   * Clean out old unused files - scons build system is dead, cmake is the way to go.
   * GTK GUI was not cross-platform. A Qt5 version of the GUI has been created to meet this need. 
     I will keep the GTK GUI around for Linux users who prefer it, but when it comes to adding new features
     the Qt GUI is where I plan to add them first (if at all).
   * Code cleanup. Lots of compiler warnings with newer GCC. Maybe I'm OCD... but these warnings bother me.

   * Emulator no runs as a separate thread from the GUI. Much improved performance.
   * Cross platform QT GUI is fully functional minus Debug Tools.
----------------------  GUI Capability Matrix -----------------------------------|
Feature                                              |     Qt5     |     GTK3    |
Basic game ROM open/run and close via menu functions |     YES     |     YES     |
Load/save game states                                |     YES     |     YES     |
Select and execute Lua script via file browser       |     YES     |     YES     |
Lua Console/Control Window                           |     YES     |     NO      |
Screenshot snap/save functionality                   |     YES     |     YES     |
Virtual game pad button mapping window               |     YES     |     YES     |
Other input device type button mapping window        |     NO      |     NO      |
Audio mixer / config window                          |     YES     |     YES     |
Video config window                                  |     YES     |     YES     |
OpenGL graphics                                      |     YES     |     YES     |
Hot key config window                                |     YES     |     YES     |
Palette config window                                |     YES     |     YES     |
Multi-thread (GUI and emulation on separate threads) |     YES     |     NO      |
Emulation speed control via menu                     |     NO      |     NO      |
Emulation speed control via hotkeys                  |     YES     |     YES     |
Fullscreen functionality                             |     YES     |     YES     |
AVI Record Functionality                             |     NO      |     NO      |
NES Emulation Power/Reset/Pause functionality        |     YES     |     YES     |
Game genie load/enable capability                    |     YES     |     YES     |
Movie record/save/play functionality                 |     YES     |     YES     |
Cheat search window                                  |     YES     |     YES     |
Active Cheat window                                  |     YES     |     YES     |
RAM Search Window                                    |     NO      |     NO      |
RAM Watch Window                                     |     NO      |     YES     |
Memory Watch Window                                  |     NO      |     NO      |
TAS Editor                                           |     NO      |     NO      |
6502 Debugger Window                                 |     YES     |     YES     |
PPU Viewer                                           |     YES     |     NO      |
Name Table Viewer                                    |     NO      |     NO      |
Memory Hex Editor                                    |     YES     |     YES     |
Trace Logger                                         |     YES     |     NO      |
Code/Data Logger                                     |     YES     |     NO      |
Game Genie Encoder/Decoder                           |     NO      |     NO      |
iNES Header Editor                                   |     NO      |     NO      |
Built in help pages                                  |     NO      |     NO      |
Network play (who actually uses this???)             |     NO      |     NO      |

   * Clean out rest of old GTK comments and #ifdefs
	* GUI Debug Tools TODO
   * GUI should compile in windows as well.... but testing is not a priority since the windows gui already has a totally separate backend.


	* Docs REALLY need a cleanup/rewrite