-- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (U)[!].rom -- Written by QFox -- 31 july 2008 -- Displays Hitboxes, Enemy HP, and various stats on screen local function box(x1,y1,x2,y2,color) -- gui.text(50,50,x1..","..y1.." "..x2..","..y2); if (x1 > 0 and x1 < 255 and x2 > 0 and x2 < 255 and y1 > 0 and y1 < 241 and y2 > 0 and y2 < 241) then gui.drawbox(x1,y1,x2,y2,color); end; end; local function text(x,y,str) if (x > 0 and x < 255 and y > 0 and y < 240) then gui.text(x,y,str); end; end; local function pixel(x,y,color) if (x > 0 and x < 255 and y > 0 and y < 240) then gui.drawpixel(x,y,color); end; end; while (true) do local stuff = 0x023C; -- start of tile data, 4 bytes each, y, ?, ?, x. every tile appears to be 10x10px -- print boxes for all the tiles -- invalid tiles are automatically hidden because their x/y coords are out of range, i guess for i=0,0x30 do x = memory.readbyte(stuff+3+(i*4)); y = memory.readbyte(stuff+(i*4)); box(x,y+1,x+7,y+16,"red"); end; -- print player's health local x = memory.readbyte(0x0480); local y = memory.readbyte(0x0460); local hp = memory.readbyte(0x0077+memory.readbyte(0x0067)); -- get health of current char, there are 4 chars and 4 healths text(x-10,y-20,hp); -- print enemy hp local startx = 0x0484; local starty = 0x0464; local starthp = 0x0564; for i=0,11 do x = memory.readbyte(startx+i); y = memory.readbyte(starty+i); hp = memory.readbyte(starthp+i); --box(x-5,y-5,x+5,y+5,"green"); -- their 'center', or whatever it is. text(x-5,y-20,hp); end; FCEU.frameadvance(); end;