/* FCE Ultra - NES/Famicom Emulator * * Copyright notice for this file: * Copyright (C) 1998 BERO * Copyright (C) 2003 Xodnizel * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include "types.h" #include "x6502.h" #include "fceu.h" #include "ppu.h" #include "nsf.h" #include "sound.h" #include "general.h" #include "endian.h" #include "memory.h" #include "cart.h" #include "palette.h" #include "state.h" #include "video.h" #include "input.h" #define VBlankON (PPU[0]&0x80) /* Generate VBlank NMI */ #define Sprite16 (PPU[0]&0x20) /* Sprites 8x16/8x8 */ #define BGAdrHI (PPU[0]&0x10) /* BG pattern adr $0000/$1000 */ #define SpAdrHI (PPU[0]&0x08) /* Sprite pattern adr $0000/$1000 */ #define INC32 (PPU[0]&0x04) /* auto increment 1/32 */ #define SpriteON (PPU[1]&0x10) /* Show Sprite */ #define ScreenON (PPU[1]&0x08) /* Show screen */ #define PPU_status (PPU[2]) #define Pal (PALRAM) static void FetchSpriteData(void); static void FASTAPASS(1) RefreshLine(int lastpixel); static void RefreshSprites(void); static void CopySprites(uint8 *target); static void Fixit1(void); static uint32 ppulut1[256]; static uint32 ppulut2[256]; static uint32 ppulut3[128]; static void makeppulut(void) { int x; int y; for(x=0;x<256;x++) { ppulut1[x]=0; for(y=0;y<8;y++) ppulut1[x]|=((x>>(7-y))&1)<<(y*4); ppulut2[x]=ppulut1[x]<<1; } { int cc,xo,pixel; for(cc=0;cc<16;cc++) { for(xo=0;xo<8;xo++) { ppulut3[xo|(cc<<3)]=0; for(pixel=0;pixel<8;pixel++) { int shiftr; shiftr=(pixel+xo)/8; shiftr*=2; ppulut3[xo|(cc<<3)]|=(( cc>>shiftr )&3)<<(2+pixel*4); } // printf("%08x\n",ppulut3[xo|(cc<<3)]); } } } } static int ppudead=1; static int kook=0; int fceuindbg=0; int MMC5Hack=0; uint32 MMC5HackVROMMask=0; uint8 *MMC5HackExNTARAMPtr=0; uint8 *MMC5HackVROMPTR=0; uint8 MMC5HackCHRMode=0; uint8 MMC5HackSPMode=0; uint8 MMC5HackSPScroll=0; uint8 MMC5HackSPPage=0; uint8 VRAMBuffer=0,PPUGenLatch=0; uint8 *vnapage[4]; uint8 PPUNTARAM=0; uint8 PPUCHRRAM=0; /* Color deemphasis emulation. Joy... */ static uint8 deemp=0; static int deempcnt[8]; void (*GameHBIRQHook)(void), (*GameHBIRQHook2)(void); void FP_FASTAPASS(1) (*PPU_hook)(uint32 A); uint8 vtoggle=0; uint8 XOffset=0; uint32 TempAddr=0,RefreshAddr=0; static int maxsprites=8; /* scanline is equal to the current visible scanline we're on. */ int scanline; static uint32 scanlines_per_frame; uint8 PPU[4]; uint8 PPUSPL; uint8 NTARAM[0x800],PALRAM[0x20],SPRAM[0x100],SPRBUF[0x100]; #define MMC5SPRVRAMADR(V) &MMC5SPRVPage[(V)>>10][(V)] #define MMC5BGVRAMADR(V) &MMC5BGVPage[(V)>>10][(V)] #define VRAMADR(V) &VPage[(V)>>10][(V)] static DECLFR(A2002) { uint8 ret; FCEUPPU_LineUpdate(); ret = PPU_status; ret|=PPUGenLatch&0x1F; #ifdef FCEUDEF_DEBUGGER if(!fceuindbg) #endif { vtoggle=0; PPU_status&=0x7F; PPUGenLatch=ret; } return ret; } static