/* FCE Ultra - NES/Famicom Emulator * * Copyright notice for this file: * Copyright (C) 1998 BERO * Copyright (C) 2002 Xodnizel * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include "types.h" #include "x6502.h" #include "fceu.h" #include "cart.h" #include "ppu.h" #define INESPRIV #include "ines.h" #include "unif.h" #include "state.h" #include "file.h" #include "utils/general.h" #include "utils/memory.h" #include "utils/crc32.h" #include "utils/md5.h" #include "utils/xstring.h" #include "cheat.h" #include "vsuni.h" #include "driver.h" extern SFORMAT FCEUVSUNI_STATEINFO[]; //mbg merge 6/29/06 - these need to be global uint8 *trainerpoo = 0; uint8 *ROM = NULL; uint8 *VROM = NULL; iNES_HEADER head; static CartInfo iNESCart; uint8 iNESMirroring = 0; uint16 iNESCHRBankList[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int32 iNESIRQLatch = 0, iNESIRQCount = 0; uint8 iNESIRQa = 0; uint32 ROM_size = 0; uint32 VROM_size = 0; char LoadedRomFName[2048]; //mbg merge 7/17/06 added static int CHRRAMSize = -1; static void iNESPower(void); static int NewiNES_Init(int num); void (*MapperReset)(void); static int MapperNo = 0; /* MapperReset() is called when the NES is reset(with the reset button). Mapperxxx_init is called when the NES has been powered on. */ static DECLFR(TrainerRead) { return(trainerpoo[A & 0x1FF]); } static void iNES_ExecPower() { if (CHRRAMSize != -1) FCEU_MemoryRand(VROM, CHRRAMSize); if (iNESCart.Power) iNESCart.Power(); if (trainerpoo) { int x; for (x = 0; x < 512; x++) { X6502_DMW(0x7000 + x, trainerpoo[x]); if (X6502_DMR(0x7000 + x) != trainerpoo[x]) { SetReadHandler(0x7000, 0x71FF, TrainerRead); break; } } } } void iNESGI(GI h) { //bbit edited: removed static keyword switch (h) { case GI_RESETSAVE: FCEU_ClearGameSave(&iNESCart); break; case GI_RESETM2: if (MapperReset) MapperReset(); if (iNESCart.Reset) iNESCart.Reset(); break; case GI_POWER: iNES_ExecPower(); break; case GI_CLOSE: { FCEU_SaveGameSave(&iNESCart); if (iNESCart.Close) iNESCart.Close(); if (ROM) { free(ROM); ROM = NULL; } if (VROM) { free(VROM); VROM = NULL; } if (trainerpoo) { FCEU_gfree(trainerpoo); trainerpoo = 0; } } break; } } uint32 iNESGameCRC32 = 0; struct CRCMATCH { uint32 crc; char *name; }; struct INPSEL { uint32 crc32; ESI input1; ESI input2; ESIFC inputfc; }; static void SetInput(void) { static struct INPSEL moo[] = { {0x19b0a9f1, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // 6-in-1 (MGC-023)(Unl)[!] {0x29de87af, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_FTRAINERB }, // Aerobics Studio {0xd89e5a67, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_ARKANOID }, // Arkanoid (J) {0x0f141525, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_ARKANOID }, // Arkanoid 2(J) {0x32fb0583, SI_UNSET, SI_ARKANOID, SIFC_NONE }, // Arkanoid(NES) {0x60ad090a, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_FTRAINERA }, // Athletic World {0x48ca0ee1, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_BWORLD }, // Barcode World {0x4318a2f8, SI_UNSET, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Barker Bill's Trick Shooting {0x6cca1c1f, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_FTRAINERB }, // Dai Undoukai {0x24598791, SI_UNSET, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Duck Hunt {0xd5d6eac4, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_SUBORKB }, // Edu (As) {0xe9a7fe9e, SI_UNSET, SI_MOUSE, SIFC_NONE }, // Educational Computer 2000 {0x8f7b1669, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_SUBORKB }, // FP BASIC 3.3 by maxzhou88 {0xf7606810, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_FKB }, // Family BASIC 2.0A {0x895037bc, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_FKB }, // Family BASIC 2.1a {0xb2530afc, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_FKB }, // Family BASIC 3.0 {0xea90f3e2, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_FTRAINERB }, // Family Trainer: Running Stadium {0xbba58be5, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_FTRAINERB }, // Family Trainer: Manhattan Police {0x3e58a87e, SI_UNSET, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Freedom Force {0xd9f45be9, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_QUIZKING }, // Gimme a Break ... {0x1545bd13, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_QUIZKING }, // Gimme a Break ... 