<pre> 02 November 2008 FCEUX 2.0.3 release We have been trying to address issues which are holding back adoption of FCEUX for both the SDL and windows builds. emulator: bug: fix fcm conversion, recording, and playback of reset and power commands bug: prevent excessively long movie filenames bug: SF [ 2085437 ] should fix issues with missing author field in fcm convert crashing fceux bug: fix savestate recovery code which prevented aborted savestate loads from recovering emulator state correctly. bug: gracefully handle non-convertible broken utf-8 text without crashing enh: permit user optionally to proceed through the movie savestate mismatch error condition, in case he knows what he is doing. enh: Adding an experimental (optional and undocumented) new PPU. Slow, but more precise in some ways. Contact developers if you think you need more precision sdl: bug: fixed issue where windowed mode would always be set to 32 bpp bug: SF [ 2062823 ] fixed ppc build errors and added LSB_FIRST option to build scripts bug: SF [ 2057008 ] lua is now optional, thanks shinydoofy for a patch. also fixed some build issues. bug: SF [ 2008437 ] fixed an issue where flawed movie would crash fceux on every startup enh: added support for AVI creation for SDL, see documention/Videolog.txt for more enh: toggle lag frame counter for SDL, default hotkey F8 enh: toggle skipping of lag frames for SDL, default hotkey F6 enh: made the input config window more usable enh: --inputcfg can now be used without a filename enh: SF [ 2179829 ] user ability to toggle "bind savestates to movie" added for SDL, default hotkey F2 enh: SF [ 2047057 ] added uninstall script for gfceux windows: bug: SF [ 2073113 ] Child windows inside debugging window get invalid sizes bug: Sound config dialog will now look to see if Mute Turbo should be checked bug: hex editor find dialog does not reopen (fixed) bug: SF [ 2058942 ] Load state as... does not use the savestate override dir (fixed; now, it does) bug: fix problem where replay dialog couldnt work when the process current directory had changed to something other than emulator base directory bug: fix issue where keyboard keys get stuck when switching between debugger window and main window enh: added a toggle for binding savestates to movies enh: added -cfg (config file) command line argument enh: add maximize button to debugger window enh: bind a menu option for display framecounter enh: autoload the only useful rom or movie from an archive, in cases where there is only one enh: don't read every archive file when scanning for replay dialog. scan them, and only look for *.fm2 emulua: bug: SF [ 2153843 ] Lua ignores second joypad.set() enh: add execute timeout functions useful for lua contests