#include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef MSVC #include #endif #include "types.h" #include "utils/endian.h" #include "palette.h" #include "input.h" #include "fceu.h" #include "driver.h" #include "state.h" #include "file.h" #include "video.h" #include "movie.h" #include "utils/memory.h" #include "utils/xstring.h" #define MOVIE_VERSION 3 // still at 2 since the format itself is still compatible - to detect which version the movie was made with, check the fceu version stored in the movie header (e.g against FCEU_VERSION_NUMERIC) extern char FileBase[]; extern int EmulationPaused; //TODO - remove the synchack stuff from the replay gui and require it to be put into the fm2 file //which the user would have already converted from fcm //also cleanup the whole emulator version bullshit in replay. we dont support that old stuff anymore //todo - better error handling for the compressed savestate //todo - consider a MemoryBackedFile class.. //..a lot of work.. instead lets just read back from the current fcm //todo - handle case where read+write is requested, but the file is actually readonly (could be confusing) //sometimes we accidentally produce movie stop signals while we're trying to do other things with movies.. bool suppressMovieStop=false; //----movie engine main state static enum EMOVIEMODE { MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE, MOVIEMODE_RECORD, MOVIEMODE_PLAY } movieMode = MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE; //this should not be set unless we are in MOVIEMODE_RECORD! FILE* fpRecordingMovie = 0; int currFrameCounter; uint32 cur_input_display = 0; int pauseframe; bool movie_readonly = true; int input_display = 0; int frame_display = 0; SFORMAT FCEUMOV_STATEINFO[]={ { &currFrameCounter, 4|FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "FCNT"}, { 0 } }; char curMovieFilename[512]; class MovieRecord { public: ValueArray joysticks; void dump(FILE* fp, int index) { //todo: if we want frame numbers in the output (which we dont since we couldnt cut and paste in movies) //but someone would need to change the parser to ignore it //fputc('|',fp); //fprintf(fp,"%08d",index); fputc('|',fp); //for each joystick for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { //these are mnemonics for each joystick bit. //since we usually use the regular joypad, these will be more helpful. //but any character other than ' ' should count as a set bit //maybe other input types will need to be encoded another way.. const char mnemonics[] = {'A','B','S','T','U','D','L','R'}; for(int bit=7;bit>=0;bit--) { uint8 &joystate = joysticks[i]; int bitmask = (1< savestate; std::vector records; FCEU_Guid guid; //the entire contents of the disk file that was loaded std::vector serializedFile; void truncateAt(int frame) { records.resize(frame); } class TDictionary : public std::map { public: bool containsKey(std::string key) { return find(key) != end(); } void tryInstallBool(std::string key, bool& val) { if(containsKey(key)) val = atoi(operator [](key).c_str())!