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This commit is contained in:
qfox 2008-07-24 20:37:40 +00:00
parent 8e136c3ce0
commit 72df9983f2
1 changed files with 0 additions and 371 deletions

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@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-- LuaBot, concept bot for FCEU and ZSnes and any other emu that has compatible Lua engine
-- qFox, 24 July 2008
local key1 = {};
local key2 = {};
local lastkey1 = {}; -- keys pressed in previous frame for player 1
local lastkey2 = {}; -- keys pressed in previous frame for player 2
local frame = 0; -- number of frames (current value is current frame count, incremented at the start of a new frame)
local attempt = 1; -- number of attempts (current value is current attempt, incremented after the end of an attempt)
local segment = 1; -- number of segments (current value is current segment, incremented after the end of a segment)
local okattempts = 0;
local failattempts = 0;
local segments = {}; -- table to hold every segment
segments[1] = {}; -- initialize the first segment
local maxframes = 200;
local maxattempts = 500;
local maxsegments = 100;
local playingbest = false; -- when going to the next segment, we need to play the best segment to record, this indicates when we're doing so
local keyrecording1 = {};
local keyrecording2 = {};
-- some constants
local maxvalue = 100; -- always true
local minvalue = 0; -- always false
local press = maxvalue;
local release = minvalue;
-- static constants
local X = 95;
local Y = 30;
local Z = 0;
local P = 0;
local Q = 0;
local vars = {}; -- variable table. each cell holds a variable. variables are remembered accross segments
local outputcounter = 0;
local updateevery = 1000;
local function getOk() -- is current run ok? heuristic value 0-100! 100 = always press, 0 = always release
local function getScore() -- score of current attempt
return release;
local function getTie1() -- tie breaker of current attempt in case score is equal
return release;
local function getTie2() -- second tie breaker
return release;
local function getTie3() -- third tie breaker
return release;
local function getTie4() -- fourth tie breaker
return release;
local function getRunEnd()
return release;
local function getRollBack() -- drop back to previous segment? called at the end of a segment
return release;
local function getSegmentEnd()
return release;
local function getAttemptEnd() -- determine when a attempt should be restarted
return release;
local function getA1() -- magic number time... sorry will fix later
return release;
local function getB1()
return release;
local function getStart1()
return release;
local function getSelect1()
return release;
local function getUp1()
return release;
local function getDown1()
return release;
local function getLeft1()
return release;
local function getRight1()
return release;
local function getA2() -- magic number time... sorry will fix later
return release;
local function getB2()
return release;
local function getStart2()
return release;
local function getSelect2()
return release;
local function getUp2()
return release;
local function getDown2()
return release;
local function getLeft2()
return release;
local function getRight2()
return release;
function beforeBotLoop() -- this code should run before the bot starts
return release;
local function afterBotLoop() -- code ran after the bot finishes (no return)
return release;
local function beforeSegmentCode() -- code ran after initializing a new segment, before beforeAttemptCode()
return release;
local function afterSegmentCode() -- code ran after a segment finishes, before cleanup of segment vars
return release;
local function beforeAttemptCode() -- code ran after initalizing a new attempt, before beforeInputCode(). not ran for playback
return release;
local function afterAttemptCode(wasok) -- code ran after an attempt ends before cleanup code, argument is boolean true when attempt was ok, boolean false otherwise. not ran for playback
return release;
local function beforeInputCode() -- code ran prior to getting input. not ran for playback
return release;
local function afterInputCode() -- code ran after getting input (last function before frame ends, you can still manipulate the input here!). not ran for playback
return release;
-- the bot starts here..
beforeBotLoop(); -- run this code first
segments[segment].savestate = savestate.create(); -- create anonymous savestate obj for start of first segment[segment].savestate); -- save current state to it, it will be reloaded at the start of each frame
local startkey1 = key1; -- save the last key pressed in the beforeBotLoop. serves as an anchor for the first segment
local startkey2 = key2;
local startvars = vars; -- save the vars array (it might have been used by the beforeBotLoop)
lastkey1 = key1; -- set this too
lastkey2 = key2;
-- This will loops for each frame, at the end of the while
-- the frameadvance is called, causing it to advance
while (getRunEnd() <= math.random(0,99)) do
frame = frame + 1; -- inrease the frame count (++frame?)
