/* Created on: Nov 24, 2019 Copyright 2019 flyinghead This file is part of Flycast. Flycast is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Flycast is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Flycast. If not, see . */ #define VMA_IMPLEMENTATION #include "vulkan.h" #include "vmallocator.h" #include "vulkan_context.h" VKAPI_ATTR static void VKAPI_CALL vmaAllocateDeviceMemoryCallback( VmaAllocator allocator, uint32_t memoryType, VkDeviceMemory memory, VkDeviceSize size, void * userData) { DEBUG_LOG(RENDERER, "VMAAllocator: %" PRIu64 " bytes allocated (type %d)", size, memoryType); } VKAPI_ATTR static void VKAPI_CALL vmaFreeDeviceMemoryCallback( VmaAllocator allocator, uint32_t memoryType, VkDeviceMemory memory, VkDeviceSize size, void * userData) { DEBUG_LOG(RENDERER, "VMAAllocator: %" PRIu64 " bytes freed (type %d)", size, memoryType); } static const VmaDeviceMemoryCallbacks memoryCallbacks = { vmaAllocateDeviceMemoryCallback, vmaFreeDeviceMemoryCallback }; void VMAllocator::Init(vk::PhysicalDevice physicalDevice, vk::Device device, vk::Instance instance) { verify(allocator == VK_NULL_HANDLE); VmaAllocatorCreateInfo allocatorInfo = { VMA_ALLOCATOR_CREATE_EXTERNALLY_SYNCHRONIZED_BIT }; if (VulkanContext::Instance()->SupportsDedicatedAllocation()) allocatorInfo.flags |= VMA_ALLOCATOR_CREATE_KHR_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_BIT; allocatorInfo.physicalDevice = (VkPhysicalDevice)physicalDevice; allocatorInfo.device = (VkDevice)device; allocatorInfo.instance = (VkInstance)instance; #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST) allocatorInfo.pDeviceMemoryCallbacks = &memoryCallbacks; #endif VkResult rc = vmaCreateAllocator(&allocatorInfo, &allocator); if (rc != VK_SUCCESS) throwResultException((vk::Result)rc, "vmaCreateAllocator failed"); }