/* Copyright 2021 flyinghead This file is part of Flycast. Flycast is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Flycast is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Flycast. If not, see . */ #include "ggpo.h" #include "hw/maple/maple_cfg.h" #include "input/gamepad_device.h" namespace ggpo { constexpr u32 BTN_TRIGGER_LEFT = DC_BTN_RELOAD << 1; constexpr u32 BTN_TRIGGER_RIGHT = DC_BTN_RELOAD << 2; static void getLocalInput(MapleInputState inputState[4]) { for (int player = 0; player < 4; player++) { MapleInputState& state = inputState[player]; state.kcode = kcode[player]; state.halfAxes[PJTI_L] = lt[player]; state.halfAxes[PJTI_R] = rt[player]; state.fullAxes[PJAI_X1] = joyx[player]; state.fullAxes[PJAI_Y1] = joyy[player]; state.fullAxes[PJAI_X2] = joyrx[player]; state.fullAxes[PJAI_Y2] = joyry[player]; } } } #ifndef LIBRETRO #include "ggponet.h" #include "emulator.h" #include "rend/gui.h" #include "hw/mem/mem_watch.h" #include "hw/sh4/sh4_sched.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "imgui/imgui.h" #include "miniupnp.h" #include "hw/naomi/naomi_cart.h" //#define SYNC_TEST 1 namespace ggpo { using namespace std::chrono; constexpr int MAX_PLAYERS = 2; constexpr int SERVER_PORT = 19713; static GGPOSession *ggpoSession; static int localPlayerNum; static GGPOPlayerHandle localPlayer; static GGPOPlayerHandle remotePlayer; static bool synchronized; static std::recursive_mutex ggpoMutex; static std::array msPerFrame; static int msPerFrameIndex; static time_point lastFrameTime; static int msPerFrameAvg; static bool _endOfFrame; static MiniUPnP miniupnp; static int analogAxes; struct MemPages { void load() { ram = memwatch::ramWatcher.getPages(); vram = memwatch::vramWatcher.getPages(); aram = memwatch::aramWatcher.getPages(); } memwatch::PageMap ram; memwatch::PageMap vram; memwatch::PageMap aram; }; static std::unordered_map deltaStates; static int lastSavedFrame = -1; static int timesyncOccurred; /* * begin_game callback - This callback has been deprecated. You must * implement it, but should ignore the 'game' parameter. */ static bool begin_game(const char *) { DEBUG_LOG(NETWORK, "Game begin"); return true; } /* * on_event - Notification that something has happened. See the GGPOEventCode * structure for more information. */ static bool on_event(GGPOEvent *info) { switch (info->code) { case GGPO_EVENTCODE_CONNECTED_TO_PEER: INFO_LOG(NETWORK, "Connected to peer %d", info->u.connected.player); gui_display_notification("Connected to peer", 2000); break; case GGPO_EVENTCODE_SYNCHRONIZING_WITH_PEER: INFO_LOG(NETWORK, "Synchronizing with peer %d", info->u.synchronizing.player); gui_display_notification("Synchronizing with peer", 2000); break; case GGPO_EVENTCODE_SYNCHRONIZED_WITH_PEER: INFO_LOG(NETWORK, "Synchronized with peer %d", info->u.synchronized.player); gui_display_notification("Synchronized with peer", 2000); break; case GGPO_EVENTCODE_RUNNING: INFO_LOG(NETWORK, "Running"); gui_display_notification("Running", 2000); synchronized = true; break; case GGPO_EVENTCODE_DISCONNECTED_FROM_PEER: INFO_LOG(NETWORK, "Disconnected from peer %d", info->u.disconnected.player); throw FlycastException("Disconnected from peer"); break; case GGPO_EVENTCODE_TIMESYNC: INFO_LOG(NETWORK, "Timesync: %d frames ahead", info->u.timesync.frames_ahead); timesyncOccurred += 5; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000 * info->u.timesync.frames_ahead / (msPerFrameAvg >= 25 ? 