SCRIPT_TITLE = "Mega Man 2 LASER EYES" SCRIPT_VERSION = "1.0" require "m_utils" m_require("m_utils",0) --[[ Mega Man 2 LASER EYES version 1.0 by miau Visit for the most recent version and other scripts. Controls Press select to fire a laser from Mega Man's eyes aimed at the closest object. Left-click to drag and drop objects. Middle-clicking instantly moves Mega Man to the cursor position. Supported roms Rockman 2 - Dr Wily no Nazo (J), Mega Man 2 (U), Mega Man 2 (E) Known bugs - shooting lasers at bosses is glitchy, do it at your own risk - eyes might turn black for a short period of time after screen transition - some objects have duplicate IDs which will result in wrong names being shown for them -]] --configurable vars local show_info = false --show sprite info on startup local show_cursor = false --set this to true when recording a video --sound effects to use for various script events, nil to disable local SFX_LASER = 0x25 local SFX_EXPLOSION = 0x2B local SFX_TARGET = nil --0x39 --0x21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --List of sound effects --0x21 press --0x22 peeewwwwwww --0x23 metal blade --0x24 mega buster --0x25 sniper armor shot? --0x26 hit1 --0x27 air shooter --0x28 energy --0x29 touch ground --0x2A wily thing --0x2B destroy1 --0x2C ?? --0x2D reflected shot --0x2E ?? (metal blade-like noise channel usage, short) --0x2F menu selector --0x30 mega man appear --0x31 leaf shield --0x32 menu open --0x33 ?? (short, low noise) --0x34 gate open --0x35 atomic fire charge 1 --0x36 atomic fire charge 2 --0x37 atomic fire charge 2 --0x38 atomic fire shot ? --0x39 prop-top leap --0x3A mega man disappearing --0x3B diving into water --0x3C appearing platform --0x3D wily stage lava drops --0x3E wily stage lava drops --0x3F ?? (similar to 0x27) --0x40 ?? (short noise) --0x41 death --0x42 e-tank/1up --0x43 ?? (short noise in fixed intervals) local sprdb = {} --enemy names source: sprdb[0x00] = {name="Squirt"} sprdb[0x01] = {name="Squirt"} --spawned by Lantern Fish sprdb[0x04] = {name="M-445"} sprdb[0x07] = {name="Snapper Controller",invincible=true} sprdb[0x08] = {name="Snapper"} sprdb[0x0A] = {name="Crabbot"} sprdb[0x0C] = {name="Croaker"} sprdb[0x0D] = {name="Croaker (tiny)"} sprdb[0x0E] = {name="",invincible=true} --bubble...underwater mega man sprdb[0x0F] = {name="Lantern Fish"} sprdb[0x13] = {name="Platform"} sprdb[0x15] = {name="Beam"} sprdb[0x16] = {name="Bubble Bat"} sprdb[0x17] = {name="Robo-Rabbit"} sprdb[0x18] = {name="Carrot"} --or mega man being hit sprdb[0x1D] = {name="Mecha Monkey"} sprdb[0x1E] = {name="Atomic Chicken Controller",invincible=true} sprdb[0x1F] = {name="Atomic Chicken"} --sprdb[0x1B] = {name="Climbing Mega Man"} --or hot dog fire --sprdb[0x1C] = {name=""} --or hot dog fire controller? sprdb[0x21] = {name="Telly Spawn Point",invincible=true} sprdb[0x22] = {name="Telly"} sprdb[0x23] = {name="Hothead"} --or Mega Buster sprdb[0x24] = {name="Tackle Fire"} --sprdb[0x27] = {name="Light Control"} --sprdb[0x28] = {name="Light Control"} sprdb[0x29] = {name="Cogwheel"} sprdb[0x2A] = {name="Pierobot"} sprdb[0x2B] = {name="Prop-Top Controller",invincible=true} sprdb[0x2C] = {name="Prop-Top"} sprdb[0x2E] = {name="Hot Dog"} sprdb[0x2F] = {name="Gate"} sprdb[0x30] = {name="Press"} sprdb[0x31] = {name="Blocky"} sprdb[0x32] = {name="Big Fish Controller",invincible=true} --sprdb[0x33] = {name=""} --Bubble Lead sprdb[0x34] = {name="Neo Met"} sprdb[0x35] = {name="Bullet"} --Sniper Armor/Sniper Joe sprdb[0x36] = {name="Fan Fiend"} --or Metal Blade sprdb[0x37] = {name="Pipi Controller",invincible=true} --or Flash weapon (Time Stopper) controller(?) sprdb[0x38] = {name="Pipi"} sprdb[0x3A] = {name="Pipi Egg"} --or