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stabilizing the SDL build; and repairing things that we had recently broken while adding other features to the emulator</p> <pre> emulator: bug: restore support for old-format savestates. bug: restore savestate load error-recovery system bug: restore IPS patching capability which was lost when archive support was added bug: restore ungzipping (and unzipping in sdl) capability which was lost when archive support was added bug: SF [ 2046985 ] SRAM not wiped on power cycle (during movies) bug: palflag 1 in .fm2 files crashes fceux enh: add lagcounter and lagflag to savestate enh: support loading movies from archives mappers: bug: remove cnrom chr rom size limit for homebrew roms bug: upgrade to cah4e3's latest mapper 163&164 code to fix a crash in a game bug: mmc5 - 64KB WRAM games now work correctly bug: mmc5 - use of chr A regs for BG in sprite 8x8 mode is fixed windows: bug: fix a bug which caused fourscore emulation to fail in some cases bug: SF [ 2030405 ] Avi recording: no sound b0rks format bug: SF [ 2040448 ] View Slots bug - does not include new savestate naming bug: prevent windows from memory re-positioning themselves in the abyss when theyre closed while minimized bug: removed broken hotkey ctrl+x (prevented cut from working in accel dialogs) bug: fixed the (null) in the default lua directory listing bug: SF [ 2037878 ] Convert .fcm doesn't do special characters bug: SF [ 2046984 ] Player 3/4 input events recorded even when not used bug: SF [ 2047001 ] Low speeds crash FCEUX bug: SF [ 2050371 ] FCM>FM2 converter should release file handle enh: added input display to the FCEUX main menu enh: auto-fill .fcs extension in save state as dialog enh: change config filename from fceu98.cfg to fceux.cfg enh: new toggles: frame adv, lag skip (menu item + hotkey mapping + saved in config) enh: added a mute turbo option in sound config enh: add an option to pick a constant color to draw in place of BG when BG rendering is disabled (look for gNoBGFillColor in config; 255 means to use palette[0]) enh: added shift+L as default hotkey for reload lua script enh: SF [ 2040463 ] Add an "author" text field in the record movie dialog enh: SF [ 2047004 ] Moviefilenames without extension don't automatically get fm2 (and they need to) enh: print a special message when trying to open an FCM reminding user to convert enh: movie replay dialog displays fractions of a second debugger: bug: restore the debugger snap functionality enh: add FORBID breakpoints - regions which block breakpoints from happening if they contain the PC enh: debugger window is now resizeable and therefore useable at 1024x768 enh: nametable viewer correctly displays more cases (some MMC5 cases I needed) sdl: bug: all commandline options now use --argument as they always should have. bug: fix issue which was resetting config file bug: Saner sound defaults for less choppy sound bug: Fixed a bug that would crash fceux if the emulation speed was overincreased bug: fixed --input(1-4) options bug: build scripts now look for lua5.1 and lua (distributions package lua differently) bug: prevent frame advance from crashing emulator enh: New default hotkeys more closely match win32 defaults enh: --special option fixed for special video scaling filters enh: rename options --no8lim -> --nospritelim and --color -> --ntsccolor enh: Screenshots now always prepend the game name. enh: Changed default A/B from numpad 2 and 3 to j and k. enh: Enable frameskip by default enh: change config path to ~/.fceux/fceux.cfg enh: Added lua script loading hotkey (f3). Non-win32 SDL requires zenity for this to function. emulua: bug: SF [ 2041944 ] Savestates remember Lua painting (and they shouldn't) enh: add memory.readbyterange to emulua </pre> </div> <div id="footer"> <a href="home.html">Home</a> | <a href="download.html">Download</a> | <a href="documentation.html">Documentation</a> | <a href="version.html"> Version History</a> | <a href="contact.html">Contact</a> | <a href="links.html">Links</a> <br/>We are in no way affiliated or endorsed by Nintendo or Nintendo of America. "Nintendo" is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. <br/>©2009 adelikat </div> </div> </body> </html>