/* Created on: Oct 8, 2019 Copyright 2019 flyinghead This file is part of Flycast. Flycast is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Flycast is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Flycast. If not, see . */ #include #include "drawer.h" #include "../gui.h" #include "hw/pvr/pvr_mem.h" extern float fb_scale_x, fb_scale_y; void Drawer::SortTriangles() { sortedPolys.resize(pvrrc.render_passes.used()); sortedIndexes.resize(pvrrc.render_passes.used()); sortedIndexCount = 0; RenderPass previousPass = {}; for (int render_pass = 0; render_pass < pvrrc.render_passes.used(); render_pass++) { const RenderPass& current_pass = pvrrc.render_passes.head()[render_pass]; sortedIndexes[render_pass].clear(); if (current_pass.autosort) { GenSorted(previousPass.tr_count, current_pass.tr_count - previousPass.tr_count, sortedPolys[render_pass], sortedIndexes[render_pass]); for (auto& poly : sortedPolys[render_pass]) poly.first += sortedIndexCount; sortedIndexCount += sortedIndexes[render_pass].size(); } else sortedPolys[render_pass].clear(); previousPass = current_pass; } } // FIXME Code dup TileClipping Drawer::SetTileClip(u32 val, vk::Rect2D& clipRect) { if (!settings.rend.Clipping) return TileClipping::Off; u32 clipmode = val >> 28; if (clipmode < 2) return TileClipping::Off; //always passes TileClipping tileClippingMode; if (clipmode & 1) tileClippingMode = TileClipping::Inside; //render stuff outside the region else tileClippingMode = TileClipping::Outside; //render stuff inside the region float csx = 0, csy = 0, cex = 0, cey = 0; csx = (float)(val & 63); cex = (float)((val >> 6) & 63); csy = (float)((val >> 12) & 31); cey = (float)((val >> 17) & 31); csx = csx * 32; cex = cex * 32 + 32; csy = csy * 32; cey = cey * 32 + 32; if (csx <= 0 && csy <= 0 && cex >= 640 && cey >= 480) return TileClipping::Off; if (tileClippingMode != TileClipping::Off) { if (!pvrrc.isRTT) { csx /= scale_x; csy /= scale_y; cex /= scale_x; cey /= scale_y; float dc2s_scale_h; float ds2s_offs_x; float screen_stretching = settings.rend.ScreenStretching / 100.f; if (settings.rend.Rotate90) { float t = cex; cex = cey; cey = 640 - csx; csx = csy; csy = 640 - t; dc2s_scale_h = screen_height / 640.0f; ds2s_offs_x = (screen_width - dc2s_scale_h * 480.0 * screen_stretching) / 2; } else { dc2s_scale_h = screen_height / 480.0f; ds2s_offs_x = (screen_width - dc2s_scale_h * 640.0 * screen_stretching) / 2; } csx = csx * dc2s_scale_h * screen_stretching + ds2s_offs_x; cex = cex * dc2s_scale_h * screen_stretching + ds2s_offs_x; csy = csy * dc2s_scale_h; cey = cey * dc2s_scale_h; } else if (!settings.rend.RenderToTextureBuffer) { csx *= settings.rend.RenderToTextureUpscale; csy *= settings.rend.RenderToTextureUpscale; cex *= settings.rend.RenderToTextureUpscale; cey *= settings.rend.RenderToTextureUpscale; } clipRect = vk::Rect2D(vk::Offset2D(std::max(0, (int)lroundf(csx)), std::max(0, (int)lroundf(csy))), vk::Extent2D(std::max(0, (int)lroundf(cex - csx)), std::max(0, (int)lroundf(cey - csy)))); } return tileClippingMode; } void Drawer::DrawPoly(const vk::CommandBuffer& cmdBuffer, u32 listType, bool sortTriangles, const PolyParam& poly, u32 first, u32 count) { vk::Rect2D scissorRect; TileClipping tileClip = SetTileClip(poly.tileclip, scissorRect); if (tileClip == TileClipping::Off || tileClip == TileClipping::Inside) scissorRect = baseScissor; SetScissor(cmdBuffer, scissorRect); float