-- Just something quick for Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! -- Intended to help time hits in real time. -- Just quickly worked something up. Didn't bother with bells and whistles. --FatRatKnight local EHP= 0x0398 -- Enemy HP address local TMR= 22 -- Frames in advance for your punches. local BND= -8 -- KEEP NEGATIVE!! Frames after the golden zone. local DISPx= 220 local DISPy= 180 local timer= 0 -- Unused variable local EnemyHP local lastEHP local LastHit=-50 --***************************************************************************** function IsHit() --***************************************************************************** if EnemyHP ~= lastEHP then return true end return false end --***************************************************************************** function IsPress() --***************************************************************************** -- Unused function local buttons= {} buttons= joypad.get() if buttons["A"] or buttons["B"] then return true end return false end --***************************************************************************** while true do --***************************************************************************** EnemyHP= memory.readbyte(EHP) local tap gui.text(140,10,EnemyHP) if IsHit() then LastHit= TMR -- Hrm... Not a lot I can think of... end for i= 1, TMR do local color= "black" if i == LastHit then color= "green" end gui.drawbox(DISPx, DISPy-3 - 4*i,DISPx+7, DISPy-1 - 4*i,color) end local color= "black" if LastHit == 0 then color= "green" end gui.drawbox(DISPx , DISPy ,DISPx+7, DISPy+2,color) gui.drawbox(DISPx-2, DISPy-2,DISPx+9, DISPy+4,"white") for i= BND, -1 do local color= "black" if i == LastHit then color= "green" end gui.drawbox(DISPx, DISPy+3 - 4*i,DISPx+7, DISPy+5 - 4*i,color) end LastHit= LastHit-1 FCEU.frameadvance() lastEHP= EnemyHP end