#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "emufile.h" #include "version.h" #include "types.h" #include "utils/endian.h" #include "palette.h" #include "input.h" #include "fceu.h" #include "netplay.h" #include "driver.h" #include "state.h" #include "file.h" #include "video.h" #include "movie.h" #include "fds.h" #ifdef _S9XLUA_H #include "fceulua.h" #endif #include "utils/guid.h" #include "utils/memory.h" #include "utils/xstring.h" #include #ifdef CREATE_AVI #include "drivers/videolog/nesvideos-piece.h" #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #include "./drivers/win/common.h" #include "./drivers/win/window.h" extern void AddRecentMovieFile(const char *filename); #include "./drivers/win/taseditor.h" extern bool emulator_must_run_taseditor; #endif using namespace std; #define MOVIE_VERSION 3 extern char FileBase[]; extern bool AutoSS; //Declared in fceu.cpp, keeps track if a auto-savestate has been made std::vector subtitleFrames; //Frame numbers for subtitle messages std::vector subtitleMessages; //Messages of subtitles bool subtitlesOnAVI = false; bool autoMovieBackup = false; //Toggle that determines if movies should be backed up automatically before altering them bool freshMovie = false; //True when a movie loads, false when movie is altered. Used to determine if a movie has been altered since opening bool movieFromPoweron = true; static int _currCommand = 0; // Function declarations------------------------ //TODO - remove the synchack stuff from the replay gui and require it to be put into the fm2 file //which the user would have already converted from fcm //also cleanup the whole emulator version bullshit in replay. we dont support that old stuff anymore //todo - better error handling for the compressed savestate //todo - consider a MemoryBackedFile class.. //..a lot of work.. instead lets just read back from the current fcm //todo - could we, given a field size, over-read from an inputstream and then parse out an integer? //that would be faster than several reads, perhaps. //sometimes we accidentally produce movie stop signals while we're trying to do other things with movies.. bool suppressMovieStop=false; //----movie engine main state EMOVIEMODE movieMode = MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE; //this should not be set unless we are in MOVIEMODE_RECORD! //FILE* fpRecordingMovie = 0; EMUFILE* osRecordingMovie = NULL; int currFrameCounter; uint32 cur_input_display = 0; int pauseframe = -1; bool movie_readonly = true; int input_display = 0; int frame_display = 0; int rerecord_display = 0; bool fullSaveStateLoads = false; //Option for loading a savestates full contents in read+write mode instead of up to the frame count in the savestate (useful as a recovery option) SFORMAT FCEUMOV_STATEINFO[]={ { &currFrameCounter, 4|FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "FCNT"}, { 0 } }; char curMovieFilename[512] = {0}; MovieData currMovieData; MovieData defaultMovieData; int currRerecordCount; void MovieData::clearRecordRange(int start, int len) { for(int i=0;icommands != compareRec.commands) return false; if ((*(uint32*)&(this->joysticks)) != (*(uint32*)&(compareRec.joysticks))) return false; if (memcmp(this->zappers, compareRec.zappers, sizeof(zappers))) return false; /* if (this->joysticks != compareRec.joysticks) return false; //if new commands are ever recordable, they need to be added here if we go with this method if(this->command_reset() != compareRec.command_reset()) return false; if(this->command_power() != compareRec.command_power()) return false; if(this->command_fds_insert() != compareRec.command_fds_insert()) return false; if(this->command_fds_select() != compareRec.command_fds_select()) return false; if (this->zappers[0].x != compareRec.zappers[0].x) return false; if (this->zappers[0].y != compareRec.zappers[0].y) return false; if (this->zappers[0].zaphit != compareRec.zappers[0].zaphit) return false; if (this->zappers[0].b != compareRec.zappers[0].b) return false; if (this->zappers[0].bogo != compareRec.zappers[0].bogo) return false; if (this->zappers[1].x != compareRec.zappers[1].x) return false; if (this->zappers[1].y != compareRec.zappers[1].y) return false; if (this->zappers[1].zaphit != compareRec.zappers[1].zaphit) return false; if (this->zappers[1].b != compareRec.zappers[1].b) return false; if (this->zappers[1].bogo != compareRec.zappers[1].bogo) return false; */ return true; } void MovieRecord::Clone(MovieRecord& sourceRec) { *(uint32*)&joysticks = *(uint32*)(&(sourceRec.joysticks)); memcpy(this->zappers, sourceRec.zappers, sizeof(zappers)); this->commands = sourceRec.commands; } const char MovieRecord::mnemonics[8] = {'A','B','S','T','U','D','L','R'}; void MovieRecord::dumpJoy(EMUFILE* os, uint8 joystate) { //these are mnemonics for each joystick bit. //since we usually use the regular joypad, these will be more helpful. //but any character other than ' ' or '.' should count as a set bit //maybe other input types will need to be encoded another way.. for(int bit=7;bit>=0;bit--) { int bitmask = (1<fwrite(&mnemonic,1); else //otherwise write an unset bit write8le('.',os); } } void MovieRecord::parseJoy(EMUFILE* is, uint8& joystate) { char buf[8]; is->fread(buf,8); joystate = 0; for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { joystate <<= 1; joystate |= ((buf[i]=='.'