Removed old commented out method in Qt debugger.

This commit is contained in:
harry 2023-04-16 21:41:49 -04:00
parent 259c5754ee
commit 8649a38ef9
1 changed files with 0 additions and 299 deletions

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@ -2218,305 +2218,6 @@ void ConsoleDebugger::openBpEditWindow( int editIdx, watchpointinfo *wp, bool fo
bpListUpdate( false ); bpListUpdate( false );
} }
} }
void ConsoleDebugger::openBpEditWindow( int editIdx, watchpointinfo *wp, bool forceAccept )
int ret;
QDialog dialog(this);
QHBoxLayout *hbox;
QVBoxLayout *mainLayout, *vbox;
QLabel *lbl;
QLineEdit *addr1, *addr2, *cond, *name;
QCheckBox *forbidChkBox, *rbp, *wbp, *xbp, *ebp;
QGridLayout *grid;
QFrame *frame;
QGroupBox *gbox;
QPushButton *okButton, *cancelButton;
QRadioButton *cpu_radio, *ppu_radio, *oam_radio, *rom_radio;
if ( editIdx >= 0 )
dialog.setWindowTitle( tr("Edit Breakpoint") );
dialog.setWindowTitle( tr("Add Breakpoint") );
hbox = new QHBoxLayout();
mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
mainLayout->addLayout( hbox );
lbl = new QLabel( tr("Address") );
addr1 = new QLineEdit();
hbox->addWidget( lbl );
hbox->addWidget( addr1 );
lbl = new QLabel( tr("-") );
addr2 = new QLineEdit();
hbox->addWidget( lbl );
hbox->addWidget( addr2 );
forbidChkBox = new QCheckBox( tr("Forbid") );
hbox->addWidget( forbidChkBox );
frame = new QFrame();
vbox = new QVBoxLayout();
hbox = new QHBoxLayout();
gbox = new QGroupBox();
rbp = new QCheckBox( tr("Read") );
wbp = new QCheckBox( tr("Write") );
xbp = new QCheckBox( tr("Execute") );
ebp = new QCheckBox( tr("Enable") );
gbox->setTitle( tr("Memory") );
mainLayout->addWidget( frame );
frame->setLayout( vbox );
frame->setFrameShape( QFrame::Box );
vbox->addLayout( hbox );
vbox->addWidget( gbox );
hbox->addWidget( rbp );
hbox->addWidget( wbp );
hbox->addWidget( xbp );
hbox->addWidget( ebp );
hbox = new QHBoxLayout();
cpu_radio = new QRadioButton( tr("CPU") );
ppu_radio = new QRadioButton( tr("PPU") );
oam_radio = new QRadioButton( tr("OAM") );
rom_radio = new QRadioButton( tr("ROM") );
gbox->setLayout( hbox );
hbox->addWidget( cpu_radio );
hbox->addWidget( ppu_radio );
hbox->addWidget( oam_radio );
hbox->addWidget( rom_radio );
grid = new QGridLayout();
mainLayout->addLayout( grid );
lbl = new QLabel( tr("Condition") );
cond = new QLineEdit();
grid->addWidget( lbl, 0, 0 );
grid->addWidget( cond, 0, 1 );
lbl = new QLabel( tr("Name") );
name = new QLineEdit();
grid->addWidget( lbl, 1, 0 );
grid->addWidget( name, 1, 1 );
hbox = new QHBoxLayout();
okButton = new QPushButton( tr("OK") );
cancelButton = new QPushButton( tr("Cancel") );
mainLayout->addLayout( hbox );
hbox->addWidget( cancelButton );
hbox->addWidget( okButton );
connect( okButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), &dialog, SLOT(accept(void)) );
connect( cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), &dialog, SLOT(reject(void)) );
okButton->setIcon( style()->standardIcon( QStyle::SP_DialogOkButton ) );
cancelButton->setIcon( style()->standardIcon( QStyle::SP_DialogCancelButton ) );
if ( wp != NULL )
char stmp[256];
if ( wp->flags & BT_P )
else if ( wp->flags & BT_S )
else if ( wp->flags & BT_R )
sprintf( stmp, "%04X", wp->address );
addr1->setText( tr(stmp) );
if ( wp->endaddress > 0 )
sprintf( stmp, "%04X", wp->endaddress );
addr2->setText( tr(stmp) );
if ( wp->flags & WP_R )
if ( wp->flags & WP_W )
if ( wp->flags & WP_X )
if ( wp->flags & WP_F )
if ( wp->flags & WP_E )
if ( wp->condText )
cond->setText( tr(wp->condText) );
if ( editIdx < 0 )
// If new breakpoint, default enable checkbox to true
// If new breakpoint, suggest condition if in ROM Mapping area of memory.
if ( cpu_radio->isChecked() && (wp->address >= 0x8000) )
int romAddr = GetNesFileAddress(wp->address);
if ( romAddr >= 0 )
wp->address = romAddr;
sprintf( stmp, "%X", wp->address );
addr1->setText( tr(stmp) );
char str[64];
sprintf(str, "K==#%02X", getBank(wp->address));
cond->setText( tr(str) );
if ( wp->desc )
name->setText( tr(wp->desc) );
// If new breakpoint, default enable checkbox to true
dialog.setLayout( mainLayout );
if ( forceAccept )
ret = QDialog::Accepted;
ret = dialog.exec();
if ( ret == QDialog::Accepted )
int start_addr = -1, end_addr = -1, type = 0, enable = 1, slot;
std::string s;
slot = (editIdx < 0) ? numWPs : editIdx;
if ( cpu_radio->isChecked() )
type |= BT_C;
else if ( ppu_radio->isChecked() )
type |= BT_P;
else if ( oam_radio->isChecked() )
type |= BT_S;
else if ( rom_radio->isChecked() )
type |= BT_R;
s = addr1->text().toStdString();
if ( s.size() > 0 )
start_addr = offsetStringToInt( type, s.c_str() );
s = addr2->text().toStdString();
if ( s.size() > 0 )
end_addr = offsetStringToInt( type, s.c_str() );
if ( rbp->isChecked() )
type |= WP_R;
if ( wbp->isChecked() )
type |= WP_W;
if ( xbp->isChecked() )
type |= WP_X;
if ( forbidChkBox->isChecked() )
type |= WP_F;
enable = ebp->isChecked();
if ( (start_addr >= 0) && (numWPs < 64) )
unsigned int retval;
std::string nameString, condString;
nameString = name->text().toStdString();
condString = cond->text().toStdString();
retval = NewBreak( nameString.c_str(), start_addr, end_addr, type, condString.c_str(), slot, enable);
if ( (retval == 1) || (retval == 2) )
printf("Breakpoint Add Failed\n");
if (editIdx < 0)
bpListUpdate( false );
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ConsoleDebugger::openDebugSymbolEditWindow( int addr ) void ConsoleDebugger::openDebugSymbolEditWindow( int addr )
{ {