DECLFR(A200x) /* Not correct for $2004 reads. */ { FCEUPPU_LineUpdate(); return PPUGenLatch; } /* static DECLFR(A2004) { uint8 ret; FCEUPPU_LineUpdate(); ret = SPRAM[PPU[3]]; if(PPUSPL>=8) { if(PPU[3]>=8) ret = SPRAM[PPU[3]]; } else { //printf("$%02x:$%02x\n",PPUSPL,V); ret = SPRAM[PPUSPL]; } PPU[3]++; PPUSPL++; PPUGenLatch = ret; printf("%d, %02x\n",scanline,ret); return(ret); } */ static DECLFR(A2007) { uint8 ret; uint32 tmp=RefreshAddr&0x3FFF; FCEUPPU_LineUpdate(); ret=VRAMBuffer; #ifdef FCEUDEF_DEBUGGER if(!fceuindbg) #endif { if(PPU_hook) PPU_hook(tmp); PPUGenLatch=VRAMBuffer; if(tmp<0x2000) { VRAMBuffer=VPage[tmp>>10][tmp]; } else { VRAMBuffer=vnapage[(tmp>>10)&0x3][tmp&0x3FF]; } } #ifdef FCEUDEF_DEBUGGER if(!fceuindbg) #endif { if(INC32) RefreshAddr+=32; else RefreshAddr++; if(PPU_hook) PPU_hook(RefreshAddr&0x3fff); } return ret; } static DECLFW(B2000) { // FCEU_printf("%04x:%02x, (%d) %02x, %02x\n",A,V,scanline,PPU[0],PPU_status); FCEUPPU_LineUpdate(); PPUGenLatch=V; if(!(PPU[0]&0x80) && (V&0x80) && (PPU_status&0x80)) { // FCEU_printf("Trigger NMI, %d, %d\n",timestamp,ppudead); TriggerNMI2(); } PPU[0]=V; TempAddr&=0xF3FF; TempAddr|=(V&3)<<10; } static DECLFW(B2001) { //printf("%04x:$%02x, %d\n",A,V,scanline); FCEUPPU_LineUpdate(); PPUGenLatch=V; PPU[1]=V; if(V&0xE0) deemp=V>>5; } static DECLFW(B2002) { PPUGenLatch=V; } static DECLFW(B2003) { //printf("$%04x:$%02x, %d, %d\n",A,V,timestamp,scanline); PPUGenLatch=V; PPU[3]=V; PPUSPL=V&0x7; } static DECLFW(B2004) { //printf("Wr: %04x:$%02x\n",A,V); PPUGenLatch=V; if(PPUSPL>=8) { if(PPU[3]>=8) SPRAM[PPU[3]]=V; } else { //printf("$%02x:$%02x\n",PPUSPL,V); SPRAM[PPUSPL]=V; } PPU[3]++; PPUSPL++; } static DECLFW(B2005) { uint32 tmp=TempAddr; FCEUPPU_LineUpdate(); PPUGenLatch=V; if(!vtoggle) { tmp&=0xFFE0; tmp|=V>>3; XOffset=V&7; } else { tmp&=0x8C1F; tmp|=((V&~0x7)<<2); tmp|=(V&7)<<12; } TempAddr=tmp; vtoggle^=1; } static DECLFW(B2006) { FCEUPPU_LineUpdate(); PPUGenLatch=V; if(!vtoggle) { TempAddr&=0x00FF; TempAddr|=(V&0x3f)<<8; } else { TempAddr&=0xFF00; TempAddr|=V; RefreshAddr=TempAddr; if(PPU_hook) PPU_hook(RefreshAddr); //printf("%d, %04x\n",scanline,RefreshAddr); } vtoggle^=1; } static DECLFW(B2007) { uint32 tmp=RefreshAddr&0x3FFF; PPUGenLatch=V; if(tmp>=0x3F00) { // hmmm.... if(!(tmp&0xf)) PALRAM[0x00]=PALRAM[0x04]=PALRAM[0x08]=PALRAM[0x0C]=V&0x3F; else if(tmp&3) PALRAM[(tmp&0x1f)]=V&0x3f; } else if(tmp<0x2000) { if(PPUCHRRAM&(1<<(tmp>>10))) VPage[tmp>>10][tmp]=V; } else { if(PPUNTARAM&(1<<((tmp&0xF00)>>10))) vnapage[((tmp&0xF00)>>10)][tmp&0x3FF]=V; } // FCEU_printf("ppu (%04x) %04x:%04x %d, %d\n",X.PC,RefreshAddr,PPUGenLatch,scanline,timestamp); if(INC32) RefreshAddr+=32; else RefreshAddr++; if(PPU_hook) PPU_hook(RefreshAddr&0x3fff); } static DECLFW(B4014) { uint32 t=V<<8; int x; for(x=0;x<256;x++) X6502_DMW(0x2004,X6502_DMR(t+x)); } #define PAL(c) ((c)+cc) #define GETLASTPIXEL (PAL?