
Video Configuration

This window sets various graphics emulation options.

Full Screen Settings

Full Screen

If checked, FCEUX will enter full screen mode when it is loaded.

Enter Full Screen Mode after file is loaded

If checked, FCEUX will only enter full screen mode when a game is loaded.

Video Mode:

Sets the image size while in full mode.  If custom is selected, FCEUX will use the settings under "Custom Video Mode".

Sync Method:

If the emulator is running poorly, trying out these sync options can help make it run smoother.

Disable Hardware Acceleration

If full screen is causing problems, checking this might fix it.

Custom Video Mode


Sets the image size during full screen mode, if custom is selected under Full Screen Settings.

Image Size Transform

Special Scaler

Within this box is four options: Hq2x, Scale2x, Hq3x, and Scale3x.

- Scale2x/3x just attempts to render out the corners of the pixels to make them look a bit rounder. "2x" means two times bigger than 1x1 and "3x" means three times bigger than 1x1.

- Hq2x/3x does a much better job than scale2x/3x by smearing the pixels together with a slight blur. However, Hq2x/3x requires a faster computer for decent speed (at least 1 GHz and above). "2x" means two times bigger than 1x1 and "3x" means three times bigger than 1x1.

Scale Dimensions by:

Takes the image size and multiplies the x and y by a specific amount.

Stretch to Fill Screen

Stretches the image to fill the screen during full screen mode. (may not be the best choice depending on your screen size).

Windowed Settings

Size Multiplier

Takes the image size and multiples the x and y by a specific amount.  You can also set these by clicking and dragging the FCEUX window.

Force Integral Scaling Factors

If checked,  FCEUX can only be stretched by even amounts (1x, 2x, 3x, etc.).  If unchecked, it can be stretched by any amount.

Force Aspect Ratio Correction

If Integral Scaling Factors is unchecked, checking this will only allow the correct aspect ratio while stretching the window.

Current Pixel Aspect Ratio

Displays the current Aspect Ratio

Sync Method

If the emulator is running poorly, trying out these sync options can help make it run smoother.

Disable Hardware Acceleration

This is checked by default.  Slower computers my experience slow emulation and should uncheck this option.  The video will be blurred somewhat with this option checked.

Drawing Area

First Line

Sets the first scan line for NTSC and PAL Modes.  This should be left on the default of 8.

Last Line

Sets the last scan line for NTSC and PAL Modes.  This should be left on the default of 231.

Clip Left and Right Sides (8 columns each)

If enabled, 8 pixels from each side of the windows will be removed.  Who knows why you would want to!


Allow More than 8 sprites per scanline.

On real NES hardware, more than 8 sprites on the screen causes flickering.  Enabling this can cause less flickering by allowing more sprites to be visible at once.  If you prefer to say "true" to NES hardware, this should not be checked.


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