/* FCE Ultra - NES/Famicom Emulator * * Copyright notice for this file: * Copyright (C) 2003 Xodnizel * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "types.h" #include "x6502.h" #include "fceu.h" #include "ppu.h" #include "sound.h" #include "netplay.h" #include "file.h" #include "utils/endian.h" #include "utils/memory.h" #include "utils/crc32.h" #include "cart.h" #include "nsf.h" #include "fds.h" #include "ines.h" #include "unif.h" #include "cheat.h" #include "palette.h" #include "state.h" #include "movie.h" #include "video.h" #include "input.h" #include "file.h" #include "vsuni.h" #include "ines.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "drivers/win/pref.h" #endif #include #include #ifdef _S9XLUA_H #include "fceulua.h" #endif //TODO - we really need some kind of global platform-specific options api #ifdef WIN32 #include "drivers/win/main.h" #include "drivers/win/cheat.h" #include "drivers/win/texthook.h" #include "drivers/win/ram_search.h" #include "drivers/win/ramwatch.h" #include "drivers/win/memwatch.h" #include "drivers/win/tracer.h" #else #include "drivers/sdl/sdl.h" #endif using namespace std; int AFon = 1, AFoff = 1, AutoFireOffset = 0; //For keeping track of autofire settings bool justLagged = false; bool frameAdvanceLagSkip = false; //If this is true, frame advance will skip over lag frame (i.e. it will emulate 2 frames instead of 1) bool AutoSS = false; //Flagged true when the first auto-savestate is made while a game is loaded, flagged false on game close bool movieSubtitles = true; //Toggle for displaying movie subtitles FCEUGI::FCEUGI() : filename(0) , archiveFilename(0) { printf("%08x",opsize); } FCEUGI::~FCEUGI() { if(filename) delete filename; if(archiveFilename) delete archiveFilename; } static void FCEU_CloseGame(void) { if(GameInfo) { #ifdef WIN32 // ################################## Start of SP CODE ########################### extern char LoadedRomFName[2048]; if (storePreferences(LoadedRomFName)) { FCEUD_PrintError("Couldn't store debugging data"); } // ################################## End of SP CODE ########################### #endif if(FCEUnetplay) { FCEUD_NetworkClose(); } if(GameInfo->name) { free(GameInfo->name); GameInfo->name=0; } if(GameInfo->type!=GIT_NSF) { FCEU_FlushGameCheats(0,0); } GameInterface(GI_CLOSE); FCEUI_StopMovie(); ResetExState(0,0); //mbg 5/9/08 - clear screen when game is closed //http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1787298&group_id=13536&atid=113536 extern uint8 *XBuf; if(XBuf) memset(XBuf,0,256*256); CloseGenie(); delete GameInfo; GameInfo = 0; //Reset frame counter currFrameCounter = 0; //Reset flags for Undo/Redo/Auto Savestating lastSavestateMade[0] = 0; undoSS = false; redoSS = false; lastLoadstateMade[0] = 0; undoLS = false; redoLS = false; AutoSS = false; } } uint64 timestampbase; FCEUGI *GameInfo = 0; void (*GameInterface)(GI h); void (*GameStateRestore)(int version); readfunc ARead[0x10000]; writefunc BWrite[0x10000]; static readfunc *AReadG; static writefunc *BWriteG; static int RWWrap=0; //mbg merge 7/18/06 docs //bit0 indicates