((timestamp*48-linestartts)/15) : ((timestamp*48-linestartts)>>4) ) static uint8 *Pline,*Plinef; static int firsttile; static int linestartts; static int tofix=0; static void ResetRL(uint8 *target) { memset(target,0xFF,256); if(InputScanlineHook) InputScanlineHook(0,0,0,0); Plinef=target; Pline=target; firsttile=0; linestartts=timestamp*48+X.count; tofix=0; FCEUPPU_LineUpdate(); tofix=1; } static uint8 sprlinebuf[256+8]; void FCEUPPU_LineUpdate(void) { #ifdef FCEUDEF_DEBUGGER if(!fceuindbg) #endif if(Pline) { int l=GETLASTPIXEL; RefreshLine(l); } } static int tileview=0; static int rendis = 0; void FCEUI_ToggleTileView(void) { tileview^=1; } void FCEUI_SetRenderDisable(int sprites, int bg) { //printf("%d, %d\n",sprites,bg); if(sprites >= 0) { if(sprites == 2) rendis ^= 1; else rendis = (rendis &~1) | sprites?1:0; } if(bg >= 0) { if(bg == 2) rendis ^= 2; else rendis = (rendis &~2) | bg?2:0; } } /* static void TileView(void) { uint8 *P=XBuf+16*256; int bgh; int y; int X1; for(bgh=0;bgh<2;bgh++) for(y=0;y<16*8;y++) for(P=XBuf+bgh*128+(16+y)*256,X1=16;X1;X1--,P+=8) { uint8 *C; register uint8 cc; uint32 vadr; vadr=((((16-X1)|((y>>3)<<4))<<4)|(y&7))+bgh*0x1000; //C= ROM+vadr+turt*8192; C = VRAMADR(vadr); //if((vadr+turt*8192)>=524288) //printf("%d ",vadr+turt*8192); cc=0; //#include "pputile.h" } } */ static void CheckSpriteHit(int p); static void EndRL(void) { RefreshLine(272); if(tofix) Fixit1(); CheckSpriteHit(272); Pline=0; } static int32 sphitx; static uint8 sphitdata; static void CheckSpriteHit(int p) { int l=p-16; int x; if(sphitx==0x100) return; for(x=sphitx;x<(sphitx+8) && x>(x-sphitx))) && !(Plinef[x]&64)) { PPU_status|=0x40; //printf("Ha: %d, %d, Hita: %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",p,p&~7,scanline,GETLASTPIXEL-16,&Plinef[x],Pline,Pline-Plinef); //printf("%d\n",GETLASTPIXEL-16); //if(Plinef[x] == 0xFF) //printf("PL: %d, %02x\n",scanline, Plinef[x]); sphitx=0x100; break; } } } static int spork=0; /* spork the world. Any sprites on this line? Then this will be set to 1. Needed for zapper emulation and *gasp* sprite emulation. */ // lasttile is really "second to last tile." static void FASTAPASS(1) RefreshLine(int lastpixel) { static uint32 pshift[2]; static uint32 atlatch; uint32 smorkus=RefreshAddr; #define RefreshAddr smorkus uint32 vofs; int X1; register uint8 *P=Pline; int lasttile=lastpixel>>3; int numtiles; static int norecurse=0; /* Yeah, recursion would be bad. PPU_hook() functions can call mirroring/chr bank switching functions, which call FCEUPPU_LineUpdate, which call this function. */ if(norecurse) return; if(sphitx != 0x100 && !(PPU_status&0x40)) { if((sphitx < (lastpixel-16)) && !