
374 lines
14 KiB

#ifndef __DRIVER_H_
#define __DRIVER_H_
#include "types.h"
#include "git.h"
#include "file.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iosfwd>
FILE *FCEUD_UTF8fopen(const char *fn, const char *mode);
inline FILE *FCEUD_UTF8fopen(const std::string &n, const char *mode) { return FCEUD_UTF8fopen(n.c_str(),mode); }
EMUFILE_FILE* FCEUD_UTF8_fstream(const char *n, const char *m);
inline EMUFILE_FILE* FCEUD_UTF8_fstream(const std::string &n, const char *m) { return FCEUD_UTF8_fstream(n.c_str(),m); }
FCEUFILE* FCEUD_OpenArchiveIndex(ArchiveScanRecord& asr, std::string& fname, int innerIndex);
FCEUFILE* FCEUD_OpenArchiveIndex(ArchiveScanRecord& asr, std::string& fname, int innerIndex, int* userCancel);
FCEUFILE* FCEUD_OpenArchive(ArchiveScanRecord& asr, std::string& fname, std::string* innerFilename);
FCEUFILE* FCEUD_OpenArchive(ArchiveScanRecord& asr, std::string& fname, std::string* innerFilename, int* userCancel);
ArchiveScanRecord FCEUD_ScanArchive(std::string fname);
//mbg 7/23/06
const char *FCEUD_GetCompilerString();
//This makes me feel dirty for some reason.
void FCEU_printf( __FCEU_PRINTF_FORMAT const char *format, ...) __FCEU_PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE( 1, 2 );
#define FCEUI_printf FCEU_printf
//Video interface
void FCEUD_SetPalette(uint8 index, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b);
void FCEUD_GetPalette(uint8 i,uint8 *r, uint8 *g, uint8 *b);
//Displays an error. Can block or not.
void FCEUD_PrintError(const char *s);
void FCEUD_Message(const char *s);
//Network interface
//Call only when a game is loaded.
int FCEUI_NetplayStart(int nlocal, int divisor);
// Call when network play needs to stop.
void FCEUI_NetplayStop(void);
//Return 0 on failure, 1 on success.
int FCEUD_SendData(void *data, uint32 len);
int FCEUD_RecvData(void *data, uint32 len);
//Display text received over the network.
void FCEUD_NetplayText(uint8 *text);
//Encode and send text over the network.
void FCEUI_NetplayText(uint8 *text);
//Called when a fatal error occurred and network play can't continue. This function
//should call FCEUI_NetplayStop() after it has deinitialized the network on the driver
void FCEUD_NetworkClose(void);
bool FCEUI_BeginWaveRecord(const char *fn);
int FCEUI_EndWaveRecord(void);
void FCEUI_ResetNES(void);
void FCEUI_PowerNES(void);
void FCEUI_NTSCDEC(void);
void FCEUI_NTSCINC(void);
void FCEUI_GetNTSCTH(int *tint, int *hue);
void FCEUI_SetNTSCTH(bool en, int tint, int hue);
void FCEUI_SetInput(int port, ESI type, void *ptr, int attrib);
void FCEUI_SetInputFC(ESIFC type, void *ptr, int attrib);
//tells the emulator whether a fourscore is attached
void FCEUI_SetInputFourscore(bool attachFourscore);
//tells whether a fourscore is attached
bool FCEUI_GetInputFourscore();
//tells whether the microphone is used
bool FCEUI_GetInputMicrophone();
void FCEUI_UseInputPreset(int preset);
//New interface functions
//0 to order screen snapshots numerically(0.png), 1 to order them file base-numerically(smb3-0.png).
//this variable isn't used at all, snap is always name-based
//void FCEUI_SetSnapName(bool a);
//0 to keep 8-sprites limitation, 1 to remove it
void FCEUI_DisableSpriteLimitation(int a);
void FCEUI_SetRenderPlanes(bool sprites, bool bg);
void FCEUI_GetRenderPlanes(bool& sprites, bool& bg);
//name=path and file to load. returns null if it failed
FCEUGI *FCEUI_LoadGame(const char *name, int OverwriteVidMode, bool silent = false);
//same as FCEUI_LoadGame, except that it can load from a tempfile.