whether emulation is paused //bit1 indicates whether emulation is in frame step mode int EmulationPaused=0; bool frameAdvanceRequested=false; int frameAdvanceDelay; //indicates that the emulation core just frame advanced (consumed the frame advance state and paused) bool JustFrameAdvanced=false; static int *AutosaveStatus; //is it safe to load Auto-savestate static int AutosaveIndex = 0; //which Auto-savestate we're on int AutosaveQty = 4; // Number of Autosaves to store int AutosaveFrequency = 256; // Number of frames between autosaves // Flag that indicates whether the Auto-save option is enabled or not int EnableAutosave = 0; ///a wrapper for unzip.c extern "C" FILE *FCEUI_UTF8fopen_C(const char *n, const char *m) { return ::FCEUD_UTF8fopen(n,m); } static DECLFW(BNull) { } static DECLFR(ANull) { return(X.DB); } int AllocGenieRW(void) { if(!(AReadG=(readfunc *)FCEU_malloc(0x8000*sizeof(readfunc)))) return 0; if(!(BWriteG=(writefunc *)FCEU_malloc(0x8000*sizeof(writefunc)))) return 0; RWWrap=1; return 1; } void FlushGenieRW(void) { int32 x; if(RWWrap) { for(x=0;x<0x8000;x++) { ARead[x+0x8000]=AReadG[x]; BWrite[x+0x8000]=BWriteG[x]; } free(AReadG); free(BWriteG); AReadG=0; BWriteG=0; RWWrap=0; } } readfunc GetReadHandler(int32 a) { if(a>=0x8000 && RWWrap) return AReadG[a-0x8000]; else return ARead[a]; } void SetReadHandler(int32 start, int32 end, readfunc func) { int32 x; if(!func) func=ANull; if(RWWrap) for(x=end;x>=start;x--) { if(x>=0x8000) AReadG[x-0x8000]=func; else ARead[x]=func; } else for(x=end;x>=start;x--) ARead[x]=func; } writefunc GetWriteHandler(int32 a) { if(RWWrap && a>=0x8000) return BWriteG[a-0x8000]; else return BWrite[a]; } void SetWriteHandler(int32 start, int32 end, writefunc func) { int32 x; if(!func) func=BNull; if(RWWrap) for(x=end;x>=start;x--) { if(x>=0x8000) BWriteG[x-0x8000]=func; else BWrite[x]=func; } else for(x=end;x>=start;x--) BWrite[x]=func; } uint8 *GameMemBlock; uint8 *RAM; //--------- //windows might need to allocate these differently, so we have some special code static void AllocBuffers() { #ifdef _USE_SHARED_MEMORY_ void win_AllocBuffers(uint8 **GameMemBlock, uint8 **RAM); win_AllocBuffers(&GameMemBlock, &RAM); #else GameMemBlock = (uint8*)FCEU_gmalloc(GAME_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE); RAM = (uint8*)FCEU_gmalloc(0x800); #endif } static void FreeBuffers() { #ifdef _USE_SHARED_MEMORY_ void win_FreeBuffers(uint8 *GameMemBlock, uint8 *RAM); win_FreeBuffers(GameMemBlock, RAM); #else FCEU_free(GameMemBlock); FCEU_free(RAM); #endif } //------ uint8 PAL=0; static DECLFW(BRAML) { RAM[A]=V; #ifdef _S9XLUA_H CallRegisteredLuaMemHook(A, 1, V, LUAMEMHOOK_WRITE); #endif } static DECLFW(BRAMH) { RAM[A&0x7FF]=V; #ifdef _S9XLUA_H CallRegisteredLuaMemHook(A&0x7FF, 1, V, LUAMEMHOOK_WRITE); #endif } static DECLFR(ARAML) { return RAM[A]; } static DECLFR(ARAMH) { return RAM[A&0x7FF]; } void ResetGameLoaded(void) { if(GameInfo) FCEU_CloseGame(); EmulationPaused = 0; //mbg 5/8/08 - loading games while paused was bad news. maybe this fixes it GameStateRestore=0; PPU_hook=0; GameHBIRQHook=0; FFCEUX_PPURead = 0; FFCEUX_PPUWrite = 0; if(GameExpSound.Kill) GameExpSound.Kill(); memset(&GameExpSound,0,sizeof(GameExpSound)); MapIRQHook=0; MMC5Hack=0; PAL&=1; pale=0; } int UNIFLoad(const char *name, FCEUFILE *fp); int iNESLoad(const char *name, FCEUFILE *fp, int OverwriteVidMode); int FDSLoad(const char *name, FCEUFILE *fp); int NSFLoad(const char *name, FCEUFILE *fp); //char lastLoadedGameName [2048] = {0,}; // hack for movie WRAM clearing on record from poweron FCEUGI *FCEUI_LoadGameVirtual(const char *name, int OverwriteVidMode) { //mbg merge 7/17/07 - why is this here //#ifdef WIN32 // StopSound(); //#endif //---------- //attempt to open the files FCEUFILE *fp; FCEU_printf("Loading %s...\n\n",name); const char* romextensions[] = {"nes","fds",0}; fp=FCEU_fopen(name,0,"rb",0,-1,romextensions); if(!fp) { return 0; } GetFileBase(fp->filename.c_str()); if(!fp) { FCEU_PrintError("Error opening \"%s\"!",name); return 0; } //--------- //file opened ok. start loading. ResetGameLoaded(); if (!AutosaveStatus) AutosaveStatus = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*AutosaveQty); for (AutosaveIndex=0; AutosaveIndexfilename = strdup(fp->filename.c_str()); if(fp->archiveFilename != "") GameInfo->archiveFilename = strdup(fp->archiveFilename.c_str()); GameInfo->archiveCount = fp->archiveCount; GameInfo->soundchan = 0; GameInfo->soundrate = 0; GameInfo->name=0; GameInfo->type=GIT_CART; GameInfo->vidsys=GIV_USER; GameInfo->input[0]=GameInfo->input[1]=SI_UNSET; GameInfo->inputfc=SIFC_UNSET; GameInfo->cspecial=SIS_NONE; //try to load each different format bool FCEUXLoad(const char *name, FCEUFILE *fp); /*if(FCEUXLoad(name,fp)) goto endlseq;*/ if(iNESLoad(name,fp,OverwriteVidMode)) goto endlseq; if(NSFLoad(name,fp)) goto endlseq; if(UNIFLoad(name,fp)) goto endlseq; if(FDSLoad(name,fp)) goto endlseq; FCEU_PrintError("An error occurred while loading the file."); FCEU_fclose(fp); delete GameInfo; GameInfo = 0; return 0; endlseq: FCEU_fclose(fp); #ifdef WIN32 // ################################## Start of SP CODE ########################### extern char LoadedRomFName[2048]; extern int loadDebugDataFailed; if ((loadDebugDataFailed = loadPreferences(LoadedRomFName))) { FCEUD_PrintError("Couldn't load debugging data"); } // ################################## End of SP CODE ########################### #endif FCEU_ResetVidSys(); if(GameInfo->type!=GIT_NSF) if(FSettings.GameGenie) OpenGenie(); PowerNES(); if(GameInfo->type!=GIT_NSF) FCEU_LoadGamePalette(); FCEU_ResetPalette(); FCEU_ResetMessages(); // Save state, status messages, etc. if(GameInfo->type!=GIT_NSF) FCEU_LoadGameCheats(0); #if defined (WIN32) || defined (WIN64) DoDebuggerDataReload(); // Reloads data without reopening window #endif return GameInfo; } FCEUGI *FCEUI_LoadGame(const char *name, int OverwriteVidMode) { return FCEUI_LoadGameVirtual(name,OverwriteVidMode); } //Return: Flag that indicates whether the function was succesful or not. bool FCEUI_Initialize() { srand(time(0)); if(!FCEU_InitVirtualVideo()) { return false; } AllocBuffers(); // Initialize some