(sphitx < ((lasttile - 2)*8))) { //printf("OK: %d\n",scanline); lasttile++; } } if(lasttile>34) lasttile=34; numtiles=lasttile-firsttile; if(numtiles<=0) return; P=Pline; vofs=0; vofs=((PPU[0]&0x10)<<8) | ((RefreshAddr>>12)&7); if(!ScreenON && !SpriteON) { uint32 tem; tem=Pal[0]|(Pal[0]<<8)|(Pal[0]<<16)|(Pal[0]<<24); tem|=0x40404040; FCEU_dwmemset(Pline,tem,numtiles*8); P+=numtiles*8; Pline=P; firsttile=lasttile; #define TOFIXNUM (272-0x4) if(lastpixel>=TOFIXNUM && tofix) { Fixit1(); tofix=0; } if(InputScanlineHook && (lastpixel-16)>=0) { InputScanlineHook(Plinef,spork?sprlinebuf:0,linestartts,lasttile*8-16); } return; } /* Priority bits, needed for sprite emulation. */ Pal[0]|=64; Pal[4]|=64; Pal[8]|=64; Pal[0xC]|=64; /* This high-level graphics MMC5 emulation code was written for MMC5 carts in "CL" mode. It's probably not totally correct for carts in "SL" mode. */ #define PPUT_MMC5 if(MMC5Hack && geniestage!=1) { if(MMC5HackCHRMode==0 && (MMC5HackSPMode&0x80)) { int tochange=MMC5HackSPMode&0x1F; tochange-=firsttile; for(X1=firsttile;X10 && !(MMC5HackSPMode&0x40))) { #define PPUT_MMC5SP #include "pputile.h" #undef PPUT_MMC5SP } else { #include "pputile.h" } tochange--; } } else if(MMC5HackCHRMode==1 && (MMC5HackSPMode&0x80)) { int tochange=MMC5HackSPMode&0x1F; tochange-=firsttile; #define PPUT_MMC5SP #define PPUT_MMC5CHR1 for(X1=firsttile;X10) FCEU_dwmemset(Plinef+tstart*8,tem,tcount*8); } if(lastpixel>=TOFIXNUM && tofix) { //puts("Fixed"); Fixit1(); tofix=0; } //CheckSpriteHit(lasttile*8); //lasttile*8); //lastpixel); CheckSpriteHit(lastpixel); /* This only works right because of a hack earlier in this function. */ if(InputScanlineHook && (lastpixel-16)>=0) { InputScanlineHook(Plinef,spork?sprlinebuf:0,linestartts,lasttile*8-16); } Pline=P; firsttile=lasttile; } static INLINE void Fixit2(void) { if(ScreenON || SpriteON) { uint32 rad=RefreshAddr; rad&=0xFBE0; rad|=TempAddr&0x041f; RefreshAddr=rad; //PPU_hook(RefreshAddr); //PPU_hook(RefreshAddr,-1); } } static void Fixit1(void) { if(ScreenON || SpriteON) { uint32 rad=RefreshAddr; if((rad&0x7000)==0x7000) { rad^=0x7000; if((rad&0x3E0)==0x3A0) { rad^=0x3A0; rad^=0x800; } else { if((rad&0x3E0)==0x3e0) rad^=0x3e0; else rad+=0x20; } } else rad+=0x1000; RefreshAddr=rad; //PPU_hook(RefreshAddr); //,-1); } } void MMC5_hb(int); /* Ugh ugh ugh. */ static void DoLine(void) { int x; uint8 *target=XBuf+(scanline<<8); if(MMC5Hack && (ScreenON || SpriteON)) MMC5_hb(scanline); X6502_Run(256); EndRL(); if(rendis & 2) /* User asked to not display background data. */ { uint32 tem; tem=Pal[0]|(Pal[0]<<8)|(Pal[0]<<16)|(Pal[0]<<24); tem|=0x40404040; FCEU_dwmemset(target,tem,256); } if(SpriteON) CopySprites(target); if(ScreenON || SpriteON) // Yes, very el-cheapo. { if(PPU[1]&0x01) { for(x=63;x>=0;x--) *(uint32 *)&target[x<<2]=(*(uint32*)&target[x<<2])&0x30303030; } } if((PPU[1]>>5)==0x7) { for(x=63;x>=0;x--) *(uint32 *)&target[x<<2]=((*(uint32*)&target[x<<2])&0x3f3f3f3f)|0xc0c0c0c0; } else if(PPU[1]&0xE0) for(x=63;x>=0;x--) *(uint32 *)&target[x<<2]=(*(uint32*)&target[x<<2])|0x40404040; else for(x=63;x>=0;x--) *(uint32 *)&target[x<<2]=((*(uint32*)&target[x<<2])&0x3f3f3f3f)|0x80808080; sphitx=0x100; if(ScreenON || SpriteON) FetchSpriteData(); if(GameHBIRQHook && (ScreenON || SpriteON) && ((PPU[0]&0x38)!=0x18)) { X6502_Run(6); Fixit2(); X6502_Run(4); GameHBIRQHook(); X6502_Run(85-16-10); } else { X6502_Run(6); // Tried 65, caused problems with Slalom(maybe others) Fixit2(); X6502_Run(85-6-16); // A semi-hack for Star Trek: 25th Anniversary if(GameHBIRQHook && (ScreenON || SpriteON) && ((PPU[0]&0x38)!=0x18)) GameHBIRQHook(); } DEBUG(FCEUD_UpdateNTView(scanline,0)); if(SpriteON) RefreshSprites(); if(GameHBIRQHook2 && (ScreenON || SpriteON)) GameHBIRQHook2(); scanline++; if(scanline<240) { ResetRL(XBuf+(scanline<<8)); } X6502_Run(16); } #define V_FLIP 0x80 #define H_FLIP 0x40 #define SP_BACK 0x20 typedef struct { uint8 y,no,atr,x; } SPR; typedef struct { uint8 ca[2],atr,x; } SPRB; void FCEUI_DisableSpriteLimitation(int a) { maxsprites=a?64:8; } static uint8 numsprites,SpriteBlurp; static void FetchSpriteData(void) { uint8 ns,sb; SPR *spr; uint8 H; int n; int vofs; uint8 P0=PPU[0]; spr=(SPR *)SPRAM; H=8; ns=sb=0; vofs=(unsigned int)(P0&0x8&(((P0&0x20)^0x20)>>2))<<9; H+=(P0&0x20)>>2; if(!PPU_hook) for(n=63;n>=0;n--,spr++) { if((unsigned int)(scanline-spr->y)>=H) continue; //printf("%d, %u\n",scanline,(unsigned int)(scanline-spr->y)); if(nsy); if(Sprite16) vadr = ((spr->no&1)<<12) + ((spr->no&0xFE)<<4); else vadr = (spr->no<<4)+vofs; if(spr->atr&V_FLIP) { vadr+=7; vadr-=t; vadr+=(P0&0x20)>>1; vadr-=t&8; } else { vadr+=t; vadr+=t&8; } /* Fix this geniestage hack */ if(MMC5Hack && geniestage!=1) C = MMC5SPRVRAMADR(vadr); else C = VRAMADR(vadr); dst.ca[0]=C[0]; dst.ca[1]=C[8]; dst.x=spr->x; dst.atr=spr->atr; *(uint32 *)&SPRBUF[ns<<2]=*(uint32 *)&dst; } ns++; } else { PPU_status|=0x20; break; } } else for(n=63;n>=0;n--,spr++) { if((unsigned int)(scanline-spr->y)>=H) continue; if(nsy); if(Sprite16) vadr = ((spr->no&1)<<12) + ((spr->no&0xFE)<<4); else vadr = (spr->no<<4)+vofs; if(spr->atr&V_FLIP) { vadr+=7; vadr-=t; vadr+=(P0&0x20)>>1; vadr-=t&8; } else { vadr+=t; vadr+=t&8; } if(MMC5Hack) C = MMC5SPRVRAMADR(vadr); else C = VRAMADR(vadr); dst.ca[0]=C[0]; if(ns<8) { PPU_hook(0x2000); PPU_hook(vadr); } dst.ca[1]=C[8]; dst.x=spr->x; dst.atr=spr->atr; *(uint32 *)&SPRBUF[ns<<2]=*(uint32 *)&dst; } ns++; } else { PPU_status|=0x20; break; } } //if(ns>=7) //printf("%d %d\n",scanline,ns); if(ns>8) PPU_status|=0x20; /* Handle case when >8 sprites