What's New? 2.2.2

Released -- 23 September 2013

The 2.2.2 release fixes a number of emulation bugs and adds many new features, most of which are related to debugging and reverse engineering.


  • Properly savestate NSF files
  • "Auto-resume old play session" now also works with NSFs


  • Fixed mappers 178, 28, 53, 154, 43, 253, 19, 2
  • Mapper 012 - added hardware dip for language select
  • UNIF PEC-586 - fixed render, added 512K cartridges suppport
  • Fixed UNIF 8157, UNIF T-262, UNIF DANCE2000
  • Palette RAM reading fix for Old PPU
  • Bring some improvements to New PPU from BizHawk, fix vtoggle5/6 back to vtoggle
  • Fixed mmc5 savestates


  • Fix wrong frequency calculation in sound.get() function

New Lua functions:

  • tobitstring()
  • memory.readword()
  • memory.readwordsigned()
  • debugger.hitbreakpoint()
  • debugger.getcyclescount()
  • debugger.getinstructionscount()
  • debugger.resetcyclescount()
  • debugger.resetinstructionscount()


  • Added "Square pixels" option to Video Config
  • "TV Aspect" ratio can be customized, by default it's 4:3
  • Changed "Disable hardware acceleration" checkbox to a drop-down list with 3 options
  • Movie recording: remember last Author name when creating a new movie
  • Movie recording: added ability to record "Insert coin" command (for VS games)
  • When no script is currently running, Shift+L loads the most recent Lua script
  • Dynamic link to lua51.dll instead of static linking, because some external libraries might crash without lua51.dll
  • Updated 7z.dll to v9.22
  • A couple of fixes which deal with "multiple ROMs in a single archive" case
  • Auto-disable "Game Genie ROM" feature when no "gg.rom" file is found
  • Fixed "Single Instance Mode"

TAS Editor

  • Comply with Lua movie.rerecordcounting() setting
  • Fixed workflow with "Auto-adjust Input according to Lag" disabled


  • Smart scrolling up/down by whole instructions - ported from an obscure version of FCEUXD 1.1
  • Scrolling maintains relative position of the ">" pointer inside the Disassembly window
  • Highlight PC pointer line when a breakpoint is hit
  • debuggerFontSize can be specified in fceux.cfg
  • Fixed storing and loading .deb files when working with archived ROMs
  • Fixed Cycles counter reset when loading an earlier savestate
  • Added Symbolic Debug naming by right-clicking any address or name
  • Symbolic names behave the same way as usual addresses
  • Newly created Bookmarks inherit existing symbolic name by default
  • Added CDL data column to the left from Disassembly, to distinguish executed branches of code from not executed
  • Added 'T' condition for breakpoints (it checks the bank of the accessed data, see docs)

Trace Logger

  • The dialog window can be resized
  • Do not clear window log when stopping the logging
  • Added "Log Cycles count" and "Log Instructions count" options
  • Added Symbolic Debug naming by right-clicking any address or name
  • Clicking any address select the address
  • Double-clicking any address brings Debugger at the address
  • Added mouse wheel support
  • Only output "from $XXXX" when the subroutine was called by JSR

PPU Viewer

  • Added "Mask unused graphics" feature (needs Code/Data Logger running)
  • Fixed window layout when using big fonts

Hex Editor

  • Added "Highlighting" submenu and "Highlight Activity" feature
  • Added Symbolic Debug naming by right-clicking any address
  • Specify Data bank condition when adding a Breakpoint by context menu
  • Fixed bugs when saving files while working with ROMs in archives
  • hexeditorFontSize can be specified in fceux.cfg

RAM Search/RAM Watch

  • Added "Hex Editor" button to RAM Search (right-clicking an address works as well)
  • Fixed RAM Watch bug when contents of old .wch file were mixed with the newly saved data


  • "--periodicsaves" command line option
  • "--4buttonexit" command line option
  • "--loadstate X" and "--savestate X" command line options
  • Added Unity desktop support
  • Added otion to use system-provided LUA library instead of statically linked LUA
  • Fix issue where battery backup save was not being saved when using "Quit" hotkey
  • Fixed bug where FCEUX would take exclusive grab of input in windowed mode when resuming from pause

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