The all in one NES/Famicom Emulator
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5 June 2008

No, this project is not dead. There are a few of us developers working in subversion. However, we could always use more help. We need both SDL and Windows developers. If interested, just come chat with us in #fceu on irc.freenode.net
Lukas Sabota

19 July 2006

We've created a mailing list for all kinds of discussion about FCE Ultra. You can subscribe at the fceultra-discuss mailing list page. Also, we're hoping to bring any FCE Ultra forks into one combined effort. If you work on a fork of fceu and you're interested in creating an NES emulator to end all NES emulators, you might want to join the fceultra-discuss mailing list and introduce yourself :-)

15 June 2006

I, Lukas Sabota have been asked to join the FCE Ultra team. I hope to improve this project by maintaining a graphical interface for FCE Ultra. You can check out my existing work here.

23 March 2006

We've added Jay Lanagan as a developer to the project. It seems that there still is some interest in maintaining FCEUltra after all!

19 March 2006

Alright, we've uploaded some files--please see the download page. Who are "we," you ask? Anthony Giorgio and Mark Doliner. We're two guys who like FCE Ultra and didn't want to see the project disappear.

What happens now? Well I'm not sure either of us has very much free time to spend working on things, so if you're interested in working on the source, by all means drop us a line. We have checked the 0.98.13-pre source code into SourceForge's Subversion server at https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/fceultra/fceultra. Feel free to grab a copy and start hacking.

If you're not much of a coder you could always work on documentation, or improve the web page (which is checked into Subversion at https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/fceultra/web).

I can't speak for Anthony, but here are some things I would work on if I had the time:

18 March 2006

The FCE Ultra project has been taken over! Our current goal is only to preserve the state of the project as it was left by the author, Xodnizel. But we'd love to get development going again, too. We'll post more information soon.

5 June 2008

No, this project is not dead. There are a few of us developers working in subversion. However, we could always use more help. We need both SDL and Windows developers. If interested, just come chat with us in #fceu on irc.freenode.net
Lukas Sabota

19 July 2006

We've created a mailing list for all kinds of discussion about FCE Ultra. You can subscribe at the fceultra-discuss mailing list page. Also, we're hoping to bring any FCE Ultra forks into one combined effort. If you work on a fork of fceu and you're interested in creating an NES emulator to end all NES emulators, you might want to join the fceultra-discuss mailing list and introduce yourself :-)

15 June 2006

I, Lukas Sabota have been asked to join the FCE Ultra team. I hope to improve this project by maintaining a graphical interface for FCE Ultra. You can check out my existing work here.

23 March 2006

We've added Jay Lanagan as a developer to the project. It seems that there still is some interest in maintaining FCEUltra after all!

19 March 2006

Alright, we've uploaded some files--please see the download page. Who are "we," you ask? Anthony Giorgio and Mark Doliner . We're two guys who like FCE Ultra and didn't want to see the project disappear.

What happens now? Well I'm not sure either of us has very much free time to spend working on things, so if you're interested in working on the source, by all means drop us a line. We have checked the 0.98.13-pre source code into SourceForge's Subversion server at https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/fceultra/fceultra. Feel free to grab a copy and start hacking.

If you're not much of a coder you could always work on documentation, or improve the web page (which is checked into Subversion at https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/fceultra/web).

I can't speak for Anthony, but here are some things I would work on if I had the time:

18 March 2006

The FCE Ultra project has been taken over! Our current goal is only to preserve the state of the project as it was left by the author, Xodnizel. But we'd love to get development going again, too. We'll post more information soon.

29 October 2004

No new *official* releases of FCE Ultra will be made. I mean it this time. :b

The forum has been closed, as I will not be available to moderate it any longer, but the old posts will be viewable indefinitely.

Crazy people may download http://fceultra.sourceforge.net/fceu-0.98.13-pre.src.tar.bz2 which was intended to be 0.98.13. It should be stable, and fixed several major bugs present in 0.98.12, but I have neither the time nor desire to do thorough tests for regressions, and thus it will not be an official release.

12 September 2004

All future binary release(s) of FCE Ultra will be compiled without the emulation debugger. The emulator can still be built with the debugger from source, however.

This is being done to greatly speed up compilation times, decrease executable size, and speed up emulation slightly. Also, the presence of a debugger in the official build(at least for MS Windows) will probably become meaningless once a certain third-party branch of FCE Ultra is released.

XX Something 2004

FCE Ultra 0.98.12 is out. The MS Windows binary release should run using fewer CPU cycles("faster") than previous 0.98.x MS Windows binary releases.

17 May 2004

FCE Ultra 0.98.10 is out.


      Reimplemented network play.  It now requires a standalone network play server, which
      will be released as a later time.  For fun, "starmen.net" is running this server,
      which is publicly accessible.
      I also made various code fixes/improvements to allow for network play, particularly
      with the command handling code.

      Reworked much of the VS Unisystem emulation code, partially based on information from
      MAME.  The following games are now supported(in iNES format):

      Battle City
      Clu Clu Land
      Dr. Mario
      Duck Hunt
      Excitebike (Japanese)
      Freedom Force
      Goonies, The
      Hogan's Alley
      Ice Climber
      Ladies Golf
      Mach Rider
      Mach Rider (Japanese)
      Mighty Bomb Jack (Japanese)
      Ninja Jajamaru Kun (Japanese)
      Pinball (Japanese)
      RBI Baseball
      Star Luster
      Stroke and Match Golf
      Stroke and Match Golf - Ladies
      Stroke and Match Golf (Japanese)
      Super Mario Bros.
      Super Sky Kid
      Super Xevious
      TKO Boxing
      Top Gun

      Win32-native:  Fixed a bug in the debugger's breakpoint list that appeared when
      one tried to delete a breakpoint(the control accidentally had auto-sort enabled,
      causing a discrepancy between what was displayed and what was contained in internal
      data structures).

      The current disk image XOR original disk image is now stored in save states.  This
      should greatly increase compressability(important for network play), and make
      it a little more legal to distribute such save states now.

      Modified the save state format to allow for more precise and larger version numbers.

      Various minor code changes.

      Fixed initialization of the FCEUGameInfo structure, which previously led
      to problems with sound output on the SexyAL-using ports(Linux).

      Apparently I added support for mapper 255 a while back.  Documentation updated.

      Added iNES header correction information for Armored Scrum Object and Alpha Mission.

      Merged banksw.h into ines.c, fixed some of its prototypes in ines.h.