#include "gles.h" #include "rend/rend.h" #include /* Drawing and related state managment Takes vertex, textures and renders to the currently set up target */ //Uncomment this to disable the stencil work around //Seems like there's a bug either on the wrapper, or nvogl making //stencil not work properly (requiring some double calls to get proper results) //#define NO_STENCIL_WORKAROUND const static u32 CullMode[]= { GL_NONE, //0 No culling no culling GL_NONE, //1 Cull if Small Cull if ( |det| < fpu_cull_val ) GL_FRONT, //2 Cull if Negative Cull if ( |det| < 0 ) or //( |det| < fpu_cull_val ) GL_BACK, //3 Cull if Positive Cull if ( |det| > 0 ) or //( |det| < fpu_cull_val ) }; const static u32 Zfunction[]= { GL_NEVER, //GL_NEVER, //0 Never GL_LESS, //GL_LESS/*EQUAL*/, //1 Less GL_EQUAL, //GL_EQUAL, //2 Equal GL_LEQUAL, //GL_LEQUAL, //3 Less Or Equal GL_GREATER, //GL_GREATER/*EQUAL*/, //4 Greater GL_NOTEQUAL, //GL_NOTEQUAL, //5 Not Equal GL_GEQUAL, //GL_GEQUAL, //6 Greater Or Equal GL_ALWAYS, //GL_ALWAYS, //7 Always }; /* 0 Zero (0, 0, 0, 0) 1 One (1, 1, 1, 1) 2 ‘Other’ Color (OR, OG, OB, OA) 3 Inverse ‘Other’ Color (1-OR, 1-OG, 1-OB, 1-OA) 4 SRC Alpha (SA, SA, SA, SA) 5 Inverse SRC Alpha (1-SA, 1-SA, 1-SA, 1-SA) 6 DST Alpha (DA, DA, DA, DA) 7 Inverse DST Alpha (1-DA, 1-DA, 1-DA, 1-DA) */ const static u32 DstBlendGL[] = { GL_ZERO, GL_ONE, GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA }; const static u32 SrcBlendGL[] = { GL_ZERO, GL_ONE, GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA }; PipelineShader* CurrentShader; u32 gcflip; static struct { TSP tsp; TCW tcw; PCW pcw; ISP_TSP isp; u32 clipmode; u32 texture_enabled; u32 stencil_modvol_on; u32 program; GLuint texture; void Reset(const PolyParam* gp) { program=~0; texture=~0; tsp.full = ~gp->tsp.full; tcw.full = ~gp->tcw.full; pcw.full = ~gp->pcw.full; isp.full = ~gp->isp.full; clipmode=0xFFFFFFFF; texture_enabled=~gp->pcw.Texture; stencil_modvol_on=false; } } cache; s32 SetTileClip(u32 val, bool set) { /* if (set) { if (cache.clipmode==val) return clip_mode; cache.clipmode=val; }*/ u32 clipmode=val>>28; s32 clip_mode; if (clipmode<2) { clip_mode=0; //always passes } else if (clipmode&1) clip_mode=-1; //render stuff inside the region else clip_mode=1; //render stuff outside the region float csx=0,csy=0,cex=0,cey=0; csx=(float)(val&63); cex=(float)((val>>6)&63); csy=(float)((val>>12)&31); cey=(float)((val>>17)&31); csx=csx*32; cex=cex*32 +32; csy=csy*32; cey=cey*32 +32; if (csx==0 && csy==0 && cex==640 && cey==480) return 0; if (set) glUniform4f(CurrentShader->pp_ClipTest,-csx,-csy,-cex,-cey); return clip_mode; } void SetCull(u32 CulliMode) { if (CullMode[CulliMode]==GL_NONE) { glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); } else { glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glCullFace(CullMode[CulliMode]); //GL_FRONT/GL_BACK, ... } } template __forceinline void SetGPState(const PolyParam* gp,u32 cflip=0) { //has to preserve cache_tsp/cache_isp //can freely use cache_tcw CurrentShader=&gl.pogram_table[GetProgramID(Type==ListType_Punch_Through?1:0,SetTileClip(gp->tileclip,false)+1,gp->pcw.Texture,gp->tsp.UseAlpha,gp->tsp.IgnoreTexA,gp->tsp.ShadInstr,gp->pcw.Offset,gp->tsp.FogCtrl)]; if (CurrentShader->program == -1) CompilePipelineShader(CurrentShader); if (CurrentShader->program != cache.program) { cache.program=CurrentShader->program; glUseProgram(CurrentShader->program); SetTileClip(gp->tileclip,true); } //This for some reason doesn't work properly //So, shadow bit emulation is disabled. //This bit normally control which pixels are affected //by modvols #ifdef NO_STENCIL_WORKAROUND const u32 stencil=(gp->pcw.Shadow!