if (getAttemptEnd() > math.random(0, 99)) then -- load save state, continue with next attempt (disabled when playing back best)
-- record this attempt
if (not segments[segment].prev) then segments[segment].prev = {}; end;
segments[segment].prev.frames = frame;
segments[segment].prev.attempt = attempt;
segments[segment].prev.score = getScore();
segments[segment].prev.tie1 = getTie1();
segments[segment].prev.tie2 = getTie2();
segments[segment].prev.tie3 = getTie3();
segments[segment].prev.tie4 = getTie4();
segments[segment].prev.ok = (getOk() > math.random(0,99)); -- this is the check whether this attempt was valid or not. if not, it cannot become the best attempt.
-- update ok/failed attempt counters
if (segments[segment].prev.ok) then
okattempts = okattempts + 1;
failattempts = failattempts + 1;
-- if this attempt was better then the previous one, replace it
-- its a long IF, but all it checks (lazy eval) is whether the current
-- score is better then the previous one, or if its equal and the tie1
-- is better then the previous tie1 or if the tie1 is equal to the prev
-- etc... for all four ties. Only tie4 actually needs to be better, tie1
-- through tie3 can be equal as well, as long as the next tie breaks the
-- same tie of the previous attempt :)
if (segments[segment].prev.ok and (not segments[segment].best or (getScore() > segments[segment].best.score or (getScore() == segments[segment].best.score and (getTie1() > segments[segment].best.tie1 or (getTie1() == segments[segment].best.tie1 and (getTie1() > segments[segment].best.tie1 or (getTie1() == segments[segment].best.tie1 and (getTie1() > segments[segment].best.tie1 or (getTie1() == segments[segment].best.tie1 and getTie1() > segments[segment].best.tie1)))))))))) then
-- previous attempt was better then current best (or no current best
-- exists), so we (re)place it.
if (not segments[segment].best) then segments[segment].best = {}; end;
if (not segments[segment].prev.frames) then fceu.x.y.z.crash(); end;
segments[segment].best.frames = segments[segment].prev.frames;
segments[segment].best.attempt = segments[segment].prev.attempt;
segments[segment].best.score = segments[segment].prev.score;
segments[segment].best.tie1 = segments[segment].prev.tie1;
segments[segment].best.tie2 = segments[segment].prev.tie2;
segments[segment].best.tie3 = segments[segment].prev.tie3;
segments[segment].best.tie4 = segments[segment].prev.tie4;
segments[segment].best.keys1 = keyrecording1; -- backup the recorded keys
segments[segment].best.keys2 = keyrecording2; -- backup the recorded keys player 2
segments[segment].best.lastkey1 = lastkey1; -- backup the lastkey
segments[segment].best.lastkey2 = lastkey2; -- backup the lastkey
segments[segment].best.vars = vars; -- backup the vars table
if (getSegmentEnd() > math.random(0,99)) then -- special case, replay the best attempt and continue from there onwards...
if (getRollBack() > math.random(0,99)) then
segments[segment] = nil; -- remove current segment data
attempt = 0; -- will be incremented in a few lines to be 1
segment = segment - 1;
segments[segment].best = nil;
segments[segment].prev = nil;
playingbest = true;
-- reset vars
attempt = attempt + 1;
frame = 1;
keyrecording1 = {}; -- reset recording :)
keyrecording2 = {}; -- reset recording :)
-- set lastkey to lastkey of previous segment (or start, if first segment)
-- also set the vars table to the table of the previous segment
if (segment == 1) then
lastkey1 = startkey1;
lastkey1 = startkey1;
vars = startvars;
lastkey1 = segments[segment-1].best.lastkey1;
lastkey2 = segments[segment-1].best.lastkey2;
vars = segments[segment-1].best.vars;
-- load the segment savestate
if (segments[segment].savestate) then -- load segment savestate and try again :)
fceu.crash(); -- this crashes because fceu is a nil table :) as long as gui.popup() doesnt work...