||buf[i]==' ')?0:1); } } void MovieRecord::parse(MovieData* md, EMUFILE* is) { //by the time we get in here, the initial pipe has already been extracted //extract the commands commands = uint32DecFromIstream(is); //*is >> commands; is->fgetc(); //eat the pipe //a special case: if fourscore is enabled, parse four gamepads if(md->fourscore) { parseJoy(is,joysticks[0]); is->fgetc(); //eat the pipe parseJoy(is,joysticks[1]); is->fgetc(); //eat the pipe parseJoy(is,joysticks[2]); is->fgetc(); //eat the pipe parseJoy(is,joysticks[3]); is->fgetc(); //eat the pipe } else { for(int port=0;port<2;port++) { if(md->ports[port] == SI_GAMEPAD) parseJoy(is, joysticks[port]); else if(md->ports[port] == SI_ZAPPER) { zappers[port].x = uint32DecFromIstream(is); zappers[port].y = uint32DecFromIstream(is); zappers[port].b = uint32DecFromIstream(is); zappers[port].bogo = uint32DecFromIstream(is); zappers[port].zaphit = uint64DecFromIstream(is); } is->fgetc(); //eat the pipe } } //(no fcexp data is logged right now) is->fgetc(); //eat the pipe //should be left at a newline } bool MovieRecord::parseBinary(MovieData* md, EMUFILE* is) { commands = (uint8)is->fgetc(); //check for eof if(is->eof()) return false; if(md->fourscore) { is->fread((char*)&joysticks,4); } else { for(int port=0;port<2;port++) { if(md->ports[port] == SI_GAMEPAD) joysticks[port] = (uint8)is->fgetc(); else if(md->ports[port] == SI_ZAPPER) { zappers[port].x = (uint8)is->fgetc(); zappers[port].y = (uint8)is->fgetc(); zappers[port].b = (uint8)is->fgetc(); zappers[port].bogo = (uint8)is->fgetc(); read64le(&zappers[port].zaphit,is); } } } return true; } void MovieRecord::dumpBinary(MovieData* md, EMUFILE* os, int index) { write8le(commands,os); if(md->fourscore) { for(int i=0;i<4;i++) os->fwrite(&joysticks[i],sizeof(joysticks[i])); } else { for(int port=0;port<2;port++) { if(md->ports[port] == SI_GAMEPAD) os->fwrite(&joysticks[port],sizeof(joysticks[port])); else if(md->ports[port] == SI_ZAPPER) { write8le(zappers[port].x,os); write8le(zappers[port].y,os); write8le(zappers[port].b,os); write8le(zappers[port].bogo,os); write64le(zappers[port].zaphit, os); } } } } void MovieRecord::dump(MovieData* md, EMUFILE* os, int index) { //dump the misc commands //*os << '|' << setw(1) << (int)commands; os->fputc('|'); putdec(os,commands); //a special case: if fourscore is enabled, dump four gamepads if(md->fourscore) { os->fputc('|'); dumpJoy(os,joysticks[0]); os->fputc('|'); dumpJoy(os,joysticks[1]); os->fputc('|'); dumpJoy(os,joysticks[2]); os->fputc('|'); dumpJoy(os,joysticks[3]); os->fputc('|'); } else { for(int port=0;port<2;port++) { os->fputc('|'); if(md->ports[port] == SI_GAMEPAD) dumpJoy(os, joysticks[port]); else if(md->ports[port] == SI_ZAPPER) { putdec(os,zappers[port].x); os->fputc(' '); putdec(os,zappers[port].y); os->fputc(' '); putdec(os,zappers[port].b); os->fputc(' '); putdec(os,zappers[port].bogo); os->fputc(' '); putdec(os,zappers[port].zaphit); } } os->fputc('|'); } //(no fcexp data is logged right now) os->fputc('|'); //each frame is on a new line os->fputc('\n'); } MovieData::MovieData() : version(MOVIE_VERSION) , emuVersion(FCEU_VERSION_NUMERIC) , palFlag(false) , PPUflag(false) , rerecordCount(0) , binaryFlag(false) , loadFrameCount(-1) , microphone(false) { memset(&romChecksum,0,sizeof(MD5DATA)); } void MovieData::truncateAt(int frame) { records.resize(frame); } void MovieData::installValue(std::string& key, std::string& val) { //todo - use another config system, or drive this from a little data structure. because this is gross if(key == "FDS") installInt(val,fds); else if(key == "NewPPU") installBool(val,PPUflag); else if(key == "version") installInt(val,version); else if(key == "emuVersion") installInt(val,emuVersion); else if(key == "rerecordCount") installInt(val,rerecordCount); else if(key == "palFlag") installBool(val,palFlag); else if(key == "romFilename") romFilename = val; else if(key == "romChecksum") StringToBytes(val,&romChecksum,MD5DATA::size); else if(key == "guid") guid = FCEU_Guid::fromString(val); else if(key == "fourscore") installBool(val,fourscore); else if(key == "microphone") installBool(val,microphone); else if(key == "port0") installInt(val,ports[0]); else if(key == "port1") installInt(val,ports[1]); else if(key == "port2") installInt(val,ports[2]); else if(key == "binary") installBool(val,binaryFlag); else if(key == "comment") comments.push_back(mbstowcs(val)); else if (key == "subtitle") subtitles.push_back(val); //mbstowcs(val)); else if(key == "savestate") { int len = Base64StringToBytesLength(val); if(len == -1) len = HexStringToBytesLength(val); // wasn't base64, try hex if(len >= 1) { savestate.resize(len); StringToBytes(val,&savestate[0],len); // decodes either base64 or hex } } else if (key == "length") { installInt(val, loadFrameCount); } } int MovieData::dump(EMUFILE *os, bool binary) { int start = os->ftell(); os->fprintf("version %d\n", version); os->fprintf("emuVersion %d\n", emuVersion); os->fprintf("rerecordCount %d\n", rerecordCount); os->fprintf("palFlag %d\n" , (palFlag?1:0) ); os->fprintf("romFilename %s\n" , romFilename.c_str() ); os->fprintf("romChecksum %s\n" , BytesToString(romChecksum.data,MD5DATA::size).c_str() ); os->fprintf("guid %s\n" , guid.toString().c_str() ); os->fprintf("fourscore %d\n" , (fourscore?1:0) ); os->fprintf("microphone %d\n" , (microphone?1:0) ); os->fprintf("port0 %d\n" , ports[0] ); os->fprintf("port1 %d\n" , ports[1] ); os->fprintf("port2 %d\n" , ports[2] ); os->fprintf("FDS %d\n" , fds?1:0 ); os->fprintf("NewPPU %d\n" , PPUflag?1:0 ); for(uint32 i=0;ifprintf("comment %s\n" , wcstombs(comments[i]).c_str() ); for(uint32 i=0;ifprintf("subtitle %s\n" , subtitles[i].c_str() ); if(binary) os->fprintf("binary 1\n" ); if(savestate.size()) os->fprintf("savestate %s\n" , BytesToString(&savestate[0],savestate.size()).c_str() ); if (this->loadFrameCount >= 0) os->fprintf("length %d\n" , this->loadFrameCount); if(binary) { //put one | to start the binary dump os->fputc('|'); for(int i=0;i<(int)records.size();i++) records[i].dumpBinary(this, os, i); } else { for(int i=0;i<(int)records.size();i++) records[i].dump(this, os, i); } int end = os->ftell(); return end-start; } int FCEUMOV_GetFrame(void) { return currFrameCounter; } int FCEUI_GetLagCount(void) { return lagCounter; } bool FCEUI_GetLagged(void) { if (lagFlag) return true; else return false; } bool FCEUMOV_ShouldPause(void) { if(pauseframe && currFrameCounter+1 == pauseframe) { pauseframe = 0; return true; } else { return false; } } EMOVIEMODE FCEUMOV_Mode() { return movieMode; } bool FCEUMOV_Mode(EMOVIEMODE modemask) { return (movieMode&modemask)!=0; } bool FCEUMOV_Mode(int modemask) { return FCEUMOV_Mode((EMOVIEMODE)modemask); } static void LoadFM2_binarychunk(MovieData& movieData, EMUFILE* fp, int size) { int recordsize = 1; //1 for the command if(movieData.fourscore) recordsize += 4; //4 joysticks else { for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { switch(movieData.ports[i]) { case SI_GAMEPAD: recordsize++; break; case SI_ZAPPER: recordsize+=12; break; } } } //find out how much remains in the file int curr = fp->ftell(); fp->fseek(0,SEEK_END); int end = fp->ftell(); int flen = end-curr; fp->fseek(curr,SEEK_SET); //the amount todo is the min of the limiting size we received and the remaining contents of the file int todo = std::min(size, flen); int numRecords = todo/recordsize; if (movieData.loadFrameCount!=-1 && movieData.loadFrameCountftell(); if (!stopAfterHeader) { // first, look for an fcm signature char fcmbuf[3]; fp->fread(fcmbuf,3); fp->fseek(curr,SEEK_SET); if(!strncmp(fcmbuf,"FCM",3)) { FCEU_PrintError("FCM File format is no longer supported. Please use Tools > Convert FCM"); return false; } } //movie must start with "version 3" char buf[9]; curr = fp->ftell(); fp->fread(buf,9); fp->fseek(curr,SEEK_SET); if(fp->fail()) return false; if(memcmp(buf,"version 3",9)) return false; std::string key,value; enum { NEWLINE, KEY, SEPARATOR, VALUE, RECORD, COMMENT, SUBTITLE } state = NEWLINE; bool bail = false; bool iswhitespace, isrecchar, isnewline; int c; for(;;) { if(size--<=0) goto bail; c = fp->fgetc(); if(c == -1) goto bail; iswhitespace = (c==' '||c=='\t'); isrecchar = (c=='|'); isnewline = (c==10||c==13); if(isrecchar && movieData.binaryFlag && !stopAfterHeader) { LoadFM2_binarychunk(movieData, fp, size); return true; } else if (isnewline && movieData.loadFrameCount == movieData.records.size()) // exit prematurely if loaded the specified amound of records return true; switch(state) { case NEWLINE: if(isnewline) goto done; if(iswhitespace) goto done; if(isrecchar) goto dorecord; //must be a key key = ""; value = ""; goto dokey; break; case RECORD: { dorecord: if (stopAfterHeader) return true; int currcount = movieData.records.size(); movieData.records.resize(currcount+1); int preparse = fp->ftell(); movieData.records[currcount].parse(&movieData, fp); int postparse = fp->ftell(); size -= (postparse-preparse); state = NEWLINE; break; } case KEY: dokey: //dookie state = KEY; if(iswhitespace) goto doseparator; if(isnewline) goto commit; key += c; break; case SEPARATOR: doseparator: state = SEPARATOR; if(isnewline) goto commit; if(!iswhitespace) goto dovalue; break; case VALUE: dovalue: state = VALUE; if(isnewline) goto commit; value += c; } goto done; bail: bail = true; if(state == VALUE) goto commit; goto done; commit: movieData.installValue(key,value); state = NEWLINE; done: ; if(bail) break; } return true; } /// Stop movie playback. static void StopPlayback() { FCEU_DispMessageOnMovie("Movie playback stopped."); movieMode = MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE; } // Stop movie playback without closing the movie. static void FinishPlayback() { extern int closeFinishedMovie; if (closeFinishedMovie) StopPlayback(); else { FCEU_DispMessage("Movie finished playing.",0); movieMode = MOVIEMODE_FINISHED; } } static void closeRecordingMovie() { if(osRecordingMovie) { delete osRecordingMovie; osRecordingMovie = 0; } } /// Stop movie recording static void StopRecording() { FCEU_DispMessage("Movie recording stopped.",0); movieMode = MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE; closeRecordingMovie(); } void FCEUI_StopMovie() { if(suppressMovieStop) return; if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_FINISHED) StopPlayback(); else if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD) StopRecording(); curMovieFilename[0] = 0; //No longer a current movie filename freshMovie = false; //No longer a fresh movie loaded if (bindSavestate) AutoSS = false; //If bind movies to savestates is true, then