=0)?0x80:0x0; #else //force everything to be shadowed const u32 stencil=0x80; #endif if (cache.stencil_modvol_on!=stencil) { cache.stencil_modvol_on=stencil; glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS,stencil,stencil); } if ((gp->tcw.full != cache.tcw.full) || (gp->tsp.full!=cache.tsp.full) || (cache.texture_enabled!= gp->pcw.Texture)) { cache.tcw=gp->tcw; cache.texture_enabled = gp->pcw.Texture; if (gp->pcw.Texture) { GLuint tex=GetTexture(gp->tsp,gp->tcw); if (tex!=cache.texture) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,tex); cache.texture=tex; } } if (gp->tsp.full!=cache.tsp.full) { cache.tsp=gp->tsp; if (Type==ListType_Translucent) { glBlendFunc(SrcBlendGL[gp->tsp.SrcInstr],DstBlendGL[gp->tsp.DstInstr]); #ifdef WEIRD_SLOWNESS //SGX seems to be super slow with discard enabled blended pixels //can't cache this -- due to opengl shader api bool clip_alpha_on_zero=gp->tsp.SrcInstr==4 && (gp->tsp.DstInstr==1 || gp->tsp.DstInstr==5); glUniform1f(CurrentShader->cp_AlphaTestValue,clip_alpha_on_zero?(1/255.f):(-2.f)); #endif } } } //set cull mode ! //cflip is required when exploding triangles for triangle sorting //gcflip is global clip flip, needed for when rendering to texture due to mirrored Y direction SetCull(gp->isp.CullMode^cflip^gcflip); if (gp->isp.full!= cache.isp.full) { cache.isp.full=gp->isp.full; //set Z mode, only if required if (!(Type==ListType_Punch_Through || (Type==ListType_Translucent && SortingEnabled))) glDepthFunc(Zfunction[gp->isp.DepthMode]); #if TRIG_SORT if (SortingEnabled) glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); else #endif glDepthMask(!gp->isp.ZWriteDis); } } template void DrawList(const List& gply) { PolyParam* params=gply.head(); int count=gply.used(); if (count==0) return; //we want at least 1 PParam //reset the cache state cache.Reset(params); //set some 'global' modes for all primitives //Z funct. can be fixed on these combinations, avoid setting it all the time if (Type==ListType_Punch_Through || (Type==ListType_Translucent && SortingEnabled)) glDepthFunc(Zfunction[6]); glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS,0,0); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_REPLACE); #ifndef NO_STENCIL_WORKAROUND //This looks like a driver bug glStencilOp(GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_REPLACE); #endif while(count-->0) { if (params->count>2) //this actually happens for some games. No idea why .. { SetGPState(params); glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, params->count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (GLvoid*)(2*params->first)); glCheck(); } params++; } } bool operator<(const PolyParam &left, const PolyParam &right) { /* put any condition you want to sort on here */ return left.zvZcount<2) { pp->zvZ=0; } else { u16* idx=idx_base+pp->first; Vertex* vtx=vtx_base+idx[0]; Vertex* vtx_end=vtx_base + idx[pp->count-1]+1; u32 zv=0xFFFFFFFF; while(vtx!=vtx_end) { zv=min(zv,(u32&)vtx->z); vtx++; } pp->zvZ=(f32&)zv; } pp++; } std::stable_sort(pvrrc.global_param_tr.head(),pvrrc.global_param_tr.head()+pvrrc.global_param_tr.used()); } Vertex* vtx_sort_base; struct IndexTrig { u16 id[3]; u16 pid; f32 z; }; struct SortTrigDrawParam { PolyParam* ppid; u16 first; u16 count; }; float min3(float v0,float v1,float v2) { return min(min(v0,v1),v2); } float max3(float v0,float v1,float v2) { return max(max(v0,v1),v2); } float minZ(Vertex* v,u16* mod) { return min(min(v[mod[0]].z,v[mod[1]].z),v[mod[2]].z); } bool operator<(const IndexTrig &left, const IndexTrig &right) { return left.zx-b->x; float yd=a->y-b->y; return xd*xd+yd*yd; } //was good idea, but not really working .. bool Intersect(Vertex* a, Vertex* b) { float a1=area_x2(a); float a2=area_x2(b); float d = distance_apprx(a,b); return (a1+a1)>d; } //root for quick-union u16 rid(vector& v, u16 id) { while(id!