#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; my $VERSION="2.2.4"; my $INSTALL_PREFIX="/tmp/fceux"; my $CTL_FILENAME="$INSTALL_PREFIX/DEBIAN/control"; my $ARCH="amd64"; my $PKG_OUTPUT_FILE="fceux-$VERSION-$ARCH.deb"; # Start by auto figuring out dependencies of the executable. # the rest of the package creation is trival. my $SO_LIST=`objdump -x $INSTALL_PREFIX/usr/bin/fceux`; #print "$SO_LIST"; my $i; my $j; my $k; my $pkg; my @fd = split /\n/, $SO_LIST; my @libls; $#libls=0; for ($i=0; $i<=$#fd; $i++) { #$fd[$i] =~ s/^\s+//; #print "$fd[$i]\n"; if ( $fd[$i] =~ m/NEEDED\s+(.*)/ ) { #print "$1 \n"; $libls[$#libls] = $1; $#libls++; } } my %pkghash; my $pkgsearch; my @pkglist; my @pkgdeps; my $pkg; my $filepath; $#pkgdeps=0; for ($i=0; $i<$#libls; $i++) { $pkgsearch=`dpkg-query -S $libls[$i]`; @pkglist = split /\n/, $pkgsearch; for ($j=0; $j<=$#pkglist; $j++) { #$pkghash{$pkg} = 1; #print " $libls[$i] '$pkglist[$j]' \n"; if ( $pkglist[$j] =~ m/(.*):$ARCH:\s+(.*)/ ) { $pkg = $1; $filepath = $2; $filepath =~ s/^.*\///; if ( $libls[$i] eq $filepath ) { #print "PKG: '$pkg' '$libls[$i]' == '$filepath' \n"; # Don't put duplicate entries into the pkg depend list. if ( !defined( $pkghash{$pkg} ) ) { $pkgdeps[ $#pkgdeps ] = $pkg; $#pkgdeps++; $pkghash{$pkg} = 1; } } } } } # # system("mkdir -p $INSTALL_PREFIX/DEBIAN"); open CTL, ">$CTL_FILENAME" or die "Error: Could not open file '$CTL_FILENAME'\n"; # print CTL "Package: fceux\n"; print CTL "Version: $VERSION\n"; print CTL "Section: games\n"; print CTL "Priority: extra\n"; print CTL "Architecture: $ARCH\n"; print CTL "Homepage: http://fceux.com/\n"; print CTL "Essential: no\n"; #print CTL "Installed-Size: 1024\n"; print CTL "Maintainer: mjbudd77\n"; print CTL "Description: fceux is an emulator of the original (8-bit) Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)\n"; print CTL "Depends: $pkgdeps[0]"; for ($i=1; $i<$#pkgdeps; $i++) { print CTL ", $pkgdeps[$i]"; } print CTL "\n"; close CTL; #system("cat $CTL_FILENAME"); # chdir "/tmp"; system("dpkg-deb --build fceux "); if ( !(-e "/tmp/fceux.deb") ) { die "Error: Failed to create package $PKG_OUTPUT_FILE\n"; } system("mv fceux.deb $PKG_OUTPUT_FILE"); system("dpkg-deb -I $PKG_OUTPUT_FILE"); # if ( -e "/tmp/$PKG_OUTPUT_FILE" ) { print "**********************************************\n"; print "Created deb package: /tmp/$PKG_OUTPUT_FILE\n"; print "**********************************************\n"; } else { die "Error: Failed to create package $PKG_OUTPUT_FILE\n"; }