--Exciting Bike - Speedometer --Written by XKeeper --Shows the speedometer (obviously) require("x_functions"); if not x_requires then -- Sanity check. If they require a newer version, let them know. timer = 1; while (true) do timer = timer + 1; for i = 0, 32 do gui.drawbox( 6, 28 + i, 250, 92 - i, "#000000"); end; gui.text( 10, 32, string.format("This Lua script requires the x_functions library.")); gui.text( 53, 42, string.format("It appears you do not have it.")); gui.text( 39, 58, "Please get the x_functions library at"); gui.text( 14, 69, "http://xkeeper.shacknet.nu/"); gui.text(114, 78, "emu/nes/lua/x_functions.lua"); warningboxcolor = string.format("%02X", math.floor(math.abs(30 - math.fmod(timer, 60)) / 30 * 0xFF)); gui.drawbox(7, 29, 249, 91, "#ff" .. warningboxcolor .. warningboxcolor); FCEU.frameadvance(); end; else x_requires(4); end; function gameloop() end; gui.register(gameloop); barcolors = {}; barcolors[0] = "#000000"; barcolors[1] = "#880000"; barcolors[2] = "#ff0000"; barcolors[3] = "#eeee00"; barcolors[4] = "#00ff00"; barcolors[5] = "#00ffff"; barcolors[6] = "#0000ff"; barcolors[7] = "#ff00ff"; barcolors[8] = "#ffffff"; barcolors[9] = "#123456"; lastvalue = {}; justblinked = {}; lastzero = {}; timer = 0; speed = 0; while (true) do timer = timer + 1; lastvalue['speed'] = speed; speed = memory.readbyte(0x0094) * 0x100 + memory.readbyte(0x0090); positionx = memory.readbyte(0x0050) * 0x100 + memory.readbyte(0x0394); timerspeed = 3 - memory.readbyte(0x004c); timerslant = math.max(0, memory.readbyte(0x0026) - 1); if memory.readbyte(0x0303) ~= 0x8E then text(255, 181, "Didn't advance this frame"); end; speedadj1 = math.fmod(speed, 0x100); speedadj2 = math.fmod(math.floor(speed / 0x100), #barcolors + 1); speedadj3 = math.fmod(speedadj2 + 1, #barcolors + 1); lifebar( 61, 11, 100, 4, speedadj1, 0x100, barcolors[speedadj3], barcolors[speedadj2], "#000000", "#ffffff"); text( 0, 4 + 6, string.format("Speed: %4X", speed)); text( 1, 4 + 14, string.format("S.Chg: %4d", speed - lastvalue['speed'])); text( 20, 222, " 2009 Xkeeper - http://jul.rustedlogic.net/ "); line( 21, 231, 232, 231, "#000000"); FCEU.frameadvance(); end;