  Interface received massive overhaul.  Now takes command line
  options.  This will allow the server to communicate with
  other front-ends.  Integration can now occur in gfceu.

  Renamed from "server" to "fceu-server".
	Renamed standard.conf -> fceu-standard.conf
	If no configuration file is specified, look in /etc and ./
	Added a --help option.
	Added GPL headers
  Error messages during server startup are more verbose(slightly).

	Fixed initialization of the sockaddr_in structure, sin_family
	member.  It's now initialized to AF_INET before calling bind().
	While not initializing that member seemed to work ok on 
	Linux 2.4, it won't work on Linux 2.2 and under Cygwin, 
	and possibly other environments.

  Switched to using fcntl() to set the socket to nonblocking,
  so I don't need to use MSG_NOWAIT in send() anymore, which is
  undefined under Cygwin.

	Added a "clean" Makefile target.

	First Release