=0; } void tryInstallString(std::string key, std::string& val) { if(containsKey(key)) val = operator [](key); } void tryInstallInt(std::string key, int& val) { if(containsKey(key)) val = atoi(operator [](key).c_str()); } }; void installDictionary(TDictionary& dictionary) { dictionary.tryInstallInt("version",version); dictionary.tryInstallInt("emuVersion",emuVersion); dictionary.tryInstallBool("palFlag",palFlag); dictionary.tryInstallBool("poweronFlag",poweronFlag); dictionary.tryInstallBool("resetFlag",resetFlag); dictionary.tryInstallString("romFilename",romFilename); if(dictionary.containsKey("romChecksum")) StringToBytes(dictionary["romChecksum"],&romChecksum,MD5DATA::size); if(dictionary.containsKey("guid")) guid = FCEU_Guid::fromString(dictionary["guid"]); if(dictionary.containsKey("savestate")) { std::string& str = dictionary["savestate"]; int len = HexStringToBytesLength(str); if(len >= 1) { savestate.resize(len); StringToBytes(str,&savestate[0],len); } } } int dumpLen() { FILE* tmp = tmpfile(); dump(tmp); int len = ftell(tmp); fclose(tmp); return len; } void dump(FILE *fp) { fprintf(fp,"version %d\n", version); fprintf(fp,"emuVersion %d\n", emuVersion); fprintf(fp,"palFlag %d\n", palFlag?1:0); fprintf(fp,"poweronFlag %d\n", poweronFlag?1:0); fprintf(fp,"resetFlag %d\n", resetFlag?1:0); fprintf(fp,"romFilename %s\n", romFilename.c_str()); fprintf(fp,"romChecksum %s\n", BytesToString(romChecksum.data,MD5DATA::size).c_str()); fprintf(fp,"guid %s\n", guid.toString().c_str()); if(savestate.size() != 0) fprintf(fp,"savestate %s\n", BytesToString(&savestate[0],savestate.size()).c_str()); for(int i=0;i<(int)records.size();i++) records[i].dump(fp,i); } } currMovieData; //--------- int FCEUMOV_GetFrame(void) { return currFrameCounter; } bool FCEUMOV_ShouldPause(void) { if(pauseframe && currFrameCounter == pauseframe) { pauseframe = 0; //only pause once! return true; } else { return false; } } int FCEUMOV_IsPlaying(void) { return movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY; } int FCEUMOV_IsRecording(void) { return movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD; } //yuck... another custom text parser. void LoadFM2(MovieData& movieData, FILE *fp) { //read the entire file so we can keep it handy. //we could parse from that instead of the disk again... fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); int len = ftell(fp); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET); movieData.serializedFile.resize(len); fread(&movieData.serializedFile[0],1,len,fp); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET); MovieData::TDictionary dictionary; std::string key,value; enum { NEWLINE, KEY, SEPARATOR, VALUE, RECORD } state = NEWLINE; bool bail = false; for(;;) { bool iswhitespace, isrecchar, isnewline; int c = fgetc(fp); if(c == -1) goto bail; iswhitespace = (c==' '||c=='\t'); isrecchar = (c=='|'); isnewline = (c==10||c==13); switch(state) { case NEWLINE: if(isnewline) goto done; if(iswhitespace) goto done; if(isrecchar) goto dorecord; //must be a key key = ""; value = ""; goto dokey; break; case RECORD: { dorecord: MovieRecord record; //for each joystick for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { uint8& joystate = record.joysticks[i]; joystate = 0; for(int bit=7;bit>=0;bit--) { int c = fgetc(fp); if(c == -1) goto bail; if(c != ' ') joystate |= (1<cspecial; gametype=GameInfo->type; InitOtherInput(); #endif } //begin playing an existing movie void FCEUI_LoadMovie(char *fname, bool _read_only, int _pauseframe) { assert(fname); FCEUI_StopMovie(); currMovieData = MovieData(); strcpy(curMovieFilename, fname); FILE* fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen(fname, "rb"); LoadFM2(currMovieData, fp); fclose(fp); // fully reload the game to reinitialize everything before playing any movie // to try fixing nondeterministic playback of some games { extern char lastLoadedGameName [2048]; extern int disableBatteryLoading, suppressAddPowerCommand; suppressAddPowerCommand=1; suppressMovieStop=true; { //we need to save the pause state through this process int oldPaused = EmulationPaused; FCEUGI * gi = FCEUI_LoadGame(lastLoadedGameName, 0); //mbg 5/23/08 - wtf? why would this return null? //if(!gi) PowerNES(); assert(gi); EmulationPaused = oldPaused; } suppressMovieStop=false; suppressAddPowerCommand=0; } //todo - if reset flag is set, will the poweron flag be set? //WE NEED TO LOAD A SAVESTATE if(!currMovieData.poweronFlag) { //dump the savestate to disk FILE* fp = tmpfile(); fwrite(&currMovieData.savestate[0],1,currMovieData.savestate.size(),fp); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET); //and load the state bool success = FCEUSS_LoadFP(fp,SSLOADPARAM_BACKUP); fclose(fp); if(!success) return; } //TODO - handle reset flag //...why do we have to do this. isnt it setup by the rom? if(currMovieData.palFlag) FCEUI_SetVidSystem(1); else FCEUI_SetVidSystem(0); //we really need to research this... ResetInputTypes(); //stuff that should only happen when we're ready to positively commit to the replay currFrameCounter = 0; pauseframe = _pauseframe; movie_readonly = _read_only; movieMode = MOVIEMODE_PLAY; if(movie_readonly) FCEU_DispMessage("Replay started Read-Only."); else FCEU_DispMessage("Replay started Read+Write."); } static void closeRecordingMovie() { if(fpRecordingMovie) fclose(fpRecordingMovie); } static void openRecordingMovie(const char* fname) { fpRecordingMovie = FCEUD_UTF8fopen(fname, "wb"); if(!fpRecordingMovie) FCEU_PrintError("Error opening movie output file: %s",fname); strcpy(curMovieFilename, fname); } //begin recording a new movie void FCEUI_SaveMovie(char *fname, uint8 flags, const char* metadata) { assert(fname); FCEUI_StopMovie(); openRecordingMovie(fname); currFrameCounter = 0; currMovieData = MovieData(); currMovieData.guid.newGuid(); currMovieData.palFlag = FCEUI_GetCurrentVidSystem(0,0)!=0; currMovieData.poweronFlag = (flags & MOVIE_FLAG_FROM_POWERON)!=0; currMovieData.resetFlag = (flags & MOVIE_FLAG_FROM_RESET)!=0; currMovieData.romChecksum = GameInfo->MD5; currMovieData.romFilename = FileBase; if(currMovieData.poweronFlag) { // make a for-movie-recording power-on clear the game's save data, too extern char lastLoadedGameName [2048]; extern int disableBatteryLoading, suppressAddPowerCommand; suppressAddPowerCommand=1; disableBatteryLoading=1; suppressMovieStop=true; { //we need to save the pause state through this process int oldPaused = EmulationPaused; // NOTE: this will NOT write an FCEUNPCMD_POWER into the movie file FCEUGI* gi = FCEUI_LoadGame(lastLoadedGameName, 0); //mbg 5/23/08 - wtf? why would this return null? //if(!gi) PowerNES(); assert(gi); EmulationPaused = oldPaused; } suppressMovieStop=false; disableBatteryLoading=0; suppressAddPowerCommand=0; } else { //dump a savestate to a tempfile.. FILE* tmp = tmpfile(); FCEUSS_SaveFP(tmp); //reloading the savestate into the data structure fseek(tmp,0,SEEK_END); int len = (int)ftell(tmp); fseek(tmp,0,SEEK_SET); currMovieData.savestate.resize(len); fread(&currMovieData.savestate[0],1,len,tmp); fclose(tmp); } //we are going to go ahead and dump the header. from now on we will only be appending frames currMovieData.dump(fpRecordingMovie); //todo - think about this ResetInputTypes(); //todo - think about this // trigger a reset if(flags & MOVIE_FLAG_FROM_RESET) { ResetNES(); // NOTE: this will write an FCEUNPCMD_RESET into the movie file } movieMode = MOVIEMODE_RECORD; movie_readonly = false; FCEU_DispMessage("Movie recording started."); } //the main interaction point between the emulator and the movie system. //either dumps the current joystick state or loads one state from the movie void