=v[id]) id=v[id]; return id; } struct TrigBounds { float xs,xe; float ys,ye; float zs,ze; }; //find 3d bounding box for triangle TrigBounds bound(Vertex* v) { TrigBounds rv = { min(min(v[0].x,v[1].x),v[2].x), max(max(v[0].x,v[1].x),v[2].x), min(min(v[0].y,v[1].y),v[2].y), max(max(v[0].y,v[1].y),v[2].y), min(min(v[0].z,v[1].z),v[2].z), max(max(v[0].z,v[1].z),v[2].z), }; return rv; } //bounding box 2d intersection bool Intersect(TrigBounds& a, TrigBounds& b) { return ( !(a.xeb.xe) && !(a.yeb.ye) /*&& !(a.zeb.ze)*/ ); } bool operator<(const IndexTrig &left, const IndexTrig &right) { /* TrigBounds l=bound(vtx_sort_base+left.id); TrigBounds r=bound(vtx_sort_base+right.id); if (!Intersect(l,r)) { return true; } else { return (l.zs + l.ze) < (r.zs + r.ze); }*/ return minZ(&vtx_sort_base[left.id])pcw.full&PCW_DRAW_MASK)==(pp1->pcw.full&PCW_DRAW_MASK) && pp0->isp.full==pp1->isp.full && pp0->tcw.full==pp1->tcw.full && pp0->tsp.full==pp1->tsp.full && pp0->tileclip==pp1->tileclip; } static vector pidx_sort; void fill_id(u16* d, Vertex* v0, Vertex* v1, Vertex* v2, Vertex* vb) { d[0]=v0-vb; d[1]=v1-vb; d[2]=v2-vb; } void GenSorted() { u32 tess_gen=0; pidx_sort.clear(); if (pvrrc.verts.used()==0 || pvrrc.global_param_tr.used()<=1) return; Vertex* vtx_base=pvrrc.verts.head(); u16* idx_base=pvrrc.idx.head(); PolyParam* pp_base=pvrrc.global_param_tr.head(); PolyParam* pp=pp_base; PolyParam* pp_end= pp + pvrrc.global_param_tr.used(); Vertex* vtx_arr=vtx_base+idx_base[pp->first]; vtx_sort_base=vtx_base; static u32 vtx_cnt; int vtx_count=idx_base[pp_end[-1].first+pp_end[-1].count-1]-idx_base[pp->first]; if (vtx_count>vtx_cnt) vtx_cnt=vtx_count; #if PRINT_SORT_STATS printf("TVTX: %d || %d\n",vtx_cnt,vtx_count); #endif if (vtx_count<=0) return; //make lists of all triangles, with their pid and vid static vector lst; lst.resize(vtx_count*4); int pfsti=0; while(pp!=pp_end) { u32 ppid=(pp-pp_base); if (pp->count>2) { u16* idx=idx_base+pp->first; Vertex* vtx=vtx_base+idx[0]; Vertex* vtx_end=vtx_base + idx[pp->count-1]-1; u32 flip=0; while(vtx!=vtx_end) { Vertex* v0, * v1, * v2, * v3, * v4, * v5; if (flip) { v0=&vtx[2]; v1=&vtx[1]; v2=&vtx[0]; } else { v0=&vtx[0]; v1=&vtx[1]; v2=&vtx[2]; } if (settings.pvr.subdivide_transp) { u32 tess_x=(max3(v0->x,v1->x,v2->x)-min3(v0->x,v1->x,v2->x))/32; u32 tess_y=(max3(v0->y,v1->y,v2->y)-min3(v0->y,v1->y,v2->y))/32; if (tess_x==1) tess_x=0; if (tess_y==1) tess_y=0; //bool tess=(maxZ(v0,v1,v2)/minZ(v0,v1,v2))>=1.2; if (tess_x + tess_y) { v3=pvrrc.verts.Append(3); v4=v3+1; v5=v4+1; //xyz for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { ((float*)&v3->x)[i]=((float*)&v0->x)[i]*0.5f+((float*)&v2->x)[i]*0.5f; ((float*)&v4->x)[i]=((float*)&v0->x)[i]*0.5f+((float*)&v1->x)[i]*0.5f; ((float*)&v5->x)[i]=((float*)&v1->x)[i]*0.5f+((float*)&v2->x)[i]*0.5f; } //*TODO* Make it perspective correct //uv for (int i=0;i<2;i++) { ((float*)&v3->u)[i]=((float*)&v0->u)[i]*0.5f+((float*)&v2->u)[i]*0.5f; ((float*)&v4->u)[i]=((float*)&v0->u)[i]*0.5f+((float*)&v1->u)[i]*0.5f; ((float*)&v5->u)[i]=((float*)&v1->u)[i]*0.5f+((float*)&v2->u)[i]*0.5f; } //color for (int i=0;i<8;i++) { v3->col[i]=v0->col[i]/2+v2->col[i]/2; v4->col[i]=v0->col[i]/2+v1->col[i]/2; v5->col[i]=v1->col[i]/2+v2->col[i]/2; } fill_id(lst[pfsti].id,v0,v3,v4,vtx_base); lst[pfsti].pid= ppid ; lst[pfsti].z = minZ(vtx_base,lst[pfsti].id); pfsti++; fill_id(lst[pfsti].id,v2,v3,v5,vtx_base); lst[pfsti].pid= ppid ; lst[pfsti].z = minZ(vtx_base,lst[pfsti].id); pfsti++; fill_id(lst[pfsti].id,v3,v4,v5,vtx_base); lst[pfsti].pid= ppid ; lst[pfsti].z = minZ(vtx_base,lst[pfsti].id); pfsti++; fill_id(lst[pfsti].id,v5,v4,v1,vtx_base); lst[pfsti].pid= ppid ; lst[pfsti].z = minZ(vtx_base,lst[pfsti].id); pfsti++; tess_gen+=3; } else { fill_id(lst[pfsti].id,v0,v1,v2,vtx_base); lst[pfsti].pid= ppid ; lst[pfsti].z = minZ(vtx_base,lst[pfsti].id); pfsti++; } } else { fill_id(lst[pfsti].id,v0,v1,v2,vtx_base); lst[pfsti].pid= ppid ; lst[pfsti].z = minZ(vtx_base,lst[pfsti].id); pfsti++; } flip ^= 1; vtx++; } } pp++; } u32 aused=pfsti; lst.resize(aused); //sort them #if 1 std::stable_sort(lst.begin(),lst.end()); //Merge pids/draw cmds if two different pids are actually equal if (true) { for (int k=1;klst[k].pid) { //MOVE UP for (int j=k;j>0 && lst[j].pid!=lst[j-1].pid && !Intersect(lst[j],lst[j-1]);j--) { swap(lst[j],lst[j-1]); } } else { //move down for (int j=k+1;j vidx_sort; vidx_sort.resize(aused*3); int idx=-1; for (int i=0;icount=stdp.first-last->first; } pidx_sort.push_back(stdp); idx=pid; } } SortTrigDrawParam* stdp=&pidx_sort[pidx_sort.size()-1]; stdp->count=aused*3-stdp->first; #if PRINT_SORT_STATS printf("Reassmelbed into %d from %d\n",pidx_sort.size(),pp_end-pp_base); #endif //Upload to gpu if needed if (pidx_sort.size()) { //Bind and upload sorted index buffer glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.vbo.idxs2); glCheck(); glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,vidx_sort.size()*2,&vidx_sort[0],GL_STREAM_DRAW); if (tess_gen) printf("Generated %.2fK Triangles !\n",tess_gen/1000.0); } } void DrawSorted() { //if any drawing commands, draw them if (pidx_sort.size()) { glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.vbo.idxs2); glCheck(); u32 count=pidx_sort.size(); { cache.Reset(pidx_sort[0].ppid); //set some 'global' modes for all primitives //Z sorting is fixed for .. sorted stuff glDepthFunc(Zfunction[6]); glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS,0,0); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_REPLACE); #ifndef NO_STENCIL_WORKAROUND //This looks like a driver bug glStencilOp(GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_REPLACE); #endif for (int p=0;p2) //this actually happens for some games. No idea why .. { SetGPState(params); glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, pidx_sort[p].count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (GLvoid*)(2*pidx_sort[p].first)); glCheck(); #if 0 //Verify restriping -- only valid if no sort int fs=pidx_sort[p].first; for (int j=0;j<(params->count-2);j++) { for (int k=0;k<3;k++) { verify(idx_base[params->first+j+k]==vidx_sort[fs++]); } } verify(fs==(pidx_sort[p].first+pidx_sort[p].count)); #endif } params++; } } } } //All pixels are in area 0 by default. //If inside an 'in' volume, they are in area 1 //if inside an 'out' volume, they are in area 0 /* Stencil bits: bit 7: mv affected (must be preserved) bit 1: current volume state but 0: summary result (starts off as 0) Lower 2 bits: IN volume (logical OR): 00 -> 00 01 -> 01 10 -> 01 11 -> 01 Out volume (logical AND): 00 -> 00 01 -> 00 10 -> 00 11 -> 01 */ void SetMVS_Mode(u32 mv_mode,ISP_Modvol ispc) { if (mv_mode==0) //normal trigs { //set states glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); //write only bit 1 glStencilMask(2); //no stencil testing glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS,0,2); //count the number of pixels in front of the Z buffer (and only keep the lower bit of the