trilinearAlpha = 1.f; if (poly.pcw.Texture && poly.tsp.FilterMode > 1 && listType != ListType_Punch_Through) { trilinearAlpha = 0.25 * (poly.tsp.MipMapD & 0x3); if (poly.tsp.FilterMode == 2) // Trilinear pass A trilinearAlpha = 1.0 - trilinearAlpha; } if (tileClip == TileClipping::Inside || trilinearAlpha != 1.f) { std::array pushConstants = { (float)scissorRect.offset.x, (float)scissorRect.offset.y, (float)scissorRect.extent.width, (float)scissorRect.extent.height, trilinearAlpha }; cmdBuffer.pushConstants(pipelineManager->GetPipelineLayout(), vk::ShaderStageFlagBits::eFragment, 0, pushConstants); } if (poly.pcw.Texture) GetCurrentDescSet().SetTexture(poly.texid, poly.tsp); vk::Pipeline pipeline = pipelineManager->GetPipeline(listType, sortTriangles, poly); cmdBuffer.bindPipeline(vk::PipelineBindPoint::eGraphics, pipeline); if (poly.pcw.Texture) GetCurrentDescSet().BindPerPolyDescriptorSets(cmdBuffer, poly.texid, poly.tsp); cmdBuffer.drawIndexed(count, 1, first, 0, 0); } void Drawer::DrawSorted(const vk::CommandBuffer& cmdBuffer, const std::vector& polys) { for (const SortTrigDrawParam& param : polys) { DrawPoly(cmdBuffer, ListType_Translucent, true, *param.ppid, pvrrc.idx.used() + param.first, param.count); } } void Drawer::DrawList(const vk::CommandBuffer& cmdBuffer, u32 listType, bool sortTriangles, const List& polys, u32 first, u32 count) { for (u32 i = first; i < count; i++) { const PolyParam &pp = polys.head()[i]; DrawPoly(cmdBuffer, listType, sortTriangles, pp, pp.first, pp.count); } } void Drawer::DrawModVols(const vk::CommandBuffer& cmdBuffer, int first, int count) { if (count == 0 || pvrrc.modtrig.used() == 0) return; vk::Buffer buffer = GetMainBuffer(0)->buffer.get(); cmdBuffer.bindVertexBuffers(0, 1, &buffer, &offsets.modVolOffset); ModifierVolumeParam* params = &pvrrc.global_param_mvo.head()[first]; int mod_base = -1; vk::Pipeline pipeline; for (u32 cmv = 0; cmv < count; cmv++) { ModifierVolumeParam& param = params[cmv]; if (param.count == 0) continue; u32 mv_mode = param.isp.DepthMode; if (mod_base == -1) mod_base = param.first; if (!param.isp.VolumeLast && mv_mode > 0) pipeline = pipelineManager->GetModifierVolumePipeline(ModVolMode::Or); // OR'ing (open volume or quad) else pipeline = pipelineManager->GetModifierVolumePipeline(ModVolMode::Xor); // XOR'ing (closed volume) cmdBuffer.bindPipeline(vk::PipelineBindPoint::eGraphics, pipeline); cmdBuffer.draw(param.count * 3, 1, param.first * 3, 0); if (mv_mode == 1 || mv_mode == 2) { // Sum the area pipeline = pipelineManager->GetModifierVolumePipeline(mv_mode == 1 ? ModVolMode::Inclusion : ModVolMode::Exclusion); cmdBuffer.bindPipeline(vk::PipelineBindPoint::eGraphics, pipeline); cmdBuffer.draw((param.first + param.count - mod_base) * 3, 1, mod_base * 3, 0); mod_base = -1; } } const vk::DeviceSize offset = 0; cmdBuffer.bindVertexBuffers(0, 1, &buffer, &offset); std::array pushConstants = { 1 - FPU_SHAD_SCALE.scale_factor / 256.f, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; cmdBuffer.pushConstants(pipelineManager->GetPipelineLayout(), vk::ShaderStageFlagBits::eFragment, 0, pushConstants); pipeline = pipelineManager->GetModifierVolumePipeline(ModVolMode::Final); cmdBuffer.bindPipeline(vk::PipelineBindPoint::eGraphics, pipeline); cmdBuffer.drawIndexed(4, 1, 0, 0, 0); } void Drawer::UploadMainBuffer(const VertexShaderUniforms& vertexUniforms, const