30 : 60))); break; case GGPO_EVENTCODE_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED: INFO_LOG(NETWORK, "Connection interrupted with player %d", info->u.connection_interrupted.player); gui_display_notification("Connection interrupted", 2000); break; case GGPO_EVENTCODE_CONNECTION_RESUMED: INFO_LOG(NETWORK, "Connection resumed with player %d", info->u.connection_resumed.player); gui_display_notification("Connection resumed", 2000); break; } return true; } /* * advance_frame - Called during a rollback. You should advance your game * state by exactly one frame. Before each frame, call ggpo_synchronize_input * to retrieve the inputs you should use for that frame. After each frame, * you should call ggpo_advance_frame to notify GGPO.net that you're * finished. * * The flags parameter is reserved. It can safely be ignored at this time. */ static bool advance_frame(int) { INFO_LOG(NETWORK, "advance_frame"); settings.aica.muteAudio = true; settings.disableRenderer = true; dc_run(); ggpo_advance_frame(ggpoSession); settings.aica.muteAudio = false; settings.disableRenderer = false; _endOfFrame = false; return true; } /* * load_game_state - GGPO.net will call this function at the beginning * of a rollback. The buffer and len parameters contain a previously * saved state returned from the save_game_state function. The client * should make the current game state match the state contained in the * buffer. */ static bool load_game_state(unsigned char *buffer, int len) { INFO_LOG(NETWORK, "load_game_state"); rend_start_rollback(); // FIXME will invalidate too much stuff: palette/fog textures, maple stuff // FIXME dynarecs int frame = *(u32 *)buffer; unsigned usedLen = sizeof(frame); buffer += usedLen; dc_unserialize((void **)&buffer, &usedLen, true); if (len != (int)usedLen) { ERROR_LOG(NETWORK, "load_game_state len %d used %d", len, usedLen); die("fatal"); } for (int f = lastSavedFrame - 1; f >= frame; f--) { const MemPages& pages = deltaStates[f]; for (const auto& pair : pages.ram) memcpy(memwatch::ramWatcher.getMemPage(pair.first), &pair.second[0], PAGE_SIZE); for (const auto& pair : pages.vram) memcpy(memwatch::vramWatcher.getMemPage(pair.first), &pair.second[0], PAGE_SIZE); for (const auto& pair : pages.aram) memcpy(memwatch::aramWatcher.getMemPage(pair.first), &pair.second[0], PAGE_SIZE); DEBUG_LOG(NETWORK, "Restored frame %d pages: %d ram, %d vram, %d aica ram", f, (u32)pages.ram.size(), (u32)pages.vram.size(), (u32)pages.aram.size()); } rend_allow_rollback(); // ggpo might load another state right after this one memwatch::reset(); memwatch::protect(); return true; } /* * save_game_state - The client should allocate a buffer, copy the * entire contents of the current game state into it, and copy the * length into the *len parameter. Optionally, the client can compute * a checksum of the data and store it in the *checksum argument. */ static bool save_game_state(unsigned char **buffer, int *len, int *checksum, int frame) { verify(!sh4_cpu.IsCpuRunning()); lastSavedFrame = frame; size_t allocSize = (settings.platform.system == DC_PLATFORM_NAOMI ? 20 : 10) * 1024 * 1024; *buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(allocSize); if (*buffer == nullptr) { WARN_LOG(NETWORK, "Memory alloc failed"); *len = 0; return false; } u8 *data = *buffer; *(u32 *)data = frame; unsigned usedSize = sizeof(frame); data += usedSize; dc_serialize((void **)&data, &usedSize, true); verify(usedSize < allocSize); *len = usedSize; #ifdef SYNC_TEST *checksum = XXH32(*buffer, usedSize, 7); #endif if (frame > 0) { #ifdef SYNC_TEST if (deltaStates.count(frame - 1) != 0) { MemPages memPages; memPages.load(); const MemPages& savedPages = deltaStates[frame - 1]; //verify(memPages.ram.size() == savedPages.ram.size()); if (memPages.ram.size() != savedPages.ram.size()) { ERROR_LOG(NETWORK, "old ram size %d new %d", (u32)savedPages.ram.size(), (u32)memPages.ram.size()); if (memPages.ram.size() > savedPages.ram.size()) for (const auto& pair : memPages.ram) { if (savedPages.ram.count(pair.first) == 0) ERROR_LOG(NETWORK, "new page @ %x", pair.first); else DEBUG_LOG(NETWORK, "page ok @ %x", pair.first); } die("fatal"); } for (const auto& pair : memPages.ram) { verify(savedPages.ram.count(pair.first) == 1); verify(memcmp(&pair.second[0], &savedPages.ram.find(pair.first)->second[0], PAGE_SIZE) == 