/* FCE Ultra - NES/Famicom Emulator * * Copyright notice for this file: * Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Xodnizel * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "types.h" #include "file.h" #include "fceu.h" #include "driver.h" #include "boards/mapinc.h" #ifdef _S9XLUA_H #include "fceulua.h" #endif #include "palette.h" #include "palettes/palettes.h" #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #include #include #include #include bool force_grayscale = false; pal palette_game[64*8]; //custom palette for an individual game. (formerly palettei) pal palette_user[64*8]; //user's overridden palette (formerly palettec) pal palette_ntsc[64*8]; //mathematically generated NTSC palette (formerly paletten) static bool palette_game_available=false; //whether palette_game is available static bool palette_user_available=false; //whether palette_user is available //ntsc parameters: bool ntsccol_enable = false; //whether NTSC palette is selected static int ntsctint = 46+10; static int ntschue = 72; //the default basic palette int default_palette_selection = 0; //library of default palettes static pal *default_palette[8]= { palette, rp2c04001, rp2c04002, rp2c04003, rp2c05004, }; static void CalculatePalette(void); static void ChoosePalette(void); static void WritePalette(void); //points to the actually selected current palette pal *palo = NULL; #define RGB_TO_YIQ( r, g, b, y, i ) (\ (y = (r) * 0.299f + (g) * 0.587f + (b) * 0.114f),\ (i = (r) * 0.596f - (g) * 0.275f - (b) * 0.321f),\ ((r) * 0.212f - (g) * 0.523f + (b) * 0.311f)\ ) #define YIQ_TO_RGB( y, i, q, to_rgb, type, r, g ) (\ r = (type) (y + to_rgb [0] * i + to_rgb [1] * q),\ g = (type) (y + to_rgb [2] * i + to_rgb [3] * q),\ (type) (y + to_rgb [4] * i + to_rgb [5] * q)\ ) static void ApplyDeemphasisNTSC(int entry, u8& r, u8& g, u8& b) { static float const to_float = 1.0f / 0xFF; float fr = to_float * r; float fg = to_float * g; float fb = to_float * b; float y, i, q = RGB_TO_YIQ( fr, fg, fb, y, i ); //--------------------------------- //it seems a bit bogus here to use this segment which is essentially part of the base palette generation, //but it's needed for 'hi' static float const lo_levels [4] = { -0.12f, 0.00f, 0.31f, 0.72f }; static float const hi_levels [4] = { 0.40f, 0.68f, 1.00f, 1.00f }; int level = entry >> 4 & 0x03; float lo = lo_levels [level]; float hi = hi_levels [level]; int color = entry & 0x0F; if ( color == 0 ) lo = hi; if ( color == 0x0D ) hi = lo; if ( color > 0x0D ) hi = lo = 0.0f; //--------------------------------- int tint = (entry >> 6) & 7; if ( tint && color <= 0x0D ) { static float const phases [0x10 + 3] = { -1.0f, -0.866025f, -0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.866025f, 1.0f, 0.866025f, 0.5f, 0.0f, -0.5f, -0.866025f, -1.0f, -0.866025f, -0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.866025f, 1.0f }; #define TO_ANGLE_SIN( color ) phases [color] #define TO_ANGLE_COS( color ) phases [(color) + 3] static float const atten_mul = 0.79399f; static float const atten_sub = 0.0782838f; if ( tint == 7 ) { y = y * (atten_mul * 1.13f) - (atten_sub * 1.13f); } else { static unsigned char const tints [8] = { 0, 6, 10, 8, 2, 4, 0, 0 }; int const tint_color = tints [tint]; float sat = hi * (0.5f - atten_mul * 0.5f) + atten_sub * 0.5f; y -= sat * 0.5f; if ( tint >= 3 && tint != 4 ) { //combined tint bits sat *= 0.6f; y -= sat; } i += TO_ANGLE_SIN( tint_color ) * sat; q += TO_ANGLE_COS( tint_color ) * sat; } } static float const default_decoder [6] = { 0.956f, 0.621f, -0.272f, -0.647f, -1.105f, 1.702f }; fb = YIQ_TO_RGB( y, i, q, default_decoder, float, fr, fg ); #define CLAMP(x) ((x)<0?0:((x)>1.0f?1.0f:(x))) r = (u8)(CLAMP(fr)*255); g = (u8)(CLAMP(fg)*255); b = (u8)(CLAMP(fb)*255); //doesnt help //float gamma=1.8f; // auto gammafix = [=](float f) { return f < 0.f ? 