per scanline option is enabled. */ else if(PPU_hook) { for(n=0;n<(8-ns);n++) { PPU_hook(0x2000); PPU_hook(vofs); } } numsprites=ns; SpriteBlurp=sb; } static void RefreshSprites(void) { int n; SPRB *spr; spork=0; if(!numsprites) return; FCEU_dwmemset(sprlinebuf,0x80808080,256); numsprites--; spr = (SPRB*)SPRBUF+numsprites; for(n=numsprites;n>=0;n--,spr--) { //#ifdef C80x86 //register uint32 pixdata asm ("eax"); //register uint8 J, atr; //#else register uint32 pixdata; register uint8 J,atr; //#endif int x=spr->x; uint8 *C; uint8 *VB; pixdata=ppulut1[spr->ca[0]]|ppulut2[spr->ca[1]]; J=spr->ca[0]|spr->ca[1]; atr=spr->atr; if(J) { if(n==0 && SpriteBlurp && !(PPU_status&0x40)) { sphitx=x; sphitdata=J; if(atr&H_FLIP) sphitdata= ((J<<7)&0x80) | ((J<<5)&0x40) | ((J<<3)&0x20) | ((J<<1)&0x10) | ((J>>1)&0x08) | ((J>>3)&0x04) | ((J>>5)&0x02) | ((J>>7)&0x01); } C = sprlinebuf+x; VB = (PALRAM+0x10)+((atr&3)<<2); if(atr&SP_BACK) { if(atr&H_FLIP) { if(J&0x80) C[7]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x40) C[6]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x20) C[5]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x10) C[4]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x08) C[3]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x04) C[2]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x02) C[1]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x01) C[0]=VB[pixdata]|0x40; } else { if(J&0x80) C[0]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x40) C[1]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x20) C[2]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x10) C[3]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x08) C[4]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x04) C[5]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x02) C[6]=VB[pixdata&3]|0x40; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x01) C[7]=VB[pixdata]|0x40; } } else { if(atr&H_FLIP) { if(J&0x80) C[7]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x40) C[6]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x20) C[5]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x10) C[4]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x08) C[3]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x04) C[2]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x02) C[1]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x01) C[0]=VB[pixdata]; }else{ if(J&0x80) C[0]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x40) C[1]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x20) C[2]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x10) C[3]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x08) C[4]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x04) C[5]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x02) C[6]=VB[pixdata&3]; pixdata>>=4; if(J&0x01) C[7]=VB[pixdata]; } } } } SpriteBlurp=0; spork=1; } static void CopySprites(uint8 *target) { uint8 n=((PPU[1]&4)^4)<<1; uint8 *P=target; if(!spork) return; spork=0; if(rendis & 1) return; /* User asked to not display sprites. */ loopskie: { uint32 t=*(uint32 *)(sprlinebuf+n); if(t!