there is no longer a valid auto-save to load #ifdef WIN32 SetMainWindowText(); #endif } void poweron(bool shouldDisableBatteryLoading) { //// make a for-movie-recording power-on clear the game's save data, too //extern char lastLoadedGameName [2048]; //extern int disableBatteryLoading, suppressAddPowerCommand; //suppressAddPowerCommand=1; //if(shouldDisableBatteryLoading) disableBatteryLoading=1; //suppressMovieStop=true; //{ // //we need to save the pause state through this process // int oldPaused = EmulationPaused; // // NOTE: this will NOT write an FCEUNPCMD_POWER into the movie file // FCEUGI* gi = FCEUI_LoadGame(lastLoadedGameName, 0); // assert(gi); // PowerNES(); // EmulationPaused = oldPaused; //} //suppressMovieStop=false; //if(shouldDisableBatteryLoading) disableBatteryLoading=0; //suppressAddPowerCommand=0; extern int disableBatteryLoading; disableBatteryLoading = 1; PowerNES(); disableBatteryLoading = 0; } void FCEUMOV_CreateCleanMovie() { currMovieData = MovieData(); currMovieData.palFlag = FCEUI_GetCurrentVidSystem(0,0)!=0; currMovieData.romFilename = FileBase; currMovieData.romChecksum = GameInfo->MD5; currMovieData.guid.newGuid(); currMovieData.fourscore = FCEUI_GetInputFourscore(); currMovieData.microphone = FCEUI_GetInputMicrophone(); currMovieData.ports[0] = joyports[0].type; currMovieData.ports[1] = joyports[1].type; currMovieData.ports[2] = portFC.type; currMovieData.fds = isFDS; currMovieData.PPUflag = (newppu != 0); } void FCEUMOV_ClearCommands() { _currCommand = 0; } bool FCEUMOV_FromPoweron() { return movieFromPoweron; } bool MovieData::loadSavestateFrom(std::vector* buf) { EMUFILE_MEMORY ms(buf); return FCEUSS_LoadFP(&ms,SSLOADPARAM_BACKUP); } void MovieData::dumpSavestateTo(std::vector* buf, int compressionLevel) { EMUFILE_MEMORY ms(buf); FCEUSS_SaveMS(&ms,compressionLevel); ms.trim(); } //begin playing an existing movie bool FCEUI_LoadMovie(const char *fname, bool _read_only, int _pauseframe) { if(!FCEU_IsValidUI(FCEUI_PLAYMOVIE)) return true; //adelikat: file did not fail to load, so let's return true here, just do nothing assert(fname); //mbg 6/10/08 - we used to call StopMovie here, but that cleared curMovieFilename and gave us crashes... if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_FINISHED) StopPlayback(); else if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD) StopRecording(); //-------------- currMovieData = MovieData(); strcpy(curMovieFilename, fname); FCEUFILE *fp = FCEU_fopen(fname,0,"rb",0); if (!fp) return false; if(fp->isArchive() && !_read_only) { FCEU_PrintError("Cannot open a movie in read+write from an archive."); return true; //adelikat: file did not fail to load, so return true (false is only for file not exist/unable to open errors } #ifdef WIN32 //Fix relative path if necessary and then add to the recent movie menu extern std::string BaseDirectory; string name = fname; if (IsRelativePath(fname)) { name = ConvertRelativePath(name); } AddRecentMovieFile(name.c_str()); #endif LoadFM2(currMovieData, fp->stream, fp->size, false); LoadSubtitles(currMovieData); delete fp; freshMovie = true; //Movie has been loaded, so it must be unaltered if (bindSavestate) AutoSS = false; //If bind savestate to movie is true, then their isn't a valid auto-save to load, so flag it //fully reload the game to reinitialize everything before playing any movie poweron(true); if(currMovieData.savestate.size()) { //WE NEED TO LOAD A SAVESTATE movieFromPoweron = false; bool success = MovieData::loadSavestateFrom(&currMovieData.savestate); if(!success) return true; //adelikat: I guess return true here? False is only for a bad movie filename, if it got this far the file was good? } else { movieFromPoweron = true; } //if there is no savestate, we won't have this crucial piece of information at the start of the movie. //so, we have to include it with the movie if(currMovieData.palFlag) FCEUI_SetVidSystem(1); else FCEUI_SetVidSystem(0); //force the input configuration stored in the movie to apply FCEUD_SetInput(currMovieData.fourscore, currMovieData.microphone, (ESI)currMovieData.ports[0], (ESI)currMovieData.ports[1], (ESIFC)currMovieData.ports[2]); //stuff that should only happen when we're ready to positively commit to the replay currFrameCounter = 0; pauseframe = _pauseframe; movie_readonly = _read_only; movieMode = MOVIEMODE_PLAY; currRerecordCount = currMovieData.rerecordCount; if(movie_readonly) FCEU_DispMessage("Replay started Read-Only.",0); else FCEU_DispMessage("Replay started Read+Write.",0); #ifdef WIN32 SetMainWindowText(); #endif #ifdef CREATE_AVI if(LoggingEnabled) { FCEU_DispMessage("Video recording enabled.