parts of the settings structure //mbg 5/7/08 - I changed the ntsc settings to match pal. //this is more for precision emulation, instead of entertainment, which is what fceux is all about nowadays memset(&FSettings,0,sizeof(FSettings)); //FSettings.UsrFirstSLine[0]=8; FSettings.UsrFirstSLine[0]=0; FSettings.UsrFirstSLine[1]=0; //FSettings.UsrLastSLine[0]=231; FSettings.UsrLastSLine[0]=239; FSettings.UsrLastSLine[1]=239; FSettings.SoundVolume=150; //0-150 scale FSettings.TriangleVolume=256; //0-256 scale (256 is max volume) FSettings.Square1Volume=256; //0-256 scale (256 is max volume) FSettings.Square2Volume=256; //0-256 scale (256 is max volume) FSettings.NoiseVolume=256; //0-256 scale (256 is max volume) FSettings.PCMVolume=256; //0-256 scale (256 is max volume) FCEUPPU_Init(); X6502_Init(); return true; } void FCEUI_Kill(void) { #ifdef _S9XLUA_H FCEU_LuaStop(); #endif FCEU_KillVirtualVideo(); FCEU_KillGenie(); FreeBuffers(); } int rapidAlternator = 0; int AutoFirePattern[8] = {1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int AutoFirePatternLength = 2; void SetAutoFirePattern(int onframes, int offframes) { int i; for(i = 0; i < onframes && i < 8; i++) { AutoFirePattern[i] = 1; } for(;i < 8; i++) { AutoFirePattern[i] = 0; } if(onframes + offframes < 2) { AutoFirePatternLength = 2; } else if(onframes + offframes > 8) { AutoFirePatternLength = 8; } else { AutoFirePatternLength = onframes + offframes; } AFon = onframes; AFoff = offframes; } void SetAutoFireOffset(int offset) { if(offset < 0 || offset > 8) return; AutoFireOffset = offset; } void AutoFire(void) { static int counter = 0; if (justLagged == false) counter = (counter + 1) % (8*7*5*3); //If recording a movie, use the frame # for the autofire so the offset //doesn't get screwed up when loading. if(FCEUMOV_Mode(MOVIEMODE_RECORD | MOVIEMODE_PLAY)) { rapidAlternator= AutoFirePattern[(AutoFireOffset + FCEUMOV_GetFrame())%AutoFirePatternLength]; } else { rapidAlternator= AutoFirePattern[(AutoFireOffset + counter)%AutoFirePatternLength]; } } void UpdateAutosave(void); ///Emulates a single frame. ///Skip may be passed in, if FRAMESKIP is #defined, to cause this to emulate more than one frame void FCEUI_Emulate(uint8 **pXBuf, int32 **SoundBuf, int32 *SoundBufSize, int skip) { //skip initiates frame skip if 1, or frame skip and sound skip if 2 int r,ssize; JustFrameAdvanced = false; if (frameAdvanceRequested) { if (frameAdvanceDelay==0 || frameAdvanceDelay>=10) EmulationPaused = 3; if (frameAdvanceDelay==0 || frameAdvanceDelay < 10) frameAdvanceDelay++; } if(EmulationPaused&2) EmulationPaused &= ~1; // clear paused flag temporarily (frame advance) else if((EmulationPaused&1)) { memcpy(XBuf, XBackBuf, 256*256); FCEU_PutImage(); *pXBuf=XBuf; *SoundBuf=WaveFinal; *SoundBufSize=0; return; } AutoFire(); UpdateAutosave(); #ifdef _S9XLUA_H FCEU_LuaFrameBoundary(); #endif FCEU_UpdateInput(); lagFlag = 1; #ifdef _S9XLUA_H CallRegisteredLuaFunctions(LUACALL_BEFOREEMULATION); #endif if(geniestage!