FragmentShaderUniforms& fragmentUniforms) { // TODO Put this logic in an allocator std::vector chunks; std::vector chunkSizes; // Vertex chunks.push_back(pvrrc.verts.head()); chunkSizes.push_back(pvrrc.verts.bytes()); u32 padding = align(pvrrc.verts.bytes(), 4); offsets.modVolOffset = pvrrc.verts.bytes() + padding; chunks.push_back(nullptr); chunkSizes.push_back(padding); // Modifier Volumes chunks.push_back(pvrrc.modtrig.head()); chunkSizes.push_back(pvrrc.modtrig.bytes()); padding = align(offsets.modVolOffset + pvrrc.modtrig.bytes(), 4); offsets.indexOffset = offsets.modVolOffset + pvrrc.modtrig.bytes() + padding; chunks.push_back(nullptr); chunkSizes.push_back(padding); // Index chunks.push_back(pvrrc.idx.head()); chunkSizes.push_back(pvrrc.idx.bytes()); for (const std::vector& idx : sortedIndexes) { if (!idx.empty()) { chunks.push_back(&idx[0]); chunkSizes.push_back(idx.size() * sizeof(u32)); } } // Uniform buffers u32 indexSize = pvrrc.idx.bytes() + sortedIndexCount * sizeof(u32); padding = align(offsets.indexOffset + indexSize, std::max(4, (int)GetContext()->GetUniformBufferAlignment())); offsets.vertexUniformOffset = offsets.indexOffset + indexSize + padding; chunks.push_back(nullptr); chunkSizes.push_back(padding); chunks.push_back(&vertexUniforms); chunkSizes.push_back(sizeof(vertexUniforms)); padding = align(offsets.vertexUniformOffset + sizeof(VertexShaderUniforms), std::max(4, (int)GetContext()->GetUniformBufferAlignment())); offsets.fragmentUniformOffset = offsets.vertexUniformOffset + sizeof(VertexShaderUniforms) + padding; chunks.push_back(nullptr); chunkSizes.push_back(padding); chunks.push_back(&fragmentUniforms); chunkSizes.push_back(sizeof(fragmentUniforms)); u32 totalSize = offsets.fragmentUniformOffset + sizeof(FragmentShaderUniforms); BufferData *buffer = GetMainBuffer(totalSize); buffer->upload(GetContext()->GetDevice().get(), chunks.size(), &chunkSizes[0], &chunks[0]); } bool Drawer::Draw(const Texture *fogTexture) { extern bool fog_needs_update; bool is_rtt = pvrrc.isRTT; float dc_width = 640; float dc_height = 480; if (is_rtt) { dc_width = pvrrc.fb_X_CLIP.max - pvrrc.fb_X_CLIP.min + 1; dc_height = pvrrc.fb_Y_CLIP.max - pvrrc.fb_Y_CLIP.min + 1; } scale_x = 1; scissor_scale_x = 1; scale_y = 1; if (!is_rtt && !pvrrc.isRenderFramebuffer) { scale_x = fb_scale_x; scissor_scale_x = fb_scale_x; scale_y = fb_scale_y; if (SCALER_CTL.interlace == 0 && SCALER_CTL.vscalefactor > 0x400) scale_y *= roundf((float)SCALER_CTL.vscalefactor / 0x400); //Pixel doubling is on VO, so it does not affect any pixel operations if (VO_CONTROL.pixel_double) { scissor_scale_x *= 0.5f; scale_x *= 0.5f; } if (SCALER_CTL.hscale) scale_x *= 2; } dc_width *= scale_x; dc_height *= scale_y; float screen_stretching = settings.rend.ScreenStretching / 100.f; float screen_scaling = settings.rend.ScreenScaling / 100.f; float dc2s_scale_h; float ds2s_offs_x; VertexShaderUniforms vtxUniforms; if (is_rtt) { vtxUniforms.scale[0] = 2.0f / dc_width; vtxUniforms.scale[1] = 2.0f / dc_height; vtxUniforms.scale[2] = 1; vtxUniforms.scale[3] = 1; } else { if (settings.rend.Rotate90) { dc2s_scale_h = screen_height / 640.0f; ds2s_offs_x = (screen_width - dc2s_scale_h * 480.0f * screen_stretching) / 2; vtxUniforms.scale[0] = -2.0f / (screen_width / dc2s_scale_h * scale_x) * screen_stretching; vtxUniforms.scale[1] = 2.0f / dc_width; vtxUniforms.scale[2] = 1 - 2 * ds2s_offs_x / screen_width; vtxUniforms.scale[3] = 1; } else { dc2s_scale_h = screen_height / 480.0f; ds2s_offs_x = (screen_width - dc2s_scale_h * 640.0f * screen_stretching) / 2; vtxUniforms.scale[0] = 2.0f / (screen_width / dc2s_scale_h * scale_x) * screen_stretching; vtxUniforms.scale[1] = 2.0f / dc_height; vtxUniforms.scale[2] = 1 - 2 * ds2s_offs_x / screen_width; vtxUniforms.scale[3] = 1; } //-1 -> too much to left } vtxUniforms.extra_depth_scale = settings.rend.ExtraDepthScale; FragmentShaderUniforms fragUniforms; fragUniforms.extra_depth_scale = settings.rend.ExtraDepthScale; //VERT and RAM fog color constants u8* fog_colvert_bgra=(u8*)&FOG_COL_VERT; u8* fog_colram_bgra=(u8*)&FOG_COL_RAM; fragUniforms.sp_FOG_COL_VERT[0]=fog_colvert_bgra[2]/255.0f; fragUniforms.sp_FOG_COL_VERT[1]=fog_colvert_bgra[1]/255.0f; fragUniforms.sp_FOG_COL_VERT[2]=fog_colvert_bgra[0]/255.0f; fragUniforms.sp_FOG_COL_RAM[0]=fog_colram_bgra [2]/255.0f; fragUniforms.sp_FOG_COL_RAM[1]=fog_colram_bgra [1]/255.0f; fragUniforms.sp_FOG_COL_RAM[2]=fog_colram_bgra [0]/255.0f; //Fog density constant u8* fog_density=(u8*)&FOG_DENSITY; float fog_den_mant=fog_density[1]/128.0f; //bit 7 -> x. bit, so [6:0] -> fraction -> /128 s32 fog_den_exp=(s8)fog_density[0]; fragUniforms.sp_FOG_DENSITY = fog_den_mant * powf(2.0f, fog_den_exp); fragUniforms.colorClampMin[0] = ((pvrrc.fog_clamp_min >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; fragUniforms.colorClampMin[1] = ((pvrrc.fog_clamp_min >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; fragUniforms.colorClampMin[2] = ((pvrrc.fog_clamp_min >> 0) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; fragUniforms.colorClampMin[3] = ((pvrrc.fog_clamp_min >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; fragUniforms.colorClampMax[0] = ((pvrrc.fog_clamp_max >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; fragUniforms.colorClampMax[1] = ((pvrrc.fog_clamp_max >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; fragUniforms.colorClampMax[2] = ((pvrrc.fog_clamp_max >> 0) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; fragUniforms.colorClampMax[3] = ((pvrrc.fog_clamp_max >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; fragUniforms.cp_AlphaTestValue = (PT_ALPHA_REF & 0xFF) / 255.0f; SortTriangles(); currentScissor = vk::Rect2D(); vk::CommandBuffer cmdBuffer = BeginRenderPass(); // Upload vertex and index buffers UploadMainBuffer(vtxUniforms, fragUniforms); // Update per-frame descriptor set and bind it GetCurrentDescSet().UpdateUniforms(GetMainBuffer(0)->buffer.get(), offsets.vertexUniformOffset, offsets.fragmentUniformOffset, fogTexture->GetImageView()); GetCurrentDescSet().BindPerFrameDescriptorSets(cmdBuffer); // Reset per-poly descriptor set pool GetCurrentDescSet().Reset(); // Bind vertex and index buffers const vk::DeviceSize zeroOffset[] = { 0 }; const vk::Buffer buffer = GetMainBuffer(0)->buffer.get(); cmdBuffer.bindVertexBuffers(0, 1, &buffer, zeroOffset); cmdBuffer.bindIndexBuffer(buffer, offsets.indexOffset, vk::IndexType::eUint32); RenderPass previous_pass = {}; for (int render_pass = 0; render_pass < pvrrc.render_passes.used(); render_pass++) { const RenderPass& current_pass = pvrrc.render_passes.head()[render_pass]; DEBUG_LOG(RENDERER, "Render pass %d OP %d PT %d TR %d MV %d", render_pass + 1, current_pass.op_count - previous_pass.op_count, current_pass.pt_count - previous_pass.pt_count, current_pass.tr_count - previous_pass.tr_count, current_pass.mvo_count - previous_pass.mvo_count); DrawList(cmdBuffer, ListType_Opaque, false, pvrrc.global_param_op, previous_pass.op_count, current_pass.op_count - previous_pass.op_count); DrawList(cmdBuffer, ListType_Punch_Through, false, pvrrc.global_param_pt, previous_pass.pt_count, current_pass.pt_count - previous_pass.pt_count); DrawModVols(cmdBuffer, previous_pass.mvo_count, current_pass.mvo_count - previous_pass.mvo_count); if (current_pass.autosort) { if (!settings.rend.PerStripSorting) { DrawSorted(cmdBuffer, sortedPolys[render_pass]); } else { SortPParams(previous_pass.tr_count, current_pass.tr_count - previous_pass.tr_count); DrawList(cmdBuffer, ListType_Translucent, true, pvrrc.global_param_tr, previous_pass.tr_count, current_pass.tr_count - previous_pass.tr_count); } } else DrawList(cmdBuffer, ListType_Translucent, false, pvrrc.global_param_tr, previous_pass.tr_count, current_pass.tr_count - previous_pass.tr_count); previous_pass = current_pass; } if (!is_rtt) gui_display_osd(); EndRenderPass(); return !is_rtt; } vk::CommandBuffer TextureDrawer::BeginRenderPass() { DEBUG_LOG(RENDERER, "RenderToTexture packmode=%d stride=%d - %d,%d -> %d,%d", FB_W_CTRL.fb_packmode, FB_W_LINESTRIDE.stride * 8, FB_X_CLIP.min, FB_Y_CLIP.min, FB_X_CLIP.max, FB_Y_CLIP.max); textureAddr = FB_W_SOF1 & VRAM_MASK; u32 origWidth = pvrrc.fb_X_CLIP.max - pvrrc.fb_X_CLIP.min + 1; u32 origHeight = pvrrc.fb_Y_CLIP.max - pvrrc.fb_Y_CLIP.min + 1; u32 upscaledWidth = origWidth; u32 upscaledHeight = origHeight; int heightPow2 = 2; while (heightPow2 < upscaledHeight) heightPow2 *= 2; int widthPow2 = 2; while (widthPow2 < upscaledWidth) widthPow2 *= 2; if (settings.rend.RenderToTextureUpscale > 1 && !settings.rend.RenderToTextureBuffer) { upscaledWidth *= settings.rend.RenderToTextureUpscale; upscaledHeight *= settings.rend.RenderToTextureUpscale; widthPow2 *= settings.rend.RenderToTextureUpscale; heightPow2 *= settings.rend.RenderToTextureUpscale; } static_cast(pipelineManager.get())->CheckSettingsChange(); VulkanContext *context = GetContext(); vk::Device device = *context->GetDevice(); vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer = commandPool->Allocate(); commandBuffer.begin(vk::CommandBufferBeginInfo(vk::CommandBufferUsageFlagBits::eOneTimeSubmit)); if (widthPow2 != this->width || heightPow2 != this->height || !depthAttachment) { if (!depthAttachment) depthAttachment = std::unique_ptr(new FramebufferAttachment(context->GetPhysicalDevice(), device)); depthAttachment->Init(widthPow2, heightPow2, GetContext()->GetDepthFormat()); } vk::ImageView colorImageView; vk::ImageLayout colorImageCurrentLayout; if (!settings.rend.RenderToTextureBuffer) { // TexAddr : fb_rtt.TexAddr, Reserved : 0, StrideSel : 0, ScanOrder : 1 TCW tcw = { { textureAddr >> 3, 0, 0, 1 } }; switch (FB_W_CTRL.fb_packmode) { case 0: case 3: tcw.PixelFmt = Pixel1555; break; case 1: tcw.PixelFmt = Pixel565; break; case 2: tcw.PixelFmt = Pixel4444; break; } TSP tsp = { 0 }; for (tsp.TexU = 0; tsp.TexU <= 7 && (8 << tsp.TexU) < origWidth; tsp.TexU++); for (tsp.TexV = 0; tsp.TexV <= 7 && (8 << tsp.TexV) < origHeight; tsp.TexV++); texture = static_cast(getTextureCacheData(tsp, tcw, [this](){ return (BaseTextureCacheData *)new Texture(VulkanContext::Instance()->GetPhysicalDevice(), *VulkanContext::Instance()->GetDevice(), this->texAllocator); })); if (texture->IsNew()) texture->Create(); if (texture->format != vk::Format::eR8G8B8A8Unorm) { texture->extent = vk::Extent2D(widthPow2, heightPow2); texture->format = vk::Format::eR8G8B8A8Unorm; texture->CreateImage(vk::ImageTiling::eOptimal, vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eColorAttachment | vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eSampled, vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined, vk::MemoryPropertyFlags(), vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor); colorImageCurrentLayout = vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined; } else { colorImageCurrentLayout = vk::ImageLayout::eShaderReadOnlyOptimal; } colorImage = *texture->image; colorImageView = texture->GetImageView(); } else { if (widthPow2 != this->width || heightPow2 != this->height || !colorAttachment) { if (!colorAttachment) { colorAttachment = std::unique_ptr(new FramebufferAttachment(VulkanContext::Instance()->GetPhysicalDevice(), *VulkanContext::Instance()->GetDevice())); } colorAttachment->Init(widthPow2, heightPow2, vk::Format::eR8G8B8A8Unorm); } colorImage = *colorAttachment->GetImage(); colorImageView = *colorAttachment->GetImageView(); colorImageCurrentLayout = vk::ImageLayout::eUndefined; } width = widthPow2; height = heightPow2; setImageLayout(commandBuffer, colorImage, vk::Format::eR8G8B8A8Unorm, 1, colorImageCurrentLayout, vk::ImageLayout::eColorAttachmentOptimal); vk::ImageView imageViews[] = { colorImageView, *depthAttachment->GetImageView(), }; framebuffer = context->GetDevice()->createFramebufferUnique(vk::FramebufferCreateInfo(vk::FramebufferCreateFlags(), pipelineManager->GetRenderPass(), ARRAY_SIZE(imageViews), imageViews, widthPow2, heightPow2, 1)); const vk::ClearValue clear_colors[] = { vk::ClearColorValue(std::array { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f }), vk::ClearDepthStencilValue { 0.f, 0 } }; commandBuffer.beginRenderPass(vk::RenderPassBeginInfo(pipelineManager->GetRenderPass(), *framebuffer, vk::Rect2D( { 0, 0 }, { width, height }), 2, clear_colors), vk::SubpassContents::eInline); commandBuffer.setViewport(0, vk::Viewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)upscaledWidth, (float)upscaledHeight, 1.0f, 0.0f)); baseScissor = vk::Rect2D(vk::Offset2D(0, 0), vk::Extent2D(upscaledWidth, upscaledHeight)); commandBuffer.setScissor(0, baseScissor); currentCommandBuffer = commandBuffer; return commandBuffer; } void TextureDrawer::EndRenderPass() { currentCommandBuffer.endRenderPass(); if (settings.rend.RenderToTextureBuffer) { vk::BufferImageCopy copyRegion(0, width, height, vk::ImageSubresourceLayers(vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor, 0, 0, 1), vk::Offset3D(0, 0, 0), vk::Extent3D(vk::Extent2D(width, height), 1)); currentCommandBuffer.copyImageToBuffer(*colorAttachment->GetImage(), vk::ImageLayout::eTransferSrcOptimal, *colorAttachment->GetBufferData()->buffer, copyRegion); vk::BufferMemoryBarrier bufferMemoryBarrier( vk::AccessFlagBits::eTransferWrite, vk::AccessFlagBits::eHostRead, VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED, VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED, *colorAttachment->GetBufferData()->buffer, 0, VK_WHOLE_SIZE); currentCommandBuffer.pipelineBarrier(vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eTransfer, vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eHost, {}, nullptr, bufferMemoryBarrier, nullptr); } currentCommandBuffer.end(); GetContext()->GetGraphicsQueue().submit(vk::SubmitInfo(0, nullptr, nullptr, 