\n",0); LoggingEnabled = 2; } #endif return true; } static void openRecordingMovie(const char* fname) { osRecordingMovie = FCEUD_UTF8_fstream(fname, "wb"); if(!osRecordingMovie) FCEU_PrintError("Error opening movie output file: %s",fname); strcpy(curMovieFilename, fname); #ifdef WIN32 //Add to the recent movie menu AddRecentMovieFile(fname); #endif } //begin recording a new movie //TODO - BUG - the record-from-another-savestate doesnt work. void FCEUI_SaveMovie(const char *fname, EMOVIE_FLAG flags, std::wstring author) { if(!FCEU_IsValidUI(FCEUI_RECORDMOVIE)) return; assert(fname); FCEUI_StopMovie(); openRecordingMovie(fname); currFrameCounter = 0; LagCounterReset(); FCEUMOV_CreateCleanMovie(); if(author != L"") currMovieData.comments.push_back(L"author " + author); if(flags & MOVIE_FLAG_FROM_POWERON) { movieFromPoweron = true; poweron(true); } else { movieFromPoweron = false; MovieData::dumpSavestateTo(&currMovieData.savestate,Z_BEST_COMPRESSION); } FCEUMOV_ClearCommands(); //we are going to go ahead and dump the header. from now on we will only be appending frames currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false); movieMode = MOVIEMODE_RECORD; movie_readonly = false; currRerecordCount = 0; FCEU_DispMessage("Movie recording started.",0); } //the main interaction point between the emulator and the movie system. //either dumps the current joystick state or loads one state from the movie void FCEUMOV_AddInputState() { #ifdef _WIN32 if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_TASEDITOR) { // if movie length is less or equal to currFrame, pad it with empty frames if((int)currMovieData.records.size()-1 <= currFrameCounter) currMovieData.insertEmpty(-1, 2 + currFrameCounter - (int)currMovieData.records.size()); MovieRecord* mr = &currMovieData.records[currFrameCounter]; if (TaseditorIsRecording()) { // record commands and buttons mr->commands |= _currCommand; joyports[0].log(mr); joyports[1].log(mr); Taseditor_RecordInput(); } // replay buttons joyports[0].load(mr); joyports[1].load(mr); // replay commands if(mr->command_power()) PowerNES(); if(mr->command_reset()) ResetNES(); if(mr->command_fds_insert()) FCEU_FDSInsert(); if(mr->command_fds_select()) FCEU_FDSSelect(); _currCommand = 0; } else #endif if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY) { //stop when we run out of frames if(currFrameCounter >= (int)currMovieData.records.size()) { FinishPlayback(); } else { MovieRecord* mr = &currMovieData.records[currFrameCounter]; //reset and power cycle if necessary if(mr->command_power()) PowerNES(); if(mr->command_reset()) ResetNES(); if(mr->command_fds_insert()) FCEU_FDSInsert(); if(mr->command_fds_select()) FCEU_FDSSelect(); joyports[0].load(mr); joyports[1].load(mr); } //if we are on the last frame, then pause the emulator if the player requested it if(currFrameCounter == currMovieData.records.size()-1) { if(FCEUD_PauseAfterPlayback()) { FCEUI_ToggleEmulationPause(); } } //pause the movie at a specified frame if(FCEUMOV_ShouldPause() && FCEUI_EmulationPaused()==0) { FCEUI_ToggleEmulationPause(); FCEU_DispMessage("Paused at specified movie frame",0); } } else if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD) { MovieRecord mr; joyports[0].log(&mr); joyports[1].log(&mr); mr.commands = _currCommand; _currCommand = 0; //Adelikat: in normal mode, this is done at the time of loading a savestate in read+write mode //If the user chooses it can be delayed to here if (fullSaveStateLoads && (currFrameCounter < (int)currMovieData.records.size())) currMovieData.truncateAt(currFrameCounter); mr.dump(&currMovieData, osRecordingMovie,currMovieData.records.size()); // to disk currMovieData.records.push_back(mr); } currFrameCounter++; extern uint8 joy[4]; memcpy(&cur_input_display,joy,4); } //TODO void FCEUMOV_AddCommand(int cmd) { // do nothing if not recording a movie if(movieMode != MOVIEMODE_RECORD && movieMode != MOVIEMODE_TASEDITOR) return; //NOTE: EMOVIECMD matches FCEUNPCMD_RESET and FCEUNPCMD_POWER //we are lucky (well, I planned it that way) switch(cmd) { case FCEUNPCMD_FDSINSERT: cmd = MOVIECMD_FDS_INSERT; break; case FCEUNPCMD_FDSSELECT: cmd = MOVIECMD_FDS_SELECT; break; } _currCommand |= cmd; } void FCEU_DrawMovies(uint8 *XBuf) { if(frame_display) { char counterbuf[32] = {0}; int color = 0x20; if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY) sprintf(counterbuf,"%d/%d",currFrameCounter,currMovieData.records.size()); else if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD) sprintf(counterbuf,"%d",currFrameCounter); else if (movieMode == MOVIEMODE_FINISHED) { sprintf(counterbuf,"%d/%d (finished)",currFrameCounter,currMovieData.records.size()); color = 0x17; //Show red to get attention } else if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_TASEDITOR) { sprintf(counterbuf,"%d",currFrameCounter); } else sprintf(counterbuf,"%d (no movie)",currFrameCounter); if(counterbuf[0]) DrawTextTrans(ClipSidesOffset+XBuf+FCEU_TextScanlineOffsetFromBottom(30)+1, 256, (uint8*)counterbuf, color+0x80); } if(rerecord_display && movieMode != MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE) { char counterbuf[32] = {0}; sprintf(counterbuf,"%d",currMovieData.rerecordCount); if(counterbuf[0]) DrawTextTrans(ClipSidesOffset+XBuf+FCEU_TextScanlineOffsetFromBottom(50)+1, 256, (uint8*)counterbuf, 0x28+0x80); } } void FCEU_DrawLagCounter(uint8 *XBuf) { uint8 color; if (lagFlag) color = 0x16+0x80; //If currently lagging display red else color = 0x2A+0x80; //else display green if(lagCounterDisplay) { char counterbuf[32] = {0}; sprintf(counterbuf,"%d",lagCounter); if(counterbuf[0]) DrawTextTrans(ClipSidesOffset+XBuf+FCEU_TextScanlineOffsetFromBottom(40)+1, 256, (uint8*)counterbuf, color); //0x20+0x80 } } int FCEUMOV_WriteState(EMUFILE* os) { //we are supposed to dump the movie data into the savestate if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_FINISHED) return currMovieData.dump(os, true); else return 0; } // returns int CheckTimelines(MovieData& stateMovie, MovieData& currMovie) { // end_frame = min(urrMovie.records.size(), stateMovie.records.size(), currFrameCounter) int end_frame = currMovie.records.size(); if (end_frame > (int)stateMovie.records.size()) end_frame = stateMovie.records.size(); if (end_frame > currFrameCounter) end_frame = currFrameCounter; for (int x = 0; x < end_frame; x++) { if (!stateMovie.records[x].Compare(currMovie.records[x])) return x; } // no mismatch found return -1; } static bool load_successful; bool FCEUMOV_ReadState(EMUFILE* is, uint32 size) { load_successful = false; if (!movie_readonly) { if (currMovieData.loadFrameCount >= 0) { #ifdef WIN32 int result = MessageBox(hAppWnd, "This movie is a TAS Editor project file.