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Games such as SD Kiji Blader, Ganbare Goemon Gaiden, and Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2, Jajamaru Gekimadden are now playable<br> Fixes for mappers 253 & 226 - fixes games such as Fire Emblem (J) and Fire Emblem Gaiden (J)<br> Fix crashing on game loading for any battery backed roms with mappers from MapInitTab (fixes Esper Dream 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai (J) <br> FDS - show name of missing bios file in error message<br> NewPPU - fixed sprite hit before 255 and for non transparent hits only, thanks to dwedit for providing the fix<br> .fm2 file format header now has an FDS flag<br> <h2>SDL</h2> A GUI! A graphic user interface (using GTK) with many basic menu options<br> ported to SDL 1.3; compatibility maintained with 1.2<br> unix netplay is now functional; gtk network gui created<br> now prints the name of the mapper on ROM load<br> fixed dpad/joyhat support<br> VS unisystem keys now configable<br> changed default hotkeys and keys to match win32<br> disallow --inputcfg gamepad0 and gamepad5<br> <h2>Win32</h2> Made savestate backups optional (config - enable - backup savestates)<br> Made savestate compression togglable (config - enable - compress savestates)<br> Cheats dialog - Pause while active checkbox<br> Cheats dialog - Toggling a cheat in the cheats list now updates the active cheats count<br> Debugger - added an auto-load feature<br> Debugger - Fix so it doesn't crash if unminimized with no game loaded <br> Closing minimized windows no longer moves them the next time they get opened<br> Lua console - added a menu <br> Lua console - filename updates when lua scripts are dragged to emulator or recent filenames invoked<br> Name Table Viewer - Fix for use with New PPU<br> Trace Logger - Trace logger now logs the values of the stack pointer register<br> If a .fm2 file is drag and dropped with no ROM load, the open ROM dialog will appear <br> disable movie messages menu item<br> Added more window positions bounds checks. Accounts for -32000 positions and less out-of-range too<br> TASEdit - Added interface functionality (save/load, running TASEdit mid-movie, etc.)<br> <h2>Lua</h2> New lua functions: gui.parsecolor(), joypad.getup(), joypad.getdown(), emu.emulating()<br> Change gui.line, gui.box, joypad.get to function consistently with other lua emulators such as GENS rerecording<br> fixed zapper.read() to read movie data if a movie is playing. Also changed the struct values to x,y,fire. This breaks lua scripts that used it previous, sorry<br> gui.text() now has out of bounds checking<br> Lua no longer unpauses the emulator when a script is loaded<br> </div> <div id="footer"> <a href="home.html">Home</a> | <a href="download.html">Download</a> | <a href="documentation.html">Documentation</a> | <a href="version.html"> Version History</a> | <a href="contact.html">Contact</a> | <a href="links.html">Links</a> <br/>We are in no way affiliated or endorsed by Nintendo or Nintendo of America. "Nintendo" is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. <br/>©2009 adelikat </div> </div> </body> </html>