=1) FCEU_ApplyPeriodicCheats(); r = FCEUPPU_Loop(skip); if (skip != 2) ssize=FlushEmulateSound(); //If skip = 2 we are skipping sound processing #ifdef _S9XLUA_H CallRegisteredLuaFunctions(LUACALL_AFTEREMULATION); #endif #ifdef WIN32 //These Windows only dialogs need to be updated only once per frame so they are included here UpdateCheatList(); UpdateTextHooker(); Update_RAM_Search(); // Update_RAM_Watch() is also called. RamChange(); UpdateLogWindow(); //FCEUI_AviVideoUpdate(XBuf); #endif timestampbase += timestamp; timestamp = 0; *pXBuf=skip?0:XBuf; if (skip == 2) //If skip = 2, then bypass sound { *SoundBuf=0; *SoundBufSize=0; } else { *SoundBuf=WaveFinal; *SoundBufSize=ssize; } if (EmulationPaused&2 && ( !frameAdvanceLagSkip || !lagFlag) ) //Lots of conditions here. EmulationPaused&2 must be true. In addition frameAdvanceLagSkip or lagFlag must be false { EmulationPaused = 1; // restore paused flag JustFrameAdvanced = true; #ifdef WIN32 if(soundoptions&SO_MUTEFA) //mute the frame advance if the user requested it *SoundBufSize=0; //keep sound muted #endif } currMovieData.TryDumpIncremental(); if (lagFlag) { lagCounter++; justLagged = true; } else justLagged = false; if (movieSubtitles) ProcessSubtitles(); } void FCEUI_CloseGame(void) { if(!FCEU_IsValidUI(FCEUI_CLOSEGAME)) return; FCEU_CloseGame(); } void ResetNES(void) { FCEUMOV_AddCommand(FCEUNPCMD_RESET); if(!GameInfo) return; GameInterface(GI_RESETM2); FCEUSND_Reset(); FCEUPPU_Reset(); X6502_Reset(); // clear back baffer extern uint8 *XBackBuf; memset(XBackBuf,0,256*256); } void FCEU_MemoryRand(uint8 *ptr, uint32 size) { int x=0; while(size) { *ptr=(x&4)?0xFF:0x00; x++; size--; ptr++; } } void hand(X6502 *X, int type, unsigned int A) { } int suppressAddPowerCommand=0; // hack... yeah, I know... void PowerNES(void) { //void MapperInit(); //MapperInit(); if(!suppressAddPowerCommand) FCEUMOV_AddCommand(FCEUNPCMD_POWER); if(!GameInfo) return; FCEU_CheatResetRAM(); FCEU_CheatAddRAM(2,0,RAM); GeniePower(); FCEU_MemoryRand(RAM,0x800); //memset(RAM,0xFF,0x800); SetReadHandler(0x0000,0xFFFF,ANull); SetWriteHandler(0x0000,0xFFFF,BNull); SetReadHandler(0,0x7FF,ARAML); SetWriteHandler(0,0x7FF,BRAML); SetReadHandler(0x800,0x1FFF,ARAMH); // Part of a little SetWriteHandler(0x800,0x1FFF,BRAMH); //hack for a small speed boost. InitializeInput(); FCEUSND_Power(); FCEUPPU_Power(); //Have the external game hardware "powered" after the internal NES stuff. Needed for the NSF code and VS System code. GameInterface(GI_POWER); if(GameInfo->type==GIT_VSUNI) FCEU_VSUniPower(); //if we are in a movie, then reset the saveram extern int disableBatteryLoading; if(disableBatteryLoading) GameInterface(GI_RESETSAVE); timestampbase=0; LagCounterReset(); X6502_Power(); FCEU_PowerCheats(); // clear back baffer extern uint8 *XBackBuf; memset(XBackBuf,0,256*256); } void FCEU_ResetVidSys(void) { int w; if(GameInfo->vidsys==GIV_NTSC) w=0; else if(GameInfo->vidsys==GIV_PAL) w=1; else w=FSettings.PAL; PAL=w?1:0; FCEUPPU_SetVideoSystem(w); SetSoundVariables(); } FCEUS FSettings; void FCEU_printf(char *format, ...) { char temp[2048]; va_list ap; va_start(ap,format); vsnprintf(temp,sizeof(temp),format,ap); FCEUD_Message(temp); va_end(ap); } void