0); } verify(memPages.vram.size() == savedPages.vram.size()); for (const auto& pair : memPages.vram) { verify(savedPages.vram.count(pair.first) == 1); verify(memcmp(&pair.second[0], &savedPages.vram.find(pair.first)->second[0], PAGE_SIZE) == 0); } //verify(memPages.aram.size() == savedPages.aram.size()); if (memPages.aram.size() != savedPages.aram.size()) { ERROR_LOG(NETWORK, "old aram size %d new %d", (u32)savedPages.aram.size(), (u32)memPages.aram.size()); die("fatal"); } for (const auto& pair : memPages.aram) { verify(savedPages.aram.count(pair.first) == 1); verify(memcmp(&pair.second[0], &savedPages.aram.find(pair.first)->second[0], PAGE_SIZE) == 0); } } #endif // Save the delta to frame-1 deltaStates[frame - 1].load(); DEBUG_LOG(NETWORK, "Saved frame %d pages: %d ram, %d vram, %d aica ram", frame - 1, (u32)deltaStates[frame - 1].ram.size(), (u32)deltaStates[frame - 1].vram.size(), (u32)deltaStates[frame - 1].aram.size()); } memwatch::protect(); return true; } /* * log_game_state - Used in diagnostic testing. The client should use * the ggpo_log function to write the contents of the specified save * state in a human readible form. */ static bool log_game_state(char *filename, unsigned char *buffer, int len) { #ifdef SYNC_TEST static int lastLoggedFrame = -1; static u8 *lastState; int frame = *(u32 *)buffer; DEBUG_LOG(NETWORK, "log_game_state frame %d len %d", frame, len); if (lastLoggedFrame == frame) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (buffer[i] != lastState[i]) { WARN_LOG(NETWORK, "States for frame %d differ at offset %d: now %x prev %x", frame, i, *(u32 *)&buffer[i & ~3], *(u32 *)&lastState[i & ~3]); break; } } lastState = buffer; lastLoggedFrame = frame; #endif return true; } /* * free_buffer - Frees a game state allocated in save_game_state. You * should deallocate the memory contained in the buffer. */ static void free_buffer(void *buffer) { if (buffer != nullptr) { int frame = *(u32 *)buffer; deltaStates.erase(frame); free(buffer); } } void startSession(int localPort, int localPlayerNum) { GGPOSessionCallbacks cb{}; cb.begin_game = begin_game; cb.advance_frame = advance_frame; cb.load_game_state = load_game_state; cb.save_game_state = save_game_state; cb.free_buffer = free_buffer; cb.on_event = on_event; cb.log_game_state = log_game_state; #ifdef SYNC_TEST GGPOErrorCode result = ggpo_start_synctest(&ggpoSession, &cb, config::Settings::instance().getGameId().c_str(), MAX_PLAYERS, sizeof(kcode[0]), 1); if (result != GGPO_OK) { WARN_LOG(NETWORK, "GGPO start sync session failed: %d", result); ggpoSession = nullptr; return; } ggpo_idle(ggpoSession, 0); ggpo::localPlayerNum = localPlayerNum; GGPOPlayer player{ sizeof(GGPOPlayer), GGPO_PLAYERTYPE_LOCAL, localPlayerNum + 1 }; result = ggpo_add_player(ggpoSession, &player, &localPlayer); player.player_num = (1 - localPlayerNum) + 1; result = ggpo_add_player(ggpoSession, &player, &remotePlayer); synchronized = true; analogAxes = 0; NOTICE_LOG(NETWORK, "GGPO synctest session started"); #else if (settings.platform.system == DC_PLATFORM_DREAMCAST) analogAxes = config::GGPOAnalogAxes; else { analogAxes = 0; if (NaomiGameInputs != nullptr) { for (const auto& axis : NaomiGameInputs->axes) { if (axis.name == nullptr) break; if (axis.type == Full) analogAxes = std::max(analogAxes, (int)axis.axis + 1); } } NOTICE_LOG(NETWORK, "GGPO: Using %d full analog axes", analogAxes); } u32 inputSize = sizeof(kcode[0]) + analogAxes; GGPOErrorCode result = ggpo_start_session(&ggpoSession, &cb, config::Settings::instance().getGameId().c_str(), MAX_PLAYERS, inputSize, localPort); if (result != GGPO_OK) { WARN_LOG(NETWORK, "GGPO start session failed: %d", result); ggpoSession = nullptr; return; } // automatically disconnect clients after 3000 ms and start our count-down timer // for disconnects after 1000 ms. To completely disable disconnects, simply use // a value of 0 for ggpo_set_disconnect_timeout. ggpo_set_disconnect_timeout(ggpoSession, 