write ? "w" : "r"); } #endif void GamepadDevice::Register(const std::shared_ptr& gamepad) { int maple_port = cfgLoadInt("input", MAPLE_PORT_CFG_PREFIX + gamepad->unique_id(), 12345); if (maple_port != 12345) gamepad->set_maple_port(maple_port); #ifdef TEST_AUTOMATION if (record_input == NULL) { record_input = get_record_input(true); if (record_input != NULL) setbuf(record_input, NULL); } #endif _gamepads_mutex.lock(); _gamepads.push_back(gamepad); _gamepads_mutex.unlock(); MapleConfigMap::UpdateVibration = updateVibration; } void GamepadDevice::Unregister(const std::shared_ptr& gamepad) { _gamepads_mutex.lock(); for (auto it = _gamepads.begin(); it != _gamepads.end(); it++) if (*it == gamepad) { _gamepads.erase(it); break; } _gamepads_mutex.unlock(); } void GamepadDevice::SaveMaplePorts() { for (int i = 0; i < GamepadDevice::GetGamepadCount(); i++) { std::shared_ptr gamepad = GamepadDevice::GetGamepad(i); if (gamepad != NULL && !gamepad->unique_id().empty()) cfgSaveInt("input", MAPLE_PORT_CFG_PREFIX + gamepad->unique_id(), gamepad->maple_port()); } } #ifdef TEST_AUTOMATION #include "cfg/option.h" static bool replay_inited; FILE *replay_file; u64 next_event; u32 next_port; u32 next_kcode; bool do_screenshot; void replay_input() { if (!replay_inited) { replay_file = get_record_input(false); replay_inited = true; } u64 now = sh4_sched_now64(); if (config::UseReios) { // Account for the swirl time if (config::Broadcast == 0) now = std::max((int64_t)now - 2152626532L, 0L); else now = std::max((int64_t)now - 2191059108L, 0L); } if (replay_file == NULL) { if (next_event > 0 && now - next_event > SH4_MAIN_CLOCK * 5) die("Automation time-out after 5 s\n"); return; } while (next_event <= now) { if (next_event > 0) kcode[next_port] = next_kcode; char action[32]; if (fscanf(replay_file, "%ld %s %x %x\n", &next_event, action, &next_port, &next_kcode) != 4) { fclose(replay_file); replay_file = NULL; NOTICE_LOG(INPUT, "Input replay terminated"); do_screenshot = true; break; } } } #endif