2 {0x4e959173, SI_UNSET, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Gotcha! - The Sport! {0xbeb8ab01, SI_UNSET, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Gumshoe {0xff24d794, SI_UNSET, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Hogan's Alley {0x21f85681, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_HYPERSHOT }, // Hyper Olympic (Gentei Ban) {0x980be936, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_HYPERSHOT }, // Hyper Olympic {0x915a53a7, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_HYPERSHOT }, // Hyper Sports {0x9fae4d46, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_MAHJONG }, // Ide Yousuke Meijin no Jissen Mahjong {0x7b44fb2a, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_MAHJONG }, // Ide Yousuke Meijin no Jissen Mahjong 2 {0x2f128512, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_FTRAINERA }, // Jogging Race {0xbb33196f, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_FKB }, // Keyboard Transformer {0x8587ee00, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_FKB }, // Keyboard Transformer {0x543ab532, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_SUBORKB }, // LIKO Color Lines {0x368c19a8, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_SUBORKB }, // LIKO Study Cartridge {0x5ee6008e, SI_UNSET, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Mechanized Attack {0x370ceb65, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_FTRAINERB }, // Meiro Dai Sakusen {0x3a1694f9, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_4PLAYER }, // Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu {0x9d048ea4, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_OEKAKIDS }, // Oeka Kids {0x2a6559a1, SI_UNSET, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Operation Wolf (J) {0xedc3662b, SI_UNSET, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Operation Wolf {0x912989dc, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_FKB }, // Playbox BASIC {0x9044550e, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_FTRAINERA }, // Rairai Kyonshizu {0xea90f3e2, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_FTRAINERB }, // Running Stadium {0x851eb9be, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Shooting Range {0x6435c095, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_POWERPADB, SIFC_UNSET }, // Short Order/Eggsplode {0xc043a8df, SI_UNSET, SI_MOUSE, SIFC_NONE }, // Shu Qi Yu - Shu Xue Xiao Zhuan Yuan (Ch) {0x2cf5db05, SI_UNSET, SI_MOUSE, SIFC_NONE }, // Shu Qi Yu - Zhi Li Xiao Zhuan Yuan (Ch) {0xad9c63e2, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_UNSET, SIFC_SHADOW }, // Space Shadow {0x61d86167, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_POWERPADB, SIFC_UNSET }, // Street Cop {0xabb2f974, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_SUBORKB }, // Study and Game 32-in-1 {0x41ef9ac4, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_SUBORKB }, // Subor {0x8b265862, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_SUBORKB }, // Subor {0x82f1fb96, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_SUBORKB }, // Subor 1.0 Russian {0x9f8f200a, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_FTRAINERA }, // Super Mogura Tataki!! - Pokkun Moguraa {0xd74b2719, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_POWERPADB, SIFC_UNSET }, // Super Team Games {0x74bea652, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Supergun 3-in-1 {0x5e073a1b, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_SUBORKB }, // Supor English (Chinese) {0x589b6b0d, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_SUBORKB }, // SuporV20 {0x41401c6d, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_SUBORKB }, // SuporV40 {0x23d17f5e, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // The Lone Ranger {0xc3c0811d, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_OEKAKIDS }, // The two "Oeka Kids" games {0xde8fd935, SI_UNSET, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // To the Earth {0x47232739, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_TOPRIDER }, // Top Rider {0x8a12a7d9, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_GAMEPAD, SIFC_FTRAINERB }, // Totsugeki Fuuun Takeshi Jou {0xb8b9aca3, SI_UNSET, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Wild Gunman {0x5112dc21, SI_UNSET, SI_ZAPPER, SIFC_NONE }, // Wild Gunman {0xaf4010ea, SI_GAMEPAD, SI_POWERPADB, SIFC_UNSET }, // World Class Track Meet {0x00000000, SI_UNSET, SI_UNSET, SIFC_UNSET } }; int x = 0; while (moo[x].input1 >= 0 || moo[x].input2 >= 0 || moo[x].inputfc >= 0) { if (moo[x].crc32 == iNESGameCRC32) { GameInfo->input[0] = moo[x].input1; GameInfo->input[1] = moo[x].input2; GameInfo->inputfc = moo[x].inputfc; break; } x++; } } #define INESB_INCOMPLETE 1 #define INESB_CORRUPT 2 #define INESB_HACKED 4 struct BADINF { uint64 md5partial; char *name; uint32 type; }; static struct BADINF BadROMImages[] = { #include "ines-bad.h" }; void CheckBad(uint64 md5partial) { int x; x = 0; //printf("0x%llx\n",md5partial); while (BadROMImages[x].name) { if (BadROMImages[x].md5partial == md5partial) { FCEU_PrintError("The copy game you have loaded, \"%s\", is