3000); ggpo_set_disconnect_notify_start(ggpoSession, 1000); ggpo::localPlayerNum = localPlayerNum; GGPOPlayer player{ sizeof(GGPOPlayer), GGPO_PLAYERTYPE_LOCAL, localPlayerNum + 1 }; result = ggpo_add_player(ggpoSession, &player, &localPlayer); if (result != GGPO_OK) { WARN_LOG(NETWORK, "GGPO cannot add local player: %d", result); stopSession(); return; } ggpo_set_frame_delay(ggpoSession, localPlayer, config::GGPODelay.get()); size_t colon = config::NetworkServer.get().find(':'); std::string peerIp = config::NetworkServer.get().substr(0, colon); if (peerIp.empty()) peerIp = ""; u32 peerPort; if (colon == std::string::npos) { if (peerIp == "") peerPort = localPort ^ 1; else peerPort = SERVER_PORT; } else { peerPort = atoi(config::NetworkServer.get().substr(colon + 1).c_str()); } player.type = GGPO_PLAYERTYPE_REMOTE; strcpy(player.u.remote.ip_address, peerIp.c_str()); player.u.remote.port = peerPort; player.player_num = (1 - localPlayerNum) + 1; result = ggpo_add_player(ggpoSession, &player, &remotePlayer); if (result != GGPO_OK) { WARN_LOG(NETWORK, "GGPO cannot add remote player: %d", result); stopSession(); } DEBUG_LOG(NETWORK, "GGPO session started"); #endif } void stopSession() { std::lock_guard lock(ggpoMutex); if (ggpoSession == nullptr) return; ggpo_close_session(ggpoSession); ggpoSession = nullptr; miniupnp.Term(); dc_set_network_state(false); } void getInput(MapleInputState inputState[4]) { std::lock_guard lock(ggpoMutex); if (ggpoSession == nullptr) { getLocalInput(inputState); return; } for (int player = 0; player < 4; player++) inputState[player] = {}; u32 inputSize = sizeof(u32) + analogAxes; std::vector inputs(inputSize * MAX_PLAYERS); // should not call any callback GGPOErrorCode error = ggpo_synchronize_input(ggpoSession, (void *)&inputs[0], inputs.size(), nullptr); if (error != GGPO_OK) { stopSession(); throw FlycastException("GGPO error"); } for (int player = 0; player < MAX_PLAYERS; player++) { MapleInputState& state = inputState[player]; state.kcode = ~(*(u32 *)&inputs[player * inputSize]); if (analogAxes > 0) { state.fullAxes[PJAI_X1] = inputs[player * inputSize + 4]; if (analogAxes >= 2) state.fullAxes[PJAI_Y1] = inputs[player * inputSize + 5]; } state.halfAxes[PJTI_R] = (state.kcode & BTN_TRIGGER_RIGHT) == 0 ? 255 : 0; state.halfAxes[PJTI_L] = (state.kcode & BTN_TRIGGER_LEFT) == 0 ? 255 : 0; } } bool nextFrame() { if (!_endOfFrame) return false; _endOfFrame = false; auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); if (lastFrameTime != time_point()) { msPerFrame[msPerFrameIndex++] = duration_cast(now - lastFrameTime).count(); if (msPerFrameIndex >= (int)msPerFrame.size()) msPerFrameIndex = 0; msPerFrameAvg = std::accumulate(msPerFrame.begin(), msPerFrame.end(), 0) / msPerFrame.size(); } lastFrameTime = now; std::lock_guard lock(ggpoMutex); if (ggpoSession == nullptr) return false; // will call save_game_state GGPOErrorCode error = ggpo_advance_frame(ggpoSession); // may rollback if (error == GGPO_OK) error = ggpo_idle(ggpoSession, 0); if (error != GGPO_OK) { stopSession(); if (error == GGPO_ERRORCODE_INPUT_SIZE_DIFF) throw FlycastException("GGPO analog settings are different from peer"); else if (error != GGPO_OK) throw FlycastException("GGPO error"); } // may call save_game_state do { u32 input = ~kcode[localPlayerNum]; if (rt[localPlayerNum] >= 64) input |= BTN_TRIGGER_RIGHT; else input &= ~BTN_TRIGGER_RIGHT; if (lt[localPlayerNum] >= 64) input |= BTN_TRIGGER_LEFT; else input &= ~BTN_TRIGGER_LEFT; u32 inputSize = sizeof(input) + analogAxes; std::vector allInput(inputSize); *(u32 *)&allInput[0] = input; if (analogAxes > 0) { allInput[4] = joyx[localPlayerNum]; if (analogAxes >= 2) allInput[5] = joyy[localPlayerNum]; } GGPOErrorCode result = ggpo_add_local_input(ggpoSession, localPlayer, &allInput[0], inputSize); if (result == GGPO_OK) break; WARN_LOG(NETWORK, "ggpo_add_local_input