\nIt can be modified in TAS Editor only.\n\nOpen it in TAS Editor now?", "Movie Replay", MB_YESNO); if (result == IDYES) emulator_must_run_taseditor = true; #else FCEUI_printf("This movie is a TAS Editor project file! It can be modified in TAS Editor only.\nMovie is now Read-Only.\n"); #endif movie_readonly = true; } if (FCEU_isFileInArchive(curMovieFilename)) { //a little rule: cant load states in read+write mode with a movie from an archive. //so we are going to switch it to readonly mode in that case FCEU_PrintError("Cannot loadstate in Read+Write with movie from archive. Movie is now Read-Only."); movie_readonly = true; } } MovieData tempMovieData = MovieData(); std::ios::pos_type curr = is->ftell(); if(!LoadFM2(tempMovieData, is, size, false)) { is->fseek((uint32)curr+size,SEEK_SET); extern bool FCEU_state_loading_old_format; if(FCEU_state_loading_old_format) { if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_FINISHED) { //FCEUI_StopMovie(); //No reason to stop the movie, nothing destructive has happened yet. FCEU_PrintError("You have tried to use an old savestate while playing a movie. This is unsupported (since the old savestate has old-format movie data in it which can't be converted on the fly)"); } } return false; } //---------------- //complex TAS logic for loadstate //fully conforms to the savestate logic documented in the Laws of TAS //http://tasvideos.org/LawsOfTAS/OnSavestates.html //---------------- /* Playback or Recording + Read-only * Check that GUID of movie and savestate-movie must match or else error o on error: a message informing that the savestate doesn't belong to this movie. This is a GUID mismatch error. Give user a choice to load it anyway. + failstate: if use declines, loadstate attempt canceled, movie can resume as if not attempted if user has backup savstates enabled else stop movie * Check that movie and savestate-movie are in same timeline. If not then this is a wrong timeline error. o on error: a message informing that the savestate doesn't belong to this movie + failstate: loadstate attempt canceled, movie can resume as if not attempted if user has backup savestates enabled else stop movie * Check that savestate-movie is not greater than movie. If it's greater then this is a future event error and is not allowed in read-only o on error: message informing that the savestate is from a frame after the last frame of the movie + failstate - loadstate attempt cancelled, movie can resume if user has backup savesattes enabled, else stop movie * Check that savestate framcount <= savestate movie length. If not this is a post-movie savestate and is not allowed in read-only o on error: message informing that the savestate is from a frame after the last frame of the savestated movie + failstate - loadstate attempt cancelled, movie can resume if user has backup savesattes enabled, else stop movie * All error checks have passed, state will be loaded * Movie contained in the savestate will be discarded * Movie is now in Playback mode Playback, Recording + Read+write * Check that GUID of movie and savestate-movie must match or else error o on error: a message informing that the savestate doesn't belong to this movie. This is a GUID mismatch error. Give user a choice to load it anyway. + failstate: if use declines, loadstate attempt canceled, movie can resume as if not attempted (stop movie if resume fails)canceled, movie can resume if backup savestates enabled else stopmovie * Check that savestate framcount <= savestate movie length. If not this is a post-movie savestate o on post-movie: See post-movie event section. * savestate passed all error checks and will now be loaded in its entirety and replace movie (note: there will be no truncation yet) * current framecount will be set to savestate framecount * on the next frame of input, movie will be truncated to framecount o (note: savestate-movie can be a future event of the movie timeline, or a completely new timeline and it is still allowed) * Rerecord count of movie will be incremented * Movie is now in record mode Post-movie savestate event * Whan a savestate is loaded and is determined that the savestate-movie length is less than the savestate framecount then it is a post-movie savestate. These occur when a savestate was made during Movie Finished mode. * If read+write, the entire savestate movie will be loaded and replace current movie. * If read-only, the savestate movie will be discarded * Mode will be switched to Move Finished * Savestate will be loaded * Current framecount changes to savestate framecount * User will have control of input as if Movie inactive mode */ if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_FINISHED) { //handle moviefile mismatch if(tempMovieData.guid != currMovieData.guid) { //mbg 8/18/08 - this code can be used to turn the error message into an OK/CANCEL #ifdef WIN32 std::string msg = "There is a mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: " + currMovieData.guid.toString() + "\nsavestate: " + tempMovieData.guid.toString() + "\n\nThis means that you have loaded a savestate belonging to a different movie than the one you are playing now.