/* FCE Ultra - NES/Famicom Emulator * * Copyright notice for this file: * Copyright (C) 2002 Xodnizel * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include "sdl.h" #include "sdl-opengl.h" #include "../common/vidblit.h" #include "sdl-icon.h" #include "dface.h" SDL_Surface *screen; SDL_Surface *BlitBuf; // Used as a buffer when using hardware-accelerated blits. SDL_Surface *IconSurface=NULL; static int curbpp; static int srendline,erendline; static int tlines; static int inited=0; #ifdef OPENGL extern int sdlhaveogl; static int usingogl; static double exs,eys; #else static int exs,eys; #endif static int eefx; #define NWIDTH (256-((eoptions&EO_CLIPSIDES)?16:0)) #define NOFFSET (eoptions&EO_CLIPSIDES?8:0) static int paletterefresh; /* Return 1 if video was killed, 0 otherwise(video wasn't initialized). */ int KillVideo(void) { if(IconSurface) { SDL_FreeSurface(IconSurface); IconSurface=0; } if(inited&1) { #ifdef OPENGL if(usingogl) KillOpenGL(); else #endif if(curbpp>8) KillBlitToHigh(); SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); inited&=~1; return(1); } inited=0; return(0); } static int sponge; int InitVideo(FCEUGI *gi) { const SDL_VideoInfo *vinf; int flags=0; FCEUI_printf("Initializing video..."); FCEUI_GetCurrentVidSystem(&srendline,&erendline); if(_fullscreen) sponge=Settings.specialfs; else sponge=Settings.special; #ifdef OPENGL usingogl=0; if(_opengl && sdlhaveogl && !sponge) { flags=SDL_OPENGL; usingogl=1; } #endif #ifdef EXTGUI GUI_SetVideo(_fullscreen, 0, 0); #endif if(!(SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)&SDL_INIT_VIDEO)) if(SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)==-1) { FCEUD_PrintError(SDL_GetError()); return(0); } inited|=1; SDL_ShowCursor(0); tlines=erendline-srendline+1; vinf=SDL_GetVideoInfo(); if(vinf->hw_available) flags|=SDL_HWSURFACE; if(_fullscreen) flags|=SDL_FULLSCREEN; flags|=SDL_HWPALETTE; //flags|=SDL_DOUBLEBUF; #ifdef OPENGL if(usingogl) { FCEU_printf("\n Initializing with OpenGL(Use \"-opengl 0\" to disable).\n"); if(_doublebuf) SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 ); } else #endif if(_doublebuf && (flags&SDL_HWSURFACE)) flags|=SDL_DOUBLEBUF; if(_fullscreen) { int desbpp=_bpp; exs=_xscalefs; eys=_yscalefs; eefx=_efxfs; #ifdef OPENGL if(!usingogl) {exs=(int)exs;eys=(int)eys;} else desbpp=0; if(sponge) { exs=eys=2; if(sponge == 3 || sponge == 4) exs = eys = 3; eefx=0; if(sponge == 1 || sponge == 3) desbpp = 32; } if( (usingogl && !_stretchx) || !usingogl) #endif if(_xres= 3) exs=eys=3; eefx=0; // SDL's 32bpp->16bpp code is slighty faster than mine, at least :/ if(sponge == 1 || sponge == 3) desbpp=32; } #ifdef OPENGL if(!usingogl) {exs=(int)exs;eys=(int)eys;} if(exs <= 0.01) { FCEUD_PrintError("xscale out of bounds."); KillVideo(); return(0); } if(eys <= 0.01) { FCEUD_PrintError("yscale out of bounds."); KillVideo(); return(0); } #endif #ifdef EXTGUI GUI_SetVideo(_fullscreen, (NWIDTH*exs), tlines*eys); #endif screen = SDL_SetVideoMode((NWIDTH*exs), tlines*eys, desbpp, flags); } curbpp=screen->format->BitsPerPixel; if(!screen) { FCEUD_PrintError(SDL_GetError()); KillVideo(); return(0); } //BlitBuf=SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE,256,240,screen->format->BitsPerPixel,screen->format->Rmask,screen->format->Gmask,screen->format->Bmask,0); inited=1; FCEU_printf(" Video Mode: %d x %d x %d bpp %s\n",screen->w,screen->h,screen->format->BitsPerPixel,_fullscreen?"full screen":""); if(curbpp!