bad, and will not work properly in FCEUX.", BadROMImages[x].name); return; } x++; } } struct CHINF { uint32 crc32; int32 mapper; int32 mirror; const char* params; }; void MapperInit() { if (NewiNES_Init(MapperNo)) { } else { iNESCart.Power = iNESPower; SetupCartPRGMapping(1, WRAM, 8192, 1); if (head.ROM_type & 2) { iNESCart.SaveGame[0] = WRAM; iNESCart.SaveGameLen[0] = 8192; } } } static const TMasterRomInfo sMasterRomInfo[] = { { 0x62b51b108a01d2beLL, "bonus=0" }, //4-in-1 (FK23C8021)[p1][!].nes { 0x8bb48490d8d22711LL, "bonus=0" }, //4-in-1 (FK23C8033)[p1][!].nes { 0xc75888d7b48cd378LL, "bonus=0" }, //4-in-1 (FK23C8043)[p1][!].nes { 0xf81a376fa54fdd69LL, "bonus=0" }, //4-in-1 (FK23Cxxxx, S-0210A PCB)[p1][!].nes { 0xa37eb9163e001a46LL, "bonus=0" }, //4-in-1 (FK23C8026) [p1][!].nes { 0xde5ce25860233f7eLL, "bonus=0" }, //4-in-1 (FK23C8045) [p1][!].nes { 0x5b3aa4cdc484a088LL, "bonus=0" }, //4-in-1 (FK23C8056) [p1][!].nes { 0x9342bf9bae1c798aLL, "bonus=0" }, //4-in-1 (FK23C8079) [p1][!].nes { 0x164eea6097a1e313LL, "busc=1" }, //Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (U)[!].nes -- needs bus conflict emulation }; const TMasterRomInfo* MasterRomInfo; TMasterRomInfoParams MasterRomInfoParams; static void CheckHInfo(void) { /* ROM images that have the battery-backed bit set in the header that really don't have battery-backed RAM is not that big of a problem, so I'll treat this differently by only listing games that should have battery-backed RAM. Lower 64 bits of the MD5 hash. */ static uint64 savie[] = { 0xc04361e499748382LL, /* AD&D Heroes of the Lance */ 0xb72ee2337ced5792LL, /* AD&D Hillsfar */ 0x2b7103b7a27bd72fLL, /* AD&D Pool of Radiance */ 0x498c10dc463cfe95LL, /* Battle Fleet */ 0x854d7947a3177f57LL, /* Crystalis */ 0x4a1f5336b86851b6LL, /* DW */ 0xb0bcc02c843c1b79LL, /* DW */ 0x2dcf3a98c7937c22LL, /* DW 2 */ 0x98e55e09dfcc7533LL, /* DW 4*/ 0x733026b6b72f2470LL, /* Dw 3 */ 0x6917ffcaca2d8466LL, /* Famista '90 */ 0x8da46db592a1fcf4LL, /* Faria */ 0xedba17a2c4608d20LL, /* Final Fantasy */ 0x91a6846d3202e3d6LL, /* Final Fantasy */ 0x012df596e2b31174LL, /* Final Fantasy 1+2 */ 0xf6b359a720549ecdLL, /* Final Fantasy 2 */ 0x5a30da1d9b4af35dLL, /* Final Fantasy 3 */ 0xd63dcc68c2b20adcLL, /* Final Fantasy J */ 0x2ee3417ba8b69706LL, /* Hydlide 3*/ 0xebbce5a54cf3ecc0LL, /* Justbreed */ 0x6a858da551ba239eLL, /* Kaijuu Monogatari */ 0x2db8f5d16c10b925LL, /* Kyonshiizu 2 */ 0x04a31647de80fdabLL, /* Legend of Zelda */ 0x94b9484862a26cbaLL, /* Legend of Zelda */ 0xa40666740b7d22feLL, /* Mindseeker */ 0x82000965f04a71bbLL, /* Mirai Shinwa Jarvas */ 0x77b811b2760104b9LL, /* Mouryou Senki Madara */ 0x11b69122efe86e8cLL, /* RPG Jinsei Game */ 0x9aa1dc16c05e7de5LL, /* Startropics */ 0x1b084107d0878bd0LL, /* Startropics 2*/ 0xa70b495314f4d075LL, /* Ys 3 */ 0x836c0ff4f3e06e45LL, /* Zelda 2 */ 0 /* Abandon all hope if the game has 0 in the lower 64-bits of its MD5 hash */ }; static struct CHINF moo[] = { #include "ines-correct.h" }; int tofix = 0; int x; uint64 partialmd5 = 0; for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) { partialmd5 |= (uint64)iNESCart.MD5[15 - x] << (x * 8); //printf("%16llx\n",partialmd5); } CheckBad(partialmd5); MasterRomInfo = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sMasterRomInfo); i++) { const TMasterRomInfo& info = sMasterRomInfo[i]; if (info.md5lower != partialmd5) continue; MasterRomInfo = &info; if (!info.params) break; std::vector toks = tokenize_str(info.params, ","); for (int j = 0; j < (int)toks.size(); j++) { std::vector parts = tokenize_str(toks[j], "="); MasterRomInfoParams[parts[0]] = parts[1]; } break; } x = 0; do { if (moo[x].crc32 == iNESGameCRC32) { if (moo[x].mapper >= 0) { if (moo[x].mapper & 0x800 && VROM_size) { VROM_size = 0; free(VROM); VROM = NULL; tofix |= 8; } if (MapperNo != (moo[x].mapper & 0xFF)) { tofix |= 1; MapperNo = moo[x].mapper & 0xFF; } } if (moo[x].mirror >= 0) { if (moo[x].mirror == 8) { if (Mirroring == 2) { /* Anything but hard-wired(four screen). */ tofix |= 2; Mirroring = 0; } } else if (Mirroring != moo[x].mirror) { if (Mirroring != (moo[x].mirror & ~4)) if ((moo[x].mirror & ~4) <= 2) /* Don't complain if one-screen mirroring needs to be set(the iNES header can't hold this information). */ tofix |= 2; Mirroring = moo[x].mirror; } } break; } x++; } while (moo[x].mirror >= 0 || moo[x].mapper >= 0); x = 0; while (savie[x] != 0) { if (savie[x] == partialmd5) { if (!