
210 lines
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// @formatter:off
* A helper file for your Eloquent Models
* Copy the phpDocs from this file to the correct Model,
* And remove them from this file, to prevent double declarations.
* @author Barry vd. Heuvel <barryvdh@gmail.com>
namespace App\Models{
* App\Models\Brand
* @property int $brand_id
* @property Carbon|null $created_at
* @property Carbon|null $updated_at
* @property string $brand_name
* @property string|null $brand_description
* @method static BrandFactory factory($count = null, $state = [])
* @method static Builder|Manufacturer newModelQuery()
* @method static Builder|Manufacturer newQuery()
* @method static Builder|Manufacturer query()
* @method static Builder|Manufacturer whereBrandDescription($value)
* @method static Builder|Manufacturer whereBrandId($value)
* @method static Builder|Manufacturer whereBrandName($value)
* @method static Builder|Manufacturer whereCreatedAt($value)
* @method static Builder|Manufacturer whereUpdatedAt($value)
* @mixin Eloquent
class Brand extends \Eloquent {}
namespace App\Models{
* App\Models\FuelType
* @property int $fuel_type_id
* @property Carbon|null $created_at
* @property Carbon|null $updated_at
* @property string $fuel_type_name
* @property string|null $fuel_type_description
* @property float|null $fuel_type_price
* @method static FuelTypeFactory factory($count = null, $state = [])
* @method static Builder|FuelType newModelQuery()
* @method static Builder|FuelType newQuery()
* @method static Builder|FuelType query()
* @method static Builder|FuelType whereCreatedAt($value)
* @method static Builder|FuelType whereFuelTypeDescription($value)
* @method static Builder|FuelType whereFuelTypeId($value)
* @method static Builder|FuelType whereFuelTypeName($value)
* @method static Builder|FuelType whereFuelTypePrice($value)
* @method static Builder|FuelType whereUpdatedAt($value)
* @mixin Eloquent
class FuelType extends \Eloquent {}
namespace App\Models{
* App\Models\Keybind
* @property int $keybind_id
* @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null $created_at
* @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null $updated_at
* @property string $keybind_keys
* @property string $keybind_description
* @method static \Database\Factories\KeybindFactory factory($count = null, $state = [])
* @method static \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|Keybind newModelQuery()
* @method static \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|Keybind newQuery()
* @method static \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|Keybind query()
* @method static \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|Keybind whereCreatedAt($value)
* @method static \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|Keybind whereKeybindDescription($value)
* @method static \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|Keybind whereKeybindId($value)
* @method static \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|Keybind whereKeybindKeys($value)
* @method static \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|Keybind whereUpdatedAt($value)
class Keybind extends \Eloquent {}
namespace App\Models{
* App\Models\User
* @property int $id
* @property string $name
* @property string $email
* @property Carbon|null $email_verified_at
* @property mixed $password
* @property string|null $remember_token
* @property Carbon|null $created_at
* @property Carbon|null $updated_at
* @property-read DatabaseNotificationCollection<int, DatabaseNotification> $notifications
* @property-read int|null $notifications_count
* @property-read Collection<int, PersonalAccessToken> $tokens
* @property-read int|null $tokens_count
* @method static UserFactory factory($count = null, $state = [])
* @method static Builder|User newModelQuery()
* @method static Builder|User newQuery()
* @method static Builder|User query()
* @method static Builder|User whereCreatedAt($value)
* @method static Builder|User whereEmail($value)
* @method static Builder|User whereEmailVerifiedAt($value)
* @method static Builder|User whereId($value)
* @method static Builder|User whereName($value)
* @method static Builder|User wherePassword($value)
* @method static Builder|User whereRememberToken($value)
* @method static Builder|User whereUpdatedAt($value)
* @mixin Eloquent
class User extends \Eloquent {}
namespace App\Models{
* App\Models\Vehicle
* @property int $vehicle_id
* @property Carbon|null $created_at
* @property Carbon|null $updated_at
* @property string $name
* @property int $vehicle_storage
* @property int $vehicle_fuel_volume
* @property int $vehicle_seats
* @property float|null $vehicle_price
* @property float|null $vehicle_top_speed
* @property int $vehicle_class_id
* @property int $fuel_type_id
* @property int $brand_id
* @property int $vendor_id
* @method static VehicleFactory factory($count = null, $state = [])
* @method static Builder|Vehicle filter(array $filters)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle newModelQuery()
* @method static Builder|Vehicle newQuery()
* @method static Builder|Vehicle query()
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereBrandId($value)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereCreatedAt($value)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereFuelTypeId($value)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereName($value)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereUpdatedAt($value)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereVehicleClassId($value)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereVehicleFuelVolume($value)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereVehicleId($value)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereVehiclePrice($value)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereVehicleSeats($value)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereVehicleStorage($value)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereVehicleTopSpeed($value)
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereVendorId($value)
* @property string $vehicle_name
* @method static Builder|Vehicle whereVehicleName($value)
* @mixin Eloquent
class Vehicle extends \Eloquent {}
namespace App\Models{
* App\Models\VehicleClass
* @property int $vehicle_class_id
* @property Carbon|null $created_at
* @property Carbon|null $updated_at
* @property string $vehicle_class_name
* @property string|null $vehicle_class_description
* @method static VehicleClassFactory factory($count = null, $state = [])
* @method static Builder|VehicleClass newModelQuery()
* @method static Builder|VehicleClass newQuery()
* @method static Builder|VehicleClass query()
* @method static Builder|VehicleClass whereCreatedAt($value)
* @method static Builder|VehicleClass whereUpdatedAt($value)
* @method static Builder|VehicleClass whereVehicleClassDescription($value)
* @method static Builder|VehicleClass whereVehicleClassId($value)
* @method static Builder|VehicleClass whereVehicleClassName($value)
* @mixin Eloquent
class VehicleClass extends \Eloquent {}
namespace App\Models{
* App\Models\Vendor
* @property int $vendor_id
* @property Carbon|null $created_at
* @property Carbon|null $updated_at
* @property string $vendor_name
* @property string|null $vendor_description
* @property string|null $vendor_position
* @property float|null $vendor_x
* @property float|null $vendor_y
* @method static VendorFactory factory($count = null, $state = [])
* @method static Builder|Vendor newModelQuery()
* @method static Builder|Vendor newQuery()
* @method static Builder|Vendor query()
* @method static Builder|Vendor whereCreatedAt($value)
* @method static Builder|Vendor whereUpdatedAt($value)
* @method static Builder|Vendor whereVendorDescription($value)
* @method static Builder|Vendor whereVendorId($value)
* @method static Builder|Vendor whereVendorName($value)
* @method static Builder|Vendor whereVendorPosition($value)
* @method static Builder|Vendor whereVendorX($value)
* @method static Builder|Vendor whereVendorY($value)
* @mixin Eloquent
class Vendor extends \Eloquent {}