=16 && curbpp!=24 && curbpp!=8 && curbpp!=32) { FCEU_printf(" Sorry, %dbpp modes are not supported by FCE Ultra. Supported bit depths are 8bpp, 16bpp, and 32bpp.\n",curbpp); KillVideo(); return(0); } if(gi->name) SDL_WM_SetCaption(gi->name,gi->name); else SDL_WM_SetCaption("FCE Ultra","FCE Ultra"); #ifdef LSB_FIRST IconSurface=SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom((void *)fceu_playicon.pixel_data,32,32,24,32*3,0xFF,0xFF00,0xFF0000,0x00); #else IconSurface=SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom((void *)fceu_playicon.pixel_data,32,32,24,32*3,0xFF0000,0xFF00,0xFF,0x00); #endif SDL_WM_SetIcon(IconSurface,0); paletterefresh=1; if(curbpp>8) #ifdef OPENGL if(!usingogl) #endif InitBlitToHigh(curbpp>>3,screen->format->Rmask,screen->format->Gmask,screen->format->Bmask,eefx,sponge); #ifdef OPENGL if(usingogl) if(!InitOpenGL((eoptions&EO_CLIPSIDES)?8:0,256-((eoptions&EO_CLIPSIDES)?8:0),srendline,erendline+1,exs,eys,eefx,_openglip,_stretchx,_stretchy,screen)) { FCEUD_PrintError("Error initializing OpenGL."); KillVideo(); return(0); } #endif return 1; } void ToggleFS(void) { extern FCEUGI *CurGame; KillVideo(); _fullscreen=!_fullscreen; if(!InitVideo(CurGame)) { _fullscreen=!_fullscreen; InitVideo(CurGame); } } static SDL_Color psdl[256]; void FCEUD_SetPalette(uint8 index, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b) { psdl[index].r=r; psdl[index].g=g; psdl[index].b=b; paletterefresh=1; } void FCEUD_GetPalette(uint8 index, uint8 *r, uint8 *g, uint8 *b) { *r=psdl[index].r; *g=psdl[index].g; *b=psdl[index].b; } static void RedoPalette(void) { #ifdef OPENGL if(usingogl) SetOpenGLPalette((uint8*)psdl); else #endif { if(curbpp>8) SetPaletteBlitToHigh((uint8*)psdl); else { SDL_SetPalette(screen,SDL_PHYSPAL,psdl,0,256); } } } void LockConsole(){} void UnlockConsole(){} void BlitScreen(uint8 *XBuf) { SDL_Surface *TmpScreen; uint8 *dest; int xo=0,yo=0; if(!screen) return; if(paletterefresh) { RedoPalette(); paletterefresh=0; } #ifdef OPENGL if(usingogl) { BlitOpenGL(XBuf); return; } #endif XBuf+=srendline*256; if(BlitBuf) TmpScreen=BlitBuf; else TmpScreen=screen; if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(TmpScreen)) if(SDL_LockSurface(TmpScreen)) { return; } dest=(uint8*)TmpScreen->pixels; if(_fullscreen) { xo=(((TmpScreen->w-NWIDTH*exs))/2); dest+=xo*(curbpp>>3); if(TmpScreen->h>(tlines*eys)) { yo=((TmpScreen->h-tlines*eys)/2); dest+=yo*TmpScreen->pitch; } } if(curbpp>8) { if(BlitBuf) Blit8ToHigh(XBuf+NOFFSET,dest, NWIDTH, tlines, TmpScreen->pitch,1,1); else Blit8ToHigh(XBuf+NOFFSET,dest, NWIDTH, tlines, TmpScreen->pitch,exs,eys); } else { if(BlitBuf) Blit8To8(XBuf+NOFFSET,dest, NWIDTH, tlines, TmpScreen->pitch,1,1,0,sponge); else Blit8To8(XBuf+NOFFSET,dest, NWIDTH, tlines, TmpScreen->pitch,exs,eys,eefx,sponge); } if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(TmpScreen)) SDL_UnlockSurface(TmpScreen); if(BlitBuf) { SDL_Rect srect; SDL_Rect drect; srect.x=0; srect.y=0; srect.w=NWIDTH; srect.h=tlines; drect.x=0; drect.y=0; drect.w=exs*NWIDTH; drect.h=eys*tlines; SDL_BlitSurface(BlitBuf, &srect,screen,&drect); } SDL_UpdateRect(screen, xo, yo, NWIDTH*exs, tlines*eys); if(screen->flags&SDL_DOUBLEBUF) SDL_Flip(screen); } uint32 PtoV(uint16 x, uint16 y) { y=(double)y/eys; x=(double)x/exs; if(eoptions&EO_CLIPSIDES) x+=8; y+=srendline; return(x|(y<<16)); }