0.f : std::pow(f, 2.2f / gamma); }; // auto clamp = [](int v) { return v<0 ? 0 : v>255 ? 255 : v; }; // r = clamp(255 * gammafix(y + 0.946882f*i + 0.623557f*q)); // g = clamp(255 * gammafix(y + -0.274788f*i + -0.635691f*q)); // b = clamp(255 * gammafix(y + -1.108545f*i + 1.709007f*q)); } float bisqwit_gammafix(float f, float gamma) { return f < 0.f ? 0.f : std::pow(f, 2.2f / gamma); } int bisqwit_clamp(int v) { return v<0 ? 0 : v>255 ? 255 : v; } // Calculate the luma and chroma by emulating the relevant circuits: int bisqwit_wave(int p, int color) { return (color+p+8)%12 < 6; } static void ApplyDeemphasisBisqwit(int entry, u8& r, u8& g, u8& b) { if(entry<64) return; int myr, myg, myb; // The input value is a NES color index (with de-emphasis bits). // We need RGB values. Convert the index into RGB. // For most part, this process is described at: // http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/NTSC_video // Decode the color index int color = (entry & 0x0F), level = color<0xE ? (entry>>4) & 3 : 1; // Voltage levels, relative to synch voltage static const float black=.518f, white=1.962f, attenuation=.746f, levels[8] = {.350f, .518f, .962f,1.550f, // Signal low 1.094f,1.506f,1.962f,1.962f}; // Signal high float lo_and_hi[2] = { levels[level + 4 * (color == 0x0)], levels[level + 4 * (color < 0xD)] }; //fceux alteration: two passes //1st pass calculates bisqwit's base color //2nd pass calculates it with deemph //finally, we'll do something dumb: find a 'scale factor' between them and apply it to the input palette. (later, we could pregenerate the scale factors) //whatever, it gets the job done. for(int pass=0;pass<2;pass++) { float y=0.f, i=0.f, q=0.f, gamma=1.8f; for(int p=0; p<12; ++p) // 12 clock cycles per pixel. { // NES NTSC modulator (square wave between two voltage levels): float spot = lo_and_hi[bisqwit_wave(p,color)]; // De-emphasis bits attenuate a part of the signal: if(pass==1) { if(((entry & 0x40) && bisqwit_wave(p,12)) || ((entry & 0x80) && bisqwit_wave(p, 4)) || ((entry &0x100) && bisqwit_wave(p, 8))) spot *= attenuation; } // Normalize: float v = (spot - black) / (white-black) / 12.f; // Ideal TV NTSC demodulator: y += v; i += v * std::cos(3.141592653 * p / 6); q += v * std::sin(3.141592653 * p / 6); // Or cos(... p-3 ... ) // Note: Integrating cos() and sin() for p-0.5 .. p+0.5 range gives // the exactly same result, scaled by a factor of 2*cos(pi/12). } // Convert YIQ into RGB according to FCC-sanctioned conversion matrix. int rt = bisqwit_clamp(255 * bisqwit_gammafix(y + 0.946882f*i + 0.623557f*q,gamma)); int gt = bisqwit_clamp(255 * bisqwit_gammafix(y + -0.274788f*i + -0.635691f*q,gamma)); int bt = bisqwit_clamp(255 * bisqwit_gammafix(y + -1.108545f*i + 1.709007f*q,gamma)); if(pass==0) myr = rt, myg = gt, myb = bt; else { float rscale = (float)rt / myr; float gscale = (float)gt / myg; float bscale = (float)bt / myb; #define BCLAMP(x) ((x)<0?0:((x)>255?255:(x))) if(myr!=0) r = (u8)(BCLAMP(r*rscale)); if(myg!=0) g = (u8)(BCLAMP(g*gscale)); if(myb!