APP_NAME="Fleet Catalogue"# Should be the name of your website APP_TITLE="Best Fleet Catalogue Ever" # This will be shown right below the name of your website APP_ENV=local APP_KEY= APP_DEBUG=false APP_URL=http://localhost # domain of your website. might want to use "https" instead of http, if you got a certifcate APP_COPYRIGHT=ShuriZma APP_COPYRIGHT_SINCE=2023 FOOTER_IMAGE=img/header.png # can be any image type. path should start from public/ (ex. 'img/header.png') LANDING_PAGE=false # if set to true a landing page will be added, if false the vehicle list is the landing page ACCENT_COLOR=red-400 # KEYBIND_SEPERATOR=; # seperator for keybind combos, thats being used on the db to seperate multiple keys # VEHICLE LIST CURRENCY=$ # unit for prices etc SPEED_UNIT=km/h # unit for top speed FUEL_VOLUME_UNIT=l # unit for fuel volume FIELDS=image,id,name,brand,class,storage,fuel_type,fuel_volume,seats,top_speed,price,vendor # list of fields that should be visible on the vehicle list (comma seperated). possible fields: image,id,name,brand,class,storage,fuel_type,fuel_volume,seats,top_speed,price,vendor DEFAULT_DISPLAY_MODE=gridCards # default display mode for the vehicle list (gridCards, tableHorizontal, tableVertical) LOG_CHANNEL=stack LOG_DEPRECATIONS_CHANNEL=null LOG_LEVEL=debug DB_CONNECTION=sqlite # sqlite, mysql or postgres. sqlite is the simplest and should be more than sufficient for something this small. if you want to use something else, uncomment the lines below too. #DB_HOST= # db host, could be an ip, a domain or a docker container #DB_PORT=3306 # port of your db. mysql default is 3306 #DB_DATABASE=fleetCatalogue # name of your db #DB_USERNAME=fleetCatalogue # name of the user you want to use for your db #DB_PASSWORD=superSecureDefaultDatabasePassword # password for the db connection. BROADCAST_DRIVER=log CACHE_DRIVER=file FILESYSTEM_DISK=local QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync SESSION_DRIVER=file SESSION_LIFETIME=120 MEMCACHED_HOST= REDIS_HOST= REDIS_PASSWORD=null REDIS_PORT=6379 MAIL_MAILER=smtp MAIL_HOST=mailpit MAIL_PORT=1025 MAIL_USERNAME=null MAIL_PASSWORD=null MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS="" MAIL_FROM_NAME="${APP_NAME}" AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_BUCKET= AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT=false PUSHER_APP_ID= PUSHER_APP_KEY= PUSHER_APP_SECRET= PUSHER_HOST= PUSHER_PORT=443 PUSHER_SCHEME=https PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER=mt1 MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY="${PUSHER_APP_KEY}" MIX_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER="${PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER}"