#ifndef LIBRETRO #include "types.h" #include "emulator.h" #include "hw/mem/_vmem.h" #include "cfg/cfg.h" #include "cfg/option.h" #include "log/LogManager.h" #include "rend/gui.h" #include "oslib/oslib.h" #include "debug/gdb_server.h" #include "archive/rzip.h" #include "rend/mainui.h" #include "input/gamepad_device.h" #include "lua/lua.h" #include "stdclass.h" #include "serialize.h" int flycast_init(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if defined(TEST_AUTOMATION) setbuf(stdout, 0); setbuf(stderr, 0); settings.aica.muteAudio = true; #endif if (!_vmem_reserve()) { ERROR_LOG(VMEM, "Failed to alloc mem"); return -1; } if (ParseCommandLine(argc, argv)) { return 69; } config::Settings::instance().reset(); LogManager::Shutdown(); if (!cfgOpen()) { LogManager::Init(); NOTICE_LOG(BOOT, "Config directory is not set. Starting onboarding"); gui_open_onboarding(); } else { LogManager::Init(); config::Settings::instance().load(false); } gui_init(); os_CreateWindow(); os_SetupInput(); debugger::init(); lua::init(); return 0; } void dc_exit() { emu.stop(); mainui_stop(); } void SaveSettings() { config::Settings::instance().save(); GamepadDevice::SaveMaplePorts(); #ifdef __ANDROID__ void SaveAndroidSettings(); SaveAndroidSettings(); #endif } void flycast_term() { gui_cancel_load(); lua::term(); emu.term(); gui_term(); } void dc_savestate(int index) { Serializer ser; dc_serialize(ser); void *data = malloc(ser.size()); if (data == nullptr) { WARN_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Failed to save state - could not malloc %d bytes", (int)ser.size()); gui_display_notification("Save state failed - memory full", 2000); return; } ser = Serializer(data, ser.size()); dc_serialize(ser); std::string filename = hostfs::getSavestatePath(index, true); #if 0 FILE *f = nowide::fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb") ; if ( f == NULL ) { WARN_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Failed to save state - could not open %s for writing", filename.c_str()) ; gui_display_notification("Cannot open save file", 2000); free(data); return; } std::fwrite(data, 1, ser.size(), f) ; std::fclose(f); #else RZipFile zipFile; if (!zipFile.Open(filename, true)) { WARN_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Failed to save state - could not open %s for writing", filename.c_str()); gui_display_notification("Cannot open save file", 2000); free(data); return; } if (zipFile.Write(data, ser.size()) != ser.size()) { WARN_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Failed to save state - error writing %s", filename.c_str()); gui_display_notification("Error saving state", 2000); zipFile.Close(); free(data); return; } zipFile.Close(); #endif free(data); INFO_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Saved state to %s size %d", filename.c_str(), (int)ser.size()) ; gui_display_notification("State saved", 1000); } void dc_loadstate(int index) { u32 total_size = 0; FILE *f = nullptr; emu.stop(); std::string filename = hostfs::getSavestatePath(index, false); RZipFile zipFile; if (zipFile.Open(filename, false)) { total_size = (u32)zipFile.Size(); if (index == -1 && config::GGPOEnable) { f = zipFile.rawFile(); long pos = std::ftell(f); MD5Sum().add(f) .getDigest(settings.network.md5.savestate); std::fseek(f, pos, SEEK_SET); f = nullptr; } } else { f = nowide::fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb") ; if ( f == NULL ) { WARN_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Failed to load state - could not open %s for reading", filename.c_str()) ; gui_display_notification("Save state not found", 2000); return; } if (index == -1 && config::GGPOEnable) MD5Sum().add(f) .getDigest(settings.network.md5.savestate); std::fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); total_size = (u32)std::ftell(f); std::fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); } void *data = malloc(total_size); if ( data == NULL ) { WARN_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Failed to load state - could not malloc %d bytes", total_size) ; gui_display_notification("Failed to load state - memory full", 2000); if (f != nullptr) std::fclose(f); else zipFile.Close(); return; } size_t read_size; if (f == nullptr) { read_size = zipFile.Read(data, total_size); zipFile.Close(); } else { read_size = fread(data, 1, total_size, f) ; std::fclose(f); } if (read_size != total_size) { WARN_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Failed to load state - I/O error"); gui_display_notification("Failed to load state - I/O error", 2000); free(data); return; } try { Deserializer deser(data, total_size); dc_loadstate(deser); if (deser.size() != total_size) WARN_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Savestate size %d but only %d bytes used", total_size, (int)deser.size()); } catch (const Deserializer::Exception& e) { ERROR_LOG(SAVESTATE, "%s", e.what()); } free(data); EventManager::event(Event::LoadState); INFO_LOG(SAVESTATE, "Loaded state from %s size %d", filename.c_str(), total_size) ; } #endif