//name is the logical path to open; archiveFilename is the archive which contains name
FCEUGI *FCEUI_LoadGameVirtual(const char *name, int OverwriteVidMode, bool silent = false);
//general purpose emulator initialization. returns true if successful
bool FCEUI_Initialize();
//Emulates a frame.
void FCEUI_Emulate(uint8 **, int32 **, int32 *, int);
//Closes currently loaded game
void FCEUI_CloseGame(void);
//Deallocates all allocated memory. Call after FCEUI_Emulate() returns.
void FCEUI_Kill(void);
//Enable/Disable game genie. a=true->enabled
void FCEUI_SetGameGenie(bool a);
//Set video system a=0 NTSC, a=1 PAL
void FCEUI_SetVidSystem(int a);
//Set variables for NTSC(0) / PAL(1) / Dendy(2)
//Dendy has PAL framerate and resolution, but ~NTSC timings, and has 50 dummy scanlines to force 50 fps
void FCEUI_SetRegion(int region, int notify = 1);
int FCEUI_GetRegion(void);
//Convenience function; returns currently emulated video system(0=NTSC, 1=PAL).
int FCEUI_GetCurrentVidSystem(int *slstart, int *slend);
/* Should be called from FCEUD_BlitScreen(). Specifies how many frames
to skip until FCEUD_BlitScreen() is called. FCEUD_BlitScreenDummy()
will be called instead of FCEUD_BlitScreen() when when a frame is skipped.
void FCEUI_FrameSkip(int x);
//First and last scanlines to render, for ntsc and pal emulation.
void FCEUI_SetRenderedLines(int ntscf, int ntscl, int palf, int pall);
//Sets the base directory(save states, snapshots, etc. are saved in directories below this directory.
void FCEUI_SetBaseDirectory(std::string const & dir);
const char *FCEUI_GetBaseDirectory(void);
bool FCEUI_GetUserPaletteAvail(void);
void FCEUI_SetUserPalette(uint8 *pal, int nEntries);
//Sets up sound code to render sound at the specified rate, in samples
//per second. Only sample rates of 44100, 48000, and 96000 are currently supported.
//If "Rate" equals 0, sound is disabled.
void FCEUI_Sound(int Rate);
void FCEUI_SetSoundVolume(uint32 volume);
void FCEUI_SetTriangleVolume(uint32 volume);
void FCEUI_SetSquare1Volume(uint32 volume);
void FCEUI_SetSquare2Volume(uint32 volume);
void FCEUI_SetNoiseVolume(uint32 volume);
void FCEUI_SetPCMVolume(uint32 volume);
void FCEUI_SetSoundQuality(int quality);
void FCEUD_SoundToggle(void);
void FCEUD_SoundVolumeAdjust(int);
int FCEUI_SelectState(int, int);
extern void FCEUI_SelectStateNext(int);
//"fname" overrides the default save state filename code if non-NULL.
