/* This file is a mix of my code, Zezu's, and duno wtf-else (most likely ElSemi's ?) */ #include "types.h" #include "cfg/cfg.h" #include "hw/holly/sb.h" #include "hw/sh4/sh4_mem.h" #include "hw/holly/holly_intc.h" #include "hw/maple/maple_cfg.h" #include "hw/sh4/sh4_sched.h" #include "hw/sh4/modules/dmac.h" #include "naomi.h" #include "naomi_cart.h" #include "naomi_regs.h" #include "naomi_m3comm.h" #include "network/naomi_network.h" #include "serialize.h" //#define NAOMI_COMM static NaomiM3Comm m3comm; static const u32 BoardID = 0x980055AA; static u32 GSerialBuffer, BSerialBuffer; static int GBufPos, BBufPos; static int GState, BState; static int GOldClk, BOldClk; static int BControl, BCmd, BLastCmd; static int GControl, GCmd, GLastCmd; static int SerStep, SerStep2; #ifdef NAOMI_COMM u32 CommOffset; u32* CommSharedMem; HANDLE CommMapFile=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #endif /* El numero de serie solo puede contener: 0-9 (0x30-0x39) A-H (0x41-0x48) J-N (0x4A-0x4E) P-Z (0x50-0x5A) */ static u8 BSerial[]="\xB7"/*CRC1*/"\x19"/*CRC2*/"0123234437897584372973927387463782196719782697849162342198671923649"; static u8 GSerial[]="\xB7"/*CRC1*/"\x19"/*CRC2*/"0123234437897584372973927387463782196719782697849162342198671923649"; static unsigned int ShiftCRC(unsigned int CRC,unsigned int rounds) { const unsigned int Magic=0x10210000; unsigned int i; for(i=0;i>16); } void NaomiInit() { u16 CRC; CRC=CRCSerial(BSerial+2,0x2E); BSerial[0]=(u8)(CRC>>8); BSerial[1]=(u8)(CRC); CRC=CRCSerial(GSerial+2,0x2E); GSerial[0]=(u8)(CRC>>8); GSerial[1]=(u8)(CRC); } void NaomiBoardIDWrite(const u16 Data) { int Dat=Data&8; int Clk=Data&4; int Rst=Data&0x20; int Sta=Data&0x10; if(Rst) { BState=0; BBufPos=0; } if(Clk!=BOldClk && !Clk) //Falling Edge clock { //State change if(BState==0 && Sta) BState=1; if(BState==1 && !Sta) BState=2; if((BControl&0xfff)==0xFF0) //Command mode { BCmd<<=1; if(Dat) BCmd|=1; else BCmd&=0xfffffffe; } //State processing if(BState==1) //LoadBoardID { BSerialBuffer=BoardID; BBufPos=0; //?? } if(BState==2) //ShiftBoardID { BBufPos++; } } BOldClk=Clk; } u16 NaomiBoardIDRead() { if((BControl&0xff)==0xFE) return 0xffff; return (BSerialBuffer&(1<<(31-BBufPos)))?8:0; } static u32 AdaptByte(u8 val) { return val<<24; } void NaomiBoardIDWriteControl(const u16 Data) { if((Data&0xfff)==0xF30 && BCmd!=BLastCmd) { if((BCmd&0x81)==0x81) { SerStep2=(BCmd>>1)&0x3f; BSerialBuffer=0x00000000; //First block contains CRC BBufPos=0; } if((BCmd&0xff)==0x55) //Load Offset 0 { BState=2; BBufPos=0; BSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(BSerial[8*SerStep2])>>1; } if((BCmd&0xff)==0xAA) //Load Offset 1 { BState=2; BBufPos=0; BSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(BSerial[8*SerStep2+1]); } if((BCmd&0xff)==0x54) { BState=2; BBufPos=0; BSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(BSerial[8*SerStep2+2]); } if((BCmd&0xff)==0xA8) { BState=2; BBufPos=0; BSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(BSerial[8*SerStep2+3]); } if((BCmd&0xff)==0x50) { BState=2; BBufPos=0; BSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(BSerial[8*SerStep2+4]); } if((BCmd&0xff)==0xA0) { BState=2; BBufPos=0; BSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(BSerial[8*SerStep2+5]); } if((BCmd&0xff)==0x40) { BState=2; BBufPos=0; BSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(BSerial[8*SerStep2+6]); } if((BCmd&0xff)==0x80) { BState=2; BBufPos=0; BSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(BSerial[8*SerStep2+7]); } BLastCmd=BCmd; } BControl=Data; } static void NaomiGameIDProcessCmd() { if(GCmd!