FCEUMOV_AddJoy(uint8 *js, int SkipFlush) { if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY) { //TODO - rock solid stability and error detection //stop when we run out of frames if(currFrameCounter == currMovieData.records.size()) { StopPlayback(); } else { MovieRecord& mr = currMovieData.records[currFrameCounter]; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) js[i] = mr.joysticks[i]; } //pause the movie at a specified frame if(FCEUMOV_ShouldPause() && FCEUI_EmulationPaused()==0) { FCEUI_ToggleEmulationPause(); FCEU_DispMessage("Paused at specified movie frame"); } } else if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD) { MovieRecord mr; //for each joystick for(int i=0;i<4;i++) mr.joysticks[i] = js[i]; mr.dump(fpRecordingMovie,currMovieData.records.size()); currMovieData.records.push_back(mr); } currFrameCounter++; memcpy(&cur_input_display,js,4); } //TODO void FCEUMOV_AddCommand(int cmd) { // do nothing if not recording a movie if(movieMode != MOVIEMODE_RECORD) return; //printf("%d\n",cmd); //MBG TODO BIG TODO TODO TODO //DoEncode((cmd>>3)&0x3,cmd&0x7,1); } void FCEU_DrawMovies(uint8 *XBuf) { if(frame_display) { char counterbuf[32] = {0}; if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY) sprintf(counterbuf,"%d/%d",currFrameCounter,currMovieData.records.size()); else if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD) sprintf(counterbuf,"%d",currMovieData.records.size()); if(counterbuf[0]) DrawTextTrans(XBuf+FCEU_TextScanlineOffsetFromBottom(24), 256, (uint8*)counterbuf, 0x20+0x80); } } int FCEUMOV_WriteState(FILE* st) { //we are supposed to dump the movie data into the savestate if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY) { int todo = currMovieData.dumpLen(); if(st) currMovieData.dump(st); return todo; } else return 0; } static bool load_successful; bool FCEUMOV_ReadState(FILE* st, uint32 size) { load_successful = false; //write the state to disk so we can reload std::vector buf(size); fread(&buf[0],1,size,st); FILE* tmp = tmpfile(); fwrite(&buf[0],1,size,tmp); FILE* wtf = fopen("d:\\wtf.txt","wb"); fwrite(&buf[0],1,size,wtf); fclose(wtf); fseek(tmp,0,SEEK_SET); MovieData tempMovieData = MovieData(); LoadFM2(tempMovieData, tmp); fclose(tmp); //complex TAS logic for when a savestate is loaded: //---------------- //if we are playing or recording and toggled read-only: // then, the movie we are playing must match the guid of the one stored in the savestate or else error. // the savestate is assumed to be in the same timeline as the current movie. // if the current movie is not long enough to get to the savestate's frame#, then it is an error. // the movie contained in the savestate will be discarded. // the emulator will be put into play mode. //if we are playing or recording and toggled read+write // then, the movie we are playing must match the guid of the one stored in the savestate or else error. // the movie contained in the savestate will be loaded into memory // the frames in the movie after the savestate frame will be discarded // the in-memory movie will be dumped to disk as fcm. // the emulator will be put into record mode. //if we are doing neither: // then, we must discard this movie and just load the savestate if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD) { //handle moviefile mismatch if(tempMovieData.guid != currMovieData.guid) { FCEU_PrintError("Mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: %s\nsavestate: %s\n",currMovieData.guid.toString().c_str(),tempMovieData.guid.toString().c_str()); return false; } closeRecordingMovie(); if(movie_readonly) { //if