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<p class=rvps2><span class=rvts13>Directories</span></p>
<p><span class=rvts10>Directory Overrides</span></p>
<p>This menu sets a default directory override for various files relating to FCEU.</p>
<p><span class=rvts12>Base Directory</span></p>
<p>sets the default directory FCEU will use.&nbsp; It will be the folder that FCEU creates all the sub folders (unless they are also overridden).</p>
<p><span class=rvts12>ROMS</span></p>
<p>where FCEU will look for ROMS by default.&nbsp; (What folder will appear when selecting the Files &gt; Open...)</p>
<p><span class=rvts12>Battery Saves</span></p>
<p>where .sav files will stored and opened from.&nbsp; These files contain the battery backed SRAM used in some games (such as Dragon Warrior).</p>
<p><span class=rvts12>Save States</span></p>
<p>where .fcs (savestate) files will be stored. </p>
<p><span class=rvts12>FDS BIOS ROM</span></p>
<p>where FCEU can find disksys.rom.&nbsp; disksys.rom is a required file in order to load FDS (Famicom Disk System) games.&nbsp; If not specified, FCEUX will default to the base directory.</p>
<p><span class=rvts12>Screenshots</span></p>
<p>where screen captures (.png) files will be saved.</p>
<p><span class=rvts12>Save Screenshots as "&lt;filebase&gt;-&lt;x&gt;.png"</span></p>
<p>sets how the .png files will be named.&nbsp; Left unchecked, the file names will simply be 0.png, 1.png etc.&nbsp; Checked adds the ROM name into the file as well (such as Double Dragon 2 (U)-0.png)</p>
<p><span class=rvts12>Cheats</span></p>
<p>where .cht files will be stored.&nbsp; .cht files store the active cheats set up in <a class=rvts11 href="{B37E7A47-E65F-4544-BDDF-39BE708BA68F}.htm">Cheat Search</a>.</p>
<p><span class=rvts12>Movies</span></p>
<p>where&nbsp; .fm2 files will be saved/loaded.&nbsp; These files are the input files used in <a class=rvts11 href="{695C964E-B83F-4A6E-9BA2-1A975387DB55}.htm">movie recording</a>.</p>
<p><span class=rvts12>Memory Watch</span></p>
<p>where memory watch files are saved/loaded.&nbsp; These are used by <a class=rvts11 href="{01ABA5FD-D54A-44EF-961A-42C7AA586D95}.htm">memory watch</a>.</p>
<p><span class=rvts12>Input Presets</span></p>
<p>where input presets will be saved/loaded.&nbsp; These are used in the presets section on the <a class=rvts11 href="{CE13161D-517E-4E30-8502-F98D92F44C8E}.htm">input config</a> window.</p>
<p><span class=rvts12>Lua Scripts</span></p>
<p>where Lua scripts will be saved/loaded.&nbsp; These are used when using the <span class=rvts11>Lua Scripting</span> tool.</p>
<p><span class=rvts12>AVI Output</span></p>
<p>overrides which directory FCEUX will default to when saving a <a class=rvts11 href="{A1A11C4E-B38E-471A-86EE-727D152EB764}.htm">.avi file</a>.</p>
<p class=rvps3><span class=rvts14>2008</span></p>
<p class=rvps4><span class=rvts15>This help file has been generated by the freeware version of </span><a class=rvts16 href="http://www.ibe-software.com/products/software/helpndoc/" target="_blank">HelpNDoc</a></p>