\n\nContinue loading this savestate anyway?"; extern HWND pwindow; int result = MessageBox(pwindow,msg.c_str(),"Error loading savestate",MB_OKCANCEL); if(result == IDCANCEL) { if (!backupSavestates) //If backups are disabled we can just resume normally since we can't restore so stop movie and inform user { FCEU_PrintError("Unable to restore backup, movie playback stopped."); FCEUI_StopMovie(); } return false; } #else if (!backupSavestates) //If backups are disabled we can just resume normally since we can't restore so stop movie and inform user { FCEU_PrintError("Mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: %s\nsavestate: %s\nUnable to restore backup, movie playback stopped.\n",currMovieData.guid.toString().c_str(),tempMovieData.guid.toString().c_str()); FCEUI_StopMovie(); } else FCEU_PrintError("Mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: %s\nsavestate: %s\n",currMovieData.guid.toString().c_str(),tempMovieData.guid.toString().c_str()); return false; #endif } closeRecordingMovie(); if (movie_readonly) { // currFrameCounter at this point represents the savestate framecount int frame_of_mismatch = CheckTimelines(tempMovieData, currMovieData); if (frame_of_mismatch >= 0) { // Wrong timeline, do apprioriate logic here if (!backupSavestates) //If backups are disabled we can just resume normally since we can't restore so stop movie and inform user { FCEU_PrintError("Error: Savestate not in the same timeline as movie!\nFrame %d branches from current timeline\nUnable to restore backup, movie playback stopped.", frame_of_mismatch); FCEUI_StopMovie(); } else FCEU_PrintError("Error: Savestate not in the same timeline as movie!\nFrame %d branches from current timeline", frame_of_mismatch); return false; } else if (movieMode == MOVIEMODE_FINISHED && currFrameCounter > (int)currMovieData.records.size() && currMovieData.records.size() == tempMovieData.records.size()) { // special case (in MOVIEMODE_FINISHED mode) // allow loading post-movie savestates that were made after finishing current movie } else if (currFrameCounter > (int)currMovieData.records.size()) { // this is future event state, don't allow it //TODO: turn frame counter to red to get attention if (!backupSavestates) //If backups are disabled we can just resume normally since we can't restore so stop movie and inform user { FCEU_PrintError("Error: Savestate is from a frame (%d) after the final frame in the movie (%d). This is not permitted.\nUnable to restore backup, movie playback stopped.", currFrameCounter, currMovieData.records.size()-1); FCEUI_StopMovie(); } else FCEU_PrintError("Savestate is from a frame (%d) after the final frame in the movie (%d). This is not permitted.", currFrameCounter, currMovieData.records.size()-1); return false; } else if (currFrameCounter > (int)tempMovieData.records.size()) { // this is post-movie savestate, don't allow it //TODO: turn frame counter to red to get attention if (!backupSavestates) //If backups are disabled we can just resume normally since we can't restore so stop movie and inform user { FCEU_PrintError("Error: Savestate is from a frame (%d) after the final frame in the savestated movie (%d). This is not permitted.\nUnable to restore backup, movie playback stopped.", currFrameCounter, tempMovieData.records.size()-1); FCEUI_StopMovie(); } else FCEU_PrintError("Savestate is from a frame (%d) after the final frame in the savestated movie (%d). This is not permitted.", currFrameCounter, tempMovieData.records.size()-1); return false; } else { // Finally, this is a savestate file for this movie movieMode = MOVIEMODE_PLAY; } } else //Read + write { if (currFrameCounter > (int)tempMovieData.records.size()) { //This is a post movie savestate, handle it differently //Replace movie contents but then switch to movie finished mode currMovieData = tempMovieData; openRecordingMovie(curMovieFilename); currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false/*currMovieData.binaryFlag*/); FinishPlayback(); } else { //truncate before we copy, just to save some time, unless the user selects a full copy option if (!fullSaveStateLoads) tempMovieData.truncateAt(currFrameCounter); //we can only assume this here since we have checked that the frame counter is not greater than the movie data currMovieData = tempMovieData; #ifdef _S9XLUA_H if(!FCEU_LuaRerecordCountSkip()) currRerecordCount++; #else currRerecordCount++; #endif currMovieData.rerecordCount = currRerecordCount; openRecordingMovie(curMovieFilename); currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false/*currMovieData.binaryFlag*/); movieMode = MOVIEMODE_RECORD; } } } load_successful = true; return true; } void FCEUMOV_PreLoad(void) { load_successful=0; } bool FCEUMOV_PostLoad(void) { if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_TASEDITOR) return