void FCEUI_SaveState(const char *fname, bool display_message=true);
void FCEUI_LoadState(const char *fname, bool display_message=true);
void FCEUD_SaveStateAs(void);
void FCEUD_LoadStateFrom(void);
//at the minimum, you should call FCEUI_SetInput, FCEUI_SetInputFC, and FCEUI_SetInputFourscore
//you may also need to maintain your own internal state
void FCEUD_SetInput(bool fourscore, bool microphone, ESI port0, ESI port1, ESIFC fcexp);
void FCEUD_MovieRecordTo(void);
void FCEUD_MovieReplayFrom(void);
void FCEUD_LuaRunFrom(void);
#ifdef _S9XLUA_H
// lua engine
void TaseditorAutoFunction(void);
void TaseditorManualFunction(void);
int32 FCEUI_GetDesiredFPS(void);
void FCEUI_SaveSnapshot(void);
void FCEUI_SaveSnapshotAs(void);
void FCEU_DispMessage( __FCEU_PRINTF_FORMAT const char *format, int disppos, ...) __FCEU_PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE( 1, 3 );
#define FCEUI_DispMessage FCEU_DispMessage
int FCEUI_DecodePAR(const char *code, int *a, int *v, int *c, int *type);
int FCEUI_DecodeGG(const char *str, int *a, int *v, int *c);
int FCEUI_AddCheat(const char *name, uint32 addr, uint8 val, int compare, int type);
int FCEUI_DelCheat(uint32 which);
int FCEUI_ToggleCheat(uint32 which);
int FCEUI_GlobalToggleCheat(int global_enable);
int32 FCEUI_CheatSearchGetCount(void);
void FCEUI_CheatSearchGetRange(uint32 first, uint32 last, int (*callb)(uint32 a, uint8 last, uint8 current));
void FCEUI_CheatSearchGet(int (*callb)(uint32 a, uint8 last, uint8 current, void *data), void *data);
void FCEUI_CheatSearchBegin(void);
void FCEUI_CheatSearchEnd(int type, uint8 v1, uint8 v2);
void FCEUI_ListCheats(int (*callb)(const char *name, uint32 a, uint8 v, int compare, int s, int type, void *data), void *data);
int FCEUI_GetCheat(uint32 which, std::string *name, uint32 *a, uint8 *v, int *compare, int *s, int *type);
int FCEUI_SetCheat(uint32 which, const std::string *name, int32 a, int32 v, int compare,int s, int type);
void FCEUI_CheatSearchShowExcluded(void);
void FCEUI_CheatSearchSetCurrentAsOriginal(void);
#define FCEUIOD_ROMS 0 //Roms
#define FCEUIOD_NV 1 //NV = nonvolatile. save data.
#define FCEUIOD_STATES 2 //savestates
#define FCEUIOD_FDSROM 3 //disksys.rom
#define FCEUIOD_SNAPS 4 //screenshots
#define FCEUIOD_CHEATS 5 //cheats
#define FCEUIOD_MOVIES 6 //.fm2 files
#define FCEUIOD_MEMW 7 //memory watch fiels
#define FCEUIOD_BBOT 8 //basicbot, obsolete
#define FCEUIOD_MACRO 9 //macro files - old TASEdit v0.1 paradigm, not implemented, probably obsolete
#define FCEUIOD_INPUT 10 //input presets
#define FCEUIOD_LUA 11 //lua scripts
#define FCEUIOD_AVI 12 //default file for avi output
#define FCEUIOD__COUNT 13 //base directory override?