(head.ROM_type & 2)) { tofix |= 4; head.ROM_type |= 2; } } x++; } /* Games that use these iNES mappers tend to have the four-screen bit set when it should not be. */ if ((MapperNo == 118 || MapperNo == 24 || MapperNo == 26) && (Mirroring == 2)) { Mirroring = 0; tofix |= 2; } /* Four-screen mirroring implicitly set. */ if (MapperNo == 99) Mirroring = 2; if (tofix) { char gigastr[768]; strcpy(gigastr, "The iNES header contains incorrect information. For now, the information will be corrected in RAM. "); if (tofix & 1) sprintf(gigastr + strlen(gigastr), "The mapper number should be set to %d. ", MapperNo); if (tofix & 2) { char *mstr[3] = { "Horizontal", "Vertical", "Four-screen" }; sprintf(gigastr + strlen(gigastr), "Mirroring should be set to \"%s\". ", mstr[Mirroring & 3]); } if (tofix & 4) strcat(gigastr, "The battery-backed bit should be set. "); if (tofix & 8) strcat(gigastr, "This game should not have any CHR ROM. "); strcat(gigastr, "\n"); FCEU_printf("%s", gigastr); } } typedef struct { int mapper; void (*init)(CartInfo *); } NewMI; //this is for games that is not the a power of 2 //mapper based for now... //not really accurate but this works since games //that are not in the power of 2 tends to come //in obscure mappers themselves which supports such //size static int not_power2[] = { 228 }; typedef struct { char* name; int number; void (*init)(CartInfo *); } BMAPPINGLocal; static BMAPPINGLocal bmap[] = { {"NROM", 0, NROM_Init}, {"MMC1", 1, Mapper1_Init}, {"UNROM", 2, UNROM_Init}, {"CNROM", 3, CNROM_Init}, {"MMC3", 4, Mapper4_Init}, {"MMC5", 5, Mapper5_Init}, {"FFE", 6, Mapper6_Init}, {"ANROM", 7, ANROM_Init}, {"", 8, Mapper8_Init}, // Nogaems, it's worthless {"MMC2", 9, Mapper9_Init}, {"MMC4", 10, Mapper10_Init}, {"Color Dreams", 11, Mapper11_Init}, {"", 12, Mapper12_Init}, {"CPROM", 13, CPROM_Init}, // {"", 14, Mapper14_Init}, {"100-in-1", 15, Mapper15_Init}, {"Bandai", 16, Mapper16_Init}, {"", 17, Mapper17_Init}, {"", 18, Mapper18_Init}, {"Namcot 106", 19, Mapper19_Init}, // {"", 20, Mapper20_Init}, {"Konami VRC2/VRC4 A", 21, Mapper21_Init}, {"Konami VRC2/VRC4 B", 22, Mapper22_Init}, {"Konami VRC2/VRC4 C", 23, Mapper23_Init}, {"Konami VRC6 Rev. A", 24, Mapper24_Init}, {"Konami VRC2/VRC4 D", 25, Mapper25_Init}, {"Konami VRC6 Rev. B", 26, Mapper26_Init}, // {"", 27, Mapper27_Init}, // Deprecated, dupe for VRC2/VRC4 mapper // {"", 28, Mapper28_Init}, // {"", 29, Mapper29_Init}, // {"", 30, Mapper30_Init}, // {"", 31, Mapper31_Init}, {"IREM G-101", 32, Mapper32_Init}, {"TC0190FMC/TC0350FMR", 33, Mapper33_Init}, {"", 34, Mapper34_Init}, {"Wario Land 2", 35, UNLSC127_Init}, {"TXC Policeman", 36, Mapper36_Init}, {"", 37, Mapper37_Init}, {"Bit Corp.", 38, Mapper38_Init}, // Crime Busters // {"", 39, Mapper39_Init}, {"SMB2j FDS", 40, Mapper40_Init}, {"CALTRON 6-in-1", 41, Mapper41_Init}, {"BIO MIRACLE FDS", 42, Mapper42_Init}, {"", 43, Mapper43_Init}, {"", 44, Mapper44_Init}, {"", 45, Mapper45_Init}, {"RUMBLESTATION 15-in-1",46, Mapper46_Init}, {"", 47, Mapper47_Init}, {"TAITO TCxxx", 48, Mapper48_Init}, {"", 49, Mapper49_Init}, {"SMB2j FDS REV A", 50, Mapper50_Init}, {"11-in-1 BALL SERIES", 51, Mapper51_Init}, // 1993 year version {"", 52, Mapper52_Init}, // {"", 53, Mapper53_Init}, // iNES version of complex UNIF board, can't emulate properly as iNES // {"", 54, Mapper54_Init}, // {"", 55, Mapper55_Init}, // {"", 56, Mapper56_Init}, {"", 57, Mapper57_Init}, {"", 58, BMCGK192_Init}, {"", 59, Mapper59_Init}, // Check this out {"", 60, BMCD1038_Init}, {"20-in-1 KAISER REV A", 61, Mapper61_Init}, {"700-in-1", 62, Mapper62_Init}, // {"", 63, Mapper63_Init}, {"TENGEN RAMBO1", 64, Mapper64_Init}, {"IREM-H3001", 65, Mapper65_Init}, {"MHOM", 66, MHROM_Init}, {"SUNSOFT-FZII", 67, Mapper67_Init}, {"Sunsoft Mapper #4", 68, Mapper68_Init}, {"SUNSOFT-5/FME-7", 69, Mapper69_Init}, {"BA KAMEN DISCRETE", 70, Mapper70_Init}, {"CAMERICA BF9093", 71, Mapper71_Init}, {"JALECO JF-17", 72, Mapper72_Init}, {"KONAMI VRC3", 73, Mapper73_Init}, {"TW MMC3+VRAM VER. A", 74, Mapper74_Init}, {"KONAMI VRC1", 75, Mapper75_Init}, {"NAMCOT 108 VER. A", 76, Mapper76_Init}, {"IREM LROG017", 77, Mapper77_Init}, {"Irem 74HC161/32", 78, Mapper78_Init}, {"AVE/C&E/TXC BOARD", 79, Mapper79_Init}, {"TAITO X1-005 VER. A", 80, Mapper80_Init}, // {"", 81, Mapper81_Init}, {"", 82, Mapper82_Init}, {"", 83, Mapper83_Init}, // {"", 84, Mapper84_Init}, {"KONAMI VRC7", 85, Mapper85_Init}, {"", 86, Mapper86_Init}, {"", 87, Mapper87_Init}, {"", 88, Mapper88_Init}, {"SUNSOFT-3", 89, Mapper89_Init}, // SUNSOFT-2 mapper {"", 90, Mapper90_Init}, {"", 91, Mapper91_Init}, {"", 92, Mapper92_Init}, {"SUNSOFT-3R", 93, SUNSOFT_UNROM_Init}, // SUNSOFT-2 mapper with VRAM, different wiring {"", 94, Mapper94_Init}, {"NAMCOT 108 VER. B", 95, Mapper95_Init}, {"", 96, Mapper96_Init}, {"", 97, Mapper97_Init}, // {"", 98, Mapper98_Init}, {"", 99, Mapper99_Init}, // {"", 100, Mapper100_Init}, {"", 101, Mapper101_Init}, // {"", 102, Mapper102_Init}, {"", 103, Mapper103_Init}, // {"", 104, Mapper104_Init}, {"", 105, Mapper105_Init}, {"", 106, Mapper106_Init}, {"", 