true; else return load_successful; } void FCEUI_MovieToggleFrameDisplay(void) { frame_display=!frame_display; } void FCEUI_MovieToggleRerecordDisplay() { rerecord_display ^= 1; } void FCEUI_ToggleInputDisplay(void) { switch(input_display) { case 0: input_display = 1; break; case 1: input_display = 2; break; case 2: input_display = 4; break; default: input_display = 0; break; } } int FCEUI_GetMovieLength() { return currMovieData.records.size(); } int FCEUI_GetMovieRerecordCount() { return currMovieData.rerecordCount; } bool FCEUI_GetMovieToggleReadOnly() { return movie_readonly; } void FCEUI_SetMovieToggleReadOnly(bool which) { if (which) //If set to readonly { if (!movie_readonly) //If not already set { movie_readonly = true; FCEU_DispMessage("Movie is now Read-Only.",0); } else //Else restate message FCEU_DispMessage("Movie is Read-Only.",0); } else //If set to read+write { if (movie_readonly) //If not already set { movie_readonly = false; FCEU_DispMessage("Movie is now Read+Write.",0); } else //Else restate message FCEU_DispMessage("Movie is Read+Write.",0); } } void FCEUI_MovieToggleReadOnly() { char message[260]; if(movie_readonly) strcpy(message, "Movie is now Read+Write"); else { strcpy(message, "Movie is now Read-Only"); } if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE) strcat(message, " (no movie)"); else if (movieMode == MOVIEMODE_FINISHED) strcat(message, " (finished)"); FCEU_DispMessage(message,0); movie_readonly = !movie_readonly; } void FCEUI_MoviePlayFromBeginning(void) { if (movieMode == MOVIEMODE_TASEDITOR) { #ifdef WIN32 Taseditor_EMUCMD(EMUCMD_MOVIE_PLAY_FROM_BEGINNING); #endif } else if (movieMode != MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE) { if (currMovieData.savestate.empty()) { movie_readonly=true; movieMode = MOVIEMODE_PLAY; poweron(true); currFrameCounter=0; FCEU_DispMessage("Movie is now Read-Only. Playing from beginning.",0); } else { // movie starting from savestate - reload movie file string str = curMovieFilename; FCEUI_StopMovie(); if (FCEUI_LoadMovie(str.c_str(), 1, 0)) { movieMode = MOVIEMODE_PLAY; movie_readonly = true; FCEU_DispMessage("Movie is now Read-Only. Playing from beginning.",0); } //currMovieData.loadSavestateFrom(&currMovieData.savestate); //TODO: make something like this work instead so it doesn't have to reload } } #ifdef WIN32 SetMainWindowText(); #endif } string FCEUI_GetMovieName(void) { return curMovieFilename; } bool FCEUI_MovieGetInfo(FCEUFILE* fp, MOVIE_INFO& info, bool skipFrameCount) { MovieData md; if(!LoadFM2(md, fp->stream, fp->size, skipFrameCount)) return false; info.movie_version = md.version; info.poweron = md.savestate.size()==0; info.reset = false; //Soft-reset isn't used from starting movies anymore, so this will be false, better for FCEUFILE to have that info (as |1| on the first frame indicates it info.pal = md.palFlag; info.ppuflag = md.PPUflag; info.nosynchack = true; info.num_frames = md.records.size(); info.md5_of_rom_used = md.romChecksum; info.emu_version_used = md.emuVersion; info.name_of_rom_used = md.romFilename; info.rerecord_count = md.rerecordCount; info.comments = md.comments; info.subtitles = md.subtitles; return true; } //This function creates an array of frame numbers and corresponding strings for displaying subtitles void LoadSubtitles(MovieData &moviedata) { subtitleFrames.resize(0); subtitleMessages.resize(0); extern std::vector subtitles; for(uint32 i=0; i < moviedata.subtitles.size() ; i++) { std::string& subtitle = moviedata.subtitles[i]; size_t splitat = subtitle.find_first_of(' '); std::string key, value; //If we can't split them, then don't process this one if(splitat == std::string::npos) { } //Else split the subtitle into the int and string arrays else { key = subtitle.substr(0,splitat); value = subtitle.substr(splitat+1); subtitleFrames.push_back(atoi(key.c_str())); subtitleMessages.push_back(value); } } } //Every frame, this will be called to determine if a subtitle should be displayed, which one, and then to display it void ProcessSubtitles(void) { if (movieMode == MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE) return; for(uint32 i=0;i 99) stream << "-" << backNum; //assign backNum to stream else if (backNum <=99 && backNum >= 10) stream << "-0"; //Make it 010, etc if two digits else stream << "-00" << backNum; //Make it 001, etc if single digit backupFn.append(stream.str()); //add number to bak filename backupFn.append(".bak"); //add extension exist = CheckFileExists(backupFn.c_str()); //Check if file exists if (!exist) break; //Yeah yeah, I should use a do loop or something else { backupFn = tempFn; //Before we loop again, reset the filename if (backNum == 999) //If 999 exists, we have overflowed, let's handle that { backupFn.append("-001.bak"); //We are going to simply overwrite 001.bak overflow = true; //Flag that we have exceeded limit break; //Just in case } } } FCEUI_CreateMovieFile(backupFn); //TODO, decide if fstream successfully opened the file and print error message if it doesn't if (dispMessage) //If we should inform the user { if (overflow) FCEUI_DispMessage("Backup overflow, overwriting %s",0,backupFn.c_str()); //Inform user of overflow else FCEUI_DispMessage("%s created",0,backupFn.c_str()); //Inform user of backup filename } }