Command Line Options

Command Line Options

FCEUX offers numerous command line options.

All commands are case sensitive.

ROM name

Plays specified ROM (ROM name must always be put last in command line arguments)

fceux path\rom.nes (or

       fceux smb.nes

       fceux c:\fceux\roms\

Play Movie File

Plays a specified movie (.fm2) file.  A valid ROM must be specified or movie will not be played.

fcuex -playmovie path\movie.fm2 romname

       fceux -playmovie smb.fm2 smb.nes

Read-only Status

Specifies whether a movie will be in "read-only" or "read & write" mode.  (Note: a specified movie is not required to be used in conjunction with this command). 1 specifies read only status, 0 specifies read & write.

fceux -readonly flag

       fceux -readonly 1

       fceux -readonly 0 -playmovie smb.fm2 smb.nes

       fceux -readonly 1 -playmovie c:\fceux\movies\smb.fm2 c:\fceux\roms\smb.nes

Stop Movie at frame x

Specifies that the movie will automatically stop at the specified frame.  (A movie must be specified with -playmovie for this command to work)

fceux -playmovie path\movie.fm2 -stopframe framenumber romname

       fceux -playmovie smb.fm2 -stopframe 10000 smb.nes

Load State

Specifies FCEUX to automatically load a specified savestate file.  (Must have a specified ROM for this to work).

fceux -loadstate path\savestatefile romname

       fceux -loadstate smb0.fc0 smb.nes

       fceux -playmovie smb.fm2 -readonly 0 -loadstate smb0.fc0 smb.nes

Pause Movie After Playback

Sets the "Pause Movie After Playback" switch on/off.  1 sets it to enabled, 0 sets it to disabled.

fceux -stopmovie flag

       fceux -stopmovie 1

       fceux -playmovie smb.fm2 -readonly 0 - stopmovie 1 smb0.nes

Frame Display Toggle

Toggles whether or not the frame count will be displayed.  1 sets it to on, 0 sets it to off.

fceux -framedisplay flag

       fceux -framedisplay 1

       fceux -playmovie smb2.fm2 -framedisplay 1 smb0.nes

Input Display Toggle

Toggles whether the movie input will be displayed.  1 sets it to on, 0 sets it to off.

fceux -inputdisplay flag

       fceux -inputdisplay 1

       fceux -playmovie smb2.fm2 -inputdisplay 1 smb0.nes

Allow L+R/U+D

Sets whether or not the game will allow L+R/U+D input (see Input config).  1 enables L+R, 0 disables it.

fceux -allowUDLR flag

       fceux -allowUDLR 1

       fceux -allowUDLR 0 smb0.nes

Enable Background Input

Sets the "Enable Background Input" switch on/off.  1 sets it to enabled, 0 sets it to disabled.

fceux -bginput flag

       fceux -bginput 0

       fceux -playmovie smb.fm2 -readonly 0 -bginput 1 smb0.nes

Use Game Genie

Sets the Game Genie Flag (see Toggle Switches).  1 sets it to enabled, 0 sets it to disabled.

fceux -gg flag

       fceux -gg 1

       fceux -gg 1 smb0.nes

PAL Emulation

Sets the PAL Emulation Toggle (see Toggle Switches).  1 sets it to enabled, 0 sets it to disabled.

(note: FCEUX will assign PAL emulation automatically if a PAL ROM is loaded)

fceux -pal flag

       fceux -pal 1

       fceux -pal 1 smb0.nes

Movie Status Icon Toggle

Sets the Status Icon Toggle (see Toggle Switches).  1 turns off the status icon, 0 turns it on.

fceux -noicon flag

       fceux -noicon 1

       fceux -noicon 0 smb0.nes

Clip Left and Right Sides

Sets the Clip Left and Right Sides Toggle (see Video Config).  1 turns on clipping, 0 turns it off.

fceux -clipsides flag

       fceux -clipsides 0 smb0.nes

Allow More than 8 Sprites per Scanline

Sets the 8 Sprites per scanline flag (see Video Config).  1 turns on extra sprites, 0 turns it off.

fceux -no8lim flag

       fceux -no8lim 0 smb0.nes

Disable Speed Throttling

Sets the Disable Speed Throttling When Sound is Disabled flag (see Timing Config).  1 disables throttling, 0 leaves it on.

fceux -nothrottle flag

       fceux -nothrottle 0 smb0.nes

Turbo Toggle

Sets the Turbo Toggle.  1 Sets Turbo on, 0 leaves it off.

fceux  -turbo flag

       fceux -turbo 1 smb0.nes

Load Config File

Loads a specified config file rather than the default fceux.cfg

Warning:  the config file must be in the base directory.  A pathname can NOT be specified in the filename

fceux -cfg filename

       fceux -cfg fceux-smbconfig.cfg smb.nes

Load Lua Script

Loads a Lua script on startup.

fceux -lua filename

       fceux -lua memwatch.lua


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