diff --git a/help/Debugger.html b/help/Debugger.html index 161fd56b..bf88ebba 100644 --- a/help/Debugger.html +++ b/help/Debugger.html @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
  • Execution - a small set of controls for controlling the execution of code.
  • CPU State - display of registers, flags, the execution stack, and the PPU state.
  • Memory disassembly - displays a disassembly of the bytes currently accessible by the CPU data bus.
  • -
  • BreakPoints - a list of breakpoints for debugging.
  • +
  • Breakpoints - a list of breakpoints for debugging.
  • Bookmarks - a list of addresses for quick navigation.
  • Other - buttons for controlling symbolic debugging, rom patching, etc.
  • @@ -87,7 +87,8 @@

    When execution is paused, the disassembly view will begin with the memory at the current program counter location (PC) at the top of the window. You can scroll the disassembly up or down to observe the code. Then you can click "Seek PC" to return to the program counter at any time.


    You can also use "Seek To" button that will navigate to the specified address. When entering the address, these convenient strings may be used instead of the hexadecimal memory address:


    You can also use "Seek To" button that will navigate to the specified address. Either type a hexadecimal address to the text field or simply left-click on any address in the Disassembly window.


    When entering the address, these convenient strings may be used instead of the hexadecimal memory address:

    NES special addresses:


    @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