void FCEUI_SetDirOverride(int which, char *n);
void FCEUI_MemDump(uint16 a, int32 len, void (*callb)(uint16 a, uint8 v));
uint8 FCEUI_MemSafePeek(uint16 A);
void FCEUI_MemPoke(uint16 a, uint8 v, int hl);
void FCEUI_NMI(void);
void FCEUI_IRQ(void);
uint16 FCEUI_Disassemble(void *XA, uint16 a, char *stringo);
void FCEUI_GetIVectors(uint16 *reset, uint16 *irq, uint16 *nmi);
uint32 FCEUI_CRC32(uint32 crc, uint8 *buf, uint32 len);
void FCEUI_SetLowPass(int q);
void FCEUI_NSFSetVis(int mode);
int FCEUI_NSFChange(int amount);
int FCEUI_NSFGetInfo(uint8 *name, uint8 *artist, uint8 *copyright, int maxlen);
void FCEUI_VSUniToggleDIPView(void);
void FCEUI_VSUniToggleDIP(int w);
uint8 FCEUI_VSUniGetDIPs(void);
void FCEUI_VSUniSetDIP(int w, int state);
void FCEUI_VSUniCoin(void);
void FCEUI_VSUniCoin2(void);
void FCEUI_VSUniService(void);
void FCEUI_FDSInsert(void); //mbg merge 7/17/06 changed to void fn(void) to make it an EMUCMDFN
//int FCEUI_FDSEject(void);
void FCEUI_FDSSelect(void);
int FCEUI_DatachSet(uint8 *rcode);
///returns a flag indicating whether emulation is paused
int FCEUI_EmulationPaused();
///returns a flag indicating whether a one frame step has been requested
int FCEUI_EmulationFrameStepped();
///clears the framestepped flag. use it after youve stepped your one frame
void FCEUI_ClearEmulationFrameStepped();
///sets the EmulationPaused flags
void FCEUI_SetEmulationPaused(int val);
///toggles the paused bit (bit0) for EmulationPaused. caused FCEUD_DebugUpdate() to fire if the emulation pauses
void FCEUI_ToggleEmulationPause();
void FCEUI_PauseForDuration(int secs);
int FCEUI_PauseFramesRemaining();
void FCEUI_SetNetPlayPause(bool value);
bool FCEUI_GetNetPlayPause();
//indicates whether input aids should be drawn (such as crosshairs, etc; usually in fullscreen mode)
bool FCEUD_ShouldDrawInputAids();
///called when the emulator closes a game
void FCEUD_OnCloseGame(void);
void FCEUI_FrameAdvance(void);
void FCEUI_FrameAdvanceEnd(void);
//AVI Output
int FCEUI_AviBegin(const char* fname);
void FCEUI_AviEnd(void);
void FCEUI_AviVideoUpdate(const unsigned char* buffer);
void FCEUI_AviSoundUpdate(void* soundData, int soundLen);
bool FCEUI_AviIsRecording();
bool FCEUI_AviEnableHUDrecording();
void FCEUI_SetAviEnableHUDrecording(bool enable);
bool FCEUI_AviDisableMovieMessages();
void FCEUI_SetAviDisableMovieMessages(bool disable);
void FCEUD_AviRecordTo(void);
void FCEUD_AviStop(void);
///A callback that the emu core uses to poll the state of a given emulator command key
typedef int TestCommandState(int cmd);
///Signals the emu core to poll for emulator commands and take actions
void FCEUI_HandleEmuCommands(TestCommandState* testfn);
//Emulation speed
void FCEUD_SetEmulationSpeed(int cmd);
void FCEUD_TurboOn(void);
void FCEUD_TurboOff(void);
void FCEUD_TurboToggle(void);
int FCEUD_ShowStatusIcon(void);
void FCEUD_ToggleStatusIcon(void);
void FCEUD_HideMenuToggle(void);
///signals the driver to perform a file open GUI operation
void FCEUD_CmdOpen(void);
//new merge-era driver routines here:
///signals that the cpu core hit a breakpoint. this function should not return until the core is ready for the next cycle
void FCEUD_DebugBreakpoint(int bp_num);
///the driver should log the current instruction, if it wants (we should move the code in the win driver that does this to the shared area)
void FCEUD_TraceInstruction(uint8 *opcode, int size);
///the driver should flush its trace log
void FCEUD_FlushTrace();
///the driver might should update its NTView (only used if debugging support is compiled in)
void FCEUD_UpdateNTView(int scanline, bool drawall);
///the driver might should update its PPUView (only used if debugging support is compiled in)
void FCEUD_UpdatePPUView(int scanline, int drawall);
///I am dissatisfied with this method of getting an option from the driver to the core. but that is what we're using for now
bool FCEUD_PauseAfterPlayback();
///called when fceu changes something in the video system you might be interested in
void FCEUD_VideoChanged();
//checks whether an EFCEUI is valid right now
bool FCEU_IsValidUI(EFCEUI ui);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
FILE *FCEUI_UTF8fopen_C(const char *n, const char *m);
#endif //__DRIVER_H_