#include "ta_ctx.h" #include "spg.h" #include "cfg/option.h" #include "Renderer_if.h" #include "serialize.h" #include "stdclass.h" #include #include extern u32 fskip; static int RenderCount; TA_context* ta_ctx; tad_context ta_tad; static void tactx_Recycle(TA_context* ctx); static TA_context *tactx_Find(u32 addr, bool allocnew = false); void SetCurrentTARC(u32 addr) { if (addr != TACTX_NONE) { if (ta_ctx) SetCurrentTARC(TACTX_NONE); verify(ta_ctx == 0); //set new context ta_ctx = tactx_Find(addr,true); //copy cached params ta_tad = ta_ctx->tad; } else { //Flush cache to context verify(ta_ctx != 0); ta_ctx->tad=ta_tad; //clear context ta_ctx=0; ta_tad.Reset(0); } } static TA_context* rqueue; static cResetEvent frame_finished; bool QueueRender(TA_context* ctx) { verify(ctx != 0); bool skipFrame = !rend_is_enabled(); if (!skipFrame) { RenderCount++; if (RenderCount % (config::SkipFrame + 1) != 0) skipFrame = true; else if (config::ThreadedRendering && rqueue != nullptr && (config::AutoSkipFrame == 0 || (config::AutoSkipFrame == 1 && SH4FastEnough))) // The previous render hasn't completed yet so we wait. // If autoskipframe is enabled (normal level), we only do so if the CPU is running // fast enough over the last frames frame_finished.Wait(); } if (skipFrame || rqueue) { tactx_Recycle(ctx); if (rend_is_enabled()) fskip++; return false; } // disable net rollbacks until the render thread has processed the frame rend_disable_rollback(); frame_finished.Reset(); verify(rqueue == nullptr); rqueue = ctx; return true; } TA_context* DequeueRender() { if (rqueue != nullptr) FrameCount++; return rqueue; } void FinishRender(TA_context* ctx) { if (ctx != nullptr) { verify(rqueue == ctx); rqueue = nullptr; tactx_Recycle(ctx); } frame_finished.Set(); } static std::mutex mtx_pool; static std::vector ctx_pool; static std::vector ctx_list; TA_context *tactx_Alloc() { TA_context *ctx = nullptr; mtx_pool.lock(); if (!ctx_pool.empty()) { ctx = ctx_pool.back(); ctx_pool.pop_back(); } mtx_pool.unlock(); if (ctx == nullptr) { ctx = new TA_context(); ctx->Alloc(); } return ctx; } static void tactx_Recycle(TA_context* ctx) { if (ctx->nextContext != nullptr) tactx_Recycle(ctx->nextContext); mtx_pool.lock(); if (ctx_pool.size() > 3) { delete ctx; } else { ctx->Reset(); ctx_pool.push_back(ctx); } mtx_pool.unlock(); } static TA_context *tactx_Find(u32 addr, bool allocnew) { for (TA_context *ctx : ctx_list) if (ctx->Address == addr) return ctx; if (allocnew) { TA_context *ctx = tactx_Alloc(); ctx->Address = addr; ctx_list.push_back(ctx); return ctx; } return nullptr; } TA_context* tactx_Pop(u32 addr) { for (size_t i=0; iAddress==addr) { TA_context* rv = ctx_list[i]; if (ta_ctx == rv) SetCurrentTARC(TACTX_NONE); ctx_list.erase(ctx_list.begin() + i); return rv; } } return 0; } void tactx_Term() { if (ta_ctx != nullptr) SetCurrentTARC(TACTX_NONE); for (TA_context *ctx : ctx_list) delete ctx; ctx_list.clear(); mtx_pool.lock(); for (TA_context *ctx : ctx_pool) delete ctx; ctx_pool.clear(); mtx_pool.unlock(); } const u32 NULL_CONTEXT = ~0u; static void serializeContext(Serializer& ser, const TA_context *ctx) { if (ser.dryrun()) { // Maximum size: address, size, data ser.skip(4 + 4 + TA_DATA_SIZE); return; } if (ctx == nullptr) { ser << NULL_CONTEXT; return; } ser << ctx->Address; const tad_context& tad = ctx == ::ta_ctx ? ta_tad : ctx->tad; const u32 taSize = tad.thd_data - tad.thd_root; ser << taSize; ser.serialize(tad.thd_root, taSize); } static void deserializeContext(Deserializer& deser, TA_context **pctx) { u32 address; deser >> address; if (address == NULL_CONTEXT) { *pctx = nullptr; return; } *pctx = tactx_Find(address, true); u32 size; deser >> size; tad_context& tad = (*pctx)->tad; deser.deserialize(tad.thd_root, size); tad.thd_data = tad.thd_root + size; if ((deser.version() >= Deserializer::V12 && deser.version() < Deserializer::V26) || (deser.version() >= Deserializer::V12_LIBRETRO && deser.version() < Deserializer::V5)) { u32 render_pass_count; deser >> render_pass_count; deser.skip(sizeof(u32) * render_pass_count); } } void SerializeTAContext(Serializer& ser) { ser << (u32)ctx_list.size(); int curCtx = -1; for (const auto& ctx : ctx_list) { if (ctx == ::ta_ctx) curCtx = (int)(&ctx - &ctx_list[0]); serializeContext(ser, ctx); } ser << curCtx; } void DeserializeTAContext(Deserializer& deser) { if (::ta_ctx != nullptr) SetCurrentTARC(TACTX_NONE); if (deser.version() >= Deserializer::V25) { u32 listSize; deser >> listSize; for (const auto& ctx : ctx_list) tactx_Recycle(ctx); ctx_list.clear(); for (u32 i = 0; i < listSize; i++) { TA_context *ctx; deserializeContext(deser, &ctx); } int curCtx; deser >> curCtx; if (curCtx != -1) SetCurrentTARC(ctx_list[curCtx]->Address); } else { TA_context *ta_cur_ctx; deserializeContext(deser, &ta_cur_ctx); if (ta_cur_ctx != nullptr) SetCurrentTARC(ta_cur_ctx->Address); if (deser.version() >= Deserializer::V20) deserializeContext(deser, &ta_cur_ctx); } }