=GLastCmd) { if((GCmd&0x81)==0x81) { SerStep=(GCmd>>1)&0x3f; GSerialBuffer=0x00000000; //First block contains CRC GBufPos=0; } if((GCmd&0xff)==0x55) //Load Offset 0 { GState=2; GBufPos=0; GSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(GSerial[8*SerStep])>>0; } if((GCmd&0xff)==0xAA) //Load Offset 1 { GState=2; GBufPos=0; GSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(GSerial[8*SerStep+1]); } if((GCmd&0xff)==0x54) { GState=2; GBufPos=0; GSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(GSerial[8*SerStep+2]); } if((GCmd&0xff)==0xA8) { GState=2; GBufPos=0; GSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(GSerial[8*SerStep+3]); } if((GCmd&0xff)==0x50) { GState=2; GBufPos=0; GSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(GSerial[8*SerStep+4]); } if((GCmd&0xff)==0xA0) { GState=2; GBufPos=0; GSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(GSerial[8*SerStep+5]); } if((GCmd&0xff)==0x40) { GState=2; GBufPos=0; GSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(GSerial[8*SerStep+6]); } if((GCmd&0xff)==0x80) { GState=2; GBufPos=0; GSerialBuffer=AdaptByte(GSerial[8*SerStep+7]); } GLastCmd=GCmd; } } void NaomiGameIDWrite(const u16 Data) { int Dat=Data&0x01; int Clk=Data&0x02; int Rst=Data&0x04; int Sta=Data&0x08; int Cmd=Data&0x10; if(Rst) { GState=0; GBufPos=0; } if(Clk!=GOldClk && !Clk) //Falling Edge clock { //State change if(GState==0 && Sta) GState=1; if(GState==1 && !Sta) GState=2; //State processing if(GState==1) //LoadBoardID { GSerialBuffer=BoardID; GBufPos=0; //?? } if(GState==2) //ShiftBoardID GBufPos++; if(GControl!=Cmd && !Cmd) { NaomiGameIDProcessCmd(); } GControl=Cmd; } if(Clk!=GOldClk && Clk) //Rising Edge clock { if(Cmd) //Command mode { GCmd<<=1; if(Dat) GCmd|=1; else GCmd&=0xfffffffe; GControl=Cmd; } } GOldClk=Clk; } u16 NaomiGameIDRead() { return (GSerialBuffer&(1<<(31-GBufPos)))?1:0; } //DIMM board //Uses interrupt ext#3 (holly_EXT_PCI) //status/flags ? 0x1 is some completion/init flag(?), 0x100 is the interrupt disable flag (?) //n1 bios rev g (n2/epr-23605b has similar behavior of not same): //3c=0x1E03 //40=0 //44=0 //48=0 //read 4c //wait for 4c not 0 //4c=[4c]-1 //Naomi 2 bios epr-23609 //read 3c //wait 4c to be non 0 // //SO the writes to 3c/stuff are not relaced with 4c '1' //If the dimm board has some internal cpu/pic logic //4c '1' seems to be the init done bit (?) //n1/n2 clears it after getting a non 0 value //n1 bios writes the value -1, meaning it expects the bit 0 to be set //.// u32 reg_dimm_command; // command, written, 0x1E03 some flag ? u32 reg_dimm_offsetl; u32 reg_dimm_parameterl; u32 reg_dimm_parameterh; u32 reg_dimm_status = 0x11; static bool aw_ram_test_skipped = false; void naomi_process(u32 command, u32 offsetl, u32 parameterl, u32 parameterh) { DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Naomi process 0x%04X 0x%04X 0x%04X 0x%04X", command, offsetl, parameterl, parameterh); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Possible format 0 %d 0x%02X 0x%04X",command >> 15,(command & 0x7e00) >> 9, command & 0x1FF); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Possible format 1 0x%02X 0x%02X", (command & 0xFF00) >> 8,command & 0xFF); u32 param=(command&0xFF); if (param==0xFF) { DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "invalid opcode or smth ?"); } static int opcd=0; //else if (param!=3) if (opcd<255) { reg_dimm_command=0x8000 | (opcd%12<<9) | (0x0); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "new reg is 0x%X", reg_dimm_command); asic_RaiseInterrupt(holly_EXP_PCI); DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Interrupt raised"); opcd++; } } u32 ReadMem_naomi(u32 address, u32 size) { verify(size != 1); if (unlikely(CurrentCartridge == NULL)) { INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "called without cartridge"); return 0xFFFF; } if (address >= NAOMI_COMM2_CTRL_addr && address <= NAOMI_COMM2_STATUS1_addr) return