FIELDS=image,id,name,brand,class,storage,fuel_type,fuel_volume,seats,top_speed,price,vendor # list of fields that should be visible on the vehicle list (comma seperated). possible fields: image,id,name,brand,class,storage,fuel_type,fuel_volume,seats,top_speed,price,vendor
DB_CONNECTION=sqlite # sqlite, mysql or postgres. sqlite is the simplest and should be more than sufficient for something this small. if you want to use something else, uncomment the lines below too.
#DB_HOST= # db host, could be an ip, a domain or a docker container
#DB_PORT=3306 # port of your db. mysql default is 3306
#DB_DATABASE=fleetCatalogue # name of your db
#DB_USERNAME=fleetCatalogue # name of the user you want to use for your db
#DB_PASSWORD=superSecureDefaultDatabasePassword # password for the db connection.