=0x80808080) { #ifdef LSB_FIRST if(!(t&0x80)) { if(!(t&0x40) || (P[n]&0x40)) // Normal sprite || behind bg sprite P[n]=sprlinebuf[n]; } if(!(t&0x8000)) { if(!(t&0x4000) || (P[n+1]&0x40)) // Normal sprite || behind bg sprite P[n+1]=(sprlinebuf+1)[n]; } if(!(t&0x800000)) { if(!(t&0x400000) || (P[n+2]&0x40)) // Normal sprite || behind bg sprite P[n+2]=(sprlinebuf+2)[n]; } if(!(t&0x80000000)) { if(!(t&0x40000000) || (P[n+3]&0x40)) // Normal sprite || behind bg sprite P[n+3]=(sprlinebuf+3)[n]; } #else /* TODO: Simplify */ if(!(t&0x80000000)) { if(!(t&0x40000000)) // Normal sprite P[n]=sprlinebuf[n]; else if(P[n]&64) // behind bg sprite P[n]=sprlinebuf[n]; } if(!(t&0x800000)) { if(!(t&0x400000)) // Normal sprite P[n+1]=(sprlinebuf+1)[n]; else if(P[n+1]&64) // behind bg sprite P[n+1]=(sprlinebuf+1)[n]; } if(!(t&0x8000)) { if(!(t&0x4000)) // Normal sprite P[n+2]=(sprlinebuf+2)[n]; else if(P[n+2]&64) // behind bg sprite P[n+2]=(sprlinebuf+2)[n]; } if(!(t&0x80)) { if(!(t&0x40)) // Normal sprite P[n+3]=(sprlinebuf+3)[n]; else if(P[n+3]&64) // behind bg sprite P[n+3]=(sprlinebuf+3)[n]; } #endif } } n+=4; if(n) goto loopskie; } void FCEUPPU_SetVideoSystem(int w) { if(w) { scanlines_per_frame=312; FSettings.FirstSLine=FSettings.UsrFirstSLine[1]; FSettings.LastSLine=FSettings.UsrLastSLine[1]; } else { scanlines_per_frame=262; FSettings.FirstSLine=FSettings.UsrFirstSLine[0]; FSettings.LastSLine=FSettings.UsrLastSLine[0]; } } void FCEUPPU_Init(void) { makeppulut(); } void FCEUPPU_Reset(void) { VRAMBuffer=PPU[0]=PPU[1]=PPU_status=PPU[3]=0; PPUSPL=0; PPUGenLatch=0; RefreshAddr=TempAddr=0; vtoggle = 0; ppudead = 2; kook = 0; // XOffset=0; } void FCEUPPU_Power(void) { int x; memset(NTARAM,0x00,0x800); memset(PALRAM,0x00,0x20); memset(SPRAM,0x00,0x100); FCEUPPU_Reset(); for(x=0x2000;x<0x4000;x+=8) { ARead[x]=A200x; BWrite[x]=B2000; ARead[x+1]=A200x; BWrite[x+1]=B2001; ARead[x+2]=A2002; BWrite[x+2]=B2002; ARead[x+3]=A200x; BWrite[x+3]=B2003; ARead[x+4]=A200x; //A2004; BWrite[x+4]=B2004; ARead[x+5]=A200x; BWrite[x+5]=B2005; ARead[x+6]=A200x; BWrite[x+6]=B2006; ARead[x+7]=A2007; BWrite[x+7]=B2007; } BWrite[0x4014]=B4014; } int FCEUPPU_Loop(int skip) { if(ppudead) /* Needed for Knight Rider, possibly others. */ { memset(XBuf, 0x80, 256*240); X6502_Run(scanlines_per_frame*(256+85)); ppudead--; } else { X6502_Run(256+85); PPU_status |= 0x80; PPU[3]=PPUSPL=0; /* Not sure if this is correct. According to Matt Conte and my