
173 lines
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-- Super Mario Bros. 2 USA - Grids & Contents (Unfinished)
-- Super Mario Bros. 2 (U) (PRG0) [!].nes
-- Written by QFox
-- 31 July 2008
-- shows (proper!) grid and contents. disable grid by setting variable to false
-- shows any non-air grid's tile-id
-- Slow! Will be heavy on lighter systems
local angrybirdo = false; -- makes birdo freak, but can skew other creatures with timing :)
local drawgrid = true; -- draws a green grid
local function box(x1,y1,x2,y2,color)
-- gui.text(50,50,x1..","..y1.." "..x2..","..y2);
if (x1 > 0 and x1 < 0xFF and x2 > 0 and x2 < 0xFF and y1 > 0 and y1 < 239 and y2 > 0 and y2 < 239) then
local function text(x,y,str)
if (x > 0 and x < 0xFF and y > 0 and y < 240) then
local function toHexStr(n)
local meh = "%X";
return meh:format(n);
while (true) do
if (angrybirdo and memory.readbyte(0x0010) > 0x81) then memory.writebyte(0x0010, 0x6D); end; -- birdo fires eggs constantly :p
-- px = horzizontal page of current level
-- x = page x (relative to current page)
-- rx = real x (relative to whole level)
-- sx = screen x (relative to viewport)
local playerpx = memory.readbyte(0x0014);
local playerpy = memory.readbyte(0x001E);
local playerx = memory.readbyte(0x0028);
local playery = memory.readbyte(0x0032);
local playerrx = (playerpx*0xFF)+playerx;
local playerry = (playerpy*0xFF)+playery;
local playerstate = memory.readbyte(0x0050);
local screenoffsetx = memory.readbyte(0x04C0);
local screenoffsety = memory.readbyte(0x00CB);
local playersx = (playerx - screenoffsetx);
if (playersx < 0) then playersx = playersx + 0xFF; end;
local playersy = (playery - screenoffsety);
if (playersy < 0) then playersy = playersy + 0xFF; end;
if (playerstate ~= 0x07) then
box(playersx, playersy, playersx+16, playersy+16, "green");
if (memory.readbyte(0x00D8) == 0) then -- not scrolling vertically
-- show environment
-- i have playerrx, which is my real position in this level
-- i have the level, which is located at 0x6000 (the SRAM)
-- each tile (denoted by one byte) is 16x16 pixels
-- each screen is 15 tiles high and about 16 tiles wide
-- to get the right column, we add our playerrx/16 to 0x6000
-- to be exact:
-- 0x6000 + (math.floor(playerrx/16) * 0xF0) + math.mod(playerx,0x0F)
local levelstart = 0x6000; -- start of level layout in RAM
-- ok, here we have two choices. either this is a horizontal level or
-- it is a vertical level. We have no real way of checking this, but
-- luckily levels are either horizontal or vertical :)
-- so there are three possibilities
-- 1: you're in 0:0, no worries
-- 2: you're in x:0, you're in a horizontal level
-- 3: you're in 0:y, you're in a vertical level
local addleftcrap = math.mod(screenoffsetx,16)*-1; -- works as padding to keep the grid aligned
local leftsplitrx = (memory.readbyte(0x04BE)*0x100) + (screenoffsetx + addleftcrap); -- column start left. add addleftcrap to iterative stuff to build up
local addtopcrap = math.mod(screenoffsety,15); -- works as padding to keep the grid aligned
local columns = math.floor(leftsplitrx/16); -- column x of the level is on the left side of the screen
if (drawgrid) then -- print grid?
for i=0,15 do
-- text(addleftcrap+(i*16)-1, 37, toHexStr(columns+i)); -- print colnumber in each column
for j=0,17 do
box(addleftcrap+(i*16), addtopcrap+(j*16), addleftcrap+(i*16)+16, addtopcrap+(j*16)+16, "green"); -- draw green box for each cell
-- 42=mushroom if you go sub
-- 45=small
-- 44=big
-- 49=subspace
-- 6c=pow
-- 4e=cherry
local topsplitry = (screenoffsety);
-- starting page (might flow into next page). if the number of columns
-- is > 16, its a horizontal level, else its a vertical level. in either
-- case, the other will not up this value.
local levelpage =
levelstart +
((math.floor(columns/16))*0xF0) +
(memory.readbyte(0x00CA)*0x100) +
local levelcol = math.mod(columns,16); -- this is our starting column
--text(10,150,toHexStr(topsplitry).." "..toHexStr(levelcol).." "..toHexStr(levelpage+levelcol).." "..toHexStr(leftsplitrx));
for j=0,15 do -- 16 columns
if (levelcol + j > 15) then -- go to next page
levelpage = levelpage + 0xF0;
levelcol = -j;
for i=0,14 do -- 15 rows
local tile = memory.readbyte(levelpage+(levelcol+j)+(i*0x10));
if (tile ~= 0x40) then
end; -- not scrolling if
-- print some generic stats
text(2,25,"y: "..toHexStr(screenoffsety));
text(100,10,"Page: "..playerpx..","..playerpy);
-- draw enemy info
local startpx = 0x0015;
local startpy = 0x001F;
local startx = 0x0029;
local starty = 0x0033;
local drawn = 0x0051;
local type = 0x0090;
for i=0,9 do
local estate = memory.readbyte(drawn+i);
if (estate ~= 0) then
local ex = memory.readbyte(startx+i);
local epx = memory.readbyte(startpx+i);
local ey = memory.readbyte(starty+i);
local epy = memory.readbyte(startpy+i);
local erx = (epx*0xFF)+ex;
local ery = (epy*0xFF)+ey;
local esx = (ex - screenoffsetx);
if (esx < 0) then esx = esx + 0xFF; end;
local esy = (ey - screenoffsety);
if (esy < 0) then esy = esy + 0xFF; end;
--text(10, 20+(16*i), i..": "..esx.." "..erx); -- show enemy position list
-- show enemy information
if ((erx > playerrx-127) and erx < (playerrx+120)) then
--text(esx,esy,erx); -- show level x pos above enemy
local wtf = "%X";
text(esx,esy,wtf:format(memory.readbyte(type+i))); -- show enemy code
if (estate == 1 and i < 5) then
box(esx, esy, esx+16, esy+16, "red");
box(esx, esy, esx+16, esy+16, "blue");
end; -- enemy info