107, Mapper107_Init}, {"", 108, Mapper108_Init}, // {"", 109, Mapper109_Init}, // {"", 110, Mapper110_Init}, // {"", 111, Mapper111_Init}, {"", 112, Mapper112_Init}, {"", 113, Mapper113_Init}, {"", 114, Mapper114_Init}, {"", 115, Mapper115_Init}, {"", 116, UNLSL12_Init}, {"", 117, Mapper117_Init}, {"TSKROM", 118, TKSROM_Init}, {"", 119, Mapper119_Init}, {"", 120, Mapper120_Init}, {"", 121, Mapper121_Init}, // {"", 122, Mapper122_Init}, {"UNLH2288", 123, UNLH2288_Init}, // {"", 124, Mapper124_Init}, {"", 125, LH32_Init}, // {"", 126, Mapper126_Init}, // {"", 127, Mapper127_Init}, // {"", 128, Mapper128_Init}, // {"", 129, Mapper129_Init}, // {"", 130, Mapper130_Init}, // {"", 131, Mapper131_Init}, {"UNL22211", 132, UNL22211_Init}, {"SA72008", 133, SA72008_Init}, {"", 134, Mapper134_Init}, // {"", 135, Mapper135_Init}, {"TCU02", 136, TCU02_Init}, {"S8259D", 137, S8259D_Init}, {"S8259B", 138, S8259B_Init}, {"S8259C", 139, S8259C_Init}, {"", 140, Mapper140_Init}, {"S8259A", 141, S8259A_Init}, {"UNLKS7032", 142, UNLKS7032_Init}, {"TCA01", 143, TCA01_Init}, {"", 144, Mapper144_Init}, {"SA72007", 145, SA72007_Init}, {"SA0161M", 146, SA0161M_Init}, {"TCU01", 147, TCU01_Init}, {"SA0037", 148, SA0037_Init}, {"SA0036", 149, SA0036_Init}, {"S74LS374N", 150, S74LS374N_Init}, {"", 151, Mapper151_Init}, {"", 152, Mapper152_Init}, {"", 153, Mapper153_Init}, {"", 154, Mapper154_Init}, {"", 155, Mapper155_Init}, {"", 156, Mapper156_Init}, {"", 157, Mapper157_Init}, // {"", 158, Mapper158_Init}, // {"", 159, Mapper159_Init}, {"SA009", 160, SA009_Init}, // {"", 161, Mapper161_Init}, {"", 162, UNLFS304_Init}, {"", 163, Mapper163_Init}, {"", 164, Mapper164_Init}, {"", 165, Mapper165_Init}, {"SUBOR Rev. A", 166, Mapper166_Init}, {"SUBOR Rev. B", 167, Mapper167_Init}, {"", 168, Mapper168_Init}, // {"", 169, Mapper169_Init}, {"", 170, Mapper170_Init}, {"", 171, Mapper171_Init}, {"", 172, Mapper172_Init}, {"", 173, Mapper173_Init}, // {"", 174, Mapper174_Init}, {"", 175, Mapper175_Init}, {"BMCFK23C", 176, BMCFK23C_Init}, //zero 26-may-2012 - well, i have some WXN junk games that use 176 for instance ????. i dont know what game uses this BMCFK23C as mapper 176. we'll have to make a note when we find it. {"", 177, Mapper177_Init}, {"", 178, Mapper178_Init}, // {"", 179, Mapper179_Init}, {"", 180, Mapper180_Init}, {"", 181, Mapper181_Init}, // {"", 182, Mapper182_Init}, // Deprecated, dupe {"", 183, Mapper183_Init}, {"", 184, Mapper184_Init}, {"", 185, Mapper185_Init}, {"", 186, Mapper186_Init}, {"", 187, Mapper187_Init}, {"", 188, Mapper188_Init}, {"", 189, Mapper189_Init}, // {"", 190, Mapper190_Init}, {"", 191, Mapper191_Init}, {"TW MMC3+VRAM VER. B", 192, Mapper192_Init}, {"NTDEC TC-112", 193, Mapper193_Init}, // War in the Gulf {"TW MMC3+VRAM VER. C", 194, Mapper194_Init}, {"TW MMC3+VRAM VER. D", 195, Mapper195_Init}, {"", 196, Mapper196_Init}, {"", 197, Mapper197_Init}, {"", 198, Mapper198_Init}, {"", 199, Mapper199_Init}, {"", 200, Mapper200_Init}, {"", 201, Mapper201_Init}, {"", 202, Mapper202_Init}, {"", 203, Mapper203_Init}, {"", 204, Mapper204_Init}, {"", 205, Mapper205_Init}, {"NAMCOT 108 VER. C", 206, Mapper206_Init}, // Deprecated, Used to be "DEIROM" whatever it means, but actually simple version of MMC3 {"TAITO X1-005 VER. B", 207, Mapper207_Init}, {"", 208, Mapper208_Init}, {"", 209, Mapper209_Init}, {"", 210, Mapper210_Init}, {"", 211, Mapper211_Init}, {"", 212, Mapper212_Init}, {"", 213, Mapper213_Init}, {"", 214, Mapper214_Init}, {"", 215, UNL8237_Init}, {"", 216, Mapper216_Init}, {"", 217, Mapper217_Init}, // Redefined to a new Discrete BMC mapper // {"", 218, Mapper218_Init}, {"UNLA9746", 219, UNLA9746_Init}, {"Debug Mapper", 220, UNLKS7057_Init}, {"UNLN625092", 221, UNLN625092_Init}, {"", 222, Mapper222_Init}, // {"", 223, Mapper223_Init}, // {"", 224, Mapper224_Init}, {"", 225, Mapper225_Init}, {"BMC 22+20-in-1", 226, Mapper226_Init}, {"", 227, Mapper227_Init}, {"", 228, Mapper228_Init}, {"", 229, Mapper229_Init}, {"BMC Contra+22-in-1", 230, Mapper230_Init}, {"", 231, Mapper231_Init}, {"BMC QUATTRO", 232, Mapper232_Init}, {"BMC 22+20-in-1 RST", 233, Mapper233_Init}, {"BMC MAXI", 234, Mapper234_Init}, {"", 235, Mapper235_Init}, // {"", 236, Mapper236_Init}, // {"", 237, Mapper237_Init}, {"UNL6035052", 238, UNL6035052_Init}, // {"", 239, Mapper239_Init}, {"", 240, Mapper240_Init}, {"", 241, Mapper241_Init}, {"", 242, Mapper242_Init}, {"S74LS374NA", 243, S74LS374NA_Init}, {"DECATHLON", 244, Mapper244_Init}, {"", 245, Mapper245_Init}, {"FONG SHEN BANG", 246, Mapper246_Init}, // {"", 247, Mapper247_Init}, // {"", 248, Mapper248_Init}, {"", 249, Mapper249_Init}, {"", 250, Mapper250_Init}, // {"", 251, Mapper251_Init}, // No good dumps for this mapper, use UNIF version {"SAN GUO ZHI