What's New? 2.3.0
Released -- 14 December 2020
The 2.3.0 release includes 4 years worth of improvements and bug fixes.
- Added Mapper 111 cheapocabra
- Added Mapper 190
- Added RAM Init Options: default (00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF as always), all FF, all 00, random.
- New UNIF mappers
- Various improvements and bug fixes to pre-existing functions
- Fix parsing of lua colors over 0x80000000 on 32bits systems
- Lua write callbacks: adding optional third parameter to retrieve the value written, added Sprites.lua script to visualize sprites
New Lua functions:
- emu.exit()
- rom.getfilename()
- Various GUI improvements and bug fixes
- Added memory read/write conditional breakpoint capability.
- Added illegal opcode support for breakpoints.
- Support for 'S' register in conditional debugger breakpoints
Trace Logger
- Added bank number log option
- Fix Fixed VRAM data logging glitch
Hex Editor
- Added OAM view feature
- Bookmark fixes for all view region types
- Prevent middle mouse button from attempting to "FreezeRam" when not in RAM mode
- GUI completely rewritten using Qt5. Replaces old GTK GUI.
- New Qt GUI now contains most of the debug tools that previously only existed in windows version.
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