FCEU_PrintError(char *format, ...) { char temp[2048]; va_list ap; va_start(ap,format); vsnprintf(temp,sizeof(temp),format,ap); FCEUD_PrintError(temp); va_end(ap); } void FCEUI_SetRenderedLines(int ntscf, int ntscl, int palf, int pall) { FSettings.UsrFirstSLine[0]=ntscf; FSettings.UsrLastSLine[0]=ntscl; FSettings.UsrFirstSLine[1]=palf; FSettings.UsrLastSLine[1]=pall; if(PAL) { FSettings.FirstSLine=FSettings.UsrFirstSLine[1]; FSettings.LastSLine=FSettings.UsrLastSLine[1]; } else { FSettings.FirstSLine=FSettings.UsrFirstSLine[0]; FSettings.LastSLine=FSettings.UsrLastSLine[0]; } } void FCEUI_SetVidSystem(int a) { FSettings.PAL=a?1:0; if(GameInfo) { FCEU_ResetVidSys(); FCEU_ResetPalette(); FCEUD_VideoChanged(); } } int FCEUI_GetCurrentVidSystem(int *slstart, int *slend) { if(slstart) *slstart=FSettings.FirstSLine; if(slend) *slend=FSettings.LastSLine; return(PAL); } //Enable or disable Game Genie option. void FCEUI_SetGameGenie(bool a) { FSettings.GameGenie = a; } //this variable isn't used at all, snap is always name-based //void FCEUI_SetSnapName(bool a) //{ // FSettings.SnapName = a; //} int32 FCEUI_GetDesiredFPS(void) { if(PAL) return(838977920); // ~50.007 else return(1008307711); // ~60.1 } int FCEUI_EmulationPaused(void) { return (EmulationPaused&1); } int FCEUI_EmulationFrameStepped() { return (EmulationPaused&2); } void FCEUI_ClearEmulationFrameStepped() { EmulationPaused &=~2; } //mbg merge 7/18/06 added //ideally maybe we shouldnt be using this, but i need it for quick merging void FCEUI_SetEmulationPaused(int val) { EmulationPaused = val; } void FCEUI_ToggleEmulationPause(void) { EmulationPaused = (EmulationPaused&1)^1; } void FCEUI_FrameAdvanceEnd(void) { frameAdvanceRequested = false; } void FCEUI_FrameAdvance(void) { frameAdvanceRequested = true; frameAdvanceDelay = 0; } static int AutosaveCounter = 0; void UpdateAutosave(void) { if(!EnableAutosave) return; char * f; if(++AutosaveCounter >= AutosaveFrequency) { AutosaveCounter = 0; AutosaveIndex = (AutosaveIndex + 1) % AutosaveQty; f = strdup(FCEU_MakeFName(FCEUMKF_AUTOSTATE,AutosaveIndex,0).c_str()); FCEUSS_Save(f); AutoSS = true; //Flag that an auto-savestate was made free(f); AutosaveStatus[AutosaveIndex] = 1; } } void FCEUI_Autosave(void) { if(!EnableAutosave || !AutoSS) return; if(AutosaveStatus[AutosaveIndex] == 1) { char * f; f = strdup(FCEU_MakeFName(FCEUMKF_AUTOSTATE,AutosaveIndex,0).c_str()); FCEUSS_Load(f); free(f); //Set pointer to previous available slot if(AutosaveStatus[(AutosaveIndex + AutosaveQty-1)%AutosaveQty] == 1) { AutosaveIndex = (AutosaveIndex + AutosaveQty-1)%AutosaveQty; } //Reset time to next Auto-save AutosaveCounter = 0; } } int FCEU_TextScanlineOffset(int y) { return FSettings.FirstSLine*256; } int FCEU_TextScanlineOffsetFromBottom(int y) { return (FSettings.LastSLine-y)*256; } bool FCEU_IsValidUI(EFCEUI ui) { switch(ui) { case FCEUI_OPENGAME: case FCEUI_CLOSEGAME: if(FCEUMOV_Mode(MOVIEMODE_TASEDIT)) return false; break; case FCEUI_RECORDMOVIE: case FCEUI_PLAYMOVIE: case FCEUI_QUICKSAVE: case FCEUI_QUICKLOAD: case FCEUI_SAVESTATE: case FCEUI_LOADSTATE: case FCEUI_NEXTSAVESTATE: case FCEUI_PREVIOUSSAVESTATE: case FCEUI_VIEWSLOTS: if(!GameInfo) return false; if(FCEUMOV_Mode(MOVIEMODE_TASEDIT)) return false; break; case FCEUI_STOPMOVIE: case FCEUI_PLAYFROMBEGINNING: return FCEUMOV_Mode(MOVIEMODE_PLAY|MOVIEMODE_RECORD); case FCEUI_STOPAVI: return FCEUI_AviIsRecording(); case FCEUI_TASEDIT: if(!GameInfo) return false; break; case FCEUI_RESET: if(!GameInfo) return false; if(FCEUMOV_Mode(MOVIEMODE_TASEDIT|MOVIEMODE_PLAY)) return false; break; case FCEUI_POWER: if(!GameInfo) return false; if(FCEUMOV_Mode(MOVIEMODE_RECORD)) return true; if(!FCEUMOV_Mode(MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE)) return false; break; } return true; } //--------------------- //experimental new mapper and ppu system follows class FCEUXCart { public: int mirroring; int chrPages, prgPages; uint32 chrSize, prgSize; char* CHR, *PRG; FCEUXCart() : CHR(0) , PRG(0) {} ~FCEUXCart() { if(CHR) delete[] CHR; if(PRG) delete[] PRG; } virtual void Power() { } protected: //void SetReadHandler(int32 start, int32 end, readfunc func) { }; FCEUXCart* cart = 0; //uint8 Read_ByteFromRom(uint32 A) { // if(A>=cart->prgSize) return 0xFF; // return cart->PRG[A]; //} // //uint8 Read_Unmapped(uint32 A) { // return 0xFF; //} class NROM : FCEUXCart { public: virtual void Power() { SetReadHandler(0x8000,0xFFFF,CartBR); setprg16(0x8000,0); setprg16(0xC000,~0); setchr8(0); vnapage[0] = NTARAM; vnapage[2] = NTARAM; vnapage[1] = NTARAM+0x400; vnapage[3] = NTARAM+0x400; PPUNTARAM=0xF; } }; void FCEUXGameInterface(GI command) { switch(command) { case GI_POWER: cart->Power(); } } bool FCEUXLoad(const char *name, FCEUFILE *fp) { //read ines header iNES_HEADER head; if(FCEU_fread(&head,1,16,fp)!=16) return false; //validate header if(memcmp(&head,"NES\x1a",4)) return 0; int mapper = (head.ROM_type>>4); mapper |= (head.ROM_type2&0xF0); //choose what kind of cart to use. cart = (FCEUXCart*)new NROM(); //fceu ines loading code uses 256 here when the romsize is 0. cart->prgPages = head.ROM_size; if(cart->prgPages == 0) { printf("FCEUX: received zero prgpages\n"); cart->prgPages = 256; } cart->chrPages = head.VROM_size; cart->mirroring = (head.ROM_type&1); if(head.ROM_type&8) cart->mirroring=2; //skip trainer bool hasTrainer = (head.ROM_type&4)!=0; if(hasTrainer) { FCEU_fseek(fp,512,SEEK_CUR); } //load data cart->prgSize = cart->prgPages*16*1024; cart->chrSize = cart->chrPages*8*1024; cart->PRG = new char[cart->prgSize]; cart->CHR = new char[cart->chrSize]; FCEU_fread(cart->PRG,1,cart->prgSize,fp); FCEU_fread(cart->CHR,1,cart->chrSize,fp); //setup the emulator GameInterface=FCEUXGameInterface; ResetCartMapping(); SetupCartPRGMapping(0,(uint8*)cart->PRG,cart->prgSize,0); SetupCartCHRMapping(0,(uint8*)cart->CHR,cart->chrSize,0); return true; } uint8 FCEU_ReadRomByte(uint32 i) { extern iNES_HEADER head; if(i < 16) return *((unsigned char *)&head+i); if(i < 16+PRGsize[0])return PRGptr[0][i-16]; if(i < 16+PRGsize[0]+CHRsize[0])return CHRptr[0][i-16-PRGsize[0]]; return 0; }