failed %d", result); if (result != GGPO_ERRORCODE_PREDICTION_THRESHOLD) { stopSession(); throw FlycastException("GGPO error"); } std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); ggpo_idle(ggpoSession, 0); } while (active()); #ifdef SYNC_TEST u32 input = ~kcode[1 - localPlayerNum]; GGPOErrorCode result = ggpo_add_local_input(ggpoSession, remotePlayer, &input, sizeof(input)); if (result != GGPO_OK) WARN_LOG(NETWORK, "ggpo_add_local_input(2) failed %d", result); #endif return active(); } bool active() { return ggpoSession != nullptr; } std::future startNetwork() { synchronized = false; return std::async(std::launch::async, []{ { std::lock_guard lock(ggpoMutex); #ifdef SYNC_TEST startSession(0, 0); #else miniupnp.Init(); miniupnp.AddPortMapping(SERVER_PORT, false); if (config::ActAsServer) startSession(SERVER_PORT, 0); else // Use SERVER_PORT-1 as local port if connecting to ourselves startSession(config::NetworkServer.get().empty() || config::NetworkServer.get() == "" ? SERVER_PORT - 1 : SERVER_PORT, 1); #endif } while (!synchronized && active()) { { std::lock_guard lock(ggpoMutex); if (ggpoSession == nullptr) break; ggpo_idle(ggpoSession, 0); } std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(20)); } #ifdef SYNC_TEST // save initial state (frame 0) if (active()) { u32 k[4]; getInput(k); } #endif dc_set_network_state(active()); return active(); }); } void displayStats() { if (!active()) return; GGPONetworkStats stats; ggpo_get_network_stats(ggpoSession, remotePlayer, &stats); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowRounding, 0); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowBorderSize, 0); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(10, 10)); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(95 * scaling, 0)); ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.7f); ImGui::Begin("", NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram, ImVec4(0.557f, 0.268f, 0.965f, 1.f)); // Send Queue ImGui::Text("Send Q"); ImGui::ProgressBar(stats.network.send_queue_len / 10.f, ImVec2(-1, 10.f * scaling), ""); // Frame Delay ImGui::Text("Delay"); std::string delay = std::to_string(config::GGPODelay.get()); ImGui::SameLine(ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x - ImGui::CalcTextSize(delay.c_str()).x); ImGui::Text("%s", delay.c_str()); // Ping ImGui::Text("Ping"); std::string ping = std::to_string(stats.network.ping); ImGui::SameLine(ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x - ImGui::CalcTextSize(ping.c_str()).x); ImGui::Text("%s", ping.c_str()); // Predicted Frames if (stats.sync.predicted_frames >= 7) // red ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram, ImVec4(1, 0, 0, 1)); else if (stats.sync.predicted_frames >= 5) // yellow ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram, ImVec4(.9f, .9f, .1f, 1)); ImGui::Text("Predicted"); ImGui::ProgressBar(stats.sync.predicted_frames / 7.f, ImVec2(-1, 10.f * scaling), ""); if (stats.sync.predicted_frames >= 5) ImGui::PopStyleColor(); // Frames behind int timesync = timesyncOccurred; if (timesync > 0) ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, ImVec4(1, 0, 0, 1)); ImGui::Text("Behind"); ImGui::ProgressBar(0.5f + stats.timesync.local_frames_behind / 16.f, ImVec2(-1, 10.f * scaling), ""); if (timesync > 0) { ImGui::PopStyleColor(); timesyncOccurred--; } ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::End(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(2); } void endOfFrame() { if (active()) { _endOfFrame = true; sh4_cpu.Stop(); } } } #else // LIBRETRO namespace ggpo { void stopSession() { } void getInput(MapleInputState inputState[4]) { getLocalInput(inputState); } bool nextFrame() { return true; } bool active() { return false; } std::future startNetwork() { return std::async(std::launch::deferred, []{ return false; });; } void displayStats() { } void endOfFrame() { } } #endif