* Taseditor: "Marker Rename" shows Note text in History; added "Marker Move" modtype
* Taseditor: "Frame#" lights when Alt key is being held, not entering menu by Alt
* Taseditor: PATTERNS menu, loading data from "tools\taseditor_patterns.txt"
* Taseditor: ColumnSet (Input and Markers) with Alt key = set pattern
* Taseditor: "Use pattern" checkbox in Recorder; Config->ColumnSet Pattern skips Lag
* Tasedit: better hotchanges gradient
* Tasedit: "Set Marker"/"Remove marker" in context menu
* Tasedit: checking clipboard at selection.init() and retrieving info
* Tasedit: Config->Branches work only when Recording
* Switching Tasedit Bg input on/off when Tasedit gets/loses focus (allows FCEUX control without "Bg input")
* Tasedit: input_snapshot also stores "commands" array
* Tasedit: Bookmarks/Branches (storing snapshots
* Tasedit: Bookmarks list, text flashing
* Tasedit: bookmark number images shown in first column of main list
* saving/loading Bookmarks in .tas file
* Tasedit: Disable F10 as System Key
* Tasedit: checkbox Config->Branches restore entire Movie (else restore input only up to and not including bookmarked frame)
* Tasedit: input history, undo (Ctrl-Z), redo (Ctrl-Y)
* Tasedit: greenzone reduces only from the point with actual differences were found
* Tasedit: history ListView, jumping to any position
* Tasedit: Config->Set max Undo levels (1-999, 100)
* Tasedit: View->Jump when making undo, undo hint line
* Tasedit: saving/loading history to .tas file
* Tasedit: special method of inserting frames
* Tasedit: progressbar updating when loading/saving large projects
* Tasedit: moved "Follow cursor" checkbox from View menu to main TASEdit window
* Tasedit: multitrack recording radio buttons (no multitracking yet)
* Tasedit: View->Show dot in empty cells
* Tasedit: ClearFrames (Del), Cut operation clears frames instead of deleting
* Tasedit: project name in window caption, star in window caption (changes)
* Tasedit: checking unsaved project on Exit and Open project
* now Tasedit operates with rerecords_counter, no more such thing as tweak_count, because new way of accounting tweaks resembles rerecords too much
* Config->Movie options->Always suggest Read-Only replay (for Replay dialog)
* Tasedit: auto clear "Disable speed throttling" and "Run in background", auto set "Set high-priority thread" when entering TASEdit; FCEUX runs in bg when TASEdit has focus
* Tasedit: Config->"Mute Turbo" check (same as in Config->Sound)
* fixed long "savestate" messages containing path
* Tasedit: new menu item "Config"
* Tasedit: Config->"Set greenzone capacity", auto-clearing old savestates
* Tasedit: pauseframe is shown by flashing color
* Tasedit: "Auto-restore last position" checkbox in playback controls; if checked: after every greenzone invalidation playback cursor tries to jump to last position
* Tasedit: copied "Insert number of Frames" from stray-click menu to context menu
* Tasedit: fixed item drawing method, no more flicker and slowdowns
* updated contents of changelog.txt and Authors.txt, changed version.h
* Added string "Tweak Count" to Replay loading dialog
* Tasedit: View - "Show Tweak count"
* Tasedit: rewrote project save/load functions
* Tasedit: fixed old bug caused by not initializing input ports
* Tasedit: checking movie fourscore flag when creating/opening project; only show columns for pads 3 and 4 if fourscore is attached
In this mode loading a savestate in read+write doesn't truncate the movie to its frame count immediately. Instead it waits
until input is recording into the movie (next frame). For win32 this feature is togglable in movie options and the context
menu. For SDL this is off by default and a toggle will need to be added.