count) glStencilOp(GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_INVERT); #ifndef NO_STENCIL_WORKAROUND //this needs to be done .. twice ? looks like //a bug somewhere, on gles/nvgl ? glStencilOp(GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_INVERT); #endif //Cull mode needs to be set SetCull(ispc.CullMode); } else { //1 (last in) or 2 (last out) //each trinagle forms the last of a volume //common states //no depth test glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); //write bits 1:0 glStencilMask(3); if (mv_mode==1) { //res : old : final //0 : 0 : 00 //0 : 1 : 01 //1 : 0 : 01 //1 : 1 : 01 //if (1<=st) st=1; else st=0; glStencilFunc(GL_LEQUAL,1,3); glStencilOp(GL_ZERO,GL_ZERO,GL_REPLACE); #ifndef NO_STENCIL_WORKAROUND //Look @ comment above -- this looks like a driver bug glStencilOp(GL_ZERO,GL_ZERO,GL_REPLACE); #endif /* //if !=0 -> set to 10 verifyc(dev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_STENCILFUNC,D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL)); verifyc(dev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_STENCILREF,1)); verifyc(dev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_STENCILPASS,D3DSTENCILOP_REPLACE)); verifyc(dev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_STENCILFAIL,D3DSTENCILOP_ZERO)); */ } else { /* this is bugged. a lot. I've only seen a single game use it, so i guess it doesn't matter ? (Zombie revenge) (actually, i think there was aslo another, racing game) */ //res : old : final //0 : 0 : 00 //0 : 1 : 00 //1 : 0 : 00 //1 : 1 : 01 //if (2>st) st=1; else st=0; //can't be done with a single pass glStencilFunc(GL_GREATER,1,3); glStencilOp(GL_ZERO,GL_KEEP,GL_REPLACE); #ifndef NO_STENCIL_WORKAROUND //Look @ comment above -- this looks like a driver bug glStencilOp(GL_ZERO,GL_KEEP,GL_REPLACE); #endif } } } void SetupMainVBO() { glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.vbo.geometry); glCheck(); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.vbo.idxs); glCheck(); //setup vertex buffers attrib pointers glEnableVertexAttribArray(VERTEX_POS_ARRAY); glCheck(); glVertexAttribPointer(VERTEX_POS_ARRAY, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), (void*)offsetof(Vertex,x)); glCheck(); glEnableVertexAttribArray(VERTEX_COL_BASE_ARRAY); glCheck(); glVertexAttribPointer(VERTEX_COL_BASE_ARRAY, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof(Vertex), (void*)offsetof(Vertex,col)); glCheck(); glEnableVertexAttribArray(VERTEX_COL_OFFS_ARRAY); glCheck(); glVertexAttribPointer(VERTEX_COL_OFFS_ARRAY, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof(Vertex), (void*)offsetof(Vertex,spc)); glCheck(); glEnableVertexAttribArray(VERTEX_UV_ARRAY); glCheck(); glVertexAttribPointer(VERTEX_UV_ARRAY, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), (void*)offsetof(Vertex,u)); glCheck(); } void SetupModvolVBO() { glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.vbo.modvols); glCheck(); //setup vertex buffers attrib pointers glEnableVertexAttribArray(VERTEX_POS_ARRAY); glCheck(); glVertexAttribPointer(VERTEX_POS_ARRAY, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(float)*3, (void*)0); glCheck(); glDisableVertexAttribArray(VERTEX_UV_ARRAY); glDisableVertexAttribArray(VERTEX_COL_OFFS_ARRAY); glDisableVertexAttribArray(VERTEX_COL_BASE_ARRAY); } void DrawModVols() { if (pvrrc.modtrig.used()==0 /*|| GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F4)*/) return; SetupModvolVBO(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glUseProgram(gl.modvol_shader.program); glUniform1f(gl.modvol_shader.sp_ShaderColor,0.5f); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glDepthFunc(GL_GREATER); if(0 /*|| GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F5)*/ ) { //simply draw the volumes -- for debugging SetCull(0); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,0,pvrrc.modtrig.used()*3); SetupMainVBO(); } else { /* mode : normal trig : flip last *in* : flip, merge*in* &clear from last merge last *out* : flip, merge*out* &clear from last merge */ /* Do not write to color Do not write to depth read from stencil bits 1:0 write to stencil bits 1:0 */ glColorMask(GL_FALSE,GL_FALSE,GL_FALSE,GL_FALSE); glDepthFunc(GL_GREATER); if ( 0 /* || GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F6)*/ ) { //simple single level stencil glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS,0x1,0x1); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_INVERT); #ifndef NO_STENCIL_WORKAROUND //looks like a driver bug glStencilOp(GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_INVERT); #endif glStencilMask(0x1); SetCull(0); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,0,pvrrc.modtrig.used()*3); } else if (true) { //Full emulation //the *out* mode is buggy u32 mod_base=0; //cur start triangle u32 mod_last=0; //last merge u32 cmv_count=(pvrrc.global_param_mvo.used()-1); ISP_Modvol* params=pvrrc.global_param_mvo.head(); //ISP_Modvol for (u32 cmv=0;cmvDrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,sz,pvrrc.modtrig.data+mod_base,3*4)); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,mod_base*3,sz*3); } else if (mv_mode<3) { while(sz) { //merge and clear all the prev. stencil bits //Count Intersections (last poly) SetMVS_Mode(0,ispc); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,mod_base*3,3); //Sum the area SetMVS_Mode(mv_mode,ispc); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,mod_last*3,(mod_base-mod_last+1)*3); //update pointers mod_last=mod_base+1; sz--; mod_base++; } } } } //disable culling SetCull(0); //enable color writes glColorMask(GL_TRUE,GL_TRUE,GL_TRUE,GL_TRUE); //black out any stencil with '1' glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL,0x81,0x81); //only pixels that are Modvol enabled, and in area 1 //clear the stencil result bit glStencilMask(0x3); //write to lsb glStencilOp(GL_ZERO,GL_ZERO,GL_ZERO); #ifndef NO_STENCIL_WORKAROUND //looks like a driver bug ? glStencilOp(GL_ZERO,GL_ZERO,GL_ZERO); #endif //don't do depth testing glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); SetupMainVBO(); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,0,4); //Draw and blend //glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,pvrrc.modtrig.used(),2); } //restore states glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); } void DrawStrips() { SetupMainVBO(); //Draw the strips ! //initial state glDisable(GL_BLEND); glCheck(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); //We use sampler 0 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); //Opaque //Nothing extra needs to be setup here /*if (!GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F1))*/ DrawList(pvrrc.global_param_op); //DrawModVols(); //Alpha tested //setup alpha test state /*if (!GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F2))*/ DrawList(pvrrc.global_param_pt); //Alpha blended //Setup blending glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); /*if (!GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F3))*/ { /* if (UsingAutoSort()) SortRendPolyParamList(pvrrc.global_param_tr); else */ #if TRIG_SORT if (pvrrc.isAutoSort) DrawSorted(); else DrawList(pvrrc.global_param_tr); #else if (pvrrc.isAutoSort) SortPParams(); DrawList(pvrrc.global_param_tr); #endif } }