1, ¤tCommandBuffer), settings.rend.RenderToTextureBuffer ? *fence : nullptr); colorImage = nullptr; currentCommandBuffer = nullptr; commandPool->EndFrame(); if (settings.rend.RenderToTextureBuffer) { GetContext()->GetDevice()->waitForFences(1, &fence.get(), true, UINT64_MAX); GetContext()->GetDevice()->resetFences(1, &fence.get()); u16 *dst = (u16 *)&vram[textureAddr]; PixelBuffer tmpBuf; tmpBuf.init(width, height); colorAttachment->GetBufferData()->download(*GetContext()->GetDevice(), width * height * 4, tmpBuf.data()); WriteTextureToVRam(width, height, (u8 *)tmpBuf.data(), dst); return; } //memset(&vram[fb_rtt.TexAddr << 3], '\0', size); texture->dirty = 0; if (texture->lock_block == NULL) texture->lock_block = libCore_vramlock_Lock(texture->sa_tex, texture->sa + texture->size - 1, texture); } vk::CommandBuffer ScreenDrawer::BeginRenderPass() { GetContext()->NewFrame(); GetContext()->BeginRenderPass(); vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer = GetContext()->GetCurrentCommandBuffer(); commandBuffer.setViewport(0, vk::Viewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (float) ((screen_width)), (float) ((screen_height)), 1.0f, 0.0f)); bool wide_screen_on = settings.rend.WideScreen && !pvrrc.isRenderFramebuffer && pvrrc.fb_X_CLIP.min == 0 && lroundf((pvrrc.fb_X_CLIP.max + 1) / scissor_scale_x) == 640L && pvrrc.fb_Y_CLIP.min == 0 && lroundf((pvrrc.fb_Y_CLIP.max + 1) / scale_y) == 480L; if (!wide_screen_on) { float width; float height; float min_x; float min_y; if (pvrrc.isRenderFramebuffer) { width = 640; height = 480; min_x = 0; min_y = 0; } else { width = (pvrrc.fb_X_CLIP.max - pvrrc.fb_X_CLIP.min + 1) / scissor_scale_x; height = (pvrrc.fb_Y_CLIP.max - pvrrc.fb_Y_CLIP.min + 1) / scale_y; min_x = pvrrc.fb_X_CLIP.min / scissor_scale_x; min_y = pvrrc.fb_Y_CLIP.min / scale_y; if (SCALER_CTL.interlace && SCALER_CTL.vscalefactor > 0x400) { // Clipping is done after scaling/filtering so account for that if enabled height *= (float) SCALER_CTL.vscalefactor / 0x400; min_y *= (float) SCALER_CTL.vscalefactor / 0x400; } } if (settings.rend.Rotate90) { float t = width; width = height; height = t; t = min_x; min_x = min_y; min_y = 640 - t - height; } const float screen_stretching = settings.rend.ScreenStretching / 100.f; const float screen_scaling = settings.rend.ScreenScaling / 100.f; float dc2s_scale_h, ds2s_offs_x; if (settings.rend.Rotate90) { dc2s_scale_h = screen_height / 640.0f; ds2s_offs_x = (screen_width - dc2s_scale_h * 480.0f * screen_stretching) / 2; } else { dc2s_scale_h = screen_height / 480.0f; ds2s_offs_x = (screen_width - dc2s_scale_h * 640.0f * screen_stretching) / 2; } // Add x offset for aspect ratio > 4/3 min_x = (min_x * dc2s_scale_h * screen_stretching + ds2s_offs_x) * screen_scaling; min_y = min_y * dc2s_scale_h * screen_scaling; width *= dc2s_scale_h * screen_stretching * screen_scaling; height *= dc2s_scale_h * screen_scaling; baseScissor = vk::Rect2D( vk::Offset2D((u32)std::max(lroundf(min_x), 0L), (u32)std::max(lroundf(min_y), 0L)), vk::Extent2D((u32)std::max(lroundf(width), 0L), (u32)std::max(lroundf(height), 0L))); } else { baseScissor = vk::Rect2D(vk::Offset2D(0, 0), vk::Extent2D(screen_width, screen_height)); } commandBuffer.setScissor(0, baseScissor); return commandBuffer; }