PIRATE", 252, Mapper252_Init}, {"DRAGON BALL PIRATE", 253, Mapper253_Init}, {"", 254, Mapper254_Init}, // {"", 255, Mapper255_Init}, // No good dumps for this mapper {"", 0, NULL} }; int iNESLoad(const char *name, FCEUFILE *fp, int OverwriteVidMode) { struct md5_context md5; if (FCEU_fread(&head, 1, 16, fp) != 16) return 0; if (memcmp(&head, "NES\x1a", 4)) return 0; head.cleanup(); memset(&iNESCart, 0, sizeof(iNESCart)); MapperNo = (head.ROM_type >> 4); MapperNo |= (head.ROM_type2 & 0xF0); Mirroring = (head.ROM_type & 1); if (!head.ROM_size) ROM_size = 256; else ROM_size = uppow2(head.ROM_size); VROM_size = uppow2(head.VROM_size); int round = true; for (int i = 0; i != sizeof(not_power2) / sizeof(not_power2[0]); ++i) { //for games not to the power of 2, so we just read enough //prg rom from it, but we have to keep ROM_size to the power of 2 //since PRGCartMapping wants ROM_size to be to the power of 2 //so instead if not to power of 2, we just use head.ROM_size when //we use FCEU_read if (not_power2[i] == MapperNo) { round = false; break; } } if (head.ROM_type & 8) Mirroring = 2; if ((ROM = (uint8*)FCEU_malloc(ROM_size << 14)) == NULL) return 0; if (VROM_size) { if ((VROM = (uint8*)FCEU_malloc(VROM_size << 13)) == NULL) { free(ROM); ROM = NULL; return 0; } } memset(ROM, 0xFF, ROM_size << 14); if (VROM_size) memset(VROM, 0xFF, VROM_size << 13); if (head.ROM_type & 4) { /* Trainer */ trainerpoo = (uint8*)FCEU_gmalloc(512); FCEU_fread(trainerpoo, 512, 1, fp); } ResetCartMapping(); ResetExState(0, 0); SetupCartPRGMapping(0, ROM, ROM_size * 0x4000, 0); FCEU_fread(ROM, 0x4000, (round) ? ROM_size : head.ROM_size, fp); if (VROM_size) FCEU_fread(VROM, 0x2000, head.VROM_size, fp); md5_starts(&md5); md5_update(&md5, ROM, ROM_size << 14); iNESGameCRC32 = CalcCRC32(0, ROM, ROM_size << 14); if (VROM_size) { iNESGameCRC32 = CalcCRC32(iNESGameCRC32, VROM, VROM_size << 13); md5_update(&md5, VROM, VROM_size << 13); } md5_finish(&md5, iNESCart.MD5); memcpy(&GameInfo->MD5, &iNESCart.MD5, sizeof(iNESCart.MD5)); iNESCart.CRC32 = iNESGameCRC32; FCEU_printf(" PRG ROM: %3d x 16KiB\n", (round) ? ROM_size: head.ROM_size); FCEU_printf(" CHR ROM: %3d x 8KiB\n", head.VROM_size); FCEU_printf(" ROM CRC32: 0x%08lx\n", iNESGameCRC32); { int x; FCEU_printf(" ROM MD5: 0x"); for(x=0;x<16;x++) FCEU_printf("%02x",iNESCart.MD5[x]); FCEU_printf("\n"); } char* mappername = "Not Listed"; for (int mappertest = 0; mappertest < (sizeof bmap / sizeof bmap[0]) - 1; mappertest++) { if (bmap[mappertest].number == MapperNo) { mappername = bmap[mappertest].name; break; } } FCEU_printf(" Mapper #: %d\n", MapperNo); FCEU_printf(" Mapper name: %s\n", mappername); FCEU_printf(" Mirroring: %s\n", Mirroring == 2 ? "None (Four-screen)" : Mirroring ? "Vertical" : "Horizontal"); FCEU_printf(" Battery-backed: %s\n", (head.ROM_type & 2) ? "Yes" : "No"); FCEU_printf(" Trained: %s\n", (head.ROM_type & 4) ? "Yes" : "No"); SetInput(); CheckHInfo(); { int x; uint64 partialmd5 = 0; for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) { partialmd5 |= (uint64)iNESCart.MD5[7 - x] << (x * 8); } FCEU_VSUniCheck(partialmd5, &MapperNo, &Mirroring); } /* Must remain here because above functions might change value of VROM_size and free(VROM). */ if (VROM_size) SetupCartCHRMapping(0, VROM, VROM_size * 0x2000, 0); if (Mirroring == 2) SetupCartMirroring(4, 1, ExtraNTARAM); else if (Mirroring >= 0x10) SetupCartMirroring(2 + (Mirroring & 1), 1, 0); else SetupCartMirroring(Mirroring & 1, (Mirroring & 4) >> 2, 0); iNESCart.battery = (head.ROM_type & 2) ? 1 : 0; iNESCart.mirror = Mirroring; GameInfo->mappernum = MapperNo; MapperInit(); FCEU_LoadGameSave(&iNESCart); strcpy(LoadedRomFName, name); //bbit edited: line added // Extract Filename only. Should account for Windows/Unix this way. if (strrchr(name, '/')) { name = strrchr(name, '/') + 1; } else if (strrchr(name, '\\')) { name = strrchr(name, '\\') + 1; } GameInterface = iNESGI; FCEU_printf("\n"); // since apparently the iNES format doesn't store this information, // guess if the settings should be PAL or NTSC from the ROM name // TODO: MD5 check against a list of all known PAL games instead? if (OverwriteVidMode) { if (strstr(name, "(E)") || strstr(name, "(e)") || strstr(name, "(Europe)") || strstr(name, "(PAL)") || strstr(name, "(F)") || strstr(name, "(f)") || strstr(name, "(G)") || strstr(name, "(g)") || strstr(name, "(I)") || strstr(name, "(i)")) FCEUI_SetVidSystem(1); else FCEUI_SetVidSystem(0); } return 1; } // bbit edited: the whole function below was added int iNesSave() { FILE *fp; char name[2048]; if (GameInfo->type != GIT_CART) return 0; if (GameInterface != iNESGI) return 0; strcpy(name, LoadedRomFName); if (strcmp(name + strlen(name) - 4, ".nes") != 0) { //para edit strcat(name, ".nes"); } fp = fopen(name, "wb"); if (fwrite(&head, 1, 16, fp) != 16) { fclose(fp); return 0; } if (head.ROM_type & 4) { /* Trainer */ fwrite(trainerpoo, 512, 1, fp); } fwrite(ROM, 0x4000, ROM_size, fp); if (head.VROM_size) fwrite(VROM, 0x2000, head.VROM_size, fp); fclose(fp); return 1; } int iNesSaveAs(char* name) { //adelikat: TODO: iNesSave() and this have pretty much the same code, outsource the common code to a single function FILE *fp; if (GameInfo->type != GIT_CART) return 0; if (GameInterface != iNESGI) return 0; fp = fopen(name, "wb"); if (fwrite(&head, 1, 16, fp) != 16) { fclose(fp); return 0; } if (head.ROM_type & 4) { /* Trainer */ fwrite(trainerpoo, 512, 1, fp); } fwrite(ROM, 0x4000, ROM_size, fp); if (head.VROM_size) fwrite(VROM, 0x2000, head.VROM_size, fp); fclose(fp); return 1; } //para edit: added function below char *iNesShortFName() { char *ret; if (!(ret = strrchr(LoadedRomFName, '\\'))) { if (!(ret = strrchr(LoadedRomFName, '/'))) return 0; } return ret + 1; } void VRAM_BANK1(uint32 A, uint8 V) { V &= 7; PPUCHRRAM |= (1 << (A >> 10)); CHRBankList[(A) >> 10] = V; VPage[(A) >> 10] = &CHRRAM[V << 10] - (A); } void VRAM_BANK4(uint32 A, uint32 V) { V &= 1; PPUCHRRAM |= (0xF << (A >> 10)); CHRBankList[(A) >> 10] = (V << 2); CHRBankList[((A) >> 10) + 1] = (V << 2) + 1; CHRBankList[((A) >> 10) + 2] = (V << 2) + 2; CHRBankList[((A) >> 10) + 3] = (V << 2) + 3; VPage[(A) >> 10] = &CHRRAM[V << 10] - (A); } void VROM_BANK1(uint32 A, uint32 V) { setchr1(A, V); CHRBankList[(A) >> 10] = V; } void VROM_BANK2(uint32 A, uint32 V) { setchr2(A, V); CHRBankList[(A) >> 10] = (V << 1); CHRBankList[((A) >> 10) + 1] = (V << 1) + 1; } void VROM_BANK4(uint32 A, uint32 V) { setchr4(A, V); CHRBankList[(A) >> 10] = (V << 2); CHRBankList[((A) >> 10) + 1] = (V << 2) + 1; CHRBankList[((A) >> 10) + 2] = (V << 2) + 2; CHRBankList[((A) >> 10) + 3] = (V << 2) + 3; } void VROM_BANK8(uint32 V) { setchr8(V); CHRBankList[0] = (V << 3); CHRBankList[1] = (V << 3) + 1; CHRBankList[2] = (V << 3) + 2; CHRBankList[3] = (V << 3) + 3; CHRBankList[4] = (V << 3) + 4; CHRBankList[5] = (V << 3) + 5; CHRBankList[6] = (V << 3) + 6; CHRBankList[7] = (V << 3) + 7; } void ROM_BANK8(uint32 A, uint32 V) { setprg8(A, V); if (A >= 0x8000) PRGBankList[((A - 0x8000) >> 13)] = V; } void ROM_BANK16(uint32 A, uint32 V) { setprg16(A, V); if (A >= 0x8000) { PRGBankList[((A - 0x8000) >> 13)] = V << 1; PRGBankList[((A - 0x8000) >> 13) + 1] = (V << 1) + 1; } } void ROM_BANK32(uint32 V) { setprg32(0x8000, V); PRGBankList[0] = V << 2; PRGBankList[1] = (V << 2) + 1; PRGBankList[2] = (V << 2) + 2; PRGBankList[3] = (V << 2) + 3; } void onemir(uint8 V) { if (Mirroring == 2) return; if (V > 1) V = 1; Mirroring = 0x10 | V; setmirror(MI_0 + V); } void MIRROR_SET2(uint8 V) { if (Mirroring == 2) return; Mirroring = V; setmirror(V); } void MIRROR_SET(uint8 V) { if (Mirroring == 2) return; V ^= 1; Mirroring = V; setmirror(V); } static void NONE_init(void) { ROM_BANK16(0x8000, 0); ROM_BANK16(0xC000, ~0); if (VROM_size) VROM_BANK8(0); else setvram8(CHRRAM); } void(*MapInitTab[256]) (void) = { 0, 0, 0, //Mapper2_init, 0, //Mapper3_init, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper6_init, 0, //Mapper7_init, 0, //Mapper8_init, 0, //Mapper9_init, 0, //Mapper10_init, 0, //Mapper11_init, 0, 0, //Mapper13_init, 0, 0, //Mapper15_init, 0, //Mapper16_init, 0, //Mapper17_init, 0, //Mapper18_init, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper21_init, 0, //Mapper22_init, 0, //Mapper23_init, 0, //Mapper24_init, 0, //Mapper25_init, 0, //Mapper26_init, 0, //Mapper27_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper32_init, 0, //Mapper33_init, 0, //Mapper34_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper40_init, 0, //Mapper41_init, 0, //Mapper42_init, 0, //Mapper43_init, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper46_init, 0, 0, //Mapper48_init, 0, 0, //Mapper50_init, 0, //Mapper51_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper57_init, 0, //Mapper58_init, 0, //Mapper59_init, 0, //Mapper60_init, 0, //Mapper61_init, 0, //Mapper62_init, 0, 0, //Mapper64_init, 0, //Mapper65_init, 0, //Mapper66_init, 0, //Mapper67_init, 0, //Mapper68_init, 0, //Mapper69_init, 0, //Mapper70_init, 0, //Mapper71_init, 0, //Mapper72_init, 0, //Mapper73_init, 0, 0, //Mapper75_init, 0, //Mapper76_init, 0, //Mapper77_init, 0, //Mapper78_init, 0, //Mapper79_init, 0, //Mapper80_init, 0, 0, //Mapper82_init, 0, //Mapper83_init, 0, 0, //Mapper85_init, 0, //Mapper86_init, 0, //Mapper87_init, 0, //Mapper88_init, 0, //Mapper89_init, 0, 0, //Mapper91_init, 0, //Mapper92_init, 0, //Mapper93_init, 0, //Mapper94_init, 0, 0, //Mapper96_init, 0, //Mapper97_init, 0, 