=0) b = (u8)(BCLAMP(b*bscale)); } } } //classic algorithm static void ApplyDeemphasisClassic(int entry, u8& r, u8& g, u8& b) { //DEEMPH BITS MAY BE ORDERED WRONG. PLEASE CHECK static const float rtmul[] = { 1.239f, 0.794f, 1.019f, 0.905f, 1.023f, 0.741f, 0.75f }; static const float gtmul[] = { 0.915f, 1.086f, 0.98f, 1.026f, 0.908f, 0.987f, 0.75f }; static const float btmul[] = { 0.743f, 0.882f, 0.653f, 1.277f, 0.979f, 0.101f, 0.75f }; int deemph_bits = entry >> 6; if (deemph_bits == 0) return; int d = deemph_bits - 1; int nr = (int)(r * rtmul[d]); int ng = (int)(g * gtmul[d]); int nb = (int)(b * btmul[d]); if (nr > 0xFF) nr = 0xFF; if (ng > 0xFF) ng = 0xFF; if (nb > 0xFF) nb = 0xFF; r = (u8)nr; g = (u8)ng; b = (u8)nb; } static void ApplyDeemphasisComplete(pal* pal512) { //for each deemph level beyond 0 for(int i=0,idx=0;i<8;i++) { //for each palette entry for(int p=0;p<64;p++,idx++) { pal512[idx] = pal512[p]; ApplyDeemphasisBisqwit(idx,pal512[idx].r,pal512[idx].g,pal512[idx].b); } } } bool FCEUI_GetUserPaletteAvail( void ) { return palette_user_available; } void FCEUI_SetUserPalette(uint8 *pal, int nEntries) { if(!pal) { palette_user_available = false; } else { palette_user_available = true; memcpy(palette_user,pal,nEntries*3); //if palette is incomplete, generate deemph entries if(nEntries != 512) ApplyDeemphasisComplete(palette_user); } FCEU_ResetPalette(); } void FCEU_LoadGamePalette(void) { palette_game_available = false; std::string path = FCEU_MakeFName(FCEUMKF_PALETTE,0,0); FILE* fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen(path,"rb"); if(fp) { int readed = fread(palette_game,1,64*8*3,fp); int nEntries = readed/3; fclose(fp); //if palette is incomplete, generate deemph entries if(nEntries != 512) ApplyDeemphasisComplete(palette_game); palette_game_available = true; } //not sure whether this is needed FCEU_ResetPalette(); } void FCEUI_SetNTSCTH(bool en, int tint, int hue) { ntsctint=tint; ntschue=hue; ntsccol_enable = en; FCEU_ResetPalette(); } //this prepares the 'deemph' palette which was a horrible idea to jam a single deemph palette into 0xC0-0xFF of the 8bpp palette. //its needed for GUI and lua and stuff, so we're leaving it, despite having a newer codepath for applying deemph static uint8 lastd=0; void SetNESDeemph_OldHacky(uint8 d, int force) { static uint16 rtmul[]={ static_cast(32768*1.239), static_cast(32768*.794), static_cast(32768*1.019), static_cast(32768*.905), static_cast(32768*1.023), static_cast(32768*.741), static_cast(32768*.75) }; static uint16 gtmul[]={ static_cast(32768*.915), static_cast(32768*1.086), static_cast(32768*.98), static_cast(32768*1.026), static_cast(32768*.908), static_cast(32768*.987), static_cast(32768*.75) }; static uint16 btmul[]={ static_cast(32768*.743), static_cast(32768*.882), static_cast(32768*.653), static_cast(32768*1.277), static_cast(32768*.979), static_cast(32768*.101), static_cast(32768*.75) }; uint32 r,g,b; int x; /* If it's not forced(only forced when the palette changes), don't waste cpu time if the same deemphasis bits are set as the last call. */ if(!force) { if(d==lastd) return; } else /* Only set this when palette has changed. */ { #ifdef _S9XLUA_H FCEU_LuaUpdatePalette(); #endif r=rtmul[6]; g=rtmul[6]; b=rtmul[6]; for(x=0;x<0x40;x++) { uint32 m,n,o; m=palo[x].r; n=palo[x].g; o=palo[x].b; m=(m*r)>>15; n=(n*g)>>15; o=(o*b)>>15; if(m>0xff) m=0xff; if(n>0xff) n=0xff; if(o>0xff) o=0xff; FCEUD_SetPalette(x|0xC0,m,n,o); } } if(!d) return; /* No deemphasis, so return. */ r=rtmul[d-1]; g=gtmul[d-1]; b=btmul[d-1]; for(x=0;x<0x40;x++) { uint32 m,n,o; m=palo[x].r; n=palo[x].g; o=palo[x].b; m=(m*r)>>15; n=(n*g)>>15; o=(o*b)>>15; if(m>0xff) m=0xff; if(n>0xff) n=0xff; if(o>0xff) o=0xff; FCEUD_SetPalette(x|0x40,m,n,o); } lastd=d; #ifdef _S9XLUA_H FCEU_LuaUpdatePalette(); #endif } // Converted from Kevin Horton's qbasic palette generator. static void CalculatePalette(void) { //PRECONDITION: ntsc palette is enabled if(!ntsccol_enable) return; int x,z; int r,g,b; double s,luma,theta; static uint8 