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<p class=rvps2><span class=rvts17>Memory Watch</span></p>
<p><span class=rvts11>Memory Watch</span></p>
<p><span class=rvts10><br></span></p>
<p><span class=rvts10>Overview</span></p>
<p><span class=rvts10><br></span></p>
<p>Memory watch is a tool designed to values of specific known memory values in the game's <a class=rvts12 href="{C652C305-E5FC-4C80-BCCD-721D9B6235EF}.htm">RAM</a>. Memory watch does not find values.&nbsp; To find useful values to monitor, see <a class=rvts12 href="{B37E7A47-E65F-4544-BDDF-39BE708BA68F}.htm">Cheats</a>, <span class=rvts12>Ram filter</span>, <a class=rvts12 href="{06F7BBD5-399E-4CA0-8E4E-75BE0ACC525A}.htm">Hex Editor</a>, and <a class=rvts12 href="{8A78E5FE-C7EB-418D-A921-F9A6782663F0}.htm">Debugger</a>.</p>
<p><span class=rvts13>Inserting Values</span></p>
<p>To display a ram value, simply type its address into one of the address fields.&nbsp; The name field allows you to put a brief description of the value.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>
<p><span class=rvts14>Prefixes</span></p>
<p>You must put in the hexi-decimal value of the address,&nbsp; but the value will be displayed will be decimal by default.</p>
<p>To display the value in hex, use a prefix of "x" (such as x00FD).&nbsp; </p>
<p>Use the prefix "!" to display a 2 byte value. </p>
<p>Use a prefix of "X" to watch a 2 byte value in hex.</p>
<p><span class=rvts14>Saving/Loading Watch files</span></p>
<p>You can save your addresses into watch files, as well as loading previous files using the standard save,load,new options in the File menu.</p>
<p>FCEUX uses the /memw folder by default but you can specify a new default folder in the <a class=rvts12 href="{D6DDB3DB-500D-4DCE-8D48-10A67F896057}.htm">Directory Override</a> menu.</p>
<p><span class=rvts14>Options Menu</span></p>
<p>If you select <span class=rvts15>Load on Start up</span>, Memory watch will load up automatically when FCEU is started. </p>
<p>If you select <span class=rvts15>Load Last File on Start up</span>, the most recent file in the Recent folder will be loaded when memory watch is loaded.</p>
<p>If you select <span class=rvts15>Collapse to 1 Column </span>(or press the right arrow button on the bottom left of the dialog), the memory watch dialog is reduced to just 1 column.</p>
<p><span class=rvts13>Frozen Memory Addresses</span></p>
<p>If one of the watched addresses is frozen by the <a class=rvts12 href="{B37E7A47-E65F-4544-BDDF-39BE708BA68F}.htm">cheats dialog</a> or the <a class=rvts12 href="{06F7BBD5-399E-4CA0-8E4E-75BE0ACC525A}.htm">hex editor</a>, it will display blue in the memory watch dialog.</p>
<p><span class=rvts10>Memory Change Monitor</span></p>
<p>The bottom of the memory watch dialog displays a memory change monitoring section.&nbsp; This monitors the 1st two values of each memory watch column.&nbsp; Rather than monitoring the value itself, this monitors the value's behavior.&nbsp; </p>
<p>The address being monitored is under the address column.</p>
<p>The Formula drop down box shows which criteria the change monitoring is using.</p>
<p>The count value displays how many times the value has changed based on the criteria.</p>
<p>Reset will reset the count to 0.</p>
<p><span class=rvts16>Usage Example:</span></p>
<p>As an example of the memory change monitoring, Let's say we are recording a movie of the game Super C and want to keep track of when the game lags.</p>
<p>The ram address 001C functions as a "lag flag".&nbsp; It will remain 0, then change to a positive value on a frame that the game lags.</p>
<p>We could put 001C in one of the 1st two memory watch edit boxes.&nbsp; Then set the corresponding formula in the memory change monitoring to "&gt; then" (greater than).&nbsp; Now the count will show us how many lag frames occur in the movie.</p>
<p class=rvps3><span class=rvts18>2008</span></p>
<p class=rvps4><span class=rvts19>This help file has been generated by the freeware version of </span><a class=rvts20 href="http://www.ibe-software.com/products/software/helpndoc/" target="_blank">HelpNDoc</a></p>