if (getRunEnd() > math.random(0,99)) then break; end; -- if end of run, break out of main loop
if (not playingbest) then beforeAttemptCode(); end;
end; -- continues with (new) attempt
if (playingbest) then -- press keys from memory
if (not frame) then x.y.z(); end;
if (frame >= segments[segment].best.frames) then -- end of playback, start new segment
playingbest = false;
lastkey1 = segments[segment].best.lastkey1;
lastkey2 = segments[segment].best.lastkey2;
vars = segments[segment].best.vars;
segment = segment + 1;
segments[segment] = {};
-- create a new savestate for the start of this segment
segments[segment].savestate = savestate.create();[segment].savestate);
-- reset vars
frame = 1;
attempt = 1;
key1 = {};
key2 = {};
keyrecording1 = {}; -- reset recording :)
keyrecording2 = {}; -- reset recording :)
-- after this, the next segment starts because playingbest is no longer true
key1 = segments[segment].best.keys1[frame];
key2 = segments[segment].best.keys2[frame];
gui.text(10,10,"Playback best of segment "..segment.."\nFrame: "..frame);
if (getRunEnd() > math.random(0,99)) then break; end; -- if end of run, break out of main loop
if (not playingbest) then
-- press keys from bot
gui.text(10,10,"Attempt: "..attempt.."\nFrame: "..frame);
if (segments[segment] and segments[segment].best and segments[segment].prev) then
gui.text(10,30,"Last score: "..segments[segment].prev.score.." ok="..okattempts..", not="..failattempts.."\nBest score: "..segments[segment].best.score);
elseif (segments[segment] and segments[segment].prev) then
gui.text(10,30,"Last score: "..segments[segment].prev.score.."\nBest score: none");
gui.text(10,50,"Segment: "..segment);
-- player 1
key1 = {};
if (getUp1() > math.random(0, 99) ) then key1.up = 1; end;
if (getDown1() > math.random(0, 99)) then key1.down = 1; end;
if (getLeft1() > math.random(0, 99)) then key1.left = 1; end;
if (getRight1() > math.random(0, 99)) then key1.right = 1; end;
if (getA1() > math.random(0, 99)) then key1.A = 1; end;
if (getB1() > math.random(0, 99)) then key1.B = 1; end;
if (getSelect1() > math.random(0, 99)) then = 1; end;
if (getStart1() > math.random(0, 99)) then key1.start = 1; end;
lastkey1 = key1;
-- player 2
key2 = {};
if (getUp2() > math.random(0, 99) ) then key2.up = 1; end;
if (getDown2() > math.random(0, 99)) then key2.down = 1; end;
if (getLeft2() > math.random(0, 99)) then key2.left = 1; end;
if (getRight2() > math.random(0, 99)) then key2.right = 1; end;
if (getA2() > math.random(0, 99)) then key2.A = 1; end;
if (getB2() > math.random(0, 99)) then key2.B = 1; end;
if (getSelect2() > math.random(0, 99)) then = 1; end;
if (getStart2() > math.random(0, 99)) then key2.start = 1; end;
lastkey2 = key2;
keyrecording1[frame] = key1; -- record these keys (offsets at 1!)
keyrecording2[frame] = key2; -- record these keys (offsets at 1!)
joypad.set(1, key1);
joypad.set(1, key2);
-- next frame
afterBotLoop(); -- allow user cleanup before starting the final botloop
while (true) do
if (segments[segment].best) then gui.text(30,100,"end: max attempt ["..segment.."] had score = "..segments[segment].best.score);
elseif (segment > 1 and segments[segment-1].best) then gui.text(30,100,"end: no best attempt ["..segment.."]\nPrevious best score: "..segments[segment-1].best.score);
else gui.text(30,100,"end: no best attempt ["..segment.."] ..."); end;