cols[16]={0,24,21,18,15,12,9,6,3,0,33,30,27,0,0,0}; static uint8 br1[4]={6,9,12,12}; static double br2[4]={.29,.45,.73,.9}; static double br3[4]={0,.24,.47,.77}; for(x=0;x<=3;x++) for(z=0;z<16;z++) { s=(double)ntsctint/128; luma=br2[x]; if(z==0) {s=0;luma=((double)br1[x])/12;} if(z>=13) { s=luma=0; if(z==13) luma=br3[x]; } theta=(double)M_PI*(double)(((double)cols[z]*10+ (((double)ntschue/2)+300) )/(double)180); r=(int)((luma+s*sin(theta))*256); g=(int)((luma-(double)27/53*s*sin(theta)+(double)10/53*s*cos(theta))*256); b=(int)((luma-s*cos(theta))*256); if(r>255) r=255; if(g>255) g=255; if(b>255) b=255; if(r<0) r=0; if(g<0) g=0; if(b<0) b=0; palette_ntsc[(x<<4)+z].r=r; palette_ntsc[(x<<4)+z].g=g; palette_ntsc[(x<<4)+z].b=b; } //can't call FCEU_ResetPalette(), it would be re-entrant //see precondition for this function WritePalette(); } void FCEU_ResetPalette(void) { if(GameInfo) { ChoosePalette(); WritePalette(); } } static void ChoosePalette(void) { //NSF uses a fixed palette always: if(GameInfo->type==GIT_NSF) palo = default_palette[0]; //user palette takes priority over others else if(palette_user_available) palo = palette_user; //NTSC takes priority next, if it's appropriate else if(ntsccol_enable && !PAL && GameInfo->type!=GIT_VSUNI) { //for NTSC games, we can actually use the NTSC palette palo = palette_ntsc; CalculatePalette(); } //select the game's overridden palette if available else if(palette_game_available) palo = palette_game; //finally, use a default built-in palette else { palo = default_palette[default_palette_selection]; //need to calcualte a deemph on the fly.. sorry. maybe support otherwise later ApplyDeemphasisComplete(palo); } } void WritePalette(void) { int x; //set the 'unvarying' palettes to low < 64 palette entries const int unvaried = sizeof(palette_unvarying)/sizeof(palette_unvarying[0]); for(x=0;x= 128 with the 64 selected main colors for(x=0;x<64;x++) FCEUD_SetPalette(128+x,palo[x].r,palo[x].g,palo[x].b); SetNESDeemph_OldHacky(lastd,1); #ifdef _S9XLUA_H FCEU_LuaUpdatePalette(); #endif } void FCEUI_GetNTSCTH(int *tint, int *hue) { *tint = ntsctint; *hue = ntschue; } static int controlselect=0; static int controllength=0; void FCEUI_NTSCDEC(void) { if(ntsccol_enable && GameInfo->type!=GIT_VSUNI &&!PAL && GameInfo->type!=GIT_NSF) { int which; if(controlselect) { if(controllength) { which=controlselect==1?ntschue:ntsctint; which--; if(which<0) which=0; if(controlselect==1) ntschue=which; else ntsctint=which; CalculatePalette(); } controllength=360; } } } void FCEUI_NTSCINC(void) { if(ntsccol_enable && GameInfo->type!=GIT_VSUNI && !PAL && GameInfo->type!=GIT_NSF) if(controlselect) { if(controllength) { switch(controlselect) { case 1:ntschue++; if(ntschue>128) ntschue=128; CalculatePalette(); break; case 2:ntsctint++; if(ntsctint>128) ntsctint=128; CalculatePalette(); break; } } controllength=360; } } void FCEUI_NTSCSELHUE(void) { if(ntsccol_enable && GameInfo->type!=GIT_VSUNI && !PAL && GameInfo->type!=GIT_NSF){controlselect=1;controllength=360;} } void FCEUI_NTSCSELTINT(void) { if(ntsccol_enable && GameInfo->type!=GIT_VSUNI && !PAL && GameInfo->type!=GIT_NSF){controlselect=2;controllength=360;} } void FCEU_DrawNTSCControlBars(uint8 *XBuf) { uint8 *XBaf; int which=0; int x,x2; if(!controllength) return; controllength--; if(!XBuf) return; if(controlselect==1) { DrawTextTrans(XBuf+128-12+180*256, 256, (uint8 *)"Hue", 0x85); which=ntschue<<1; } else if(controlselect==2) { DrawTextTrans(XBuf+128-16+180*256, 256, (uint8 *)"Tint", 0x85); which=ntsctint<<1; } XBaf=XBuf+200*256; for(x=0;x=-6;x2--) { XBaf[x-256*x2]=0x85; } } for(;x<256;x+=2) { for(x2=2;x2>=-2;x2--) XBaf[x-256*x2]=0x85; } }