own tests, it is. Timing is probably off, though. NOTE: Not having this here breaks a Super Donkey Kong game. */ /* I need to figure out the true nature and length of this delay. */ X6502_Run(12); if(FCEUGameInfo->type==GIT_NSF) DoNSFFrame(); else { if(VBlankON) TriggerNMI(); } X6502_Run((scanlines_per_frame-242)*(256+85)-12); //-12); PPU_status&=0x1f; X6502_Run(256); { int x; if(ScreenON || SpriteON) { if(GameHBIRQHook && ((PPU[0]&0x38)!=0x18)) GameHBIRQHook(); if(PPU_hook) for(x=0;x<42;x++) {PPU_hook(0x2000); PPU_hook(0);} if(GameHBIRQHook2) GameHBIRQHook2(); } X6502_Run(85-16); if(ScreenON || SpriteON) { RefreshAddr=TempAddr; if(PPU_hook) PPU_hook(RefreshAddr&0x3fff); } /* Clean this stuff up later. */ spork=numsprites=0; ResetRL(XBuf); X6502_Run(16-kook); kook ^= 1; } if(FCEUGameInfo->type==GIT_NSF) X6502_Run((256+85)*240); #ifdef FRAMESKIP else if(skip) { int y; y=SPRAM[0]; y++; PPU_status|=0x20; // Fixes "Bee 52". Does it break anything? if(GameHBIRQHook) { X6502_Run(256); for(scanline=0;scanline<240;scanline++) { if(ScreenON || SpriteON) GameHBIRQHook(); if(scanline==y && SpriteON) PPU_status|=0x40; X6502_Run((scanline==239)?85:(256+85)); } } else if(y<240) { X6502_Run((256+85)*y); if(SpriteON) PPU_status|=0x40; // Quick and very dirty hack. X6502_Run((256+85)*(240-y)); } else X6502_Run((256+85)*240); } #endif else { int x,max,maxref; deemp=PPU[1]>>5; for(scanline=0;scanline<240;) //scanline is incremented in DoLine. Evil. :/ { deempcnt[deemp]++; DEBUG(FCEUD_UpdatePPUView(scanline, 1)); DoLine(); } if(MMC5Hack && (ScreenON || SpriteON)) MMC5_hb(scanline); for(x=1,max=0,maxref=0;x<7;x++) { if(deempcnt[x]>max) { max=deempcnt[x]; maxref=x; } deempcnt[x]=0; } //FCEU_DispMessage("%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x %d",deempcnt[0],deempcnt[1],deempcnt[2],deempcnt[3],deempcnt[4],deempcnt[5],deempcnt[6],deempcnt[7],maxref); //memset(deempcnt,0,sizeof(deempcnt)); SetNESDeemph(maxref,0); } } /* else... to if(ppudead) */ #ifdef FRAMESKIP if(skip) { FCEU_PutImageDummy(); return(0); } else #endif { //if(tileview) TileView(); FCEU_PutImage(); return(1); } } static uint16 TempAddrT,RefreshAddrT; void FCEUPPU_LoadState(int version) { TempAddr=TempAddrT; RefreshAddr=RefreshAddrT; } SFORMAT FCEUPPU_STATEINFO[]={ { NTARAM, 0x800, "NTAR"}, { PALRAM, 0x20, "PRAM"}, { SPRAM, 0x100, "SPRA"}, { PPU, 0x4, "PPUR"}, { &kook, 1, "KOOK"}, { &ppudead, 1, "DEAD"}, { &PPUSPL, 1, "PSPL"}, { &XOffset, 1, "XOFF"}, { &vtoggle, 1, "VTOG"}, { &RefreshAddrT, 2|FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "RADD"}, { &TempAddrT, 2|FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "TADD"}, { &VRAMBuffer, 1, "VBUF"}, { &PPUGenLatch, 1, "PGEN"}, { 0 } }; void FCEUPPU_SaveState(void) { TempAddrT=TempAddr; RefreshAddrT=RefreshAddr; }