Item-3(?) sprdb[0x3B] = {name="Pipi Egg Shell"} sprdb[0x3C] = {name="Child Pipi"} sprdb[0x3D] = {name="Lightning Lord"} sprdb[0x3E] = {name="Thunder Chariot"} --sprdb[0x3F] = {name="Lightning Bolt"} --or "splash"... (mega man diving into water) sprdb[0x3F] = {invincible=true} sprdb[0x40] = {name="Air Tikki"} sprdb[0x41] = sprdb[0x40] sprdb[0x44] = {name="Air Tikki Horn"} sprdb[0x45] = {name="Gremlin"} sprdb[0x46] = {name="Spring Head"} sprdb[0x47] = {name="Mole Controller",invincible=true} sprdb[0x48] = {name="Mole (rising)"} sprdb[0x49] = {name="Mole (falling)"} sprdb[0x4B] = {name="Crazy Cannon"} sprdb[0x4D] = {name="Bullet (Crazy Cannon)"} sprdb[0x4E] = {name="Sniper Armor"} sprdb[0x4F] = {name="Sniper Joe"} sprdb[0x50] = {name="Squirm"} sprdb[0x51] = {name="Squirm Pipe"} sprdb[0x5C] = {name="Metal Blade"} sprdb[0x5D] = {name="Air Shooter"} sprdb[0x5E] = {name="Crash Bomb"} --[[sprdb[0x60] = {name="Bubble Man"} sprdb[0x61] = sprdb[0x60] sprdb[0x62] = sprdb[0x60] sprdb[0x63] = {name="Metal Man"} --or Falling Blocks (Dragon) (id2:80) sprdb[0x64] = sprdb[0x63] --or Falling Blocks (Dragon).. Dragon Controller? (id2:80) sprdb[0x65] = sprdb[0x63] --or Dragon Body (id2:8B) sprdb[0x66] = {name="Air Man"} --or Dragon Bottom (id2:8B) sprdb[0x67] = sprdb[0x66] sprdb[0x68] = sprdb[0x66] sprdb[0x69] = {name="Crash Man"} sprdb[0x6A] = sprdb[0x69] --running or wily boss no.2 (id2:8B/CB/83/C3/80) sprdb[0x6B] = sprdb[0x69] --jumping sprdb[0x70] = {name="Dragon"} --(id2:8B) sprdb[0x71] = {name="Big Fish"} --Wily Boss 3 (id2:83) --]] sprdb[0x76] = {name="Large Life Energy",invincible=true} sprdb[0x77] = {name="Small Life Energy",invincible=true} sprdb[0x78] = {name="Large Weapon Energy",invincible=true} sprdb[0x79] = {name="Small Weapon Energy",invincible=true} sprdb[0x7A] = {name="E-Tank",invincible=true} sprdb[0x7B] = {name="1UP",invincible=true} local eyes = {} = { {0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0}, } eyes.running = { {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0}, } eyes.shooting = { {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1}, } eyes.ladder = { {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}, } eyes.closed = { {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0}, } eyes.none = {} local mmeyes = local timer = 0 local spr = {} local last_inp = {} local inp = {} local laser = {timer=0} local last_laser = 0 --very limited and hacky particle engine following local P_MAX = 150 local particle = {p={}} function particle.laserai(pi) local function checkcollision(px,py,rx,ry) if(px>=rx-8 and px<=rx+8 and py>=ry-8 and py<=ry+8) then return true else return false end end for i=1,31 do if(spr[i].a and is_enemy(i)) then local px = particle.p[pi].x local py = particle.p[pi].y local px2 = particle.p[pi].x+particle.p[pi].vx*6 local py2 = particle.p[pi].y+particle.p[pi].vy*6 local rx = spr[i].x+spr[i].hx*256 local ry = spr[i].y if(checkcollision(px,py,rx,ry) or checkcollision(px2,py2,rx,ry)) then --if(spr[i].hp>5) then -- memory.writebyte(0x06C0+i,spr[i].hp-5) --else memory.writebyte(0x06C0+i,1) play_sfx(SFX_EXPLOSION) particle.explosion(spr[i].x+spr[i].hx*256,spr[i].y) destroy_sprite(i) --end end end end end function particle.create(new) for i=0,P_MAX-1 do if(particle.p[i]==nil) then particle.p[i]=new if(particle.p[i].x==nil) then particle.p[i].x=0 end if(particle.p[i].y==nil) then particle.p[i].y=0 end if(particle.p[i].vx==nil) then particle.p[i].vx=0 end if(particle.p[i].vy==nil) then particle.p[i].vy=0 end if(particle.p[i].timer==nil) then particle.p[i].timer=0 end if(particle.p[i].lspan==nil) then particle.p[i].lspan=60 end if(particle.p[i].color==nil) then particle.p[i].color="#FFFFFF" end