the frame counter is longer than our current movie, then error if(currFrameCounter >= (int)currMovieData.records.size()) { FCEU_PrintError("Savestate is from a frame (%d) after the final frame in the movie (%d). This is not permitted.", currFrameCounter, currMovieData.records.size()-1); return false; } movieMode = MOVIEMODE_PLAY; } else { //truncate before we copy, just to save some time tempMovieData.truncateAt(currFrameCounter); currMovieData = tempMovieData; openRecordingMovie(curMovieFilename); currMovieData.dump(fpRecordingMovie); movieMode = MOVIEMODE_RECORD; } } load_successful = true; //// Maximus: Show the last input combination entered from the //// movie within the state //if(current!=0) // <- mz: only if playing or recording a movie // memcpy(&cur_input_display, joop, 4); return true; } void FCEUMOV_PreLoad(void) { load_successful=0; } int FCEUMOV_PostLoad(void) { if(!FCEUI_IsMovieActive()) return 1; else return load_successful; } int FCEUI_IsMovieActive(void) { //this is a lame method. we should change all the fceu code that uses it to call the //IsRecording or IsPlaying methods //return > 0 for recording, < 0 for playback if(FCEUMOV_IsRecording()) return 1; else if(FCEUMOV_IsPlaying()) return -1; else return 0; } void FCEUI_MovieToggleFrameDisplay(void) { frame_display=!frame_display; } void FCEUI_ToggleInputDisplay(void) { switch(input_display) { case 0: input_display = 1; break; case 1: input_display = 2; break; case 2: input_display = 4; break; default: input_display = 0; break; } } bool FCEUI_GetMovieToggleReadOnly() { return movie_readonly; } void FCEUI_MovieToggleReadOnly() { if(movie_readonly) FCEU_DispMessage("Movie is now Read+Write."); else FCEU_DispMessage("Movie is now Read-Only."); movie_readonly = !movie_readonly; } int FCEUI_MovieGetInfo(const char* fname, MOVIE_INFO* info) { memset(info,0,sizeof(MOVIE_INFO)); MovieData md; FILE* fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen(fname, "rb"); if(!fp) return 0; LoadFM2(md, fp); fclose(fp); info->movie_version = md.version; info->poweron = md.poweronFlag; info->reset = md.resetFlag; info->pal = md.palFlag; info->nosynchack = true; info->num_frames = md.records.size(); info->md5_of_rom_used = md.romChecksum; info->md5_of_rom_used_present = 1; info->emu_version_used = md.emuVersion; info->name_of_rom_used = md.romFilename; return 1; } //struct MovieHeader //{ //uint32 magic; // +0 //uint32 version=2; // +4 //uint8 flags[4]; // +8 //uint32 length_frames; // +12 //uint32 rerecord_count; // +16 //uint32 movie_data_size; // +20 //uint32 offset_to_savestate; // +24, should be 4-byte-aligned //uint32 offset_to_movie_data; // +28, should be 4-byte-aligned //uint8 md5_of_rom_used[16]; // +32 //uint32 version_of_emu_used // +48 //char name_of_rom_used[] // +52, utf-8, null-terminated //char metadata[]; // utf-8, null-terminated //uint8 padding[]; //uint8 savestate[]; // always present, even in a "from reset" recording //uint8 padding[]; // used for byte-alignment //uint8 movie_data[]; //} // backwards compat //static void FCEUI_LoadMovie_v1(char *fname, int _read_only); //static int FCEUI_MovieGetInfo_v1(const char* fname, MOVIE_INFO* info); // //#define MOVIE_MAGIC 0x1a4d4346 // FCM\x1a // //int _old_FCEUI_MovieGetInfo(const char* fname, MOVIE_INFO* info) //{ // //mbg: wtf? // //MovieFlushHeader(); // // // main get info part of function // { // uint32 magic; // uint32 version; // uint8 _flags[4]; // // FILE* fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen(fname, "rb"); // if(!fp) // return 