#!/usr/bin/python # gfceu - Graphical launcher for FCE Ultra. # Designed on Ubuntu, with platfrom independence in mind. version = "0.6.1svn" title = "gfceux" # Copyright (C) 2006 Lukas Sabota ## """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ # # # # # # # # # Python imports import sys import os import pickle import shutil from optparse import OptionParser from subprocess import Popen # # # # # # # # # Messaging Functions def gfceu_print(text, use_gtk=False): """ gfceu_print() This function prints messages to the user. This is generally used for status messages. If a GTK message_box is requried, the use_gtk flag can be enabled. """ print text if use_gtk: msgbox = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=None, flags=0, type=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE) msgbox.set_markup(text) msgbox.run() msgbox.destroy() def gfceu_error(message, code, use_gtk=True, fatal=True): """ gfceu_error() Presents the user with an error message and optionally quits the program. """ print title + ' error code '+str(code)+': ' + message if use_gtk: msgbox = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=None, flags=0, type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE) msgbox.set_markup(title + ' ERROR Code '+str(code)+':\n'+message) msgbox.run() msgbox.destroy() if fatal: sys.exit(code) # # # # # # # # # Import libraries try: import pytgtk pygtk.require("2.12") except: pass try: import gtk except ImportError: gfceu_error('The PyGTK libraries cannot be found.\n\ Ensure that PyGTK (>=2.12) is installed on this system.\n\ On Debian based systems (like Ubuntu), try this command:\n\ sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 libgtk2.0-0', 1, False) try: import gnomevfs have_gnomevfs = True except ImportError: gfceu_error('The gnomevfs libraries cannot be found.\n\ To enable ROM loading over the network, ensure that gnomevfs is installed on\ this system.\n\ On Debian based systems (like Ubuntu), try this command:\n\ sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 libgnomevfs2-0', 5, False, False) have_gnomevfs = False # # # # # # # # # GFCEU Functions class game_options: # sound sound_check = True soundq_check = True soundrate_entry = "11000" # video fullscreen_check = False xscale_spin = 2 yscale_spin = 2 bpp_combo = 32 extra_entry = '' romfile = '' opengl_check = False # network join_radio = False join_add = '' join_port = 4046 join_pass = '' host_radio = False host_port = 4046 host_pass = '' no_network_radio = True network_rom = False def load_options(): global options, optionsfile try: ifile = file(optionsfile, 'r') options = pickle.load(ifile) pickle.load(ifile) except: return ifile.close() def save_options(): global options, optionsfile, appconfigdir ofile = file(optionsfile, 'w') pickle.dump(options, ofile) ofile.close() def give_widgets(): """ give_widgets() This function takes data from the options struct and relays it to the GTK window """ global xml, options try: widgets.get_object("rom_entry").set_text(options.romfile) # sound widgets.get_object("sound_check").set_active(options.sound_check) widgets.get_object("soundq_check").set_active(options.soundq_check) widgets.get_object("soundrate_entry").set_text(options.soundrate_entry) widgets.get_object("fullscreen_check").set_active(options.fullscreen_check) widgets.get_object("opengl_check").set_active(options.opengl_check) widgets.get_object("xscale_spin").set_value(options.xscale_spin) widgets.get_object("yscale_spin").set_value(options.yscale_spin) widgets.get_object("extra_entry").set_text(options.extra_entry) # Usability point: # Users will probably not want to remember their previous network setting. # Users may accidently be connecting to a remote server/hosting a game when # they were unaware. # No network is being set by default widgets.get_object("no_network_radio").set_active(True) widgets.get_object("join_add").set_text(options.join_add) widgets.get_object("join_port").set_value(float(options.join_port)) widgets.get_object("join_pass").set_text(options.join_pass) widgets.get_object("host_port").set_value(float(options.host_port)) widgets.get_object("host_pass").set_text(options.host_pass) except: # When new widgets are added, old pickle files might break. options = game_options() give_widgets() def setup_environment (): """ Configures the environment if this is the first time the application has been run. For instance, it checks for the options file and creates it if it doesn't exist. It also converts between the old version and the new version of this application, which stores the options file in a separate directory. """ global appconfigdir, optionsfile if not os.path.exists(appconfigdir): # this is the first time the application is run. # create the directory gfceu_print("Creating application settings directory") os.mkdir(appconfigdir) def set_options(): """ set_options() This function grabs all of the data from the GTK widgets and stores it in the options object. """ global xml options.romfile = widgets.get_object("rom_entry").get_text() # sound options.sound_check = widgets.get_object("sound_check").get_active() options.soundq_check = widgets.get_object("soundq_check").get_active() options.soundrate_entry = widgets.get_object("soundrate_entry").get_text() # video options.fullscreen_check = widgets.get_object("fullscreen_check").get_active() options.opengl_check = widgets.get_object("opengl_check").get_active() options.xscale_spin = widgets.get_object("xscale_spin").get_value() options.yscale_spin = widgets.get_object("yscale_spin").get_value() options.extra_entry = widgets.get_object("extra_entry").get_text() options.join_radio = widgets.get_object("join_radio").get_active() options.host_radio = widgets.get_object("host_radio").get_active() options.no_network_radio = widgets.get_object("no_network_radio").get_active() options.join_add = widgets.get_object("join_add").get_text() options.join_port = widgets.get_object("join_port").get_value() options.join_pass = widgets.get_object("join_pass").get_text() options.host_port = widgets.get_object("host_port").get_value() options.host_pass = widgets.get_object("host_pass").get_text() def launch(rom_name, local=False): global xml, options, fceu_server_binary, fceux_binary set_options() sound_options = '' if options.sound_check: sound_options += '--sound 1 ' else: sound_options += '--sound 0 ' if options.soundq_check: sound_options += '--soundq 1 ' else: sound_options += '--soundq 0 ' if options.soundrate_entry: sound_options += '--soundrate ' + options.soundrate_entry + ' ' else: soundrate = ' ' # video video_options = '' if options.fullscreen_check: video_options += '--fullscreen 1 ' else: video_options += '--fullscreen 0 ' if options.opengl_check: video_options += '--opengl 1 ' else: video_options += '--opengl 0 ' video_options += ' --xscale ' + str(options.xscale_spin) video_options += ' --yscale ' + str(options.yscale_spin) video_options += ' ' # Netplay is fucked right now """ if options.join_radio: if options.join_pass == '': netpass = '' else: netpass = '--pass ' + '"' + options.join_pass + '" ' network = '-net "' + options.join_add + '"'\ ' --port '+ str(options.join_port) + ' ' + netpass else: network = '' if options.host_radio: if options.host_pass == '': netpass = ' ' else: netpass = ' --pass ' + '"' + options.host_pass + '" ' network = '--net localhost --port '+\ str(options.host_port) + netpass + ' ' if local: network = '' """ network = '' command = fceux_binary + ' ' + sound_options + video_options +\ network + options.extra_entry + ' '+ rom_name gfceu_print('Command: ' + command) # more code to disable because netplay is fucked """ if options.host_radio: xterm_binary = find_binary("xterm") if xterm_binary == None: gfceu_error("Cannot find xterm on this system. You will not \n\ be informed of server output.", 102, True, False) args = [fceu_server_binary] else: args = [xterm_binary, "-e", fceu_server_binary] args.append('--port') args.append(str(options.host_port)) if options.host_pass: args.append("--password") args.append(options.host_pass) pid = Popen(args).pid """ widgets.get_object("main_window").hide() # os.system() is a blocker, so we must force # gtk to process our events. while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration_do() os.system(command) widgets.get_object("main_window").show() # another part of netplay code """ if options.host_radio: os.kill(pid, 9) """ def find_binary(file): path = os.getenv('PATH') directories= [] directory = '' # check for '$' so last entry is processed for x in path + '$': if x != ':' and x != '$': directory = directory + x else: directories.append(directory) directory = '' for x in directories: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(x, file)): return os.path.join(x,file) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.curdir,file)): return os.path.join(os.curdir, file) return None ############################################################################## # Globals options = None appconfigdir = os.getenv('HOME') + '/.'+ title optionsfile = appconfigdir + 'gfceu_options.dat' fceux_binary = None fceu_server_binary = None class WidgetsWrapper: def __init__(self): # Search for the glade file # Check first in the directory of this script. global widgets if os.path.isfile('gfceu.xml'): glade_file = 'gfceu.xml' # Then check to see if its installed on a *nix system elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '../share/gfceu/gfceu.xml')): glade_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '../share/gfceu/gfceu.xml') else: print 'ERROR.' print 'Could not find the glade interface file.' print 'Try reinstalling the application.' sys.exit(1) try: print "Using: " + glade_file widgets = gtk.Builder() widgets.add_from_file(glade_file) widgets.connect_signals(self) except: gfceu_error("Couldn't load the glade UI file", 24) def launch_button_clicked(self, arg1): global xml global options options.romfile = widgets.get_object("rom_entry").get_text() if widgets.get_object("rom_entry").get_text() == '': gfceu_print('Please specify a ROM to open in the main tab.', True) return if options.network_rom: try: myvfs = gnomevfs.Handle(options.romfile) # FIXME # Smarter way of handling this? Copying direct error information? except gnomevfs.HostNotFoundError: gfceu_error("Remote ROM host not found.", 7, True, False) return except: gfceu_error("Failed to open the network ROM.", 6, True, False) return myfile = file('/tmp/gfceu.nes', 'wb') while 1: try: myfile.write(myvfs.read(1024)) except gnomevfs.EOFError: break except: gfceu_error("Failed to open the network ROM.", 10, True, False) return myvfs.close() myfile.close() romfile = '/tmp/gfceu.nes' else: romfile = options.romfile launch('"'+romfile+'"') def about_button_clicked(self, menuitem, data=None): global xml widgets.get_object("about_dialog").set_name('GNOME FCE Ultra '+version) widgets.get_object("about_dialog").run() widgets.get_object("about_dialog").hide() def browse_button_clicked(self, menuitem, data=None): global xml,options set_options() chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog("Open...", None, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) if have_gnomevfs: chooser.set_property("local-only", False) else: chooser.set_property("local-only", True) chooser.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) filter=gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name("NES Roms") filter.add_mime_type("application/x-nes-rom") filter.add_mime_type("application/zip") filter.add_pattern("*.nes") filter.add_pattern("*.zip") chooser.add_filter(filter) filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name("All files") filter.add_pattern("*") chooser.add_filter(filter) if options.romfile == '': folder = os.getenv('HOME') else: folder = os.path.split(options.romfile)[0] chooser.set_current_folder (folder) response = chooser.run() chooser.hide() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if chooser.get_filename(): x = chooser.get_filename() widgets.get_object("rom_entry").set_text(x) options.romfile = x options.network_rom = False elif chooser.get_uri(): x = chooser.get_uri() widgets.get_object("rom_entry").set_text(x) options.romfile = x options.network_rom = True def gamepad_clicked(self, widget, data=None): d = {'gp1_button' : '1', 'gp2_button' : '2', 'gp3_button' : '3', 'gp4_button' : '4'} command = '-inputcfg gamepad' + d[widget.name] + ' /dev/null' launch(command, True) def config_help_button_clicked(self, menuitem, data=None): msgbox = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=None, flags=0, type=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE) msgbox.set_markup("Once a gamepad is seleceted, a titlebar will be displayed\ indicating a NES button. Press the button or key you would like to have\ associated with the button indicated on the titlebar. This process\ will repeat until all buttons on the gamepad are configured.") msgbox.run() msgbox.hide() def join_radio_clicked(self, menuitem, data=None): global options widgets.get_object("join_frame").set_sensitive(True) widgets.get_object("host_frame").set_sensitive(False) options.join_radio = True options.host_radio = False options.no_network_radio = False def host_radio_clicked(self, menuitem, data=None): global fceu_server_binary if widgets.get_object("host_radio").get_active(): fceu_server_binary = find_binary('fceu-server') if fceu_server_binary == None: if os.name == 'nt': gfceu_error("The fceu server software cannot be found. \n\ Ensure that it is installed in the same directory as \n\ GFCE Ultra.", 102, True, False) else: gfceu_error("The fceu server software cannot be found on \n\ this system. Ensure that it is installed and in your path.", 101, True, False) widgets.get_object("no_network_radio").set_active(True) options.no_network_radio = True return False gfceu_print("Using: "+fceu_server_binary) widgets.get_object("join_frame").set_sensitive(False) widgets.get_object("host_frame").set_sensitive(True) options.join_radio = False options.host_radio = True options.no_network_radio = False def no_network_radio_clicked(self, menuitem, data=None): widgets.get_object("join_frame").set_sensitive(False) widgets.get_object("host_frame").set_sensitive(False) options.join_radio = False options.host_radio = False options.no_network_radio = True def end(self, menuitem, data=None): global xml, options, optionsfile set_options() save_options() gtk.main_quit() widgets = None # # # # # # # # # main if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse options fceux_binary = find_binary('fceux') parser = OptionParser(version='%prog '+ version) parser.add_option('-b', '--binary', action="store", type="string", dest="fceux_binary") parser.parse_args() if fceux_binary == None: gfceu_error('Could not find the fceu binary.\n\ Ensure that FCE Ultra is installed and in the $PATH.\n\ On Debian based systems (like Ubuntu), try the following command:\n\ sudo apt-get install fceu', 4, True) else: gfceu_print('Using: '+fceux_binary) wrap = WidgetsWrapper() widgets.get_object("main_window").show_all() setup_environment() options = game_options() load_options() give_widgets() try: gtk.main() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0)