return i end end return nil end function particle.explosion(x,y) --faster than using particle.create local j = 0 for i=0,P_MAX-1 do if(particle.p[i]==nil) then local vx = math.random(-50,50)/30 local vy = math.random(-50,50)/30 local color = "#FF0000" particle.p[i] = {} particle.p[i].x = x particle.p[i].y = y particle.p[i].vx = vx particle.p[i].vy = vy particle.p[i].color = color particle.p[i].lspan = math.random(20,40) particle.p[i].timer=0 if(j==40) then return end j = j + 1 end end end function particle.destroy(i) particle.p[i] = nil end function particle.update() for i=0,P_MAX-1 do if(particle.p[i]) then if(particle.p[i].timer >= particle.p[i].lspan) then particle.destroy(i) else if(particle.p[i].aifunc) then particle.p[i].aifunc(i) end if(particle.p[i]) then particle.p[i].x = particle.p[i].x + particle.p[i].vx particle.p[i].y = particle.p[i].y + particle.p[i].vy particle.p[i].timer = particle.p[i].timer + 1 end end end end end function particle.render(xdisp,ydisp) local j=0 for i=0,P_MAX-1 do if(particle.p[i]) then bcline2(particle.p[i].x-xdisp,particle.p[i].y-ydisp, particle.p[i].x-xdisp+particle.p[i].vx*6,particle.p[i].y+particle.p[i].vy*6-ydisp, particle.p[i].color) if(particle.p[i].aifunc) then bcline2(particle.p[i].x-xdisp,particle.p[i].y+1-ydisp, particle.p[i].x-xdisp+particle.p[i].vx*6,particle.p[i].y+particle.p[i].vy*6+1-ydisp, particle.p[i].color) end j = j + 1 end end end function initialize() for i=0,31 do spr[i] = { a=0, id=0, id2=0, x=0, y=0, hp=0, --timer=-1, } end end function unselect_all() for i=0,31 do spr[i].selected=false spr[i].moving = false end end function getx16(s) return s.hx*256+s.x end function get_target() --closest target local closest = nil local dmin = 9999 for i=1,31 do if(spr[i].a and is_enemy(i) and spr[i].seltimer>=10 and ( (spr[i].sx> and megaman.dir==1) or (spr[i].sx< and megaman.dir==-1) or megaman.dir==0)) then local d = getdistance(,,spr[i].sx,spr[i].sy) if(d=0x80) if(spr[i].a==false) then spr[i].seltimer=nil end if(spr[i].a) then if(inp.xmouse>=spr[i].sx-8 and inp.xmouse<=spr[i].sx+8 and inp.ymouse>=spr[i].sy-8 and inp.ymouse<=spr[i].sy+8) then spr[i].hover = true spr[i].clicked = inp.leftclick if(inp.leftclick and last_inp.leftclick==nil) then unselect_all() spr[i].selected=true end else spr[i].hover = false if(inp.leftclick==nil) then spr[i].clicked = false end end --auto-target if(is_enemy(i)) then if(spr[i].seltimer==nil) then spr[i].seltimer=1 else spr[i].seltimer = spr[i].seltimer + 1 end end if(spr[i].selected) then --[[if(inp.delete) then destroy_sprite(i) elseif(inp.pagedown) then memory.writebyte(0x0400+i,spr[i].id-1) elseif(inp.pageup) then memory.writebyte(0x0400+i,spr[i].id+1) end-]] if(spr[i].clicked) then if(inp.xmouse~=last_inp.xmouse or inp.ymouse~=last_inp.ymouse) then spr[i].moving = true end else spr[i].moving = false end end if(spr[i].moving) then local x = inp.xmouse+scroll_x memory.writebyte(0x0460+i,inp.xmouse+scroll_x) memory.writebyte(0x04A0+i,inp.ymouse) memory.writebyte(0x0440+i,scroll_hx+math.floor(x/256)) end end --end end megaman = spr[0] if(megaman.id2==0x80) then megaman.dir=-1 else megaman.dir=1 end if( then megaman.dir = 0 end if(inp.middleclick) then --change mega man's coordinates local x = inp.xmouse+scroll_x memory.writebyte(0x0460,x) memory.writebyte(0x04A0,inp.ymouse) memory.writebyte(0x0440,scroll_hx+math.floor(x/256)) end --LASER!!! jp = if( and ( or timer-last_laser>22)) then local t = get_target() local vx,vy play_sfx(SFX_LASER) if(t) then vx,vy = getvdir(,,spr[t].sx,spr[t].sy) vx = vx * 10 vy = vy * 10 else if(megaman.dir==0) then vx = 0 vy = -10 else vx = megaman.dir*10 vy = 0 end end last_laser = timer