* Debugger: fixed mouseover when using Symbolic debugging
* Debugger: mouseover works for the disassembly window too
* updated docs
[[Split portion of a mixed commit.]]
* Debugger: changed "Load .DEB" checkbox caption to ".DEB files" to emphasize that it also affects saving .deb files, not just loading them
* updated docs
* Taseditor: fixed extremely rare LagLog bug in History.jump() and RegisterBranching
* Taseditor: fixed RegisterLuaChange to also consider LagLog changes
[[Split portion of a mixed commit.]]
* Debugger: double-click breakpoint also adds current bank number to breakpoint condition
* Debugger: "Display ROM offsets" option
* updated docs
[[Split portion of a mixed commit.]]
* uploaded new online documentation (old fceux-2.0.2 doc is still there)
* converted old HelpNDoc project file to HelpNDoc3 format
[[Split portion of a mixed commit.]]