#pragma once #include "types.h" /* ** cfg* prototypes, if you pass NULL to a cfgSave* it will wipe out the section ** } if you pass it to lpKey it will wipe out that particular entry ** } if you add write to something it will create it if its not present ** } ** Strings passed to LoadStr should be MAX_PATH in size ! ** */ bool cfgOpen(); s32 cfgLoadInt(const char * lpSection, const char * lpKey,s32 Default); void cfgSaveInt(const char * lpSection, const char * lpKey, s32 Int); void cfgLoadStr(const char * lpSection, const char * lpKey, char * lpReturn,const char* lpDefault); std::string cfgLoadStr(const char * Section, const char * Key, const char* Default); void cfgSaveStr(const char * lpSection, const char * lpKey, const char * lpString); void cfgSaveBool(const char * Section, const char * Key, bool BoolValue); bool cfgLoadBool(const char * Section, const char * Key,bool Default); s32 cfgExists(const char * Section, const char * Key); void cfgSetVirtual(const char * lpSection, const char * lpKey, const char * lpString); bool ParseCommandLine(int argc,char* argv[]); void cfgSetGameId(const char *id); const char *cfgGetGameId(); bool cfgHasGameSpecificConfig(); void cfgMakeGameSpecificConfig(); void cfgDeleteGameSpecificConfig(); void cfgSetAutoSave(bool autoSave);