m3comm.ReadMem(address, size); else return CurrentCartridge->ReadMem(address, size); } void WriteMem_naomi(u32 address, u32 data, u32 size) { if (unlikely(CurrentCartridge == NULL)) { INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "called without cartridge"); return; } if (address >= NAOMI_COMM2_CTRL_addr && address <= NAOMI_COMM2_STATUS1_addr && (settings.platform.system == DC_PLATFORM_NAOMI || settings.platform.system == DC_PLATFORM_NAOMI2)) m3comm.WriteMem(address, data, size); else CurrentCartridge->WriteMem(address, data, size); } //Dma Start void Naomi_DmaStart(u32 addr, u32 data) { if (SB_GDEN==0) { INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "Invalid (NAOMI)GD-DMA start, SB_GDEN=0. Ignoring it."); return; } SB_GDST |= data & 1; if (SB_GDST == 0) return; if (!m3comm.DmaStart(addr, data) && CurrentCartridge != NULL) { DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NAOMI-DMA start addr %08X len %d", SB_GDSTAR, SB_GDLEN); verify(1 == SB_GDDIR); u32 start = SB_GDSTAR & 0x1FFFFFE0; u32 len = (SB_GDLEN + 31) & ~31; SB_GDLEND = 0; while (len > 0) { u32 block_len = len; void* ptr = CurrentCartridge->GetDmaPtr(block_len); if (block_len == 0) { INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "Aborted DMA transfer. Read past end of cart?"); break; } WriteMemBlock_nommu_ptr(start, (u32*)ptr, block_len); CurrentCartridge->AdvancePtr(block_len); len -= block_len; start += block_len; SB_GDLEND += block_len; } SB_GDSTARD = start; } else { SB_GDSTARD = SB_GDSTAR + SB_GDLEN; SB_GDLEND = SB_GDLEN; } SB_GDST = 0; asic_RaiseInterrupt(holly_GDROM_DMA); } void Naomi_DmaEnable(u32 addr, u32 data) { SB_GDEN=data&1; if (SB_GDEN==0 && SB_GDST==1) { INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "(NAOMI)GD-DMA aborted"); SB_GDST=0; } } void naomi_reg_Init() { #ifdef NAOMI_COMM CommMapFile = CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // use paging file NULL, // default security PAGE_READWRITE, // read/write access 0, // max. object size 0x1000*4, // buffer size L"Global\\nullDC_103_naomi_comm"); // name of mapping object if (CommMapFile == NULL || CommMapFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _tprintf(TEXT("Could not create file mapping object (%d).\nTrying to open existing one\n"), GetLastError()); CommMapFile=OpenFileMapping( FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write access FALSE, // do not inherit the name L"Global\\nullDC_103_naomi_comm"); // name of mapping object } if (CommMapFile == NULL || CommMapFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _tprintf(TEXT("Could not open existing file either\n"), GetLastError()); CommMapFile=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } else { printf("NAOMI: Created \"Global\\nullDC_103_naomi_comm\"\n"); CommSharedMem = (u32*) MapViewOfFile(CommMapFile, // handle to map object FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write permission 0, 0, 0x1000*4); if (CommSharedMem == NULL) { _tprintf(TEXT("Could not map view of file (%d).\n"), GetLastError()); CloseHandle(CommMapFile); CommMapFile=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } else printf("NAOMI: Mapped CommSharedMem\n"); } #endif NaomiInit(); } void naomi_reg_Term() { #ifdef NAOMI_COMM if (CommSharedMem) { UnmapViewOfFile(CommSharedMem); } if (CommMapFile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(CommMapFile); } #endif m3comm.closeNetwork(); naomiNetwork.terminate(); } void naomi_reg_Reset(bool hard) { sb_rio_register(SB_GDST_addr, RIO_WF, 0, &Naomi_DmaStart); sb_rio_register(SB_GDEN_addr, RIO_WF, 0, &Naomi_DmaEnable); SB_GDST = 0; SB_GDEN = 0; aw_ram_test_skipped = false; GSerialBuffer = 0; BSerialBuffer = 0; GBufPos = 0; BBufPos = 0; GState = 0; BState = 0; GOldClk = 0; BOldClk = 0; BControl = 0; BCmd = 0; BLastCmd = 0; GControl = 0; GCmd = 0; GLastCmd = 0; SerStep = 0; SerStep2 = 0; reg_dimm_command = 0; reg_dimm_offsetl = 0; reg_dimm_parameterl = 0; reg_dimm_parameterh = 0; reg_dimm_status = 0x11; m3comm.closeNetwork(); naomiNetwork.terminate(); if (hard) naomi_cart_Close(); } static u8 aw_maple_devs; static u64 coin_chute_time[4]; u32 libExtDevice_ReadMem_A0_006(u32 addr,u32 size) { addr &= 0x7ff; //printf("libExtDevice_ReadMem_A0_006 %d@%08x: %x\n", size, addr, mem600[addr]); switch (addr) { // case 0: // return 0; // case 4: // return 1; case 0x280: // 0x00600280 r 0000dcba // a/b - 1P/2P coin inputs (JAMMA), active low // c/d - 3P/4P coin inputs (EX. IO board), active low // // (ab == 0) -> BIOS skip RAM test if (!aw_ram_test_skipped) { // Skip RAM test at startup aw_ram_test_skipped = true; return 0; } { u8 coin_input = 0xF; u64 now = sh4_sched_now64(); for (int slot = 0; slot < 4; slot++) { if (maple_atomiswave_coin_chute(slot)) { // ggx15 needs 4 or 5 reads to register the coin but it needs to be limited to avoid coin errors // 1 s of cpu time is too much, 1/2 s seems to work, let's use 100 ms if (coin_chute_time[slot] == 0 || now - coin_chute_time[slot] < SH4_MAIN_CLOCK / 10) { if (coin_chute_time[slot] == 0) coin_chute_time[slot] = now; coin_input &= ~(1 << slot); } } else { coin_chute_time[slot] = 0; } } return coin_input; } case 0x284: // Atomiswave maple devices // ddcc0000 where cc/dd are the types of devices on maple bus 2 and 3: // 0: regular AtomisWave controller // 1: light gun // 2,3: mouse/trackball //printf("NAOMI 600284 read %x\n", aw_maple_devs); return aw_maple_devs; case 0x288: // ??? Dolphin Blue return 0; } INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "Unhandled read @ %x sz %d", addr, size); return 0xFF; } void libExtDevice_WriteMem_A0_006(u32 addr,u32 data,u32 size) { addr &= 0x7ff; //printf("libExtDevice_WriteMem_A0_006 %d@%08x: %x\n", size, addr, data); switch (addr) { case 0x284: // Atomiswave maple devices DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NAOMI 600284 write %x", data); aw_maple_devs = data & 0xF0; return; case 0x288: // ??? Dolphin Blue return; //case 0x28C: // Wheel force feedback? default: break; } INFO_LOG(NAOMI, "Unhandled write @ %x (%d): %x", addr, size, data); } void naomi_Serialize(Serializer& ser) { ser << GSerialBuffer; ser << BSerialBuffer; ser << GBufPos; ser << BBufPos; ser << GState; ser << BState; ser << GOldClk; ser << BOldClk; ser << BControl; ser << BCmd; ser << BLastCmd; ser << GControl; ser << GCmd; ser << GLastCmd; ser << SerStep; ser << SerStep2; ser.serialize(BSerial, 69); ser.serialize(GSerial, 69); ser << reg_dimm_command; ser << reg_dimm_offsetl; ser << reg_dimm_parameterl; ser << reg_dimm_parameterh; ser << reg_dimm_status; ser << aw_maple_devs; ser << coin_chute_time; ser << aw_ram_test_skipped; // TODO serialize m3comm? } void naomi_Deserialize(Deserializer& deser) { if (deser.version() < Deserializer::V9_LIBRETRO) { deser.skip(); // naomi_updates deser.skip(); // BoardID } deser >> GSerialBuffer; deser >> BSerialBuffer; deser >> GBufPos; deser >> BBufPos; deser >> GState; deser >> BState; deser >> GOldClk; deser >> BOldClk; deser >> BControl; deser >> BCmd; deser >> BLastCmd; deser >> GControl; deser >> GCmd; deser >> GLastCmd; deser >> SerStep; deser >> SerStep2; deser.deserialize(BSerial, 69); deser.deserialize(GSerial, 69); deser >> reg_dimm_command; deser >> reg_dimm_offsetl; deser >> reg_dimm_parameterl; deser >> reg_dimm_parameterh; deser >> reg_dimm_status; if (deser.version() < Deserializer::V11) deser.skip(); else if (deser.version() >= Deserializer::V14) deser >> aw_maple_devs; if (deser.version() >= Deserializer::V20) { deser >> coin_chute_time; deser >> aw_ram_test_skipped; } }