0; // // read32le(&magic, fp); // if(magic != MOVIE_MAGIC) // { // fclose(fp); // return 0; // } // // read32le(&version, fp); // if(version != MOVIE_VERSION) // { // fclose(fp); // if(version == 1) // return FCEUI_MovieGetInfo_v1(fname, info); // else // return 0; // } // // info->movie_version = MOVIE_VERSION; // // fread(_flags, 1, 4, fp); // // info->flags = _flags[0]; // read32le(&info->num_frames, fp); // read32le(&info->rerecord_count, fp); // // if(access(fname, W_OK)) // info->read_only = 1; // else // info->read_only = 0; // // fseek(fp, 12, SEEK_CUR); // skip movie_data_size, offset_to_savestate, and offset_to_movie_data // // fread(&info->md5_of_rom_used, 1, 16, fp); // info->md5_of_rom_used_present = 1; // // read32le(&info->emu_version_used, fp); // // // I probably could have planned this better... // { // char str[256]; // size_t r; // uint32 p; //mbg merge 7/17/06 change to uint32 // int p2=0; // char last_c=32; // // if(info->name_of_rom_used && info->name_of_rom_used_size) // info->name_of_rom_used[0]='\0'; // // r=fread(str, 1, 256, fp); // while(r > 0) // { // for(p=0; pname_of_rom_used && info->name_of_rom_used_size && (p2 < info->name_of_rom_used_size-1)) // { // info->name_of_rom_used[p2]=str[p]; // p2++; // last_c=str[p]; // } // } // if(pmetadata && info->metadata_size) // info->metadata[0]='\0'; // // while(r > 0) // { // for(p=0; pmetadata && info->metadata_size && (p2 < info->metadata_size-1)) // { // info->metadata[p2]=str[p]; // p2++; // last_c=str[p]; // } // } // if(p != r) // break; // r=fread(str, 1, 256, fp); // } // // if(r<=0) // { // // somehow failed to read romname and metadata // fclose(fp); // return 0; // } // } // // // check what hacks are necessary // fseek(fp, 24, SEEK_SET); // offset_to_savestate offset // uint32 temp_savestate_offset; // read32le(&temp_savestate_offset, fp); // if(temp_savestate_offset != 0xFFFFFFFF) // { // if(fseek(fp, temp_savestate_offset, SEEK_SET)) // { // fclose(fp); // return 0; // } // // //don't really load, just load to find what's there then load backup // if(!FCEUSS_LoadFP(fp,SSLOADPARAM_DUMMY)) return 0; // } // // fclose(fp); // return 1; // } //} /* Backwards compat */ /* struct MovieHeader_v1 { uint32 magic; uint32 version=1; uint8 flags[4]; uint32 length_frames; uint32 rerecord_count; uint32 movie_data_size; uint32 offset_to_savestate; uint32 offset_to_movie_data; uint16 metadata_ucs2[]; // ucs-2, ick! sizeof(metadata) = offset_to_savestate - MOVIE_HEADER_SIZE } */ // //#define MOVIE_V1_HEADER_SIZE 32 // //static void FCEUI_LoadMovie_v1(char *fname, int _read_only) //{ // FILE *fp; // char *fn = NULL; // // FCEUI_StopMovie(); // // if(!fname) // fname = fn = FCEU_MakeFName(FCEUMKF_MOVIE,0,0); // // // check movie_readonly // movie_readonly = _read_only; // if(access(fname, W_OK)) // movie_readonly = 2; // // fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen(fname, (movie_readonly>=2) ? "rb" : "r+b"); // // if(fn) // { // free(fn); // fname = NULL; // } // // if(!fp) return; // // // read header // { // uint32 magic; // uint32 version; // uint8 flags[4]; // uint32 fc; // // read32le(&magic, fp); // if(magic != MOVIE_MAGIC) // { // fclose(fp); // return; // } // // read32le(&version, fp); // if(version != 1) // { // fclose(fp); // return; // } // // fread(flags, 1, 4, fp); // read32le(&fc, fp); // read32le(&rerecord_count, fp); // read32le(&moviedatasize, fp); // read32le(&savestate_offset, fp); // read32le(&firstframeoffset, fp); // if(fseek(fp, savestate_offset, SEEK_SET)) // { // fclose(fp); // return; // } // // if(flags[0] & MOVIE_FLAG_NOSYNCHACK) // movieSyncHackOn=0; // else // movieSyncHackOn=1; // } // // // fully reload the game to reinitialize everything before playing any movie // // to try fixing nondeterministic playback of some games // { // extern char lastLoadedGameName [2048]; // extern int disableBatteryLoading, suppressAddPowerCommand; // suppressAddPowerCommand=1; // suppressMovieStop=true; // { // FCEUGI * gi = FCEUI_LoadGame(lastLoadedGameName, 0); // if(!gi) // PowerNES(); // } // suppressMovieStop=false; // suppressAddPowerCommand=0; // } // // if(!FCEUSS_LoadFP(fp,SSLOADPARAM_BACKUP)) return; // // ResetInputTypes(); // // fseek(fp, firstframeoffset, SEEK_SET); // moviedata = (uint8*)realloc(moviedata, moviedatasize); // fread(moviedata, 1, moviedatasize, fp); // // framecount = 0; // movies start at frame 0! // frameptr = 0; // current = 0; // slots = fp; // // memset(joop,0,sizeof(joop)); // current = -1 - current; // framets=0; // nextts=0; // nextd = -1; // FCEU_DispMessage("Movie playback started."); //} // //static int FCEUI_MovieGetInfo_v1(const char* fname, MOVIE_INFO* info) //{ // uint32 magic; // uint32 version; // uint8 _flags[4]; // uint32 savestateoffset; // uint8 tmp[MOVIE_MAX_METADATA<<1]; // int metadata_length; // // FILE* fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen(fname, "rb"); // if(!fp) // return 0; // // read32le(&magic, fp); // if(magic != MOVIE_MAGIC) // { // fclose(fp); // return 0; // } // // read32le(&version, fp); // if(version != 1) // { // fclose(fp); // return 0; // } // // info->movie_version = 1; // info->emu_version_used = 0; // unknown // // fread(_flags, 1, 4, fp); // // info->flags = _flags[0]; // read32le(&info->num_frames, fp); // read32le(&info->rerecord_count, fp); // // if(access(fname, W_OK)) // info->read_only = 1; // else // info->read_only = 0; // // fseek(fp, 4, SEEK_CUR); // read32le(&savestateoffset, fp); // // metadata_length = (int)savestateoffset - MOVIE_V1_HEADER_SIZE; // if(metadata_length > 0) // { // //int i; //mbg merge 7/17/06 removed // // metadata_length >>= 1; // if(metadata_length >= MOVIE_MAX_METADATA) // metadata_length = MOVIE_MAX_METADATA-1; // // fseek(fp, MOVIE_V1_HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_SET); // fread(tmp, 1, metadata_length<<1, fp); // } // // // turn old ucs2 metadata into utf8 // if(info->metadata && info->metadata_size) // { // char* ptr=info->metadata; // char* ptr_end=info->metadata+info->metadata_size-1; // int c_ptr=0; // while(ptr=ptr_end) // ptr_end=ptr; // else // { // *ptr++=(0xc0 | (c>>6)); // *ptr++=(0x80 | (c & 0x3f)); // } // else // if(ptr+2>=ptr_end) // ptr_end=ptr; // else // { // *ptr++=(0xe0 | (c>>12)); // *ptr++=(0x80 | ((c>>6) & 0x3f)); // *ptr++=(0x80 | (c & 0x3f)); // } // // c_ptr++; // } // *ptr='\0'; // } // // // md5 info not available from v1 // info->md5_of_rom_used_present = 0; // // rom name used for the movie not available from v1 // if(info->name_of_rom_used && info->name_of_rom_used_size) // info->name_of_rom_used[0] = '\0'; // // // check what hacks are necessary // fseek(fp, 24, SEEK_SET); // offset_to_savestate offset // uint32 temp_savestate_offset; // read32le(&temp_savestate_offset, fp); // if(fseek(fp, temp_savestate_offset, SEEK_SET)) // { // fclose(fp); // return 0; // } // if(!FCEUSS_LoadFP(fp,SSLOADPARAM_DUMMY)) return 0; // 2 -> don't really load, just load to find what's there then load backup // // // fclose(fp); // return 1; //} // //// PlayMovie / MoviePlay function //void _old_FCEUI_LoadMovie(char *fname, int _read_only, int _stopframe) //{ // char buffer [512]; // //fname = (char*)convertToFCM(fname,buffer); // // FILE *fp; // char *fn = NULL; // // FCEUI_StopMovie(); // // if(!fname) // fname = fn = FCEU_MakeFName(FCEUMKF_MOVIE,0,0); // // char origname[512]; // strcpy(origname,fname); // // pauseframe = _stopframe; // // // check movie_readonly // movie_readonly = _read_only; // if(access(fname, W_OK)) // movie_readonly = 2; // // fp = FCEUD_UTF8fopen(fname, (movie_readonly>=2) ? "rb" : "r+b"); // // if(fn) // { // free(fn); // fname = NULL; // } // // if(!fp) return; // // // read header // // uint32 magic; // uint32 version; // uint8 flags[4]; // // read32le(&magic, fp); // if(magic != MOVIE_MAGIC) // { // fclose(fp); // return; // } // //DEBUG_COMPARE_RAM(__LINE__); // // read32le(&version, fp); // if(version == 1) // { // // attempt to load previous version's format // fclose(fp); // FCEUI_LoadMovie_v1(fname, _read_only); // return; // } // else if(version == MOVIE_VERSION) // {} // else // { // // unsupported version // fclose(fp); // return; // } // // fread(flags, 1, 4, fp); // read32le(&framecount, fp); // read32le(&rerecord_count, fp); // read32le(&moviedatasize, fp); // read32le(&savestate_offset, fp); // read32le(&firstframeoffset, fp); // // // FCEU_PrintError("flags[0] & MOVIE_FLAG_NOSYNCHACK=%d",flags[0] & MOVIE_FLAG_NOSYNCHACK); // if(flags[0] & MOVIE_FLAG_NOSYNCHACK) // movieSyncHackOn=0; // else // movieSyncHackOn=1; // // if(flags[0] & MOVIE_FLAG_PAL) // { // FCEUI_SetVidSystem(1); // } // else // { // FCEUI_SetVidSystem(0); // } // // // // fully reload the game to reinitialize everything before playing any movie // // to try fixing nondeterministic playback of some games // { // extern char lastLoadedGameName [2048]; // extern int disableBatteryLoading, suppressAddPowerCommand; // suppressAddPowerCommand=1; // suppressMovieStop=true; // { // FCEUGI * gi = FCEUI_LoadGame(lastLoadedGameName, 0); // if(!gi) // PowerNES(); // } // suppressMovieStop=false; // suppressAddPowerCommand=0; // } // // if(flags[0] & MOVIE_FLAG_FROM_POWERON) // { // //don't need to load a savestate // //there shouldn't be a savestate! // if(savestate_offset != 0xFFFFFFFF) // FCEU_PrintError("Savestate found in a start-from-poweron movie!"); // } // else // { // if(savestate_offset == 0xFFFFFFFF) // FCEU_PrintError("No savestate found in a start-from-savestate movie!"); // // if(fseek(fp, savestate_offset, SEEK_SET)) // { // fclose(fp); // return; // } // // if(!FCEUSS_LoadFP(fp,SSLOADPARAM_BACKUP)) // return; // } // // if(flags[0] & MOVIE_FLAG_PAL) // { // FCEUI_SetVidSystem(1); // } // else // { // FCEUI_SetVidSystem(0); // } // ResetInputTypes(); // // fseek(fp, firstframeoffset, SEEK_SET); // moviedata = (uint8*)realloc(moviedata, moviedatasize); // fread(moviedata, 1, moviedatasize, fp); // // framecount = 0; // movies start at frame 0! // frameptr = 0; // current = 0; // slots = fp; // // memset(joop,0,sizeof(joop)); // current = -1 - current; // framets=0; // nextts=0; // nextd = -1; // // FCEU_DispMessage("Movie playback started."); // // strcpy(curMovieFilename, origname); //} //static void DoEncode(int joy, int button, int dummy) //{ // uint8 d; // // d = 0; // // if(framets >= 65536) // d = 3 << 5; // else if(framets >= 256) // d = 2 << 5; // else if(framets > 0) // d = 1 << 5; // // if(dummy) d|=0x80; // // d |= joy << 3; // d |= button; // // movie_writechar(d); // //printf("Wr: %02x, %d\n",d,slots[current-1]); // while(framets) // { // movie_writechar(framets & 0xff); // //printf("Wrts: %02x\n",framets & 0xff); // framets >>= 8; // } //}