particle.create({x=getx16(megaman),y=megaman.y-3,vx=vx,vy=vy,color="#FF0000",aifunc=particle.laserai}) end if(inp.xmouse<83 and inp.ymouse<18) then if(inp.leftclick and last_inp.leftclick==nil) then if(show_info) then show_info = false else show_info = true end end end last_jp = jp last_inp = inp end function render() if(show_info) then gui.text(0,8,"Sprite Info: ON") else gui.text(0,8,"Sprite Info: OFF") end if(inp.xmouse<83 and inp.ymouse<18) then if(show_info) then gui.drawbox(0,9,77,17,"red") else gui.drawbox(0,9,83,17,"red") end end particle.render(scroll_x+scroll_hx*256,0) --LASER EYES!!! --TODO: prevent play_sfx from playing sounds during title screen/stage select if(memory.readbyte(0x580) == 0x0D) then --title screen tune is being played megaman.dir = -1 mmeyes = --lasers during title screen if(AND(timer,7)==0 and math.random(0,1)==0) then --play_sfx(SFX_LASER) local vx,vy=getvdir(,,0,math.random(30,220)) vx=vx*10 vy=vy*10 particle.create({,,vx=vx,vy=vy,color="#FF0000",aifunc=LaserAI}) mmeyes = eyes.none end elseif(megaman.a) then --sprite active local f = memory.readbyte(0x06A0)*256 + memory.readbyte(0x0680) local frame = memory.readbyte(0x06A0) local ftimer = memory.readbyte(0x0680) if(memory.readbyte(0x69)~=0x0E) then --menu opened or "stage intro" tune mmeyes = eyes.none elseif( then --BLINK! change occurs on next frame if(f >= 0xA01) then mmeyes = eyes.closed elseif(f>=0x001) then mmeyes = end elseif( or or or or or or then mmeyes = eyes.shooting elseif( or or or then mmeyes = elseif( or or then if((f>=0x201 and f<=0x300) or (f>=0x001 and f<=0x100)) then mmeyes = eyes.running else mmeyes = end elseif( then --getting hurt mmeyes = eyes.closed elseif( or then --mega buster, other weapons mmeyes = eyes.ladder else--if( or then --respawning after death, climbing a ladder mmeyes = eyes.none end --if(megaman.hp==0) then -- mmeyes = eyes.none --end else mmeyes = eyes.none end if(mmeyes ~= eyes.none) then local eyecolor = "#FF0000" if(timer-last_laser<5) then eyecolor = "#FFFFFF" end if(megaman.dir==-1) then for y=1,4 do if(mmeyes[y]) then for x=1,14 do if(mmeyes[y][15-x]==1) then bcpixel(,,eyecolor) end end end end else for y=1,4 do if(mmeyes[y]) then for x=1,14 do if(mmeyes[y][x]==1) then bcpixel(,,eyecolor) end end end end end end for i=0,31 do if(spr[i].a) then local x,y local boxcolor if(spr[i].clicked) then boxcolor="#AA5500" elseif(spr[i].hover) then boxcolor="#FFCCAA" else boxcolor=nil end x = spr[i].sx y = spr[i].sy if(boxcolor) then bcbox(x-9,y-9,x+9,y+9,boxcolor) end if(spr[i].seltimer) then if(spr[i].seltimer<30) then local b=30-spr[i].seltimer local c = (30-spr[i].seltimer)*8 bcbox(x-9-b,y-9-b,x+9+b,y+9+b,string.format("#CC%02X%02X",c,c)) if(spr[i].seltimer==23) then play_sfx(SFX_TARGET) end elseif(spr[i].seltimer>90 or AND(timer,7)>2) then bcbox(x-9,y-9,x+9,y+9,"red") end end if(show_info and (spr[i].hover or spr[i].clicked or spr[i].seltimer)) then --bctext(AND(spr[i].x+255-scroll_x,255), spr[i].y, i); if(i==0) then bctext(x, y, "Blue Bomber") bctext(x, y+8, "("..spr[i].sx..","..spr[i].sy..")") bctext(x, y+16, "HP "..spr[i].hp) elseif(i>4) then if(sprdb[spr[i].id] and sprdb[spr[i].id].name --[[and i>4--]]) then bctext(x, y, sprdb[spr[i].id].name) else bctext(x, y, "("..spr[i].id..")") end bctext(x, y+8, "("..spr[i].sx..","..spr[i].sy..")") if(spr[i].hp~=0) then bctext(x, y+16, "HP "..spr[i].hp) end end end end end if(show_cursor) then local col2 if(inp.leftclick) then col2 = "#FFAA00" elseif(inp.rightclick) then col2 = "#0099EE" elseif(inp.middleclick) then col2 = "#AACC00" else col2 = "white" end drawcursor(inp.xmouse,inp.ymouse,"black",col2) end end initialize() while(true) do update_vars() render() EMU.frameadvance() timer = timer + 1 end