0, //Mapper99_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper107_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper113_init, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper116_init, 0, //Mapper117_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper140_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper144_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper151_init, 0, //Mapper152_init, 0, //Mapper153_init, 0, //Mapper154_init, 0, 0, //Mapper156_init, 0, //Mapper157_init, 0, //Mapper158_init, removed 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper166_init, 0, //Mapper167_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper180_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper184_init, 0, //Mapper185_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper189_init, 0, 0, //Mapper191_init, 0, 0, //Mapper193_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper200_init, 0, //Mapper201_init, 0, //Mapper202_init, 0, //Mapper203_init, 0, //Mapper204_init, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper207_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper211_init, 0, //Mapper212_init, 0, //Mapper213_init, 0, //Mapper214_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper225_init, 0, //Mapper226_init, 0, //Mapper227_init, 0, //Mapper228_init, 0, //Mapper229_init, 0, //Mapper230_init, 0, //Mapper231_init, 0, //Mapper232_init, 0, 0, //Mapper234_init, 0, //Mapper235_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper240_init, 0, //Mapper241_init, 0, //Mapper242_init, 0, 0, //Mapper244_init, 0, 0, //Mapper246_init, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Mapper255_init }; static DECLFW(BWRAM) { WRAM[A - 0x6000] = V; } static DECLFR(AWRAM) { return WRAM[A - 0x6000]; } void (*MapStateRestore)(int version); void iNESStateRestore(int version) { int x; if (!MapperNo) return; for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) setprg8(0x8000 + x * 8192, PRGBankList[x]); if (VROM_size) for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) setchr1(0x400 * x, CHRBankList[x]); if (0) switch (Mirroring) { case 0: setmirror(MI_H); break; case 1: setmirror(MI_V); break; case 0x12: case 0x10: setmirror(MI_0); break; case 0x13: case 0x11: setmirror(MI_1); break; } if (MapStateRestore) MapStateRestore(version); } static void iNESPower(void) { int x; int type = MapperNo; SetReadHandler(0x8000, 0xFFFF, CartBR); GameStateRestore = iNESStateRestore; MapperReset = 0; MapStateRestore = 0; setprg8r(1, 0x6000, 0); SetReadHandler(0x6000, 0x7FFF, AWRAM); SetWriteHandler(0x6000, 0x7FFF, BWRAM); FCEU_CheatAddRAM(8, 0x6000, WRAM); /* This statement represents atrocious code. I need to rewrite all of the iNES mapper code... */ IRQCount = IRQLatch = IRQa = 0; if (head.ROM_type & 2) memset(GameMemBlock + 8192, 0, GAME_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE - 8192); else memset(GameMemBlock, 0, GAME_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE); NONE_init(); ResetExState(0, 0); if (GameInfo->type == GIT_VSUNI) AddExState(FCEUVSUNI_STATEINFO, ~0, 0, 0); AddExState(WRAM, 8192, 0, "WRAM"); if (type == 85) AddExState(MapperExRAM, 32768, 0, "MEXR"); if ((!VROM_size || type == 6 || type == 19) && (type != 13)) AddExState(CHRRAM, 8192 * 4, 0, "CHRR"); if (head.ROM_type & 8) AddExState(ExtraNTARAM, 2048, 0, "EXNR"); /* Exclude some mappers whose emulation code handle save state stuff themselves. */ if (type && type != 13) { AddExState(mapbyte1, 32, 0, "MPBY"); AddExState(&Mirroring, 1, 0, "MIRR"); AddExState(&IRQCount, 4, 1, "IRQC"); AddExState(&IRQLatch, 4, 1, "IQL1"); AddExState(&IRQa, 1, 0, "IRQA"); AddExState(PRGBankList, 4, 0, "PBL"); for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) { char tak[8]; sprintf(tak, "CBL%d", x); AddExState(&CHRBankList[x], 2, 1, tak); } } if (MapInitTab[type]) MapInitTab[type](); else if (type) { FCEU_PrintError("iNES mapper #%d is not supported at all.", type); } } static int NewiNES_Init(int num) { BMAPPINGLocal *tmp = bmap; CHRRAMSize = -1; if (GameInfo->type == GIT_VSUNI) AddExState(FCEUVSUNI_STATEINFO, ~0, 0, 0); while (tmp->init) { if (num == tmp->number) { UNIFchrrama = 0; // need here for compatibility with UNIF mapper code if (!VROM_size) { switch (num) { // FIXME, mapper or game data base with the board parameters and ROM/RAM sizes case 13: CHRRAMSize = 16 * 1024; break; case 6: case 96: CHRRAMSize = 32 * 1024; break; case 176: CHRRAMSize = 128 * 1024; break; default: CHRRAMSize = 8 * 1024; break; } if ((VROM = (uint8*)FCEU_dmalloc(CHRRAMSize)) == NULL) return 0; FCEU_MemoryRand(VROM, CHRRAMSize); UNIFchrrama = VROM; SetupCartCHRMapping(0, VROM, CHRRAMSize, 1); AddExState(VROM, CHRRAMSize, 0, "CHRR"); } if (head.ROM_type & 8) AddExState(ExtraNTARAM, 2048, 0, "EXNR"); tmp->init(&iNESCart); return 1; } tmp++; } return 0; }